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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Anthus spragueii      See Sprague's pipits
Anti-inflammatory agents      1:222—223 1:328
Anti-Lebanon mountain range      1:315
Anti-Submarine Detection and Investigation Committee (ASDIC)      5:3713
Antiballistic missiles (ABMs)      5:3475
Antibiotic-resistance      3:2126
Antibiotics      1:223—224 1:224 1:795
Antibiotics for Legionnaires' disease      4:2309
Antibiotics for leprosy      4:2323
Antibiotics for Lyme disease      4:2383—2384
Antibiotics for meningitis      4:2495
Antibiotics, discovery of      1:415—416
Antibiotics, livestock and      4:2893
Antibodies      1:224—228 1:225 1:227 3:1754 3:2094 3:2097—2098
Antibodies in blood      1:574
Antibodies, B cells and      4:2385 4:2388
Antibodies, heaptitis A virus and      3:1967
Antibodies, monocolonal technology      3:2100
Anticlines      3:1652
Anticoagulants      1:229—230
Anticonvulsants      1:230—232
Anticyclones      2:1139—1140
Antidepressant drugs      1:232—233 2:1195—1196
Antidiuretic hormones (ADH)      2:1464 2:1555 3:2008
Antigen-displaying-macrophages (APC)      3:2097
Antigens      1:224—228 1:227 1:578 1:579 3:2095 3:2099 6:4189—4192
Antigonia spp      See Boarfish
Antihelmintics      1:233—234
Antihistamines      1:134—135 1:234—237 3:1995 5:3431
Antihypertensive drugs      3:2075
Antikythera mechanism      3:1743
Antilocapra americana      See Pronghorns
antilogarithms      4:2370
Antimalarial drugs      4:2425
Antimatter      1:237—238 1:241 4:2568
Antimetabolites      1:238
Antimitotic signals      1:791
Antimony      2:1423
Antioxidants      1:239—240 4:2687 4:2927—2928.
Antiparticles      1:237 1:241—242
Antipersonnel agents      2:828
Antiprostaglandins      4:2499—2500
Antipsychotic drugs      1:242—243 5:3533—3534
Antiquarks      1:237
Antisepsis      1:243—244
Antlers, caribou      1:729—730
Antlers, deer      2:1166—1167
Antlers, moose      4:2638—2639
Antlions      1:245
Anton, Franz      1:145
Ants      1:245—247
Ants, aphids and      1:252
Ants, Argentine fire      3:2183—2184
Ants, pheromones      5:3040
Ants, plant mutualism and      4:2691
Ants, soils      5:3691
Anura      1:173
Anxiety      1:247—248 6:4067—4068
Aonidiella aurantii      See California red scale insects
Aonyx capensis      See Cape clawless otters
Aonyx cinerea      See Asian small-clawed otters
Aonyx congica      See Congo clawless otters
Aortic valve      3:1935
Aotus trivirgatus      See Night monkeys
AP glands      See Anterior pituitary glands
Apaloderma narina      See Narina trogons
Apatosaurus      2:1244 2:1247
APC (Antigen-displayingmacrophages)      3:2097
Aperture      1:497
APES      1:248—250
Apgar score      1:250—251
Apgar, Virginia      1:250
Aphasia      1:251 1:254 4:2486 4:2490—2491
Aphids      1:251—252 1:252
Aphotic zones      4:2854
Aphriza virgata      See Surfbirds
Aphrodite Terra      6:4209
Aphthovirus spp.      3:1666
Apiaceae      See Carrot family
Apium graveolens      See Celery
Aplastic anemia      1:192
Aplodontia rufa      See Mountain beavers
Aplomado falcons      3:1577
Aplysia      4:2749
Apodemus spp      See Wood mice
Apogamy      3:1590
Apollo 11      5:3734 5:3737
Apollo 13      5:3740 5:3741
Apollo 17      5:3104
Apollo 8      5:3737
Apollo spacecraft      5:3736—3737
Apollo — Soyuz Test project (ASTP)      5:3738
Apoptosis      1:788 1:789
Apospory      3:1590
Appalachian Mountains      1:325 2:1314 4:2658—2659 4:2789—2790 5:3478
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration. Appearance (Apgar score)      1:250—251
Appendices      2:123 6
Appendicular skeleton      5:3642—3644
Appert, Leon      3:1827
Appert, Nicholas      1:415
Appetite suppressants      1:437
Apples      5:3118 5:3485 5:3494
Application software      2:998
Applications of the Imaginary Geometry to Certain Integrals      4:2787
Approximation      1:253 3:2210—2211
Apraxia      1:253—254 1:254
Aquaculture      1:582—584 1:553 2:1110
Aqualung      See Scuba
Aquarius      6:4170
