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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Marie, Pierre      4:2739
Marijuana      4:2440—2442
Marine environments      1:522 1:531—532 5:3568
Marine iguanas      3:2090
Marine life      4:2855—2856. See also specific marine species
Marine life, oil spills and      4:2861
Marine life, worms      5:3043—3044
Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972      2:1459 5:3547
Marine mutualism      4:2691
Marine Prediction Center      6:4304
Marine regressions      3:1683
Marine transgressions      3:1683
Mariner 10      4:2504 4:2506—2507
Mariner 2      5:3100
Mariner 4      5:3100
Marker, Russell      2:1045
Markhors      3:1839
Marlins      4:2442—2444 4:2443
Marmosets      4:2444—2446 4:2445
Marmota caligata      See Hoary marmots
Marmota marmota      See Alpine marmots
Marmota monax      See Groundhogs
Marmots      4:2446—2448 4:2447 6:3788
MARS      4:2448—2452 4:2449 4:2450 4:2451 5:3702
Mars calendar      1:682
Mars exploration      1:330. See also Sojourner spacecraft
Mars exploration, Climate Orbiter      5:3100
Mars exploration, Global Surveyer      4:2451
Mars exploration, manned spacecraft      5:3741
Mars exploration, Observer      5:3728
Mars exploration, Pathfinder      4:2451 4:2452—2455 5:3099 5:3704 5:3735
Mars exploration, Polar Lander      4:2454
Mars exploration, rovers      4:2454—2455
Mars exploration, space probes      5:3728
Mars exploration, Viking lander      1:330
Mars, atmosphere      5:3100 5:3102
Mars, balloons and      1:427
Mars, colonization      5:3735
Mars, parallax of      1:335
Mars, planetary geology      5:3104
Marsden, Ernest      1:140 6:3875 6:4133
Marsh gas      See Methane
Marsh, George Perkins      2:1017
Marsh, Othniel C.      2:1244
Marshall, Barry      2:1237
Marshes      1:531 6:4319—4320
Marshes, alluvial systems and      1:137
Marshes, gases      1:179
Marsupial cats      4:2455—2456
Marsupial rats and mice      4:2456
Marsupials      4:2428—2429 4:2456—2457.
Marsupium      3:2229
Martens      4:2457—2458
Martes americana      See Pine martens
Martian      4:2451
Martin, A.J.P.      2:868
Martin, Pierre Emile      6:3824
Martins      6:3927—3928
Martins, T.      1:667
MARVs (Maneuverable reentry vehicles)      1:423
MARVS (Miniature autonomous robotic vehicles)      4:2557—2558
Mary Queen of Scots      4:2510
Mary Rose      4:2718
Masai ostriches      3:1631
Mascheroni, Lorenzo      2:1025
Masers      2:1414 4:2281 4:2458
Masi, Gianluca      2:820
Masked boobies      1:594
Maslow, Abraham      5:3276
Mason bees      1:472
Masonry      6:3850—3854
Mass      4:2458—2459. See also Atomic mass
Mass exchange binaries      1:495—496
Mass extinctions      1:506 2:1554—1556 3:1687 4:2459—2461 4:2588
Mass measurements      4:2541
Mass mortality      3:1686—1687
Mass numbers      1:370 4:2461
Mass production      1:396 4:2461—2464 4:2463
Mass spectrometry      4:2465 5:3298
Mass spectrometry for molecular weights      4:2612
Mass spectrometry, ionization      3:2191—2192
Mass transit      See Mass transportation
Mass transportation      4:2411—2412 4:2465—2468 4:2466
Mass wasting      4:2274—2275 4:2468—2471 4:2469
Mass, conservation      2:1021 3:1949—1950
Mass, lunar      4:2635
Mass, Mercurian      4:2506
Mass, neutrinos      4:2752—2753
Mass, stars      6:3796—3697
Mass-energy relation (Einstein)      2:1021 2:1472 4:2798 4:2817.
