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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Smithsonian Institu tion      6:4170—41171
Smog      1:92 3:1650 5:3667—3669
Smog, non-point sources      4:2788
Smog, ozone      4:2933
Smoke detectors      1:140
Smoke, cigarette      See Cigarette smoke
Smoking, arteriosclerosis and      1:283 1:284
Smoking, breast cancer      5:3439
Smoking, COPD      5:3439
Smoking, emphysema and      2:1452—1453
Smoking, food      3:1659
Smoking, lung cancer      5:3433 5:3439
Smoking, nicotine      4:2767—2768
Smoking, pneumonia      5:3155
Smoking, pregnancy      5:3419
Smoking, radioactive isotopes      5:3348
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum      1:784
Smooth muscles      4:2672 4:2675
Smuts      5:3493—3494 5:3494
Snail kites      3:1923—1924
Snails      5:3669—3671 5:3670
Snake eagles      See Short-toed eagles
Snake skinks      5:3647
Snakeflies      5:3671—3672
Snakes      4:2921 5:3672—3674.
Snapdragon family      5:3674 5:3674—3675
Snapper turtles      6:4145
Snapshot photography      5:3061
Sneath, P.H.A.      6:3962
Snel, Willebrord      4:2336
Snell's Law of Refraction      3:1599 3:1600
Snider-Pellegrini, Antonio      5:3140
Snout weevils      1:477
Snow buntings      5:3744
Snow geese      3:1745 3:1746 3:1748
Snow, John      2:1500 3:1809
Snowshoe hares      4:2258
Snowy egrets      3:1980
Snowy Mountains      1:384
Snowy owls      4:2923
SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) Consortium      3:2038
SNPs (Single nucleotide polymorphisms)      3:2038
snRNAs (Small nuclear RNAs)      3:1754
SOAP      5:3675—3677
Sobrero, Ascanio      2:1560
Social bees      1:412—413
Social Darwinism      5:3678
Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory and the Social Interactions Anxiety Scale      1:248
Social phobias      5:3041
Social psychologists      5:3276—3277
Sociobiology      1:148—149 5:3677—3678
Sociobiology: The New Synthesis      5:3677
Sockeye salmon      5:3500
Soddy, Frederick      1:140 1:369 2:1209
Sodium      1:125—126 5:3678—3680
Sodium benzoate      5:3680—3681
Sodium bicarbonate      5:3682
Sodium carbonate      5:3683—3684
Sodium chloride      2:1123 3:2119 4:2616—2617 5:3684—3685
Sodium hydroxide      2:1396 5:3685—3686
Sodium hypochlorite      5:3686—3687
Sodium iodide detectors      4:2985—2986
Sodium perborate      1:571
Sodium, lithium and      4:2351—2352
Sodium, octet rule and      4:2856
Sodium, production of      2:1395—1396
Sodium-potassium pump      1:36—37
Sodium/sulfur batteries      1:459
SOFIA (Stratosphere Observatory for Infrared Astronomy)      3:2135
Soft rushes      5:3492
Soft valves      6:4194
Software      See Computer software
Soil conservation      2:1206—1207 5:3692—3694.
Soil creep      4:2470—2471
Soil-free agriculture      See Hydroponics
Soils      5:3687—3692 5:3689
Soils, acid      4:2751
Soils, acid rain      1:20
Soils, agronomy and      1:83—84
Soils, alluvial systems and      1:136
Soils, cleanup      2:1027—1028
Soils, conditioners for      1:79 1:80
Soils, contaminated      1:535 2:1025—1028 2:1260
Soils, desert      2:1203
Soils, earthquakes      2:1325—1326
Soils, horizons      3:2006—2007
Soils, humus and      3:2043
Soils, indicator plants and      3:2113
Soils, leaching of      4:2294—2295
Soils, management      2:1287
Soils, Moon      4:2634
Soils, organic farming and      4:2890
Soils, pH      5:3123—3124
Soils, serpentine      1:525
Sojoumer spacecraft      1:329 4:2451 4:2453—2454 5:3099
Sokal, R.R.      6:3962
Sola, Jose Comas      5:3517
Solar activity cycle      4:2475—2476 5:3694—3697 5:3696f
Solar calendar      1:679
Solar cells      5:3056 5:3072—3075 5:3073
Solar eclipses      1:263 2:1336—1341 2:1337 2:1338—1339f
Solar energy      1:140 1:142—143 2:1352 2:1474 2:1475 6:4301—4302
Solar energy, evaporation      3:2062
Solar energy, photovoltaic cells      5:3072—3075 5:3073
Solar energy, radiation      5:3101
Solar flares      5:3695 5:3697 5:3697—3698 5:3698
Solar illumination, seasonal/diurnal patterns      5:3698—3700 5:3699
Solar Maximum Mission      6:4052
Solar nebula      5:3702—3703
Solar prominence      5:3700—3701
Solar radiation      1:354—355 3:1875—1876 3:2084—2085
Solar system      5:3701—3705 5:3702f 5:3703f 5:3704f.
