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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Quantum theory of light      See Quantum electrodynamics
Quarantine, for SARS      5:3593
Quarks      1:360 1:363—364 1:371 5:3308—3310 6:3792 6:3793 6:3793f 6:3876—3877
Quasar 3C273      5:3310—3311 5:3312
Quasars      3:1725 4:2569 5:3310—3312 5:3311 5:3340 6:3815—3816 6:4354
Quasi-stellar objects (QSOs)      5:3311 5:3340
Quasi-stellar radio sources      See Quasars
Qubits      5:3302
Queen Anne's-lace      1:738
Queen bees      1:472
Queen butterflies      2:1088—1089
Queen Elizabeth I      3:1826
Queensland groupers      1:450
Queloz, Didier      5:3099
Quenching      5:3331—3332
Quercus spp      See Oaks
Quercus suber      See Cork oaks
Quetelet, Lambert      3:1810
Quetzals      5:3312—3313 6:4100
Quick-freezing      3:1660
Quicksilver      See Mercury (Element)
Quillworts      4:2382
Quinine      1:128—129 5:3313—3314
Quokka      3:2231
R.U.R.(Capek)      5:3468
Rabbit fish      See Chimaeras
Rabbits      3:1605f 3:2184 4:2257—2260 4:2360 5:3578
Rabies      5:3315—3318 5:3316
Rabies vaccines      1:228 6:4190
Raccoons      5:3317 5:3318—3319 5:3319
Racquet-tailed rollers      5:3481
Radar      2:1404 2:1411 5:3319—3322 5:3321
Radar domes, geodesic      3:1791
Radar, aircraft and      1:98 1:102
Radar, SONAR      5:3713
Radar, storm detection      6:4107—4108
Radar, towers      5:3329—3330
Radarsat-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system      5:3410 5:3411
Radial ball bearings      1:421
Radial drills      4:2398
Radial keratotomy      5:3322—3324 5:3323
Radian      1:200
Radiation      1:368 5:3324—3325.
Radiation as mutagen      4:2687
Radiation belts      6:4182 6:4195—4198 6:4197
Radiation detectors      5:3325—3327 5:3326 6:4195
Radiation exposure      4:2378 5:3327—3331
Radiation fog      3:1650
Radiation, beta      5:3344
Radiation, blackbody      1:570 3:1951
Radiation, cosmic background      1:492 2:1072—1073
Radiation, ecosystems and      2:1344
Radiation, fossil      2:1073
Radiation, Hawking      1:568
Radiation, Henri Becquerel and      1:368
Radiation, hypothermia from      3:2077
Radiation, ionizing      3:2192 3:2193
Radiation, Marie and Pierre Curie and      1:368
Radiation, microwave      2:1072 4:2458
Radiation, nonionizing      5:3347
Radiation, solar      1:354—355 3:1875—1876 3:2084—2085
Radiation, synchrotron      1:565 6:4358
Radiation, thermal      3:1951
Radiatively active gases (RAGs)      See Greenhouse gases
Radicals (Atomic)      5:3331—3332
Radicals (Mathematics)      5:3332—3333
Radio      5:3333—3338 5:3335 6:4159.
Radio astronomy      1:38 1:337 1:338 4:2899 5:3338—3341 5:3589—3590 6:3986
Radio broadcasts      2:1411
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)      2:1411 4:2651
Radio Detection And Ranging      See Radar
Radio galaxies      1:38 3:1725 5:3340
Radio telescopes      5:3288—3289 5:3338—3339 6:3986
Radio towers      5:3335
Radio waves      1:38 2:1404 2:1405 2:1407 4:3015 4:3016f 4:3017 5:3289 5:3341—3343
Radio waves, antennas      1:219—220
Radio waves, LORAN and      4:2373—2374
Radio waves, missiles      5:3475
Radioactive clocks      3:1794—1795
Radioactive dating      1:35 1:376 2:1071 2:1156 2:1243 5:3343—3344
Radioactive decay      3:1794 3:1902 5:3344—3345 5:3347 5:3355
Radioactive elements      2:1321 4:3022.
