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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Neutrophils      1:578 3:2095
New England Journal of Medicine      2:1227
New Guinea      1:548—549 1:550
New Madrid Fault      3:1582—1583
New Principles of Geometry      4:2787
New South Wales, Australia      6:3984
New World camels      1:687—688
New World mice      4:2543
New World monkeys      1:710 4:2626—2627 4:2757—2761 5:3230.
New World vultures      See Condors
New Zealand moas      3:1629
New Zealand snipes      5:3509
Newbold, Charles      1:75
Newboms, Apgar score of      1:250—251
Newcomen, Thomas      1:393 2:955 6:3818
Newlands, John      2:1426
Newman, James      3:2169
Newton's law of gravitation      1:336 1:425 2:1076 2:1083 3:1867—1868 4:2701—2702
Newton's laws of motion      1:8—9 1:335 1:336 2:1063 2:1076 3:1787 3:1868 3:2217 3:2237—2238 4:2292—2293 4:2458 4:2761—2764 5:3402 5:3403—3404 5:3472 5:3537—3538
Newton, Isaac, alchemy and      1:108
Newton, Isaac, binomial theorem      1:497
Newton, Isaac, calculus and      1:336 1:676 2:1200 4:2342
Newton, Isaac, celestial mechanics and      1:773 3:1956
Newton, Isaac, light theory      1:566 2:1200 2:1406—1407 3:1865 4:2336—2337 4:2876
Newton, Isaac, on acceleration      1:7—8
Newton, Isaac, on color spectrum      2:940 3:1694 4:2877 5:3361 6:3755 6:3755t 6:3756
Newton, Isaac, on comets      2:958 3:1905
Newton, Isaac, on Earth's age      3:1794
Newton, Isaac, on equinoxes      5:3211—3212
Newton, Isaac, on mass      4:2458
Newton, Isaac, physics and      1:816 5:3079 5:3404
Newton, Isaac, sextants and      5:3602
Newton, Isaac, telescopes and      6:3981
Newton, Isaac, tidal theory      6:4031
Newtonian fluids      6:4236
Newts      1:173—174 4:2764—2766 4:2765
NHGRI (National Human Genome Research Institute)      3:2037
Niagara Falls      5:3720 6:4139
Niches      4:2766—2767
Nickel      2:1424
Nickel electrode cells      1:459
Nickel, Australia      1:386
Nickel, biomagnification      1:525
Nickel-iron storage cells      1:457
Nickel/cadmium cells      1:459
Nickelodeons      4:2650
NICMOS (Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer)      3:2025—2026
Nicotiana tabacum      See Tobacco leaves
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)      5:3066 5:3067 5:3068
Nicotine      1:45—46 1:129—130 4:2767—2768
Nicotine addiction      2:884—885
Niemann, Albert      2:918
Niepce, Joseph Nicephore      5:3057 5:3058
Niger Delta      2:1175
Night blindness      4:2833
Night monkeys      4:2758
Night terrors      5:3657
Night vision      4:2768—2769
Nighthawks      1:707—708 3:1839—1840
Nightjars      3:1839—1840
Nightmares      5:3 657
Nightshade      4:2769—2772 4:2770 4:2771
NIH      See National Institutes of Health
Nile crocodiles      2:1103
Nile Delta      1:139
Nile perch      2:1460 3:2184
Nile River      2:1176 5:3462
Nimbostratus clouds      2:905
Nimbus 7      6:4052
Nimbus clouds      2:905—906
NIMBY syndrome      3:2110 3:2111
NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health)      4:2667
Niobium      2:1424
Nipkow's disk      5:3055
Nipkow, Paul      5:3055
Nirenberg, Marshall      2:927 3:1750 5:3455
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)      1:358 1:683 2:1514—1516
Nitrate      4:2778
Nitrate in drinking water      3:1594—1595
Nitrate, leaching of      4:2295
Nitric acid      4:2773
Nitric oxide      3:2116 4:2778
Nitrification      1:166 3:2240—2241 4:2773—2775
Nitrogen      1:165 4:2775—2777 4:2836
Nitrogen cycle      3:2240—2241 4:2777—2781 4:2779
Nitrogen dioxide      3:2116 4:2778
Nitrogen fixation      4:2310 4:2781—2783
Nitrogen oxides      1:18 1:19 1:24 3:2111
Nitrogen, agronomy      1:79 1:83
Nitrogen, atmosphere and      1:341 1:344
Nitrogen, bacteria and      1:412
Nitrogen, diamonds and      2:1220
Nitrogen, leaching of      4:2295
Nitrogenase enzymes      4:2782
Nitroglycerin      2:1562 3:1834
Nitrous oxide      1:193 1:194 2:1185 3:1832 3:1876 4:2778
Nitzchia occidentalis      5:3389—3390
NMR      See Nuclear magnetic resonance
NMS (Neuroleptic malignant syndrome)      1:243
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)      2:13 60 6:4304
