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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Fishing, pesticides and      4:3025
Fission track dating      1:272 2:1156—1157 3:1796
Fissure eruptions      6:4253
Fissurellidae      4:2345
Fitch, V.L.      4:2976
FitzGerald, George Francis      5:3407
Five-lined skinks      5:3646
Fixed end beams      1:703
Fixed-action patterns (FAPs)      1:481—482 3:2145
Fizeau, Armand      3:2160 4:2337
Flagella      1:409 1:786 3:1617—1618
Flagellates      5:3266
Flail      1:76
Flame analysis      3:1618—1619
Flamingos      3:1619—1621 3:1620
Flaring      5:3177
Flash locks      4:2364
Flat glass      3:1827
Flatfish      3:1621—1622 3:1622
Flatness problem      2:1079
Flatworms      2:1554 3:1622—1624 5:3424
Flavins      5:3126
Flaviviruses      3:1963 6:4235
Flavonoids      5:3125—3126
Flavorings mints      4:2590
Flavorings MSG      4:2630—2631
Flavorings myrtle family      4:2698
Flax      3:1624 3:1624—1625 6:4003
Fleas      3:1625—1627 4:2974—2975
Fleece      4:2707—2708
Fleischmann, Martin      4:2804
Fleming, Alexander      1:415
Fleming, Arthur      5:3607
Fleming, John      2:1411 6:4193—4194
Fleming, Sanford      4:2603
Fleming, Williamina P.      6:3748
Flies      3:2627 3:1627—1629 3:2656 4:2640—2642 4:2974
Flies, African tsetse      5:3268
Flies, DDT and      2:1160
Flies, true      6:4118—4121
Flight simulators      6:4225—4226
Flightless birds      3:1629—1633 3:1631
Flinders Mountain Range      1:383
Float glass      3:1827
Floating caissons      1:669
Flood control reservoirs      3:1635
flooding      3:1633—1636 3:1634 6:4107
Flooding therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorders      4:2848
Flooding therapy for phobias      5:3042
Flooding, El Nino weather events      2:1359
Flooding, rivers      5:3462—3463
Floodplains      1:138 3:1634 3:1635 6:3864
Flora      3:1636. See also specific flowers
Florey, Howard      1:415 5:3607
Flotation separation      4:2521 4:2523
Flounders      3:1622 3:1622
Flow separation      3:1640
Flow speed      3:1639
FLOW-MATIC      2:993
Flower flies      6:4119
Flowering plants      1:198—199 5:3603
flowers      3:1636—1639. See also specific species of plants
Flowstone      1:769
Flu      See Influenza
Flue-gas desulfurization      3:2111
Flugge-Lotz, Irmgard      1:392
Fluid dynamics      3:1639—1641 4:2393 4:2395
Fluid mechanics      3:1641 3:1641t
Fluid statics      3:1641
Fluid-mosaic model      1:784
Fluids, buoyancy and      1:645—647 1:646
Flukes      See Trematodes
Fluorescence      3:1641—1643 3:1643t 4:2377 6:4358
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)      1:168 3:1643—1644
Fluorescent lights      3:1643 3:1644—1646 6:3988
Fluoridation      3:1646—1648
Fluorides      3:1646 3:1913
Fluorides, alkyl      3:1902
Fluorides, aryl      3:1902 3:1903
Fluorides, calcium      3:1912
Fluorides, cavities and      2:1186 2:1188
Fluorine      2:1155 3:1911 3:1912—1913
Fluorspar      3:1912 3:2119
Fly agaric      3:1715 3:1717 4:2678
Flycatchers      4:2622
Flying buttresses      1:641 -642
Flying fish      3:1648—1649
Flying shuttles      3:2120
Flying squirrels      6:3789
Flywheels, engine      3:2166—2167
FM      See Frequency modulation
FNRS (Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique)      6:4166—4 167
Focused ion beams (FIB)      3:2649 3:1649—1650
Foeniculum vulgare      See Fennel
Fog      3:1650—1651 3:1651 6:4309
FOLDS      3:1651—1652 3:1652
Folk, Robert      4:2669
Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH)      5:3414 5:3416
Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) in menstrual cycle      4:2498
Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), female puberty      5:3286
Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), hypothalamus and      3:2008 3:2010 3:2011 4:2919—2920
Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), male puberty      5:3285
Folsome, Clair      1:538
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)      6:4166—4167
Fontana, Abbe Felix      2:1129
Food additives      3:1661—1662. See also Flavorings; specific types of food additives
Food chains and food webs      1:524—525 2:1349—1350 2:1352 2:1480—1481 3:1652—1655 3:2140
Food groups      3:1663—1665
Food irradiation      3:1655—1657 3:2656 3:1662
Food poisoning      1:120—121 2:1030 3:1656 3:1657—1658 5:3502—3503.