Radioactive fallout      1:92 4:2821 5:3345—3346
Radioactive isotopes      See Radioisotopes
Radioactive pollution      5:3346—3350
Radioactive tracers      4:2807—2808 5:3350—3352 5:3351f 5:3356
Radioactive wastes      5:3352—3355
Radioactivity      1:35 1:139—140 6:4178—4179
Radiocarbon dating      1:266 1:273 2:1155 2:1156—1157 2:1545 4:2657 5:3618—3619
Radiography, of metals      6:3829
Radioisotopes      1:140 1:375—376 3:1902 3:2210 5:3355—3356
Radiolocation navigation systems      3:2124
Radiology      5:3356—3359
Radiometric age determination      3:1794—1796
Radiometric dating      3:1796
Radionuclides      4:2807—2808 5:3344
Radiopharmaceuticals      See Radioactive tracers
Radiotherapy      1:697 2:1358 3:1998 4:2819 5:3325 5:3329 5:3354—3356
Radishes      4:2683—2684 6:4206
Radium      1:128 6:4179
Radon      1:140 1:727 3:2116—2117 5:3329 5:3347—3348 5:3359 5:3371 5:3372 6:4179
Radon-222      5:3348
RAGs (Radiatively active gases)      See Greenhouse gases
Ragweeds      2:977 2:978
Railroads      6:4062—4067 6:4063
Rails      5:3359—3361
Railway cars, refrigerated      5:3395—3396
Rain      See Precipitation
Rain clouds      See Nimbus clouds
Rainbow-birds      1:469
Rainbows      1:352 2:940 5:3361—3362
Rainfall      See Precipitation
Rainforests      5:3362—3366 5:3363
Rainforests, Amazon      5:37 22
Rainforests, climate      6:4088
Rainforests, conferous      6:4090
Rainforests, evergreen tropical      1:530
Rainforests, South American      5:3719 5:3720 5:3722
Rainforests, temperate      1:528 5:3364—3365
Rainforests, temperate evergreen      3:1676
Rainforests, tropical      3:1676—1677
Rainforests, wildfires      6:4329—4330
Rainforests, wildlife      6:4333
Rallus elegans      See King rails
Rallus limicola      See Virginia rails
Rallus longirostris      See Clapper rails
RAM technology      2:1415
Raman spectroscopy      6:3754—3755
Ramapithecus      3:2033
Ramjets      3:2217—2218
Ramon y Cajal, Santiago      4:2744
Ramp landfill method      4:2270
Ramphastos      See Toucans
Ramphorhynchus gemming      See Pterosaurs
Rampino, M.R.      4:2460
Ramsay, William      1:140 5:3371
Ramus (French priest)      3:2055
Rana catesbeiana      See American bullfrogs
Rana pipiens      See Leopard frogs
Randolph, Thomas Mann      2:1041
Random (Mathematics)      5:3366—3367
Random magnets      4:2420—2421
Random samples      5:3505
Random-access memory      See RAM technology
Range of motion exercises      2:1556—1557
Rangelands      2:1207 5:3367—3368
Rangifer tarandus      See Reindeer
Rangifer tarandus caribou      See Barrenground caribou
Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus      See Barren-ground caribou
Rangifer tarandus pearyi      See Peary caribou
Rankine scale      6:3991
Rankine, William      6:3991 6:4138
Ranoidea      3:1704
Ranunculus acris      See Meadow buttercups
Ranunculus spp.      1:651
Rapeseed      4:2684
Raphanus sativus      See Radishes
Raphus cucullatus      See Dodos
Rapid eye movement      See REM
Raptors      3:2140 5:3369—3371.
Rare earth metals, magnetic      4:2418
Rare gases      2:1419 5:3371—3373
Rare genotype advantage      5:3373
Raspberries      3:1972 4:3026—3027 5:3485 6:4331
Rat fish      See Chimaeras
Rat fleas, Oriental      3:1626
Rat-kangaroos      3:2231—2232
Rat-like hamsters      3:1915
Rates      5:3373—3374
Rates of change      1:616—677
Rathje, William L.      2:1520
ratio      1:278 5:3374
Rational numbers      1:50 1:253 2:1085—1086 2:1086f 3:1606 3:2131 5:3374—3375
rationalization      5:3375—3376
Ratios      3:1691
Ratites      3:1629—1633
Rats      5:3376—3379 5:3377.
