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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
ASCC (Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculators)      1:674
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)      1:157—158
Asclepias syriaca      See Milkweeds
Ascomycota      3:1715—1716
Ascorbic acid      See Vitamin C
ASDIC (British Anti-Submarine Detection and Investigation Committee)      5:3713
Aserinsky, Eugene      5:3652
Asexu al reprodu ction      1:312—314 1:313
Ash, volcanic      6:4252
Asia      1:314—319 1:327 5:3190
Asian cobras      2:1364
Asian elephants      2:1432—1438 2:2435
Asian fairy-bluebirds      4:2900
Asian flu      3:2133
Asian mahogany      5:3365
Asian monsoons      4:2633—2634
Asian reticulated pythons      5:3294
Asian rock pythons      5:3294
Asian small-clawed otters      4:2917—2918
Asian tapirs      6:3952
Asiatic black bears      1:464
Asiatic salamanders      5:3496
Asiatic wild asses      1:322
Asilidae      6:4120
Asklepiades of Prusa      2:821
Aspens      3:2114 6:4331
Aspergillus      4:2694
Aspirin      See Acetylsalicylic acid
Assembly language      2:993 2:997
Assembly lines      1:319—322 1:320 4:2462
Asses      1:322—323
Assisted reproductive techniques (ART)      3:2129—2130. See also specific techniques
Associationism      2:1004 4:2487
Associative learning      2:1003—1006 4:2302
Associative property      1:323
Astacidea      See Typical lobsters
Astatine      3:1912
Astbury, William      4:2606
Astemizole      1:234
Aster family      See Composite family
Asteraceae      See Composite family
Asteroid 2002 AA29      1:323—324
Asteroids      See Minor planets
Asthenosphere      1:324—325 2:1314 2:1319 4:2354 4:2947—2948
Asthma      1:134 1:325—329 1:327 5:3431—3432
Astigmatism      5:3322 5:3323 6:4242
Aston, F.W.      4:2465
ASTP (Apollo — Soyuz Test project)      5:3738
Astragalus spp.      1:525 3:2113
Astrobiology      1:329 1:329—331 1:330
Astroblemes      1:331 1:332
Astrodynamics      1:777—778
Astrolabes      1:331—333 1:333 2:990
Astrometric binaries      1:494
Astrometry      1:333—335 1:773.
Astronomical satellites      3:2135
Astronomical satellites, Galilean      3:2223—2225 3:2225
Astronomical satellites, International Ultraviolet Explorer      3:2170—2172 6:4160
Astronomical satellites, Martian      4:2452
Astronomical satellites, Neptune      4:2727—2728
Astronomical satellites, Uranus      4:2728 6:4180 6:4183—4186
Astronomical satellites, xrays and      6:4353
Astronomical units (AU)      1:335 4:2971
Astronomy      1:335—339 1:337.
Astronomy, archaeoastronomy      1:26 2—26 4
Astronomy, balloon      1:427
Astronomy, charge-coupled devices and      2:819—820
Astronomy, extragalactic      3:1723
Astronomy, gamma-ray      3:1730—1731
Astronomy, infrared      3:2134—2136
Astronomy, photography      5:3061
Astronomy, x-ray      6:4353—4354
Astrophysics      1:336 1:339—341 5:3081
asymptotic freedom      5:3309
Atacama Desert      5:3720
Atchafalaya River      2:1176
ATCRBS (Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System)      5:3321
Ateles belzebuth      See Long-haired spider monkeys
Ateles fusciceps      See Brown-headed spider monkeys
Ateles geoffroyi      See Geoffroy 's spider monkeys
Atelinae      See Spider monkeys
Atherosclerosis      See Arteriosclerosis
Atherurus      See Brush-tailed porcupines
Athrotaxis      6:3929
Atlantic cod      2:924—926
Atlantic flying fish      3:1648
Atlantic halibut      3:1621
Atlantic mackerels      4:2406—2407
Atlantic menhadens      3:1983
Atlantic salmon      5:3499—3501
Atlantic sea bass      See Black sea bass
Atlantis      5:3729 5:3738 6:4167
Atmosphere composition and structure      1:341—345 1:346—347 2:1313 2:1314—1315 5:3100—3103.
