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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Red-shouldered hawks 1:658
Red-spotted newts 4:2764 5:3497
Red-tailed hawks 1:658 3:1922 3:1923 5:3369
Red-tailed tropic birds 6:4103
Red-throated loons 4:2372
Red-whiskere bulbuls 1:645
Red-winged blackbirds 1:569
Redi, Francesco 3:1808 4:2897 6:3778 6:3779
Redox reactions 2:1072 4:2515
Redshifts 1:490 2:1077 5:3310 5:3390—3392 5:3391
Reduced flavin adenine dinu-cleotide (FADH2) 5:3426
Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) 5:3426 5:3427
Reduction division See Meiosis
Reduviidae 6:4115
Redwings 6:4026
Redwood trees 5:3226 5:3583 6:3929 6:3929
Reed buntings 5:3744
Reed, Walter 6:4364
Reed-Stemberg cells 3:1998
Reedrnaces 1:762—763
Reeds 3:1856
Reelfoot Lake 2:1326
Reeves, A.H. 2:1239
Reflecting telescopes 6:3981—34982 6:3981f
Reflection law 3:1599 3:2602
Reflection spectrum, of asteroids 4:2587
Reflections 1:351 1:352 1:353 4:2336—2337 4:2877 5:3392—3394 5:3392f 5:3393f
Reflexes 1:482 4:2674 5:3394—3395
Reflexions sur La Puissance Motrice du Feu 6:3820
Reflux 3:1978
Refracting telescopes 6:3980f 6:3981
Refraction 1:351—353 2:940—941 4:2878
Refraction, index of 1:808
Refraction, light and 4:2336—2337
Refraction, Snell's law of 3:1599
Refractive errors 6:4242
Refrigerated trucks and railway cars 5:3395—3396
Refrigeration 2:1118 5:3395—3396
Regelation 3:2081
Regeneration, of trees 3:1674
Regenerative fuel cells 3:1710
Regional metamorphism 4:2527—2528 4:2529 4:2530 4:2531
Regressions, marine 3:1683
Regulus calendula See Ruby-crowned kinglets
Regulus satrapa See Golden-crowned kinglets
Rehabilitation 2:1556—1557 4:2902—2904 5:3396—3397
Rehn, Ludwig 3:1943
Reid, Harry Fielding 3:1580
Reid, John 2:1419
Reindeer 1:729—731 1:730 4:2330—2331 4:2360
Reindeer lichens 4:2330—2331
Reines, F. 4:2752
Reinforced concrete 1:643
Reinforcement 2:1005 4:2302 5:3397—3400
Reintroduction, of species 1:708—710 3:1592—1593
Relations (Mathematics) 5:3400—3401 5:3401f
Relative age determination 3:1794
Relative age of strata 2:1071
Relative dating 2:1154
Relative geologic time 3:1995
Relative humidity 3:2039 6:4199
Relative minima and maxima 4:2477
Relativity theory 1:359
Relativity theory, general 1:336 2:1077 3:1849—1850 3:1865 3:1868—1869 4:2701 5:3401—3406 5:3724
Relativity theory, special 2:1407 3:1850 4:2545—2546 5:3406—3410 5:3538 5:3723 6:3830
Relativity theory, time and 6:4035
Relaxation 1:145
Relay stations, microwave 4:2558
Relearning 4:2490
REM (Rapid eye movement) 1:611 5:3650—3654 5:3656 5:3657
Rem (Roentgen equivalent man) 3:2193
Remediation, of contaminated soils 2:1027—1028
Remote sensing 1:275—276 5:3410—3411
Renaissance architecture 1:642
Renal transplants See Kidneys transplants
Renault 1:320
Renewable resources 2:1341—1342 2:1346 3:2031
Renin 1:487
Renormalization 5:3303
Rentinoblastoma 6:4245
Replication, DNA 2:971 2:1264 3:1776—1777
Reporter genes 1:523
Repression, of memories 4:2486 4:2490
Reproduction See also Birth; specific plants and animals
Reproduction, asexual 1:312—314 1:313
Reproduction, binary fission 1:312
Reproduction, brittle stars 1:620
Reproduction, human 3:2126—2127
Reproduction, plants 5:3116—3121
Reproduction, rheas 3:1630
Reproduction, sexual 5:3602—3604
Reproduction, sexual vs. asexual 4:2983
Reproductive cells See Germ cells
Reproductive hormones, female 3:2010—2011
Reproductive hormones, male 3:2011
Reproductive system 1:188 4:2896 5:3411—3418 5:3413 5:3415
Reproductive toxicants 5:3418—3419
Reptiles 5:3419 6:4214.