Nobel prizes      2:1560
Nobel, Alfred      2:1430 2:1560 2:1561
Nobelium      2:1430
Noble gases      4:2519
Noctuidae      4:2648
Nodal month      2:1340
Noddy terns      6:3998
Noise Control Act      4:2784
Noise pollution      4:2783—2785
Nollet, J.A.      4:2908—2909
Non-Euclidean geometry      3:1802 4:2785—2787
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma      4:2388
Non-invasive imaging      1:533
Non-Newtonian fluids      6:4236
Non-ohmic conductors      2:1382—1383
Non-point sources      4:2787—2788 4:2755
Non-rapid eye movement (NREM)      5:3650 5:3651 5:3653 5:3657
Non-silicate minerals      4:2577
Noncommunicating hydrocephalus      3:2052—2053
Nonconformities      6:4162—4163
Nondestructive testing      6:4157—4158
Nondisjunction      4:2484
Noninsulin dependent diabetes      See Type 2 diabetes
Nonionizing radiation      5:3347
Nonmetals      4:2788—2789 4:3018 4:3022 5:3297
Nonparalytic strabismus      6:4242—4243
Nonpolymeric fibers      1:298t—300t
Nonspecific immune defenses      3:2095—2097
Nonspecific lymphocytes      3:2095
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)      1:222—223
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for arthritis      1:287—288
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for migraines      4:2562
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Ibuprofen      1:181
Nonviral vectors      3:1758
Nonzero-sum games      3:1727—1728
Norepinephrine      3:2010
Normal faults      3:1580—1581
Normal spiral galaxies      3:1724
Normative data      5:3279
Norplant      2:1046
North African wild ass      2:1270
North America      2:1314 4:2789—2796 4:2791
North America, desertification      2:1205—1206
North America, mounds      4:2655—2657
North America, uplift in formation of      6:4177
North American eagles      2:1307—1308
North American Indians      See Native Americans
North Atlantic Oceanic basin      4:2852
North Korea      1:316 2:1287
North pole      3:1791
Northern blotting analysis      1:582
Northern elephant seals      5:3442 5:3551
Northern fur seals      5:3442 5:3552
Northern gannets      1:593
Northern Highlands      5:3719
Northern lobsters      4:2363
Northern pike      5:3090
Northern raccoons      5:3317 5:3319
Northern screamers      See Black-necked screamers
Northern spotted owls      2:1460 4:2923.
Northern wheatears      6:4027
Northrop, John      2:1494
Norwalk-like virus      3:1658
Norway rats      5:3377 5:3377 5:3378
Norway spruces      6:3781
Notacanthiformes      3:1914
Nothofagus spp      See Southern beeches
Nothoprocta perdicaria      See Chilean tinamous
Notonectidae      6:4115
Notophthalmus viridescens      See Eastern newts; Red-spotted newts
Noturus spp      See Madtoms
Novas      4:2796 6:4201
Novocain      4:2796—2797
Nowruz      4:2859
Noyce, Robert      3:2150
NPDWRs (National Primary Drinking Water Regulations)      6:4290—4291
NPP (Net primary productivity)      2:1480
NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)      5:3348 5:3354
NREM (Non-rapid eye movement)      5:3650 5:3651 5:3653 5:3657
NREN (National Research and Education Network)      3:2174
NSAIDs      See Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
NSF (National Science Foundation)      2:1348 3:2174
NSFNET      3:2174
NTSC (National Television System Committee) video recording      6:4217
Nubian wild asses      1:322 2:1270 2:1271
Nuclear energy      2:1473 4:2754
Nuclear explosives      2:1559 2:1561 2:1562—1563
Nuclear fission      1:370—371 4:2797—2801 4:2795 4:2500 4:2813—2814 6:4178 6:4179
Nuclear fusion      2:1382 4:2802—2805 4:2503
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)      4:2416 4:2805—2807 5:3298 6:3754 6:3757
Nuclear medicine      4:2807—2809
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty      4:2820
Nuclear physics      5:3080
Nuclear Power      1:140 1:141 1:386 4:2804 4:2809—2813
Nuclear power plants      4:2500 4:2800—2801 4:2801 4:2810 5:3348 5:3352—3355.
Nuclear power reactors      2:1429
Nuclear reactions      2:1428
Nuclear reactors      4:2810 4:2813—2816 4:2524 5:3345.