Solar winds      1:216 5:3705—3706 6:3904
Solar winds, magnetosphere and      4:2422
Solar winds, radiation belts and      6:4196
Solarium melongena      See Eggplant
Solarium spp.      1:130
Solders and soldering      4:2525 5:3706—3708 6:4157
sole      3:1622
Solenodonparadoxum      See Haitian solenodons
Solid fuel rockets      5:3472—3473
Solid oxide fuel cells      3:1710
Solid state detectors      4:2985—2986
Solid state lasers      4:2282—2283
Solid waste management      3:2110—2112
Solid wastes      See also Sewage treatment
Solid wastes, landfills for      4:2269—2273
Solid wastes, municipal      1:509—510 3:2109—2110
Solid-fuel boosters      1:423
Solid-state lamps      See LEDs
Solidago gigantea      See Goldenrods
Solidago rugosa      See Goldenrods
Solidification (Hazardous wastes)      3:1929
Solids      4:2475 6:3807—3808 6:4257—4258
Solitary bees      1:471—472
Solitary vireos      6:4223
Solomon (King)      2:897
Solstices      5:3556—3557 5:3699 5:3700 5:3708
Solubility      5:3708—3709 5:3709f
Solution caves      1:768—769
Solution mining      4:2581—2582
Solution of equations      5:3710—3712
Solution-phase hybridization      3:1770
Solutions (Chemical)      5:3710
Solvent cements      1:52
Somali wild ass      1:322 2:1270 2:1271
Somatic cells      3:1776 3:1807
Somatic gene therapy      3:1756 3:1757—1758
Somatic hybridization      5:3119
Somatic mutations      3:1777 4:2686
Somatic nervous system      4:2673—2674
Somatomedins      3:1887
Somatotropin      3:1886
Somber scombrus      See Atlantic mackerels; Pacific mackerels
Sommerfeld, Arnold      2:1552
Sonar      5:3712—3714 6:4159
Song sparrows      5:3743 5:3744
Songbirds      5:3714—3715
Sonnerat, Pierre      4:2317
Sonoluminescence      4:2378 5:3715
Sony      5:3062
Sooty oystercatchers      4:2932
Sooty terns      6:3998
Soranos      2:1044
Soras      5:3360
Sorensen, Soren Peter Lauritz      4:3034
Sorghum      3:1858 5:3573 5:3715—3716
Sorghum bicolor      See Sorghum
Sosigenes      1:680
Soubeiran, Eugene      2:860
Soucoupe      6:4166
Sound      3:1931
sound editing      4:2653
Sound in motion pictures      4:2651 4:2652 4:2653
Sound in virtual reality systems      6:4226
Sound Navigation And Ranging      See SONAR
Sound waves      1:182 2:1367 3:2157 5:3716—3717 6:4155—4156 6:4156f 6:4164
Sound, acoustics      1:30—35 1:31f
Sound, diffraction      2:1228—1229
Sound, doppler effect      2:1274
Sound, phonographs      5:3042
Sounding weights      6:4164
soundtracks      4:2651 4:2652 4:2653
Sour oranges      2:896
Source program      2:994
South Africa, Vredefort Ring      1:331
South African flower dwelling mantids      5:3211
South African oryx      4:29 05
South America      5:3717—3723 Si3721
South America, Ouachita mountains and      4:2793
South America, squashes of      3:1847
South American cactus moths      4:2648
South American lungfish      4:2379
South American sea lions      5:3546
South Asia      1:318—319
South China Sea      1:317
South Korea      1:316
South pole      3:1791
Southeast Asia      1:317—318 2:1360
Southeastern pocket gophers      3:1843
Southern bearded sakis      4:2761
Southern beeches      1:469 1:471 5:3364
Southern blotting      1:581
Southern cassowaries      3:1631—1632
Southern giant slender-tailed cloud rats      5:3377
Southern pines      5:3364
Southern, E.M.      1:581
Soviet Union, radiation belt creation by      6:4196
Soviet Union, space program      5:3734—735
Soybeans      4:2311 5:3573 5:3723
Soyuz spacecraft      5:3736
Space      2:1039 5:3723—3724.
