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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Lucy      3:1684 3:2033
Ludlum, David      5:3361
Ludwig, George H.      6:4195
Luff a cylindrica      See Dish-rag gourds
Luffas      3:1846—1847
Lugmair, Guenther      1:140
LULU syndrome      3:2110 3:2111
Lumbar puncture (LP)      4:2495
Lumiere, Auguste-Marie-Louis      4:2650
Luminance, visual acuity and      6:4239—4240
Luminescence      4:2377—2379 5:3052
Luminescence dating      1:272
Luminiferous ether      4:2545
luminosity      3:1985—1986
Luminosity, galaxies      3:1723
Luminosity, quasars      5:3310—3311
Luminosity, stars      1:338
Lunar age      4:2636 4:2637
Lunar calendar      1:679
Lunar cycles      1:517
Lunar eclipses      1:263 2:1336—1341 2:1338t—1339t 4:2635
Lunar exploration, Apollo spacecraft      5:3104 5:3734 5:3736—3737 5:3740 5:3741
Lunar exploration, colonization      5:3735
Lunar exploration, Earth's magnetosphere      5:3741
Lunar exploration, probes      5:3728
Lunar ice      4:2636—2637
Lunar origin      4:2637
Lunar phases      4:2635
Lunar roving vehicles (LRV)      5:3737
Lunar surface      4:2635 4:2636 4:2636
Lung cancer      5:3348 5:3433 5:3439
Lung disease      2:883 2:884.
Lungfish      1:592—593 4:2379—2381 4:2380
Lungs      5:3425 5:3436—3437
Lungs, cancer      5:3348 5:3433 5:3439
Lungs, cysts      5:3222
Lungs, emphysema and      2:1452—1453
Lungs, pneumonia      5:3154—315 5
Lungs, transplants      6:4085
Luni-solar calendar      1:679
Lupines      4:2312—2313
Lupus      See Systemic lupus erythematosus
Luscinia cyane      See Siberian blue robins
Luscinia svecica      See Blue throats
Luster, of minerals      4:2573 4:2578
Luteinizing hormones (LH)      3:2008 3:2010 3:2011 4:2498 4:2919—2920 5:3285 5:3286 5:3414
Lutra lutra      See River otters
Lycopene      1:240
Lycopersicum esculentum      See Tomato family
Lycophytes      4:2381—2382. See also Club mosses
Lycopodiidae      4:2381
Lycopodium spp      See Club mosses
Lycopodophyta      5:3112
Lyell, Charles      5:3343 6:3859 6:3861 6:4173 6:4174
Lygaeidae      6:4115
Lyman, Henry      5:3655
Lymantriidae      4:2648
Lyme disease      4:2382—2385 4:2975
Lyme, Connecticut      4:2382
Lymph nodes      3:1996 3:2093 4:2386 4:2388
Lymphatic filariasis      2:1439 2:1439
Lymphatic system      2:891 3:1996 4:2385—2389 4:2387 4:2896
Lymphatic vessels      4:2386
Lymphocytes      1:578 3:1996 4:2385—2386 4:2388.
Lymphoedema      2:1358
Lymphomas      3:1997 4:2388.
Lynch, F.Leo      4:2669
Lynx      1:759
Lynx rufus      See Bobcats
Lyon, M.R      2:867
Lyrebirds      4:2389 4:2389—2390
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)      3:1907—1909
Lysogenic replication, viral      6:4230—4231
Lysosomes      1:785
Lytic replication, viral      6:4230—4231
Lyttleton, Raymond      2:960
M67 cluster      3:1985t 3:1987
Macaca mulatta      See Rhesus monkeys
Macaca sylvanus      See Macaques
Macadamia integrifolia      See Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts      5:3257
Macaques      4:2391—2393 4:2392 4:2626
MacArthur Basin      1:383
MacArthur, E.H.      3:2204
Macassar ebony      2:1333
Mach number      1:57 1:58 1:59 4:2393—2395 4:2394t
Mach — Zehnder interferometers      3:2159 3:2159 3:2160
Mach, Ernst      4:2393 4:3011
Mach, L.      3:2159
Machinability tests      6:3828—3829
machine tools      4:2395—2400 4:2397
Machine vision      1:305—306 4:2400—2403
Machines, agricultural      1:74—79 1:77
Machines, boring      4:2396—2397
Machines, closed-loop      1:393
Machines, drilling      4:2398
Machines, grinding      4:2399—2400
Machines, heart-lung      3:1947—1948
Machines, jig boring      4:2397
Machines, micromachines      4:2557
Machines, milling      4:2395—2396
Machines, sawing      4:2398—2399
Machines, sewing      3:2121 5:3599—3600
Machines, simple      4:2403—2406 4:2404
Machines, textile      3:2120—2121
Machining      4:2395
Machining of ceramics      1:807
Machining of metals      4:2524
MACHOs (Massive compact halo objects)      3:1865
Mackenzie, James      3:1942
Mackerel sharks      5:3611—3612 5:3613
Mackerels      4:2406 4:2406—2407 5:3390
Macleod, Colin M.      3:1749
Macmillan, E.M.      4:3022
Macrocheira kaempferi      See Giant Japanese crabs
Macrochelys temminckii      See Alligator snapper turtles
