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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Eagles      2:1307—1309 2:2308 5:3369 5:3370
Eagles, oil spills and      4:2861
Eagles, pesticides and      4:3025
Eardrum      See Tympanic membrane
Eared grebes      3:1874
Earle, Sylvia A.      6:4167 6:4170
Ears      1:33—34 2:1309—1312 2:1310
Ears, inner      3:1933
Ears, middle      3:1931—1933
Ears, noise and      4:2783—2784
Ears, outer      3:1931
Earth      2:1312—1316 2:1313 5:3702.
Earth Day      2:1488
Earth metals      1:126—128 2:1426 4:2418
Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1 (ERTS-1)      5:3411
Earth science      2:1316—1317
Earth Summits      2:1018 2:1171—1172 2:1490
Earth vs. Mercury      4:2504
Earth's crust      2:1030 3:2207—2209.
Earth's crust, lithosphere and      4:2353—2354
Earth's crust, minerals in      4:2574 4:2575t
Earth's crust, mountain formation and      4:2658—2660
Earth's magnetic field      2:1321—1322
Earth's magnetic field, Antarctica      1:216
Earth's magnetic field, auroras and      1:344
Earth's magnetic field, electromagnetic pulses      4:2819
Earth's magnetic field, electromagnetic theory      5:3142
Earth's magnetic field, geo-electrical currents      1:382 4:2418
Earth's magnetic field, magnetosphere      4:2422
Earth's magnetic field, polarity and      3:1792
Earth's magnetic field, soils and      1:276
Earth's mantle      2:1031 2:1048 2:1318—1320 2:1322 3:1579 6:4251
Earth, albedo      1:104—105
Earth, asthenosphere      1:324—325
Earth, astroblemes and      1:331
Earth, atmosphere      1:341—345 5:3101 5:3102
Earth, comets and      2:961
Earth, impact craters of      3:2102
Earth, interior      2:1318—1321 2:1319t
Earth, measurement of motion of      4:2545—2546
Earth, metamorphic grade      4:2527 4:2527
Earth, NEAR-Earth Object Hazard Index      4:2719—2720
Earth, orbit      1:179—180 2:1443
Earth, planetary geology      5:3104
Earth, primitive      2:824—825
Earth, radiation belts of      6:4195—4196
Earth, rotation      1:347 1:779 1:780 1:781 2:1322 5:3698 6:4303
Earth, sun      6:3904—3905
Earth, temperature of      3:1876—1877 3:2084—2085
Earthen mounds      4:2655—2657
Earthquakes      2:1322—1327 2:2323 3:1579 3:1580 3:1582 3:1583—1584
Earthquakes, Asian      1:316
Earthquakes, Australia      1:380 1:382
Earthquakes, Chile      5:3720
Earthquakes, detection      6:3884—3887
Earthquakes, Gangetic Plain      3:1991
Earthquakes, plate tectonics      5:3142
Earthquakes, seismographs      5:3575—3577
Earthquakes, subsidence      6:3882
Earthquakes, tsunamis      6:4121—4123
Earthquakes, Turkey      1:316
Earthworms, brain      1:608 1:609
Earthworms, respiration in      5:3434
Earthworms, soils      5:3691
Earwigs      2:1328
East African Rift      1:63—64 2:1324
East Coast lobsters      See Northern lobsters
East Indian woodcocks      5:3509
Eastern American moles      See Common American moles
Eastern bluebirds      1:585
Eastern cottontails      4:2258
Eastern gray kangaroos      3:2230
Eastern grey squirrels      6:3787
Eastern hop hornbeams      1:545
Eastern lowland gorillas      3:1844
Eastern newts      5:3498
Eastern white pelicans      4:3001 4:3002
Eastern white pines      5:3092
Eating disorders      1:46 2:1328—1331.
Eavesdropping, electronic      6:4159
Ebbinghaus, Hermann      2:1004 4:2486—2487
Ebers Papyrus      2:1183
EBIT (Electron beam ion traps)      4:2704
Ebola virus      2:1331—1333 2:1332 3:1964 6:4235
EbolaReston      3:1964
Ebony      2:1332—1334
EBV (Epstein-Barr virus)      2:1503—1505 6:4043 6:4232
Eccentricity, of Mercury's orbit      4:2502
Eccles, JohnCarew      1:16
ECGs      See Electrocardiograms
Echidna zebra      See Zebra eels
Echidnas      See Spiny anteaters
Echinocactus spp      See Barrel cacti
Echinocystis lobata      See Squirting cucumbers
Echinoderms, paleontology      4:2949—2950
Echis carinatus      See Carpet vipers
Echiuroid worms      2:1334—1335
Echo-sounding devices      6:4164
Echolocation      1:453—454 1:810 2:1335—1336
Echoviruses      6:4234
Eckert, J.Presper      2:991
Eclipses      1:263 2:1336—1341 2:1337 2:1338t—1339t 4:2635
Eclipsing binaries      1:495 1:495 6:4201
ecliptic coordinates      1:772
Ecliptic light      See Zodiacal light
Ecological climaxes      2:898—899
Ecological disturbance      2:1259 2:1259—1260
Ecological economics      2:1341—1343 6:3924
Ecological integrity      2:1343—1346
Ecological monitoring      2:1346—1349
Ecological physiology      5:3082
Ecological productivity      2:1349
Ecological psychology      4:3012
Ecological pyramids      2:1349—1351 2:1350
Ecological stress      2:1343—1344 6:3867—3868
Ecology      2:1351—1354 2:2352.
