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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) |
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Streak color 4:2573 4:2578
Stream capacity and competence 5:3567 6:3862—3863
Stream channels 6:3863—3864 6:3864
Stream valleys 6:3863 6:3864
Strengthening exercises 2:1557
Strepsiptera 6:3864—3865
Streptococcus pneumonias 1:4 09 5:3156 5:3157
Streptococcus pyogenes 5:3450 6:4043
Streptopelia chinensis See Spotted doves
Streptopelia decaocto See Collared doves
Streptopelia risoria See Ringed turtle doves
Streptopelia turtur See Turtle doves
Stress (Ecology) 2:1343—1344 6:3867—3868
Stress (Physiology) 3:2010 6:3865—3867
Stresses and strains, metal fatigue and 4:2519
Strigiformes 5:3369—3371
Strike-slip faults 3:1581 3:2552
String theory 6:3868—3869
Strip mining 2:909—910 4:2580 4:2580
Strip-cutting 3:1673—1674
Striped bass 1:449 1:450
Striped hyenas 3:2068—2069
Striped marlins 4:2443
Stripers See Striped bass
Stripped tenrecs 6:3994
Strix occidentalis See Spotted owls
Strix occidentalis caurina See Northern spotted owls
Stroboscopes 4:2649
strokes 6:3869—3871 6:3870
Strokes, hypertension and 3:2073
Strokes, pneumonia and 5:315 5—3156
Strokes, sickle cell anemia and 5:3629
Stromatolites 6:3871—3872 6:3872
Strong force 3:1849
Strontium 1:127
STRs (Short tandem repeats) 2:1263
Structural basins 1:448
Structural formulas 3:1679—1681 3:2650 4:2609 4:2625 4:2615—2616
Structural isomerism 3:2206
Structure of the human body 1:187
Structured illumination 4:2402
Structured programming 2:994
Structured Query Language (SQL) 2:994
Strum, Shirley C 1:408
Struthio camelus See Ostriches
Strutt, John William 5:3304
Strychnine 1:130
Strychnos nux-vomica See Nux vomica trees
STS See Space Transportation System (STS)
Sturgeon, William 6:3971
Sturgeons 6:3872—3873 6:3873
Stylis 4:2860
Stylophorum diphy Hum See Celandine poppies
Styrene-butadiene (SBR) 5:3185
Suanpan 1:2
Sub-irrigation 3:2200
Sub-surface mining 2:909
Subatomic particles 1:241 2:1074 6:3873—3879 6:3874 6:3877f 6:3878f.
Subatomic particles, neutrinos 4:2752—2753
Subatomic particles, quantum electrodynamics and 5:3303—3304
Subatomic particles, spin of 6:3765—3766
Subatomic particles, Thomson, J.J. on 1:368
Subatomic particles, wave nature of 5:3080
Subduction 2:1031
Subduction zones 6:4250—4251
Sublevel caving 4:2581
Submarine canyons 2:1037—1038
Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) 1:422
Submarines 5:3712—3713 6:3880—3881 6:3881 6:4165—4166
Submergent coasts 2:912
Submersibles 4:2556 6:4165—4166 6:4167—4169
subsets 2:952
Subsidence 6:3881—3884
Substance abuse, ADHD 1:376
Substance abuse, chemical addictions 1:44—45
Subsurface detection 6:3884—3887
Subsurface microbiology See Geomicrobiology
Subsurface mining 4:2519
Subtraction 6:3887—3888. See also Arithmetic
Subtraction of matrices 4:2473
Subtraction, fractions 3:1692
Subtraction, integers in 3:2148
Subtractive light mixtures 2:943
Subtropical evergreen forests 3:1676
Subtropical forests 3:1676
Subtropical jets 4:2633
Suburban planning 4:2268—2269
Subways 4:2466
Succession 1:515 1:629—630 6:3888—3891
Successive bisection 3:2211
Suckers 6:3891—3892
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 6:3892—3895
Suess, Eduard 1:536 2:1034
Sugar beets 1:474 6:3895
Sugar maples 4:2437 4:2437—2438
Sugarcane 6:3895 6:3895—3896
Sugars 1:713 3:1663—1664 4:2615
Suicide, cell 1:788 1:789
Suillotaxus marchei See Calamian stink badgers
Sula dactylatra See Blue-faced boobies
Sula leucogaster See Brown boobies
Sula nebouxii See Blue-footed boobies
Sula spp See Boobies
Sula sula See Red-footed boobies
Sula variegata See Peruvian boobies
Sulfide dioxide 6:3897
Sulfur 3:2119—2120 4:2836 6:3896—3897
Sulfur cycle 6:3897—3899 6:3898
Sulfur dioxide 1:18 1:19 1:20 1:24 1:61 6:3899—3900
Sulfur dioxide from solid waste incineration 3:2111
Sulfur dioxide, indoor emissions of 3:2116
Sulfur mustard See Mustard gas
Sulfuric acid 1:26 6:3900
Sulidae 1:593
Sulston, John 1:789
Sumac 1:749 1:750
Sumatran rhinoceroses 5:3452
Summer solstice 5:3699 5:3700 5:3708
Summer tanagers 6:3951
Sumner, J.B. 1:502
Sumner, James 2:1494
Sun 1:780 6:3794—3795 6:3900—3905 6:3901 6:3902 6:3903.