Macrocystispyrifera      See Giant kelps
Macromolecules      2:1124—1125
Macrophages      3:2095 3:2097
Macropus fuliginosus      See Western gray kangaroos
Macropus giganteus      See Eastern gray kangaroos
Macropus robustus      See Wallaroos
Macropus rufus      See Red kangaroos
Macroscopic algae      1:118
Macular degeneration      6:4244
Macular dystrophy      6:4245
Mad cow disease      See Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Madagascar mongooses      4:2624
Madtoms      1:754—755
Madura pomifera      See Osage-oranges
Mafic rocks      3:2089
Magellan spacecraft      5:3724 5:3735 6:4209—4210
Magellan, Ferdinand      3:1870
Magellanic Clouds      5:3289 6:3838
Magic lanterns      4:2649—2650
Magic square      4:2407—2408 4:2407t
Magicicada septendecum      See Periodical cicadas
MAGLEV vehicles      4:2411 -2412
Magma      2:1324 3:2089 4:2408 5:3476—3477 6:4251—4254
Magnesium      1:127 4:2408—2409 4:2836 4:2837
Magnesium from seawater      4:2519
Magnesium oxide      1:806
Magnesium sulfate      4:2409—2410
Magnesium, production of      2:1396
Magnetic declination      3:1792
Magnetic energy      2:1472
Magnetic fields      1:216 1:276 1:344 1:382 2:1321 2:1321—1322 2:1399.
Magnetic fields, cosmic rays and      2:1074—1075
Magnetic fields, Earth      4:2819 5:3142
Magnetic fields, Earth's      3:1792
Magnetic fields, electric current and      2:1372
Magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction and      2:1400
Magnetic fields, Neptune      4:2724
Magnetic fields, paleomagnetism      4:2945—2947
Magnetic fields, sun      5:3695
Magnetic fields, Uranus      6:4182—4183 6:4183
Magnetic fields, Venusian      6:4210—4211
Magnetic force, law of      2:1084
Magnetic levitation      4:2410—2412
Magnetic Levitation Prototype Development Program      4:2412
Magnetic minerals      4:2946
Magnetic moments      4:2806
Magnetic particle inspections      6:3829
Magnetic poles      3:1791—1792
Magnetic recording      4:2412—2415 4:2413t 4:2414t
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)      1:611 4:2415—2417 4:2416 4:2806 4:2807 5:3351 5:3358
Magnetic separation      4:2523
Magnetic storage devices      4:2420
Magnetic storms      2:1068—1069 6:4196
magnetic tapes      6:4215—4216 6:4216
Magnetic video cameras      5:3062
Magnetic water conditioning      3:1919
Magnetism      4:2417—2421 4:2419
Magnetism in locks      4:2367
Magnetism, law of      2:1084
Magnetism, lunar      4:2636
Magneto-optical disks (MODs)      4:2875—2876
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)      1:612
Magnetometers      4:2419—2420 4:2946—2947
Magnetosphere      2:1321 4:2421 4:2421—2422
Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument (MIMI)      1:750
Magnetosphere, Jovian      3:2225—2226
Magnetosphere, radiation belts and      6:4196
Magnetosphere, Uranus      6:4182
Magnetostriction      6:4157
Magnetotail      6:4196
Magnets, superconducting      4:2411 4:2421
Magnification, binocular      1:497
Magnificent frigate birds      3:1700 4:2901—2902
Magnolias      4:2422
Magnoliopsida      1:479
Mahogany      4:2423—2424 5:3365
Maidenhair ferns      4:2424
Maidenhair trees      See Ginkgos
Maiman, Theodore      4:2281 4:2556
Main Detachment Fault      3:1991
Main-belt asteroids      4:2586—2587
Mainman, T.A.      3:2000
Maize      See Com (Maize)
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)      1:390 3:2094—2095
Makaira indica      See Black marlins
Makaira nigricans      See Blue marlins
Makaira spp      See Marlins
Malapterurus electicus      See Electric catfish
Malaria      2:1158 2:1159 4:2424—2426 4:2641 4:2642 5:3272 6:4108—4110 6:4120
Malaria, quinine for      1:128 5:3313—3314
Malayan blood pythons      5:3294
Malayan pangolins      4:2965
Malayan stink badgers      1:420
Malayan sun bears      1:461
Malayan tapirs      6:3952
Malaysia      1:318
Male factor infertility      3:2127—2128
Male reproductive hormones      3:2011
Male reproductive system      5:3412—3416 5:3413
Mallard ducks      2:1289 4:2361
Mallet, Robert      3:1580
Mallon, Mary      6:4147
Malnutrition      1:46 4:2426—2428 6:4112
Malpighi, Marcello      2:1450
Malpighiaceae      3:1910
Malpighian tubules      2:15 54
Malthus, Thomas      2:1489
Malus, Etienne-Louis      4:2337
Mammals      4:2428—2429 6:4214.