Atmosphere composition and structure, carbon dioxide in      3:1721—1722
Atmosphere composition and structure, carbon in      1:716—718
Atmosphere composition and structure, formation of      2:824
Atmosphere composition and structure, global climate and      3:1829—1830 3:2085
Atmosphere composition and structure, Mars      4:2449 4:2454
Atmosphere composition and structure, Mercury      4:2507
Atmosphere composition and structure, Neptune      4:2724—2725
Atmosphere composition and structure, oxygen in      3:1721
Atmosphere composition and structure, planetary      5:3100—3103
Atmosphere composition and structure, Saturn      5:3514—3515
Atmosphere composition and structure, stars      6:3799
Atmosphere composition and structure, Sun      6:3903—3904
Atmosphere composition and structure, Triton      4:2729
Atmosphere composition and structure, Uranus      6:4180 6:4182—4183
Atmosphere composition and structure, Venusian      6:4209 6:4211
Atmosphere observation      1:345—347
Atmospheric circulation      1:347—351 1:348 2:1359
Atmospheric optical phenomena      1:351 1:351—353 1:352
Atmospheric pressure      1:35 3—35 4 2:1359 5:3227—3228 6:4302
Atmospheric subsidence      6:3882
Atmospheric temperature      1:354—357 1:355t 1:356t
ATMs (Automatic teller machines)      1:304
Atolls      2:1058
Atomic bombs      See Nuclear weapons
atomic clocks      1:358 1:358—359 3:2169
Atomic emission spectroscopy      3:1618
Atomic energy      See Nuclear energy
Atomic force microscopes (AFMs)      4:2552 4:2555 4:2706
Atomic gases      3:2176
Atomic mass      4:3017 4:3018 4:3019 4:3020
Atomic models      1:359—364. See also Bohr model
Atomic numbers      1:361 1:364—365 2:1049 2:1050 4:3017 4:3018
Atomic spectroscopy      1:365 1:365—366 1:369
Atomic structure, Bohr model of      1:588—590
Atomic theory      1:366—371 1:367 1:369 2:986 4:2475 4:2614.
Atomic weights      1:366—367 1:371—375 2:1426 4:2612
atoms      1:375—376 2:1552—1553.
ATP      See Adenosine triphosphate
Atrial chambers      3:1935—1936
Atrial septal defects      3:1943
Atrioventricular node (AV node)      3:1937 3:1938
Atropine      1:129 6:4265
Attacks, barracuda      1:444—445
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)      1:170 1:376—379 2:1273
Attenuation, fiber optics and      3:1603
Attwater's Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge      5:3207
ATV (Advanced television)      6:3988—3989
AU (Astronomical units)      1:335 4:2971
Aubergine      See Eggplant
Aubreville, AndrS      2:1204
Aubry Holes      2:1340
audio CDs      2:968 2:969
Audio units, in virtual reality systems      6:4227
Audiocassettes      4:2412—2415 4:2414
Audions      6:4193
Auditory canal      2:1309—1310 3:1931
Auditory depth cues      2:1198
Auditory perceptual system      4:3008
Auenbrugger, Joseph Leopold      3:1942
Auer metal      4:2280
Auer, Karl      3:2107
Augusta, Ada      2:996
Auks      1:379 1:379—380
AUM (Acupuncture Unit of Measurement)      1:40—41
Aura, with migraines      4:2560 4:2562
Aurelia aurita      See Moon jellyfish
Aureolus, Philippus      6:4059
Auriga      3:1867
Aurochs      1:763
Aurorae      2:1068 6:4196
Austral migration      4:2563
Australia      1:380—386 1:381 1:385
Australia, drought      2:1285
Australia, population      5:3190
Australia, weather and      2:1360
Australian cassowaries      3:1631—1632
Australian Endangered Species Act of 1992      5:3148
Australian frogs      4:2921—2922
Australian lungfish      4:2379 4:2381
Australian mantids      5:3210
Australian pratincoles      2:1088
Australian spiny-tailed geckos      3:1744
Australian stump-tailed skinks      5:3646
Australian white pelicans      4:3001
Australopithecus afarensis      3:2033
Australopithecus africanus      3:2032—2033
Australopithecus boisei      3:2033
Australopithecus robustus      3:2033
Autism      1:386—388
Autocatalysis      4:2906
Autochrome      See Color photography
Autofacturing      1:665
Autoimmune disorders      1:388—392 2:1173.