Aquatic animals      2:1108—1109
Aquatic biomes      1:527
Aquatic ecosystems, carbon cycling and      1:718
Aquatic ecosystems, indicator species and      3:2113
Aquatic genets      3:1781—1782
Aqueducts      1:254—256 1:255
Aquifers      1:256 3:1882
Aquifoliaceae      See Holly family
Aquila chrysaetos      See Golden eagles
Aquila heliaca      See Imperial eagles
Ar chaeogenetics      1:264—265
Ar-Razi      1:107
Ar-Rub'al-Khali desert      1:314 1:315
Arabian horses      4:2360
Arabian oryx      4:2905
Arabian Peninsula      1:314—315 1:315
Arabian primroses      5:3232
Arabian Sea      1:314 1:315 1:319
Arabic numbering system      1:277 4:2828
Arachis hypogaea      See Peanuts
arachNIDS      1:256—258 1:257 4:2975
Arago, Dominique-Francois      4:2337
Aramid fibers      2:980
Arapaima      1:258
Aratrums      1:75
Arc lamps      1:259 1:259—260 2:1369
Arc welding      6:4315—4316
ARCC (Artificial retina component chip)      1:307 1:307—308
Arch bridges      1:618 1:625
Arch dams      2:1150
Archaebacteria      1:260—261 1:409
Archaeoastronomy      1:262—264
Archaeology      1:265 1:265—270 1:267.
Archaeology, mapping      1:273—275
Archaeology, nautical      4:2716—2719
Archaeology, pottery analysis      5:3201—3203
Archaeology, sites      1:275—277
Archaeomagnetic dating      1:271
Archaeometallurgy      1:270
Archaeometry      1:271—273
Archaeopteryx      2:1248 4:2901 4:2953t 4:2954
Archaeopteryx lithographica      1:545
Archeological mapping      1:273—275
Archeological sites      1:275—277
Archeology      See Archaeology
Arches (Architecture)      1:641
Arches (Landforms)      4:2275
Arches National Park      2:1295
Archilochus colubris      See Ruby-throated hummingbirds
Archimantis latistylus      See Australian mantids
Archimde      6:4169
Archimedes      1:676 2:1024 2:1121 3:1668 3:1801 4:2342
Archimedes' principle      See Buoyancy principle
Architecture      1:638—644 1:703
Arcs      1:258—259 3:1801
Arctic ground squirrels      3:2959
Arctic lemmings      See Collared lemmings
Arctic loons      4:2372
Arctic Ocean Basin      6:4169
Arctic primroses      5:3232
Arctic regions      4:2794
Arctic terns      4:2902 6:3998
Arctic tundra      1:528 6:4130—4131
Arctic-alpine primroses      5:3232
Arctium minus      See Burdock
Arctocebus calabarensis      See Angwantibos
Arctocephalus townsendi      See Guadalupe fur seals
Arctonyx collaris      See Hog-badgers
Ardea herodias      See Great blue herons
Arden Corona      6:4185
Ardeotis kori      See Kori bustards
Area landfill method      4:2270
Area scales      1:746
Areas (Geometry)      1:676 3:1802 3:1802
Areca catechu      See Betel palms
Arenaria interpres      See Ruddy tumstones
Arenaviruses      3:1963
Areolar connective tissue      2:1015
Areoles      1:661
Aretaeus      3:1940
Arethusa bulbosa      See Dragon's-mouth orchids
Arfwedson, August      4:2351
Argand, Jean Robert      2:973—974
Argentina      2:1244 5:3720
Argentine fire ants      3:2183—2184
Argentine hemorrhagic fever      3:1964
Argillaceous stone      6:3851
Argo      5:3063 6:4166
Argon      5:3371 5:3372
Argon lasers      1:767 4:2282 4:2286
Argos      3:1831
Argusianus argus      See Aargus pheasants
Ariane 4      5:3473
Ariel      6:4180 6:4181 6:4184 6:4185
Arisaema triphyllum      See Jack-in-thepulpit
Aristarchus      3:1955 6:4095
Aristotle      1:214
Aristotle on abiogenesis      6:3778
Aristotle on aging      3:1810
Aristotle on contraception      2:1042
Aristotle on menopause      4:2496
Aristotle on meteorology      4:2534
Aristotle on plant diseases      5:3122
Aristotle on solids      2:1121
Aristotle, botany and      1:598
Aristotle, cetaceans and      1:808
Aristotle, embryology and      2:1449—1450
Aristotle, geophysics and      3:1804—1805
Aristotle, gravity and gravitation      3:1866
Aristotle, marine life and      4:2855
Aristotle, observation analysis      1:521
Aristotle, physics and      5:3079
Aristotle, solar system and comets      2:958
Aristotle, underwater exploration and      6:4165
Arithmetic      1:277—279 4:2471—2472.
