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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Conifer forests      3:1676
Coniferophyta      5:3112
Conifers      2:1014 3:1897
Conium maculatum      See Hemlock
Conjugating fungi      3:1714—1715
Conjugation      5:3602—3603
Connate ascension      3:1882—1883
Connate water      3:1882
Connective tissue      2:1014—1016 2:1015
Connolly, J.      5:3273
Conolophus spp.      See Land iguanas;Spiny-tailed iguanas
Conopophagidae      See Ant-pipits
Consciousness      2:948
Conservation      2:1016—1019. See also specific types of conservation
Conservation data centers (CDCs)      2:1461
Conservation laws      2:1019—1022 2:1019t 2:1020t 2:1021t 2:1490 3:1949—1950
Conservation of energy and mass      2:1021 3:1949—1950
Conservation of momentum      4:2621
Conservation of momentum, angular      2:1020—1021 2:1021t
Conservation of momentum, linear      2:1019—1020 2:1019t
Constantine I      1:680
constellations      2:1023
Constrictor constrictor      See Boas
Construction, canals      1:690
Construction, dam      2:1149
Construction, freeways      3:1696—1697
Constructions (Geometry)      2:1023—1025 2:1024t 3:1798
Consumers (Food web)      3:1653
Contact metamorphism      4:2527 4:2530
Contagious diseases      See Infectious diseases
Contaminated soils      2:1025—1028
Contamination      2:1025—1026 2:1028—1030 3:1653 3:1657
Continental arcs      4:2658
Continental crust      2:1030—1031
Continental drift      2:1032—1036 2:1033 2:1035 5:3139—3140
Continental glaciers      3:1823
Continental islands      3:2201
Continental margins      2:1030 2:1033 2:1036—1038
Continental plates      5:3144—3145
Continental platforms      1:468
Continental rise      2:1038
Continental shelf waters      1:531
Continental shelves      2:1030 2:1036—1037 2:1038—1039 5:3568 5:3720
Continental shields      1:468
Continental slopes      2:1037
Continents      2:1030—1032. See also specific continents
Contingency tables, for chi-square test      2:835t
Continuity      2:1039—1041 2:1039t 2:1040t.
Continuous bridges      1:617
Continuous rotary vaccum filters      3:1611
Contour plowing      2:1041 2:1041—1042
Contraception      2:1042—1048 2:1045 5:3417
Controlled burning      See Burning
Conuropsis carolinensis      See Carolina parakeets
Convection      2:1048 3:1812 3:1950 3:1951 3:2077
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)      1:507 2:1461
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species      See CITES
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals of 1979      2:1461
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance      2:1461 6:4322
Convergent evolution      2:1542—515 43 3:1783
Conversion, of coal      2:910—911
Conversions, between English and metric units      6:4176
Cook, James      1:214 3:1870 4:2698 4:2855 6:4163
Cooke, William Fothergill      6:3970—3971
Cookies (Internet)      3:2172
Cooley's anemia      4:2510
Coolidge, W D.      6:4356
Cooling systems      1:399 3:2167
Cooper's sandpipers      5:3509 5:3619
Cooper, Leon      6:3911
Coordinate covalent bonds      2:822—823 2:1049 2:2049
Coordinate projective geometry      5:3245—3246
Coordinates, celestial      1:771—773
Coordination compounds      2:988 2:1048—1051 2:1049t 2:1049t 2:1050t 4:2334
Coots, American      5:3360
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)      1:623 5:3439
Cope, Edwin Drinker      2:1244
Copeland, Herbert R      5:3265
Copenhagen interpretation, of quantum mechanics      4:2621
Copepods      2:1051—1054 2:1052.
Copernicus, Nicolaus      See Heliocentric theory
Copolymers      4:2629t 4:2630
copper      2:1054—1055 2:1397
Copper age      3:2088
Copper alloys      1:136 2:1055
Copper wiring      3:1602
Coppery-tailed trogons      6:4100
Copra aegagrus      3:1838
Copra caucasica      3:1839
Copra falconeri      3:1839
Copra hircus      See Goats
Coracias      See Rollers (Birds)
Coracias garrulus      See European rollers
Coracias spatulata      See Racquet-tailed rollers
Coragyps atratus      See Black vultures
Coral and coral reefs      1:532 2:1055—1062 2:1057 2:1059.