Reptiles, hearts in 3:1935
Reptiles, marine 4:2952f
Reptiles, paleontology 4:2950
Rescue archaeology 1:268—269
Research Institute for Viral Preparation (Moscow, Russia) 6:4231
Reserpine 1:129
Reserves, of fossil fuels 3:1688
Reservoirs, flood control 3:1635
Residential land uses 4:2267
Residual schizophrenia 5:3532
Resins 5:3419—3422 5:3420f 5:3421f
Resins, benzoin 1:485
Resins, bismaleimide 2:980
Resins, epoxy 2:980
Resins, ion exchange 3:2186—2188 3:2255
Resins, polyester 2:980
Resins, polyimide 2:980
Resins, thermoplastic 2:980 5:3421f 5:3422
Resins, thermosetting 1:52—53 5:3185—3186 5:3420f
Resins, urea-formaldehyde 6:4187
Resins, vinyl ester 2:980
Resistance welding 6:4317
resistors 2:1412—1413
Resonance 5:3422—3424
Resonance fluorescence 3:1642 3:1643
Resonance phenomena 1:774—775
Resonance structures 4:2327
resonant frequency 4:2806
Resource conservation and recovery act (RCRA) 3:1928
Resources, natural 5:3424. See also specific resources
Respiration 5:3424—3428. See also Cellular respiration
Respiration, aerobic 1:796 4:2515
Respiration, anaerobic 1:179 1:796 4:2256 4:2515
Respiration, fish 3:1616
Respiration, hypothermia from 3:2077
Respirators 5:3428—3430
Respiratory chain 2:1146
Respiratory diseases 5:3430—3433 5:3439.
Respiratory failure 2:1144
Respiratory system 1:188 4:2896 5:3154—3155 5:3433—3440 5:3435 5:3437
Resting membrane potential (RMP) 4:2732
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) 5:3656
Reston, Ebola 2:1331
Restoration ecology 5:3440—3443
Restricted three-body problem 1:776
Restriction enzymes 3:1755 3:1778
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) 4:2992
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) 2:1263
Resurrection ferns 3:1588
Reticular fibers 2:1015
Reticular formation 1:610
Reticulated venation 4:2299
| Retinal artery occlusion 6:4244
Retinal dystrophies 6:4245
Retinal eccentricity 6:4239
Retinal vein occlusion 6:4244
Retinas 1:572 2:1570—1571
Retinas, depth perception 2:1198
Retinas, detached 6:4244
Retinas, implants 1:307
Retinitis pigmentosa 6:4245
Retinoblastoma gene 3:1765
Retrograde amnesia 1:167
Retrograde motion 5:3443—3444 5:3443f 5:3444f
Retroviruses 1:42—43 3:1758 5:3444—3445 6:4235—4236
Retting 3:1624—1625
Reverse faults 3:1581
Reverse osmosis 2:1202 3:1919
Revetments 5:3621
Rex begonias 1:479 1:480
Reye's syndrome 1:17 2:837 2:1456 5:3445—3446
Reye, Ralph 5:3446
Reynolds number 1:57 3:1639 6:4138
Reynolds, Osbome 3:1639 6:4138
RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) 4:2992
RFLPs (restriction fragment length polymorphisms) 2:1263
Rh factor 1:227 5:3446—3448 5:3447
Rhabda, Nicolaus 1:672
Rhabdoviruses 6:4235
Rhamnus spp. 1:634
Rhazes 2:856
Rheas 3:1629 3:1630 5:3517
Rhenium 2:1424
Rheobatrachus silus See Australian frogs
Rhesus monkeys 4:2391—2393 4:2392 5:3448—3450 5:3449
Rheum officinale See Rhubarb
Rheum rhaponticum See Rhubarb
Rheumatic fever 5:3450—3452
Rheumatoid arthritis 1:256 1:286—287 1:389
Rhinoceros sondaicus See Javan rhinoceroses
Rhinoceros unicornis See Great Indian rhinoceroses
Rhinoceroses 5:3452 5:3452
Rhinoviruses 6:4234—4235
Rhizobium 4:2310 4:2782
Rhizomatous begonias 1:479 1:480
Rhizomes 3:1588 5:3453
Rhizophora mangle See Red mangroves
Rhodium 2:1424
Rhododendron pontic um 3:184 9
Rhododendrons 3:1951—1952 3:1952
Rhodophyta 1:117—118 1:119 1:120 5:3267—3268
Rhodopsin 5:3126—3127
Rhodostethia rosea See Ross's gulls
Rhombuses 3:1801
Rhubarb 5:3453 6:4205