Mammals, cloning      2:899—900
Mammals, courtship      2:1090
Mammals, hearts in      3:1935
Mammals, paleontology      4:2954
Mammals, viviparity in      6:4247
Mammillaria spp      See Pin-cushion cacti
Man-o'-war birds      3:1700
Manakins      4:2429
Mandarin oranges      2:896
Mandelbrot, Benoit      3:1689
Mandrake      4:2771
Mandrills      1:406
Mandrillus leucophaeus      See Drills
Mandrillus sphinx      See Mandrills
Maned sloths      5:3661
Maneuverable reentry vehicles (MARVs)      1:423
Manganese      2:1424
Mangel — Wurzel beets      1:474—475
Mangifera indica      See Mangos
Mangos      1:749
Mangrove trees      1:70—71 3:1676 4:2429—2432 4:2430
Manhattan project      3:2210 4:2799 4:2812 5:3080 6:3837
Mania      4:2432—2433 4:2434
Manic depression      1:242 4:2350—2352 4:2432 4:2433—2435 5:3280
Manihot esculenta      See Tapioca
Manila hemp      1:429
Manioc      6:3783
Manis crasicaudata      See Indian pangolins
Manis gigantea      See Giant pangolins
Manis javanica      See Malayan pangolins
Manis pentadactyla      See Chinese pangolins
Manis tetradactyla      See Long-tailed pangolins
Manitoba maples      See Box-elders
Mantis religiosa      See European Mantids
Mantle, Earth's      2:1031 2:1048 2:1318—1320 2:1322 3:1579 6:4251
Mantled howler monkeys      4:2759—2760 4:2760
Manual of Geology      4:2529
Manure      1:141 4:2891 5:3385
Manutius, Aldus      5:3234
Many-colored barbets      1:432
MAO (Monoamine oxidase) inhibitors      1:232 1:236 2:1196
map projections      1:745
Maple leaves      2:1164
Maple syrup      4:2438
Maples      4:2437 4:2437—2438
Maps and mapping (Geography)      1:743—747
Maps and mapping (Geography), Africa      1:65
Maps and mapping (Geography), Antarctica      1:211
Maps and mapping (Geography), archeological      1:273—275
Maps and mapping (Geography), Asia      1:316
Maps and mapping (Geography), Australia      1:381
Maps and mapping (Geography), Europe      2:1529
Maps and mapping (Geography), excavation      2:1551
Maps and mapping (Geography), geologic      3:1792—1793 3:2793
Maps and mapping (Geography), GIS      3:1822
Maps and mapping (Geography), latitude and longitude on      4:2289
Maps and mapping (Geography), North America      4:2791
Maps and mapping (Geography), South America      5:3721
Maps and mapping (Geography), stratigraphy      1:274
Maps and mapping (Mathematics)      4:2435—2437 4:2436t
Mar tine ta tinamous      6:4037
Maracaibo basin      5:3719
Marasmus      4:2834
Marble      6:3852—3853
Marbled murrelets      5:3364
Marbled salamanders      5:3498
Marburg virus      6:4235
Marchantia polymorpha      See Common liverworts
Marconi, Guglielmo      2:1411 5:3333 5:3341 6:4193
Marcy, Geoffrey      1:624
Mare Moscoviense      4:2636
Marey, Etienne Jules      4:2650
Marfan syndrome      3:1765 4:2439—2440
Marfan, Antoine      4:2439
Margulis, L.      6:3964
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