Sun bears 1:464
Sun pillars 1:352—353
Sun, activity cycle 5:3693—3697 5:3696f
Sun, atmospheric temperature and 1:354—355
Sun, death of 6:3800
Sun, Mercury and 4:2502—2504 4:2503
Sun, Milky Way and 3:1957—1959
Sun, optical phenomena and 1:352—353
Sun, planets and 5:3101 5:3102
Sun, prominence 5:3700—737 01
Sun, seasonal/diumal illumination 5:3556—3557 5:3698—3700 5:3699 5:3708
Sun, total solar irradiance 6:4051—4054
Sun, Venus and 6:4207—4208
Sun, weather 6:4302—4303
Sun, x rays and 6:4353—4354
Sunbirds 6:3905—3906
Sundews 1:733 1:734
Sundogs 1:352—353
Sunflowers 2:976
Sunhemp 4:2312
Sunken ships 4:2716—2719
Sunrise 1:780
Sunset 1:780
Sunspots 3:2084 4:2475—2476 5:3700 6:3906—3908 6:3907 6:4052
Sunspots, Galileo Galilei 5:3694 6:3834 6:3900—3901 6:3908
Sunspots, telescopes 6:3980
Superb lyrebirds 4:2389 4:2389—2390
Superclusters 6:3908—3909
| Superconducting magnets 4:2411 4:2421
Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) 4:2419—2420
Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) 1:12 5:3409
Superconductivity 2:1119
Superconductors 2:1371 6:3909—3913 6:3910f 6:3911f 6:3912
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) 2:868
Superfund 2:1026 2:1027 3:1927 3:1928
Supergiants 3:1986—1987
Superhighways See Freeways
Supernovas 1:336 4:2754 4:2796 6:3913—3915.
Supernovas, Crab Nebula and 1:335
Supernovas, elements 2:1432
Supernovas, evolution of 1:336 6:4201—4202
Supernovas, star creation 6:3802—3803
Supernovas, Type I 6:4326
Supernovas, types of 6:3833
Supernovas, x rays from 6:4354
Superposition 2:1069 5:3302
Supersaurus 1:1141
Supersonic aircraft 1:97
Supersonic speed 1:58—59
Suppressants, appetite 1:437
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) 1:516
Surface currents 2:1131
Surface irrigation 3:2198 3:2199—2200
Surface mining 2:909—910 4:2519 4:2580—2581
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1997 4:2580
Surface tension 6:3915—3916 6:3916
Surface texture 4:2401
Surface water hydrology 3:2064
Surfactants 1:504
Surfbirds 5:3508
Surgery 6:3916—3922 6:3919
Surgery, anemia and 1:191
Surgery, anesthesia and 1:193 1:194
Surgery, arthroscopic 1:289—290 4:2903—2904
Surgery, bariatrics 1:436—437
Surgery, cancer and 1:696—697
Surgery, curare in 2:1129
Surgery, dental 2:1184—1185
Surgery, gastric bypass 1:436
Surgery, heart 3:1943 3:1947
Surgery, laser 4:2284 4:2285—2289 4:2257 4:2557
Surgery, microsurgery 4:2557
Surgery, neurosurgery 4:2744—2747 4:2956
Surgery, orthopedic 4:2903
Surgery, pacemakers 4:2940
Surgery, palliative 1:697
Surgery, plastic 5:3127—3130
Surgery, prenatal 5:3220—3225 5:3221 5:3223
Surgery, prosthetics 5:3251—3256 5:3252 5:3255
Surgery, psychosurgery 5:3281—3284
Surgery, radial keratotomy 5:3322—3324 5:3323
Surgery, thoracic 6:4022—4033