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia      1:390
Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura      1:390
Automated DNA sequencers      1:514
Automated vision      See Machine vision
Automatic calculating machines      1:673—674
Automatic lathes      4:2396
Automatic pilot      1:392
Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculators (ASCC)      1:674
Automatic teller machines (ATMs)      1:304
Automation      1:392—395
Automobiles      1:395—401 1:397
Automobiles vs. mass transit      4:2465—2467
Automobiles, assembly lines for      1:320
Automobiles, electric      2:1375—1378
Automobiles, energy efficiency and      2:1478
Automobiles, magnesium in      4:2409
Autonomic nervous system      4:2734
Autopsies      3:1670—1671
Autosomal aneuploidy      3:1766
Autosomal dominant diseases      3:1764 3:2136—2137.
Autosomal recessive diseases      3:1764 3:2137.
Autotrophs      1:401—402
Autumnal equinox      5:3699
Auxin      3:1805—1806
AV node (Atrioventricular node)      3:1937 3:1938
Avahi laniger      See Woolly lemurs
Avahis      See Woolly lemurs
Avalanches      4:2469
Avena sativa      See Oats
Average      See Mean
Avery, Oswald T.      1:540 2:1190 3:1749 3:1775 4:2548
Aves      See Birds
Aviation Weather Center      6:4304
Avicenna      3:1941
Avicennia nitida      See Black mangroves
Avocados      4:2291
Avocets      6:3848—3849
Avogadro's number      1:402 4:2604
Avogadro, Amedeo      1:372 1:374 1:402 2:821 4:2604 4:2614 5:3331
awareness      2:948
AXAF (Advanced X ray Astrophysics Facility)      6:4354
Axis of symmetry      2:1111—1112
Axolotyl      5:3497
Axons      4:2741
Aye-ayes      1:402—403 1:403 4:2317—2318
Ayers Rock      1:382 1:383 1:384 1:385
Azimuth A      1:771
Azolla spp.      3:1588
B cells      1:42 3:2097 4:2385—2386 4:2388
B horizons (Soil)      3:2007
B spectral stars      4:2567
B-2 stealth bombers      1:95
Baade, Walter      4:2587 6:3837
Babbage, Charles      1:673 2:991 2:996
Babbage, Henry P.      1:673
Babblers      1:405
Babies      See Infants
Babirusa      5:3088
Baboons      1:405—409 1:407
Babyrousa babyrussa      See Babirusa
Bachelet, Emile      4:2411
Bachrnan's warblers      6:4274
Bacillariophyceae      1:116
Bacillariophyta      5:3267
Bacillary dysentery      2:1301
Bacille Calmette — Guerin (BCG)      4:2323
Bacillus anthracis      See Anthrax
Back-barriers      1-AA6-AA1
Background radiation, x-ray      6:4354
Baclofen      4:2671
Bacon, Francis      4:2336
Bacon, Roger      1:107 5:3199
BACs (Bacterial artificial chromosomes)      3:2037 3:2038
bacteria      1:409—417 1:411 4:2549.
Bacteria in soils      5:3691
Bacteria in vaccines      6:4189—4192
Bacteria, aerobic      1:412—413
Bacteria, anaerobic      1:412 1:413 5:3066
Bacteria, antibodies and      1:227
Bacteria, archaebacteia      1:260—261 1:409
Bacteria, bioassays and      1:500
Bacteria, biological warfare and      1:518—519
Bacteria, bioremediation and      1:535
Bacteria, chemosynthesis and      4:2855
Bacteria, DNA      2:1190
Bacteria, enterobacteria      2:1484 2:1484—1485
Bacteria, flagella of      3:1617—1618
Bacteria, genetic engineering with      5:3119—3120
Bacteria, nitrification      4:2773—2775
Bacteria, nitrogen fixation      4:2781—2783
Bacteria, plant diseases      5:3122
Bacteria, reproduction of      1:312 1:313
Bacteria, root systems      5:3483
Bacteria, staining and      1:795
Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs)      3:2037 3:2038
Bacterial biofilms      1:512—513
Bacterial cells      1:782
Bacterial genetics      4:2547—2548
Bacterial infections      1:415 3:2125—2126
Bacterial infections, antibiotics and      1:224
Bacterial infections, foodborne      3:1657—1658
Bacterial infections, ulcers from      6:4153—4154
Bacterial meningitis      4:2494—2495
Bacteriophages      1:417—419 1:418 6:4221 6:4229—4231
Bactrian camels      1:686 1:687 4:2360
Badgers      1:419—421 1:420
Baekeland, Leo H.      5:3183
Baer, Karl Ernst von      2:1450
Baillie sounding machine      6:4164
Bain, Alexander      3:1585
Bake well, Frederick      3:1585
Balaenidae      1:809
Balaenoptera musculus      See Blue whales
Bald eagles      2:1307—1308 5:3369
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