Ecology of carnivorous plants      1:732
Ecology of mangrove forests      4:2431
Ecology of mycorrhizae      4:2692—2693
Ecology, Africa      1:68
Ecology, chemical warfare and      2:829
Ecology, community      2:962—963
Ecology, coral reefs      2:1060
Ecology, horticulture and      3:2021
Ecology, human      3:2031
Ecology, paleoecology      3:1683 4:2945
Ecology, restoration      5:3440—3443
Ecology, Vietnam      1:70—71
Economics, ecological      2:1341—1343 6:3924
Economics, island      3:2205. See also Sustainable development
Ecosystems      1:514 2:1354.
Ecosystems, agro      1:532
Ecosystems, ammonification in      1:165
Ecosystems, Antarctic      1:214
Ecosystems, deforestation      2:1169—1172
Ecosystems, desertification and      2:1206
Ecosystems, ecological integrity      2:1343—1346
Ecosystems, indicator species and      3:2113
Ecosystems, invasive species and      3:2182—2185
Ecosystems, island      3:2204—2205
Ecosystems, lentic      1:530
Ecosystems, limiting factors in      4:2344
Ecosystems, niche      4:2766—2767
Ecosystems, phosphorus      5:3046
Ecosystems, tropical      1:70—71 1:505 1:507
Ecosystems, wildfires      6:4330—4331
Ecosystems, working      2:1342—1343
Ecotones      2:1354—1356 2:2355 3:2066
Ecotourism      2:1356—1357 4:2431
Ectomycorrhizae      4:2692
Ectopistes migratorius      See Passenger pigeons
Ectoprocts      See Moss animals
Ectotherms      6:3992
Ecuador      5:3719
Edaphosaurus      2:1246
Eddy current inspection      6:3829
Edema      2:1357—1358 2:2358
Edgerton, Harold      6:4168
Edible mushrooms      4:2678—2679
Edison cell      2:1375
Edison Effect      6:4193
Edison, Thomas Alva      2:1411 6:3971
Edison, Thomas Alva, diodes and      6:4193
Edison, Thomas Alva, light bulbs      3:2107
Edison, Thomas Alva, motion pictures      4:2650
Edison, Thomas Alva, phonographs      4:2415 5:3042
Editing, of motion pictures      4:2653
Edmontosaurus      2:1247
Edochondral ossification      4:2912
EDTA      See Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Educational psychology      5:3276
Edwards' syndrome      2:871 2:572
Edwards, Tommie Lee      2:1263
EEGs      See Electroencephalograms
Eel grasses      2:1358
Eels      1:572 6:3770 6:3930 6:4116—4118 6:4227
Effigy mounds      4:2655
Efremov      3:2000
Eggplant      4:2771 4:2772 6:4205
Eggs      3:1664. See also specific animals
Eggs, bird      4:2901—2902
Eggs, dinosaur      2:1244
Eggs, moundbuilders      4:2654—2655
Eggs, salmonella      5:3503
Egrets      3:1980 3:2950 3:1981 3:1982
Egretta thula      See Snowy egrets
Egyptian architecture      1:63 9
Egyptian geese      3:174 8
Egyptian locks      4:2366
Ehman, Jerry      5:3590
Ehrlich, Paul      1:415 2:1490 3:2099 4:2324
Eiffel, Gustav      1:643
Eijkman, Christian      4:2832—2833
Einstein's Cross      3:1865
Einstein's ring      3:1865
Einstein, Albert, black holes and      1:566. See also Relativity theory
Einstein, Albert, Bose-Einstein condensates      1:6 2:1118—1119
Einstein, Albert, cosmological constant      1:491
Einstein, Albert, cosmology and      2:1076
Einstein, Albert, cyclotrons and      2:1142
Einstein, Albert, electromagnetic spectrum and      2:1403 5:3303
Einstein, Albert, kinetic molecular theory      1:625
Einstein, Albert, mass-energy relation      2:1021 2:1472 4:2798 4:2817
Einstein, Albert, on light      1:362 4:2337—2338
Einstein, Albert, photochemistry      5:3050
Einstein, Albert, photoelectric theory      2:988 4:2876 5:3056 5:3080
Einstein, Albert, photons      5:3064—3065
Einstein, Albert, quantum mechanics      1:336
Einstein, Albert, radiation      6:3875
Einstein, Albert, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy      6:3754
Einsteinium      2:1430
Einthoven, William      3:1942
Ekeberg, Anders Gustav      6:4368
Ekofisk      4:2859
El Nino weather events      1:191 2:1149 2:1204 2:1287 2:1358—1361 4:2879