Surgery, transplants 6:4082—4087
Suriname 5:3722
Surveying instruments 6:3922
Survival of the fittest 6:3922—3923. See also Selection
Sus barbatus See Bearded pigs
Sus salvanius See Pygmy hogs
Sus scrofa See Pigs
Sus verrucosus See Javan pigs
Suspension bridges 1:618—619
Sussman, Gerald 5:3153
sustainable development 2:1018 2:1341—1343 6:3923—3926
Sutherland, Ivan 3:2010 6:4225
Sutlej River 1:318
Sutton, Walter 3:1775
Svecofennian Mountains 2:1528—1529
Sveda, Michael 2:1138
Svedberg, Theodor 1:804 6:4155
Swainson's hawks 3:1925
Swainson's thrushes 6:4027
Swallows 6:3927—3928 6:3928
Swammerdam, Jan 2:1450
Swamp cypress family 6:3928—3930 6:3929
Swamp eels 6:3930
Swamp guenons 3:1890
Swamp sparrows 5:3743
Swamps 1:531 5:3723 6:4319
Swan, Joseph 3:2107
Swans 6:3930—3932 6:3931
Swanson, Robert 3:1768
Sweat 2:1144
Sweat bees 1:472
Swedish X2000 train 6:4066
Sweet chestnuts 1:469—470 1:470 2:834
Sweet gale family 6:3932
Sweet grass 3:1860
Sweet oranges 2:895—896
Sweet potatoes 5:3635 6:3932—3933
Sweet sorghums 5:3715
Sweet violets See English violets
Sweets (Food) 3:1663—1664
Swietenia mahogani See Mahogany
Swietenia spp See American mahogany
Swift, Gustavus Franklin 5:3396
Swifts 6:3933—3934
Swim bladders 3:1616—1617
Swine flu 3:2133
Swing bridges 1:619
Swiss chard 1:474 1:475
Switches, railroad 6:4066
Switching power supplies 2:1385
Swordfish 6:3934
Sycamores, American 5:3097—3098
Sydenham, Thomas 4:2496
Sydney Basin 1:384
Sydney Harbor 1:384
Sydney, Australia 1:382
Sylvilagus floridanus See Eastern cottontails
Symbiogenesis 3:1718
Symbiosis 4:2310—2311 6:3934—3936 6:3935.
Symbolic logic 6:3937—3941
Symbols (Chemical) 6:3937
Symmetry 2:1111—1112 6:3941—3942
Sympathetic stimulation 3:1938
Symphalangus spp. 3:1815
Symplo carpus foetidus See Skunk cabbages
Synapses 4:1144 4:2747 6:3942—3943
Synchrocyclotrons 2:1142
Synchronous rotation 4:2504
Synchrotron radiation 1:565 6:4358
Synchrotrons 1:12 2:1142
Synclines 3:1652
Syndromes 6:3943
Syngameon 2:1548
Synge, R.L.M. 2:868
Synodic month 1:781 2:1340
Synthesis (Chemical) 6:3943—3944
Synthesizers, music 6:3944—3945
Synthesizers, voice 6:3945—3946
Synthetic adhesives 1:52
Synthetic fertilizers 2:982
Synthetic fibers 1:292
Synthetic fungicides 3:1718—1719
Synthetic gas 4:2539
Synthetic insecticides See Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Synthetic ion exchangers 3:2186—2188
Synthetic pyrethroids 3:2138
Synthetic resins 5:3420f 5:3421f 5:3422
Syphilis 5:3604 5:3605 5:3606—3607 5:3608
Syria 1:315
Syringa spp See Lilacs
Syringa vulgare See Lilacs
Syrphidae 6:4119
Syrphids 6:4119
System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety (STEPS) 6:4007
Systemic lupus erythematosus 1:389
Systemic veins 6:4206—4207
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