Food preservation      1:415 3:1658—1662
Food preservation, EDTA in      4:2335
Food preservation, insecticides and      3:2138—2139
Food pyramid      3:1662—1665 3:1663
Food restriction operations      1:436
Food Security Act      5:3692
Food web magnification      See Biomagnification
Food webs      See Food chains and food webs
Food, feed, and fallow system      2:1105
Foods, addiction      1:46
Foods, algae as      1:120
Foods, cancer prevention and      1:698
Foods, carcinogens in      1:726—727
Foods, curing      3:1660
Foods, drying      3:1659—1660
Foods, genetically modified      3:1772—1774
Foods, industries      2:1455
Foods, intoxication      3:1657
Foods, lactic acid in      4:2256
Foods, mushrooms as      4:2678—2679
Foods, nightshade      4:2769—2772
Foods, organic      4:2893
Foods, palms      4:2958—2959
Foods, plants as      2:1522—1523
Foods, preservation      4:2910
Foods, pyramid      4:2836
Foods, smoking of      3:1659
Foods, spoilage      3:1658—1659
Foot and mouth disease      3:1665—1667 3:1666
Forage legumes      4:2311
Forage sorghums      5:3715—3716
Foraminifer ans      5:3 266
force      1:8—9 3:1667 5:3195
Ford Motor Company, mass production at      4:2462—2463
Ford Motor Company, zero emission fuel cell vehicles      3:1709
Ford, E.B.      2:1540
Ford, Henry      1:320 1:321 1:397 4:2462—2463
Forebrain      1:608
Forensic science      3:1667—1671 3:1670t
Forest giraffes      3:1819—1821
Forest harvesting      3:1673—1674
Forest management      3:1674
Forest products      3:1672
Forest residues      1:509
Forestry      3:1671—1675 3:1673
Forestry, agroforestry      2:1110
Forestry, herbicides in      3:1974
Forestry, land use in      4:2268
Forestry, monocultures in      4:2628
Forestry, prescribed burning      5:3225. See also Agriculture
Forests      3:1675—1678 3:1677
Forests, acid rain      1:19—20
Forests, agent orange      1:70—71
Forests, beech      1:470
Forests, boreal coniferous      1:527—528
Forests, ecological monitoring      2:1347
Forests, fossils      4:2943
Forests, hydrologic cycle and      3:2062 3:2063
Forests, kelp      3:2236—2237 3:2240
Forests, pseudo      2:1110
Forests, subtropical      3:1676
Forests, taxonomy      6:4088 6:4089
Forests, temperate deciduous      1:528 3:1676
Forests, tree shrews      6:4092
Forests, tropical      1:70—71 1:530 3:1676 5:3649 5:3649—3650
Forests, wildfires      6:4329—4332 6:4330
Forests, wildlife      6:4333. See also Deforestation; Trees; specific types of forests
Forgetting      4:2490
Forging      4:2524
Forlanini, Enrico      3:2055
Form perception      4:3010
Formaldehyde      1:114 3:2116
Formaldehyde resins      5:3185
Formicariidae      See Antbirds; Gnateaters
Formulas, chemical      3:1678—1679
Formulas, genomic      3:1782. See also Molecular formulas; Structural formulas
Forster's terns      6:3998
Forsythia viridissima      See Golden bell shrubs
Fortin barometers      1:442
FORTRAN      2:993
FOS (Faint Object Spectrograph)      3:2024 3:2025
Fossas      3:1681—1683 3:2652
Fossey, Dian      3:1844—1845
Fossil clock      3:1683—1685
Fossil communities      3:1685—1686
Fossil correlation      2:1070—1071
Fossil fuels      1:140 1:141 1:216—217 2:1476 3:1688—1689 5:3424
Fossil fuels, atmosphere and      1:344
Fossil fuels, burning      1:718
Fossil fuels, greenhouse effect      1:357 3:1832
Fossil fuels, sustainable development and      6:3926
Fossil radiation      2:1073
Fossil record      3:1687—1688
Fossils and fossilization      3:1683—1688 3:2654 3:2655 3:2656 3:1797 3:1995.