Nuclear reactors for electric power      4:2800—2801
Nuclear reactors, first      4:2799
Nuclear reactors, radioactive fallout from      5:3345—3346 5:3348
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)      5:3348 5:3354
Nuclear rockets      3:2217
Nuclear safety      4:2810—2811
Nuclear spin      See Spin of subatomic particles
Nuclear survey methods      6:3885—3886
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty      3:1731—1732
Nuclear Waste Policy Act      5:3354
Nuclear wastes      4:2801 4:2811—2812
Nuclear weapons      1:424 2:1429 4:2811 4:2816—2821
Nuclear weapons, first      4:2799
Nuclear weapons, radioactive wastes      5:3345—3346 5:3352—3355
Nuclear weapons, testing      5:3348
Nuclear winter      4:2819 4:2821—2822
Nucleation      4:2534
Nuclei      1:342 1:785 2:960
Nuclei of Milky Way      4:2568—2569
Nuclei, cellular      4:2823—2824
Nucleic acid      2:1190
Nucleic acid hybridization      1:414
Nucleons      4:2822—2823
Nucleosomes      2:877—878
Nucleotide bases      2:971
Null hypothesis testing      2:834—835
Numbats      4:2824 4:2824
Number theory      2:1120—1121 4:2824—2827
Numbers      See also Rational numbers; Real numbers
Numbers, algebraic      2:1086
Numbers, amicable      1:158—159
Numbers, atomic numbers      1:361 4:3017 4:3018
Numbers, avogadro's number      1:402
Numbers, binomial      4:2990—2991
Numbers, cardinal      1:728—729
Numbers, Carmichael      5:3231
Numbers, complex      2:972—975 3:2092
Numbers, composite      3:157 3
Numbers, e number      2:1307
Numbers, even      2:1085t 2:1538
Numbers, exponents      2:1563—1564
Numbers, figurative      3:1607—1610
Numbers, Hindu-Arabic system      1:277 4:2828
numbers, imaginary      3:2092
Numbers, irrational      1:50 1:253 1:278 3:2198 5:3381
Numbers, mass      1:370 4:2461
Numbers, Mersenne prime      4:3014
Numbers, natural      1:49 1:278 3:2131 4:2716
numbers, negative      1:278
Numbers, odd      2:1538
Numbers, ordinal      4:2885—2886 4:2885t
Numbers, pentagonal      3:1607 3:1608 3:2605 3:1609
Numbers, perfect      4:3014—3015
Numbers, positive      1:278 5:3194—3195
Numbers, prime      3:1573 5:3230—3232
Numbers, Reynolds      1:57 3:1639
Numbers, signed      1:50
Numbers, square      3:1607 3:1608 3:1608 3:1609 3:1609
Numbers, transcendental      6:4070
Numbers, triangular      3:1607 3:1608
Numbers, variable number of tandem repeats      2:1263
Numbers, whole      1:278
Numbers, zero      6:4372—4374
Numenius americanus      See Long-billed curlews
Numenius borealis      See Eskimo curlews
Numenius phaeopus      See Hudsonian curlews
Numenius tahitiensis      See Bristle-thighed curlews
Numeration systems      3:1696 4:2827—2830 4:2525
Numerators      3:1691
Numida meleagris      See Helmeted guinea fowl
Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeology      2:1520
Nuthatches      4:2830—2831 4:2532
Nutmeg      4:2831—2832
Nutraceuticals      3:2029
Nutrias      2:1090—1091
Nutrient cycling      1:536
Nutrient deficiency diseases      4:2832—2835
Nutrients      2:984 3:1707 4:2835—2836.
Nutrition      4:2836—2838 4:2537
Nutritional disorders      4:2426—2428
Nuts      1:545 3:1664 4:2830.
Nuts, acorns      4:2843
Nuts, cashews      1:745 1:748—750 1:749
Nuts, filberts      3:1930
Nuts, hazelnuts      1:545 3:1930
Nuts, kola      3:2247
Nuts, macadamia      5:3257
Nuts, peanuts      4:2311
Nuts, walnuts      5:3118 6:4269—4270
Nux vomica trees      4:2839 4:2539
Nyctanassa violacea      See Yellowcrowned night herons
Nyctea scandiaca      See Snowy owls
Nyctibiidae      See Potoos
Nycticebus coucang      See Slow lorises
Nycticebus pygmaeus      See Pygmy slow lorises
Nylon      1:164 5:3183 5:3185
Nymphaea spp      See Water lilies
Nyquist sampling theorem      1:183
O horizons (Soil)      3:2006
O spectral stars      4:2567
O'Meara, Edmund      6:4248
O'Sullivan, Timothy      5:3059
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