Coral and coral reefs, biology of      2:1056
Coral and coral reefs, crustal subsidence      2:1058
Coral and coral reefs, decline      2:1061—1062
Coral and coral reefs, development      2:1057—1058
Coral and coral reefs, distribution      2:1056
Coral and coral reefs, ecology of      2:1060
Coral and coral reefs, environmental requirements      2:1056—1057
Coral and coral reefs, geology      2:1058
Coral and coral reefs, humans and      2:1061—1062
Coral and coral reefs, management      2:1062
Coral and coral reefs, morphology      2:1058
Coral and coral reefs, natural threats to      2:1060—1061
Coral and coral reefs, organisms      2:1060
Coral and coral reefs, sea level and      2:1058—1060
Coral and coral reefs, water temperature and      3:1878
Coral and coral reefs, zonation      2:1057—1058
Coral islands      3:2202 3:2204
Coral snakes      2:1365
Coral-roots orchids      4:2883
Coralline algae      2:1056
Corallorhiza maculata      See Spotted coral-roots orchids
Corallus spp.      See Tree boas
Cordelia      6:4183
Cordillera Central      5:3719
Cordillera Oriental      5:3717—3718
Core-mantle boundary (CMB)      2:1320
Coreidae      6:4115
Corel$\textregistered$      4:2871 4:2872
Corey, R.B.      5:3260 5:3263
Cori, Carl      1:714
Cori, Gerty      1:714
Coriander      See Carrot family
Coriolis effect      1:348 1:349 2:1063—1064 3:1828 5:3544 6:4104 6:4337—4338
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave de      1:348 2:1063
Corixidae      6:4115
Cork      1:470 2:1064—1065
Cork oaks      1:470 2:1064
Corliss, Jack      3:2066
Cormorants      2:1065—1066 2:1066
Corms      2:1065
Corners Rating Scales      1:377
Corns tock Lode      5:3215
Coronal ejections and magnetic storms      2:1068—1069
Coronal gas      3:2176
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs)      2:1068 5:3695
Coronary angiograms      1:197—198
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)      2:888
Coronary artery disease (CAD)      1:282 3:1940 3:1942
Coronary bypass surgery      3:1943
Coronary heart disease (CHD)      1:282 2:887—888
Coronary thrombosis      3:1943
Coronas      1:353
Coronatae      See Deep-sea jellyfish
Corpuscular theory, of light      See Particles light
Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement (COSTAR)      3:2025
Correlation (Geology)      2:1069—1071
Correlation (Mathematics)      2:1071
Corrosion      2:1071—1072 4:2926 6:3828
Cort, Henry      6:3823—3824
Corti, organ of      3:1933
Cortical implants      1:307
Corticosteroids      1:222—223 1:287
Cortisol      1:54 2:1133—1134 3:2009 3:2010
Corucia zebrata      See Giant skinks
Corundum      3:2118—2119 4:2579
Corvidae      2:1112—1114
Corvus corax      See Ravens
Corylus spp      See Hazels
Corynebacterium diptheriae      2:1251—1252
Corythosaurus      2:1247
Cosmetic surgery, lasers in      4:2286 4:2257
Cosmetics industries      2:1455
Cosmetid harvestmen      1:257 1:258
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)      2:1073 3:2136
Cosmic background radiation      1:492 2:1072—1073
Cosmic rays      2:1073—1075 2:1405
Cosmological constant      1:491
Cosmology      1:237 1:489 2:1075—1080 2:1153.
Cosmology, antipartides and      1:241—242
Cosmology, arcnaeoastronomy and      1:262
Cosmology, astronomy and      1:335—336
Cosmology, general relativity      5:3405
Cosmology, heliocentric theory      5:3079 6:3900—3901
Cosmology, preCopemican thought      5:3079
Cosmology, steady-state theory      1:491 2:1076 2:1078 6:3815—3818
Costa Rican army ants      1:246
COSTAR (Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement)      3:2025
Cotingas      2:1080—1081
Cotton      2:1081—1083 2:1082 4:2710—2712
Cotton bolls      2:1081
Cotton by-products      2:1082—1083
Cotton gins      1:76 3:2120 4:2711
Cotton plants      2:1081—1082 2:1082
Cotton, bleaching      5:3686—3687
Cotton, silk cotton family      5:3635 5:3635—3636
Cottongrasses      5:3559 6:4131
Cottontails, Eastern      4:2258
Cottony cushion scale insects      5:3526
Coturnix coturnix      See Common quails
Coucals      2:1128
Cougars      1:731 1:759
Coulomb's law      2:1083—1084 2:1387—1388 2:1398 2:1410 2:1419
Coulomb, Charles A. de      2:1083 2:1387 2:1406 2:1418—1419 4:2417
coulombs      2:1083—1085
Counseling, genetic      2:873—874
Countable (Sets)      2:1085—1087 2:1085t 2:1086t
Counting      5:3241
Counting machines      See Abacus
Couper, Archibald Scott      2:821
couplers      6:4065—4066
Coursers      2:1087—1088
Courteney-Latimer, Majorie      2:928—929
Courtship      1:483 2:1088—1090 2:1089.