Elaeis guineensis      See African oil palms
Elaeis oleifera      See American oil palms
Elands      2:1361—1363 2:2362
Elapid snakes      2:1363—1365 2:2364
Elasmobranchs      1:742
Elastic cartilage      2:1016
Elasticity      2:1366—1368
Elastomers      2:1367
Elateridae      See Click beetles
Elburz mountains      1:314
Elderly, physical therapy for      5:3078
Eldredge, Niles      5:3290
Electric arcs      2:1368—1369
Electric catfish      1:755
Electric charges      2:1022 2:1369—1370 2:1386—1387
Electric circuits      2:1370 4:2858
Electric conductors      2:1370—1371
Electric currents      2:1371—1373 2:1388
Electric fields      2:1387 2:1398—1399
Electric lamps      3:2108—2109
Electric locomotives      6:4065
Electric motors      2:1373—1375 2:1374
Electric vehicles (EV)      2:1375—1378
Electrical conductivity      2:1368 2:1378—1383
Electrical detectors      5:3326—3327
Electrical energy      2:1472
Electrical generators      See Generators
Electrical power supplies      2:1383—1386
Electrical resistance      2:1371 2:1372 2:1386 2:1388 4:2858
Electrical rockets      3:2217
Electrical stimulation      5:3077
Electrical systems, automotive      1:399—400
electricity      1:792 2:1386—1389 2:1387 5:3080
Electrocardiograms (ECGs)      2:1389—1393 2:1390t 2:1391t 3:1942
Electrochemical cells      1:208 1:791—793
Electrochemistry      1:457 6:4237—4238
Electrodialysis      2:1219
Electroencephalograms (EEGs)      1:378 1:611 2:1393—1394
Electroluminescence      4:2378
Electrolysis      2:1370 2:1394—1397
Electrolytes      1:574 2:862 2:1397—1398
electrolytic capacitors      1:705
Electrolytic cells      1:756 1:792 1:793 2:1084
Electrolytic copper      2:1054—1055
Electrolytic refining      4:2523
Electromagnetic energy      2:1473 2:1474 3:1875 3:1876 5:3410
Electromagnetic fields      2:1398—1400 2:1399 5:3042—3043
Electromagnetic induction      2:1400—1403 2:1400t 2:1402t4:2414
Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs)      4:2819
Electromagnetic radiation      3:1641—1642 3:1950—1951 5:3324—3325 5:3329—3330.
Electromagnetic radiation, astrophysics and      1:340
Electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum and      2:1403—1406 2:1404t
Electromagnetic spectrum      1:366 1:368 2:1228 2:1229—1230 2:1403—1406 2:1404t 3:2134 5:3334 6:3756—3757
Electromagnetic spectrum in qualitative analysis      5:3297—3298
Electromagnetic spectrum, ultraviolet and x rays      3:1875
Electromagnetic wave frequency      4:2877
Electromagnetism      2:1406—1407 4:2412—2413 4:2417—2418 4:2420.
electromotive force (EMF)      2:1374 2:1400 2:1402 2:1407—1408 2:1408t
Electron beam ion traps (EBIT)      4:2704
Electron beams      3:1655
Electron clouds      1:370 2:1380 2:1408 2:1409 2:1410 2:1410—1411
Electron flow      2:1372—1373
electron guns      1:756
Electron impact ionization      3:2191—2192
Electron microscopes      3:1671 4:2551 4:2553—2554
Electron orbitals      4:2611
Electron orbits      1:588—589 5:3306
electron pairs      4:2611
Electron paramagnetic resonance      6:3754
Electron sea model      4:2616 4:2617
Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA)      6:3754
Electron transport chain      1:797 2:1146 5:3426—3427
Electron tubes      1:208 2:1412
Electron-dot structures      See Lewis structures
Electron-probe microanalyzers      4:2551
Electronegativity      2:822
Electronic circuits      3:2150—2151. See also Electric circuits
Electronic eavesdropping      6:4159
Electronic equipment failures      1:704—705
Electronic locks      4:2367
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computers (ENIAC)      1:674
Electronic photography      5:3062—3064
electronics      2:1411—1415
Electrons      1:360 1:368 1:369 1:370 2:1408—1410 2:1409 6:3874. Pauli
Electrons, ionization energy      3:2189—2192
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