Rhus coriaria See Sicilian sumac
Rhus radicans See Poison ivy
Rhus spp. 1:750
Rhus typhina See Staghorn sumacs
Rhus verniciflua See Lacquer trees
Rhyniopsida 3:1590
Rhythm method 2:1044
Rib vaults 1:641
Ribavirin 3:1918 3:1965
Ribbon worms 5:3453—3454
Ribonuclease 5:3454—3455
Ribonucleic acid(RNA) 1:582 2:825 2:876 2:971 2:1190 3:1753 5:3455 5:3455—3456
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), celluar nucleus and 4:2823
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), differentiation 2:1212—1213
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), DNA and 2:1277
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), nucleic acid 4:2822
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), organelles and 4:2889
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), origin of life 4:2896 4:2897 4:2899
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), palindromes 4:2956—2957
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), plants 5:3115
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), protista 5:3265
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), retroviruses 5:3444
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), ribonuclease 5:3454—3455
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), sequencing 5:3582
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), ultraviolet radiation 4:2936
Ribonucleic acid(RNA), viruses 5:3381
Ribosomes 1:782 2:1193 5:3456—3457 5
Ribs 5:3641—3642
Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) 5:3067
Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBisCo) 5:3067 5:3068—3069
Rice 3:1858 5:3457
Rice tenrecs 6:3994
Rice weevils 1:478
Rice, farming 2:1041
Rice, seeds 5:3573
Rice, wild 3:1858—1859
Richer, Jean 1:335
Richet,C.R. 1:186
Richter scale 2:1323—1324 5:3576—3577
Richter, Charles 2:1323 5:3576—3577
Ricin 5:3457—3458
Ricinus communis See Castor plants
Rickets 4:2833
Rickettsia 1:519 5:3458—3460
Rickettsia prowazekii 6:4149
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi 6:4149
Rickover, Hyman 6:3881
Ricord, Philippe 5:3606
Ridges, oceanic 4:2851
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 4:2787 6:4045
Rift system, East African 1:63—64
Rift valleys 6'3969
Right ascension 1:778—779
Rigid single row bearings 1:421
Rigor mortis 3:1670—1671
Ring of Fire 6:4250
Ring-billed gulls 3:1894
Ring-necked pheasants 5:3037 S3037
Ring-tailed lemurs 4:2315 4:2316 4:2317
Ringed turtle doves 5:3085
Ringer, Sydney 1:670
Rings (Planetary) See Planetary ring systems
Rings (Trees) 6:4089
Ringtail raccoons 5:3319
Ringtailed coatis 2:915
Rio Bogota 5:3719
Rio Summit 2:1018
Riolan Jr., Jean 6:4248
Riparia riparia See Bank swallows
Ripple voltage 2:1384—1385
Risk assessment, of meteorite injuries 4:2538—2539
Rissa tridactyla See Kittiwakes
River hippopotamuses 3:1992—1993
River otters 4:2916—2917
Rivers 5:3460—3464 5:3461.
Rivers, Amazon 5:3460
Rivers, Atchafalaya 2:1176
Rivers, Blue 5:3462
Rivers, Brahmaputra 1:319
Rivers, Chang (Yangtze) 1:316
Rivers, Chao Phraya 1:317
Rivers, Chenab 1:318
Rivers, Colorado 5:3720 6:3862
Rivers, Euphrates 1:314 2:1206
Rivers, Ganges 1:319
Rivers, General Pitt 2:1549
Rivers, HariRud 1:318
Rivers, Helmand 1:318
Rivers, Hong 1:318
Rivers, Huang 1:316
Rivers, Hudson 6:4291
Rivers, humans and 3:1634
Rivers, Irrawaddy 1:318
Rivers, Jhelum 1:318
Rivers, Kabul 1:318
Rivers, Klamatha River 5:3461
Rivers, Kunduz 1:318
Ðåêëàìà |