Cousteau Society      6:4169
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves      4:2717 6:4166 6:4168—4169
Covalent bonds      2:822—823 2:1049 2:1049 4:2326—2327 4:2573 4:2574 4:2617 6:4195
Cow parsnips      1:737
Cowan, C.L.      4:2752
Cowbirds      1:569 1:570
Cowfish      See Boxfish
Cowper's glands      5:3414
Cowpox      6:4189—4190 6:4204 6:4231—4232
Cows      1:552 1:764 4:2358
Coxiella burnetii      1:520
Coyotes      1:701
Coypus      2:1090—1091
Crab Nebula      1:335 4:2755 4:2756 5:3289 6:3914
Crab-eating raccoons      5:3319
Crabapples      5:3485
Crabeater seals      5:3189
Crabs      2:1091—1092 2:1092.
Cracids      1:813
Crack addiction      1:45 1:45 4:2749
Crack cocaine      2:918 2:920
Cramer's rule      1:124 2:1209 4:2347
Cramer, Gabriel      4:2346
Cramps, menstrual      4:2499—2500
Cranberries      3:1951 3:1953
Crane Creek State Park      6:4321
Crane flies      3:1627 6:4120
Cranes (Birds)      2:1093—1095 2:1094
Cranes (Equipment)      2:1093
Cranial nerves      1:610
Crankshafts      3:2166—2167
Crassulacean-acid metabolism      1:661
Crater palimpsests      3:2224—2225
Craters      2:1565 3:2101 3:2102.
Craters, Henbury      1:383
Craters, lunar      4:2637
Craters, Mercurian      4:2505—2506 4:2506
Craters, Venusian      6:4210
Cratons      1:469 2:1030—1031
Crawford, Williamson Long      2:1185
Crayfish      2:1095—1097 2:1096
Crecropia moths      4:2647 4:2648
Creed, Frederick G.      6:3972
Creep tests      6:3828
Creste d porcupines      5:3194
Crested caracaras      3:1577
Crested mynahs      4:2696
Crested tinamous      6:4037
Crestfish      2:1097
Cretaceous — Tertiary event (K-T event)      3:2227
Cretan palms      4:2957
Cretinism      4:2511
Creutzfeldt — Jakob disease      2:1097—1099 5:3237 5:3238 5:3239.
Creutzfeldt, Hans Gerhard      2:1097
Crevalles      See Jacks
Cri du chat syndrome      2:873
Cricetulus spp.      3:1915
Cricetus cricetus      See Common hamsters
Crick, Francis, codons      2:927
Crick, Francis, DNA replication      2:1264
Crick, Francis, mutations      4:2689
Crick, Francis, nitrogen bases      3:1767
Crick, Francis, origin of life      4:2669. See also DNA; Double helix
Crickets      2:1099—1100
Crime laboratories      3:1668 3:1671
Crime, DNA fingerprinting and      2:1190 2:1262—1264
Critical angles      3:1599 3:1600
Critical habitats      2:1100—1101
Critical pressure (Gases)      3:1735
Critical temperature (Gases)      3:1735—1736
Cro-Magnons      3:2035 4:3029
Crocheted fabrics      6:4006
Crocodiles      2:1101—1105 2:1102 2:1103 3:1935
Crocodylus acutus      See American crocodiles
Crocodylus niloticus      See Nile crocodiles
Crocodylusporosus      See Salt-marsh crocodiles
Crocus sativa      See Saffron crocus
Crocuses      3:2195
Crocuta crocuta      See Spotted hyenas
Crompton, Samuel      3:2120
Cronin, J.W.      4:2976
Crookes, William      1:368 1:369 5:3371
Crop rotation      2:1105—1107 2:1106
Crop yields, insecticides and      3:2138—2139
Crops      2:1107—1111
Crops, bioenergy      1:510
Crops, monocultures      4:2627—2628
Crops, residues      1:509
Crops, rotation      5:3124
Crops, transgenic      3:1772 3:1773—1774
Cross multiplication      2:1111
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