Fostiropoulos, K.      1:632
Foucault, Jean-Bernard-Le'on      1:392 2:1322 4:2337
Foumeyron, Benoit      6:4136
Four Comers, hantavirus infections in      3:1917
Fourth-generation computer language      2:994
Fowl      3:1664 4:2360—2361.
Fowler, William      2:1431
Fox sparrows      5:3743
Fox, Sydney      2:824
Foxes      1:700—701 2:1544
Foxglove      See Digitalis
Fracastoro, Girolamo      5:3606
Fractals      3:2659 3:1689—1690
Fractional crystallization      6:4251
Fractional distillation      2:1117 3:2051
Fractions      1:49—50
Fractions, common      3:1690—1694
Fractions, infinity      3:2131
Fractions, multiplication      4:2668
Fracture zones, oceanic      4:2851—2852
Fragile X syndrome      1:387 2:873
Fragipans      3:2007
Framingham study      3:1944
Francisella tularensis      1:521
Francium      1:126
Frank, I.M.      1:807
Franklin, Benjamin, electromagnetism and      2:1406
Franklin, Benjamin, Ley den jar and      2:1418
Franklin, Benjamin, on conductivity      2:1378
Franklin, Benjamin, on electrical charges      2:1370
Franklin, Benjamin, on volcanoes      6:4254
Franklin, Rosalind      2:1278
Franze'n, Anders      4:2718
Frasch process      3:2119—2120 4:2581—2582
Fraunhofer lines      3:1694
Fraunhofer, Joseph von      3:1694 4:2337
Fraxinus americana      See White ash trees
Frazer Fault      1:383
Fredonia grapes      3:2552
Free radicals      1:239
Free-living copepods      2:1052 2:1053
Freebasing cocaine      2:920
Freeman, Walter J.      5:3282
Freeways      3:1694—1697 3:2695
Freeze- drying      3:1660
Freezing food      3:1660
Fregata magnificens      See Magnificent frigate birds
Frege, R L.G.      5:3195
French Guiana      5:37 22
French Oceanographic Expeditions      6:4168
French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Study (FAMOUS Project)      6:4169
Freons      2:857 3:1903 3:1911
frequencies      1:182 3:1697 3:1931.
Frequencies in chi-square test      2:835—836 2:836t
Frequencies, electromagnetic waves      2:1403 2:1405 4:2877
Frequencies, fluorescent lamps and      3:1645
Frequencies, magnetic field and      2:1374—1375
Frequencies, nuclear magnetic resonance      4:2806
Frequencies, periodic functions and      4:3015
Frequencies, sound waves      5:3342
Frequency modulation (FM)      1:454 2:1411 5:3334 5:3335 5:3342 6:4216
Fresh Kills Landfill, Staten Island      4:2271
Freshwater      3:2695 3:1698—1699 6:4285.
Freshwater bass      1:449
Freshwater ecosystems      1:530—531 2:2J55
Freshwater ecosystems, acid rain and      1:20—23 1:93
Freshwater ecosystems, amphibians and      1:174—175
Freshwater ecosystems, ducks      2:1288 2:1289—1290
Fresnel, Augustin Jean      4:2337
Freud, Sigmund      1:145 1:247—248 2:1302 5:3273
Freud, Sigmund, cocaine therapy      2:918
Freud, Sigmund, on multiple personality disorder      4:2665
Freud, Sigmund, on phobias      5:3042
Freud, Sigmund, psychoanalysis      5:3273—3275 5:3275—3276
Freud, Sigmund, repression of memories      4:2486 4:2490
Fricke, Hans      2:928 2:929
Friction      3:1699
Friction, drag      1:96
Friction, Newton's laws of motion      4:2761 4:2762
Friction, skin      1:57
Friedinann, Alexander      1:491 2:1076 2:1077
Friend, Richard      4:2306
Friendship 7      5:3736
Frigate birds      2:1089 3:1700 3:1700
Frilled sharks      5:3611
Fringilla coelebs      See Common chaffinches
Fringilla montifringilla      See Bramblings
Fringilla teydea      See Blue chaffinches
Fringillidae      3:1611 3:1612
Fringillinae      3:1614
Frisch, Karl von      1:473 1:516
Frisius, Gemma      6:3922
Fritallaria spp.      4:2341
Frith, Francis      5:3059
Fritts, Charles      5:3055
Frog's-bit family      3:1701
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