Massage      5:3077—3078
Massive compact halo objects (MACHOs)      3:1865
Mast cells      3:1994
Master Car Builders'Association      6:4066
Matamatas      6:4145
Material dispersion      3:1603
Materials processing, lasers in      4:2284
Materials recovery facility (MRF)      5:3384
Maternal age, chromosomal abnormalities and      2:873—874
Maternal diseases, birth defects and      1:556
Maternal progesterone      1:551—552
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy      See Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Mathematics      4:2471—2472. See also specific branches and topics in mathematics
Matrices      2:980 4:2346—2347 4:2472—2475
Matrix algebra      1:123—124
Matter      4:2475. See also specific states and types of matter
Matterhorn      2:1531
Matteucci, Carlo      3:1942
Matteucia struthiopteris      See Ostrich ferns
Matthei, H.      2:927
Matthews, Drummond      5:3142
Maturation promoting factor (MPF)      4:2484
Mauchly, John      2:991
Maudslay, Henry      4:2367
Mauna Kea Observatory      1:337 4:2729 6:3985
Mauna Loa Observatory      6:3984—3985
Maunder minimum      4:2475—2477 4:2944
Maunder, E.Walter      4:2476 5:3695
Mauritius kestrels      3:1574
Maury, Antonia      6:3748
Maury, Matthew Fontaine      4:2855—2856 6:4163
Mavica$\textregistered$ cameras      5:3062
MAVS (Micro-air vehicles)      4:2557
Maxim, Hiram      3:2107
Maxima      4:2477—2479 4:2478t 4:2479t
Maximum-usable frequency (MUF)      5:3336
Maxwell Montes      6:4209
Maxwell's equations      2:1399—1400 2:1403 5:3079 5:3327—3328 5:3333
Maxwell, James Clerk, kinetic molecular theory      1:625
Maxwell, James Clerk, on electromagnetism      2:1406 2:1407 2:1473 4:2417—2418 5:3303 5:3406
Maxwell, James Clerk, on light waves      1:367 1:588 4:2337
Maxwell, James Clerk, on planetary rings      5:3109 5:3516
Mayan civilization      1:276
Mayan civilization, astronomy and      1:336
Mayan civilization, calendar      1:263
Mayan civilization, sacred wells of      4:2719
Mayflies      4:2479—2481 4:2480
Mayor, Michel      5:3099
Mayr, Ernst      2:1541 6:3960
MBE (Molecular beam epitaxy)      4:2703
McCarty, Maclyn      3:1749
McCollum, Elmer      1:670
McCormick, Cyrus H.      1:77 1:78
McCormick, Katherine      2:1045
McCown's longspurs      5:3744
McCrae, John      5:3188
McDonnell Mountain Range      1:383
MCH (Major histocompatability complexes)      1:390
McKay's buntings      5:3744
McKay, Frederick      3:1646
McKee, Alexander      4:2718
McKinley, Frederick      5:3396
McMillan, E.M.      2:1429
McMurdo Station, Antarctica      6:4171
MDs (MiniDiscs)      5:3043
Mead, Margaret      2:1525
Meade Patera      6:4212
Meadow buttercups      1:651
Meadow mushrooms      4:2679
Meadow voles      6:4256
Mealies      See Com (Maize)
Mean      4:2481
Measles      2:840—841 6:4192
Measure of fit test      See Chi-square test
Measurements      See also Units and standards
Measurements, error      2:1513—1514
Measurements, length      4:2541—2542
Measurements, mass      4:2541
Measurements, ocean currents      2:1132
Measurements, solar irradiance      6:4053
Measurements, stellar distances      1:489—490
Measurements, volume      6:4257
Meats      3:1664
Mechanical advantage      4:2403—2404
Mechanical manipulation      5:3077—3078
Mechanical weathering      2:1509 6:4310
Mechanical working      4:2524—2525
Medawar, Peter      6:4082—4083
Median      4:2481
Median nerve      1:735
Medical genetics      4:2481—2482
Medical history      2:1217
Medical marijuana      4:2440—2441 4:2442
Medicinal plants      See also Herbal medicine; specific plants
Medicinal plants, composite family      2:976—977
Medicinal plants, goldenseal      3:1841—1842
Medicinal plants, yews      6:4366—4367
Medicine, alternative      1:143—148
Medicine, biological rhythms and      1:518
Medicine, gene cloning and      2:900—901
Medicine, herbal      1:144—145 3:1970—1972 3:1971
Medicine, lasers in      4:2284 4:2285—2289 4:2257 4:2557
Medicine, magnesium sulfate in      4:2410
Medicine, nuclear      4:2807—2809
Medicine, patent      2:919
Medicine, sports      4:2417
Medicine, ultrasound in      6:4158—4159
Medicine, virtual reality in      6:4228
Medicine, x rays in      6:4357
Medieval architecture      1:641 -64 2
Medieval Climatic Optimum      4:2944
Medieval locks      4:2366
Mediterranean desert      2:1531—1533
Mediterranean sea      1:314 1:315 1:316
Medium range ballistic missiles (MRBMs)      1:422
Medulla      1:55
Medulla oblongata      1:610
Medusae      See Jellyfish
Meerkats      4:2623
Mefloquine      4:2425
MEG (Magnetoencephalography)      1:612
Megacephalon      See Moundbuilders
Megaceryle alcyon      See Belted kingfishers
Megachiroptera      1:452 1:453
Megaladapidae      5:3230
Megalaima rafflesii      See Red-crowned barbets
Megaloblastic anemia      1:192
Megaloceros gigantus      See Irish elk
Megalopidae      6:3953
Megalops atlantic us      6:3953
Megalops cyprinoides      6:3953
Megalops spp.      6:3953
Megalosaurus      2:1244
Megaphylls      4:2300—2301
Megapodes      See Moundbuilders
Megaptera novaeangliae      See Humpback whales
Meiosis      1:789 1:790 2:870—871 2:878—879 4:2483—2485
Meissner effect      6:3910 6:3912
Meister, Joseph      6:4190
Meitner, Lise      4:2797
Mekong delta      1:317—318
Melaleuca spp      See Paperbark
Melanerpes formicivorus      See Acom woodpeckers
Melanomas      4:2688 6:4244—4245.