Space Environment Center      6:4304
Space infrared astronomy      3:2135
Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)      3:2135
Space microtechnology      4:2557
Space probes      5:3100 5:3725—3729 5:3726f
Space shuttles      5:3729—3734 5:3733
Space shuttles, archaeology and      1:266
Space shuttles, astrobiology and      1:330—331
Space shuttles, radar from      2:1204
Space stations      See International Space Station; Mir Space Station
Space suits      5:3741
Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)      3:2025
Space telescopes      6:3983. See also Hubble Space Telescope
Space Transportation System (STS)      5:3729 5:3738
Spacebome Imaging Radar C/X-Band      1:266
Spacecraft, manned      5:3734—3742 5:3737 5:3739.
Spades      1:75
Spallanzani, Lazzaro      1:453 2:1450 6:3779
Spanish flu      3:2133
Spanish mackerels      See Painted mackerels
Spanish mahogany      See Mahogany
Spanish moss      1:621 1:622—623
Spanish sweet chestnuts      1:470
Spark ignition engines      See Gasoline engines
Sparrows      5:3742—3745 5:3744
Spatial mapping      1:274
Special effects, in motion pictures      4:2650 4:2653—2654
Special relativity      5:3406—3410 5:3723
Special relativity vs. Newtonian theory      5:3538
Special relativity, electromagnetism and      2:1407
Special relativity, Michelson — Morley experiment and      4:2545—2546
Special relativity, quantum theory and      3:1850
Special relativity, stellar evolution and      6:3830
Speciation      4:2661 5:3746—3747
Species      3:2239—2241 5:3745—3747 5:3746
Species Plantarum      1:522
Specific gravity, of minerals      4:2573 4:2578
Specific heats      3:1949 3:1949
Specific humidity      3:2039
Specific immune responses      3:2097—2099
Speckle interferometry      3:2161
SPECT      See Single photon emission computed tomography
Spectacled bears      1:464
Spectacled langurs      4:2277
Spectra analysis      3:1618
Spectral classification of stars      3:1985 6:3747—3749 6:3748
Spectral identification, of organic compounds      5:3298
Spectral lines      6:3749—3751 6:3751f
Spectrographs      3:1984 6:3750—3751
Spectrometers      6:3753
Spectrometry, mass      See Mass spectrometry
Spectroscopes      6:3751—3755 6:3751f
Spectroscopic binaries      1:494—495
Spectroscopy      2:1567 6:3753—3755.
Spectroscopy, astronomy and      1:338
Spectroscopy, astrophysics and and      1:340
Spectroscopy, atomic      1:365 1:365—366 1:369 3:1618
Spectroscopy, Moessbauer      4:2646
Spectroscopy, Neptune and      4:2723
Spectrum      1:490 6:3755—3758 6:3755f 6:3756f
Speech      1:254 6:3758—3761
Speech impediments      6:3760—3761
Speed lathes      4:2396
speed of light      1:6 3:2159 5:3408.
Spektr module      4:2592
Speleothems      1:769—770 4:2944—2945
Spence, Kenneth W.      4:2302
Spencer, Herbert      5:3578
Speotyto cunicularia      See Burrowing owls
Sperm, infertility and      3:2127—2128
Sperm, intracytoplasmic injection      3:1729
Sperm, spermatogenesis      3:17 29 4:24
Sperm, spermicides      2:1043—1044
Spermatic ducts      5:3414
Spermatic glands      5:3414
Spermatogenesis      3:1729 4:2484
Spermicides      2:1043—1044
Sperry, Elmer      1:392
Sperry, Roger      6:3773—3774
Sphagnum moss      4:2644
Sphecotheres viridis      See Yellow figbirds
Sphenodon guntheri      6:4124
Sphenophyta      5:3112
Spheres      6:3761
Spherical aberration      4:2319
Spheroides rubripes      See Puffer fish
Sphingidae      4:2648
Sphinx moths      4:2648
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