Arithmetic clock      6:4373
Arithmetic growth and decay      3:1885
Arithmetic with complex numbers      2:973
Arithmetic, fundamental theorem of      3:1712
Arithmetic, integers in      3:2147—2148
Arithmetic, modular      4:2601
Arithmetic, place-value systems      4:2829
Arkwright, Richard      1:393 3:2120
Armadillos      1:279—280 1:250 4:2322
Armatures      3:1762
Armillaria bulbosa      3:1717
Armorheads      See Boar fish
Arms (Artificial)      See Prosthetics
Armstrong, Edwin Howard      2:1411 5:3334 6:4193
Armstrong, Neil A.      4:2634 5:3737
Arnold of Villanova      1:720
Aromatherapy      3:1971
Aromatic aldehydes      1:115
Aromatic hydrocarbons      3:2049—2050 5:3179—3180
Aromatic plants      See specific plants
Arousal disorders (Parasomnias)      5:3656
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)      3:2174
Arrays      3:1609 3:2620 6:3984
Arrhenius, Svante August      1:25 1:720 2:972
Arrhythmias      2:1392
Arrow worms      1:280—281 1:252
Arrowgrass      1:281
Arrowroot      1:281—282
ARS (Artificial silicon retina)      1:307—308
Arsenic      2:1423 6:4060
ART (Assisted reproductive techniques)      3:2129—2130. See also specific techniques
Art, ice age      3:2035
Arteries      1:282—283 1:253 2:888
Arteriograms      1:198
Arteriosclerosis      1:283 1:283—286 1:254 2:888—889 6:4244
Arteriosclerosis, aneurisms from      1:196
Arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and      1:282
Arteriosclerosis, gangrene and      3:1732
Arteriosclerosis, hypertension and      3:2073
Arthoboric acid      See Boric acid
Arthritis      1:256 1:286—288 1:257 4:2904
Arthroplasty      5:3252 5:3253
Arthropods      1:288—289 4:2949 4:2974
Arthroscopic surgery      1:289—290 4:2903—2904
Artichokes      2:975 6:4205 6:4206
Articulate brachiopods      1:605—606 1:606
Artifacts      1:290—292
Artifacts, bronze      1:270
Artifacts, metal      1:272
Artifacts, shipwrecks      4:2716—2719
Artificial biospheres      1:537
Artificial blood      1:576—577
Artificial chromosomes, bacterial      3:2037 3:2038
Artificial chromosomes, human      3:2026—2028 3:2037
Artificial eyes      1:306—308 1:307 5:3251—3252
Artificial fibers      1:292—301 1:293t—298 1:298t—300t 1:300
Artificial hearts      1:301 1:301—302
Artificial insemination      1:203 3:1593 3:2127—2128
artificial intelligence      1:303—306 1:394 4:3012
Artificial kidneys      4:2910
Artificial limbs      See Prosthetics
Artificial organs      6:4086. See also specific organs
Artificial retina component chip (ARCC)      1:307 1:307—308
Artificial silicon retina (ARS)      1:307—308
Artificial vision      1:307 1:307—308
Artiodactyla      6:4172
Artist's fungi      4:2677
Artocarpus spp.      4:2664
Arum family      1:308—310 1:309
Aryl bromides      3:1903
Aryl chlorides      3:1903
Aryl fluorides      3:1902 3:1903
Aryl iodides      3:1903
Asbestos      1:310—312 3:2118 4:2531 4:2713
Ascariasis      6:4110
Ascaris lumbricoides      See Nematodes
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