Melatonin      1:516 1:517
Melbourne, Australia      1:3 82
Meleagris gallopavo      See Wild turkeys
Meles meles      See Eurasian badgers
Melia azedarach      See Chinaberries
Melies, Georges      4:2650
Melons      3:1846
Melopsittacus undulatus      See Budgerigars
Melospiza georgiana      See Swamp sparrows
Melospiza lincolnii      See Lincoln's sparrows
Melospiza melodia      See Song sparrows
Melursus ursinus      See Sloth bears
Membrane system, cell      1:782—784
Membranes      4:2485 4:2485
Membranes, ionexhange      3:2188—2189
Membranes, lipids and      4:2348—2349
Memorization      4:2486
Memory      1:482 1:611 4:2486—2492
Memory cells      3:2097
Memory disorders      3:2248—2249 4:2486 4:2490—2491.
Memory, computer      2:995—996
Memory, dementia and      2:1177
Memory, digital recording and      2:1239
Memory, neurotransmitters and      4:2149
Memory, vision and      6:4237
MEMS (Micro electrical mechanical systems)      4:2557—2558
Mendel, Gregor Johann      1:540 1:598 2:880 2:1190 2:1539 3:1751 3:1774 4:2492 5:3117 5:3173
Mendel, Gregor Johann, mutations      4:2689
Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovitch      1:367 2:1423 2:1426 2:1430 2:1553 4:3017 4:3018 4:3019 4:3020
Mendelevium      2:1430
Mendelian disorders      3:1763
Mendelian genetics      4:2492 4:2492—2493 4:249 3
Mengele, Josef      2:1263—1264
Menhadens, Atlantic      3:1983
Meninges      1:609 4:2493
Meningitis      4:2493—2496
Meningomyelocele      3:2052—2053
Menopause      2:1226 3:1898 4:2496—2498 4:2500 5:3417
Menstrual cycles      3:1898 3:2010—2011 4:2498—2500 4:2499 5:3286
Menstruation      4:2499—2500 5:3416
Mental disorders      See specific mental disorders
Menten, Maud      2:1494
Mentha spp.      4:2590
Menthaceae      See Mint family
Menura alberti      See Prince Albert lyrebirds
Menville, C.R      4:2496
Mephitis mephitis      See Skunks
Mercalli scale      2:1324
Mercator projections      4:2289
Mercurian      4:2507. See also Electromagnetism
Mercurian paleomagnetism      4:2945—2948
Mercurian subsurface detection      6:3885—3886
Mercuric oxide/zinc cells      1:458
Mercurous chloride      4:2500—2501
Mercury (Element)      2:1424 4:2501—2502 6:4060
Mercury (Element) from solid waste incineration      3:2111
Mercury (Element), biomagnification      1:525—526
Mercury (Element), poisoning      4:2501—2502
Mercury (Planet)      1:775 4:2502—2508 4:2503t 4:2504 4:2505 4:2506 5:3702
Mercury (Planet), atmosphere      5:3100 5:3101 5:3102
Mercury (Planet), orbit of      5:3402
Mercury (Planet), space probes      5:3728
Mercury (Planet), spacecraft      5:3736
Mercury barometers      1:354 1:441—442
Mercury vapor lamps      1:260
Mergansers      2:1288 2:1290
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