Rattlesnakes      6:4220
Rattus norvegicus      See Norway rats
Rattus rattus      See Black rats
Raven, Peter      1:506
Ravens      2:1113—1114 4:2902
Ravenscroft, George      3:1826—1827
Ravi River      1:318
Rayleigh scattering      5:3379 6:3754
Rayleigh waves      2:1324
Rayleigh, Baron (John William Strutt)      5:3304 5:3371 5:3379 5:3712
Rays (fish)      1:742 5:3379—3380 5:3380
Razor-billed auks      1:375
RCA (Radio Corporation of America)      2:1411
RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)      3:19 28
Reactants      1:38
Reaction catalysts      2:826 2:827
Read method      1:555
Reading, dyslexia and      2:1303
Reagan, Ronald      3:2168 4:2784 5:3739
Real numbers      1:50 1:323 3:2092 5:3380—3381 5:3381f
Real numbers, analytic geometry and      1:183
Real numbers, arithmetic      1:277—279
Real numbers, inequalities of      3:2122—2123
Real numbers, infinity      3:2131
Real numbers, limits and      4:2342—2343
Reality engines, in virtual systems      6:4226
Reapers      See Harvesting machines
Rear projection, in motion pictures      4:2653
Reasoning      1:482
Reassortment, genetic      6:4222
Reaumur, Antoine Ferchault de      2:1450
Reber, Grote      5:3340
Rebound headaches      4:2562
Recall, in memory research      4:2490
Recapitulation theory      2:1211
Recessive genes      3:1764 4:2492
Recessive genetic disorders      3:1765—1766
Recessive traits      3:1777
Reciprocal altruism      1:148
Reciprocals      5:3381
Reciprocating internal combustion engines      3:2165
Reciprocating saws      4:2399
Recognition, in memory research      4:2489—2490
Recombinant DNA      1:540 2:1194 2:1265 2:1266 3:1757 5:3381—3382 5:3382f
Recombinant DNA, Ebola virus and      2:1332
Recombinant DNA, technology      3:1755
Recombinant Vaccines      See DNA vaccines
Recombination, genetic      3:1777 6:4222
Reconstructive memory theories      4:2487
Recordable CDs      2:968
Recording, digital      2:1238—1240 5:3043 6:4217
Recording, magnetic      4:2412—2415 4:2413f 4:2414f
recording, video      6:4214—4218 6:4225 6:4216
Recrystallization      3:2081
Rectangles      3:1801 5:3295 5:3295 5:3382 5:3382f
Rectangular cartesian plane      1:740—741
Rectangular coordinate system      See Cartesian coordinate system
rectifiers      3:1904
Recurrence relations      2:953
Recurvirostra americana      See American avocets
Recurvirostra andina      See Andean avocets
Recurvirostra avosetta      See Avocets
recycling      4:2273 5:3183—1384 5:3382—3386 5:3383 6:4280
Recycling, lead and      4:2296
Recycling, stellar      3:2178
Recycling, sustainable development      6:3926
Red alders      1:545
Red algae      1:117—118 1:119 1:120 5:3267—3268
Red blood cells      1:191 1:574 1:575—578 2:890
Red bread mold      3:1716
Red cedars      5:3364
Red clover      1:472 4:2311
Red colobus monkeys      2:939
Red deer      2:1167
Red foxes      2:1544
Red giant stars      4:2796 5:3386—3389 5:3387f 5:3388f 6:3830—3831.
Red giant stars, Antares      6:3799
Red giant stars, star groups      6:3837—3838
Red giant stars, sun      6:3905
Red giant stars, supergiants      6:3838—3839
Red giant stars, typical      6:3841—3842
Red guenons      3:1890
Red Hat$\textregistered$      4:2872
Red howler monkeys      4:2760
Red jungle fowls      5:3037
Red kangaroos      3:2229 3:2230
Red knots      5:3508
Red mangroves      4:2430 4:2430
Red maples      4:2437
Red missile pepper plants      4:2771
Red mites      See Spider mites
Red oaks      4:2841
Red pandas      4:2963
Red pines      5:3092
Red planet      See Mars
Red poppies      5:3188
Red Queen hypothesis      5:3373
Red raspberries      3:1972 4:3026—3027 6:4331
Red River      1:318
Red Sea      1:314 1:315
Red spruces      6:3781
Red squirrels      6:3788
Red tides      1:116 1:120—121 1:520 4:2788 5:3389—3390 6:4290
Red uakaris      4:2759
Red wolves      1:700 1:702
Red-backed sakis      4:2759
Red-backed salamanders      5:3496
Red-backed sandpipers      5:3508
Red-backed squirrel monkeys      4:2758
Red-banded thrips      6:4024
Red-bellied newts      5:3497
Red-breasted geese      3:1748
Red-breasted nuthatches      4:2831
Red-cockaded woodpeckers      2:1460—1461 4:2864—2865 6:4345—4346
Red-crowned barbets      1:432
Red-crowned cranes      2:1094
Red-crowned parrots      4:2981
Red-eyed vireos      6:4223 6:4223
Red-footed boobies      1:594
Red-headed trogons      6:4101
Red-legged thrushes      6:4026
Red-necked grebes      3:1874
Red-necked phalar opes      5:3508
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