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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Vinyl chloride      6:4060
Vinyl ester resins      2:980
Vinyl monomers      4:2629f 4:2630
Vinyl-acetate emulsions      1:53
Vinylidenes      4:2629f 4:2630
Viola odorata      See English violets
Viola x wittrockiana      See Pansies
Violaceae      See Violet family
Violales      1:479
Violet family      6:4218—4219
Violet-green swallows      6:3927—3928
Viper a berus      See European vipers
Viper a russelii      See Russell's vipers
Viperinae      See Old World vipers
Vipers      6:4219 6:4219—4221
Viral genetics      6:4221—4222
Viral hemorrhagic fevers      3:1962—1965
Viral meningitis      4:2494—2495
Viral vectors      3:1758
Virchow, Rudolf      3:1728 3:1809 4:2324 6:3779
Vireo gilvus      See Warbling vireos
Vireo olivaceus      See Red-eyed vireos
Vireo solitarius      See Solitary vireos
Vireos      6:4222—4224 6:4223
Virginia rails      5:3360
Virial theorem      1:776
Viroids      5:3123
Virtual memory (Computers)      2:995—996
Virtual particles      5:3303 6:4224—4225
Virtual reality      6:4225—4229 6:4227
Viruses      1:519 2:839 4:2549 6:4229—4236 6:4231f 6:4233f 6:4234.
Viruses in vaccines      6:4189—4192
Viruses, adenoviruses      3:1758 6:4232
Viruses, AIDS      5:3604 5:3607—3608
Viruses, antibodies and      1:227
Viruses, arena      3:1963
Viruses, cold-causing      2:935
Viruses, computer      2:998—1000
Viruses, diseases and      2:1254
Viruses, DNA      6:4221—4222 6:4229—4236
Viruses, ebola      2:1331—1333 2:2332 3:1964 6:4235
Viruses, echoviruses      6:4234
Viruses, encephalitis      2:1455—1457
Viruses, enteroviruses      6:4234
Viruses, epidemics      2:1498—1499
Viruses, episomes and      2:1503
Viruses, filoviruses      3:1963 6:4235
Viruses, hantaviruses      3:1917
Viruses, hepatitis      3:1966—1969
Viruses, herpes      3:1983 6:4232
Viruses, HIV      5:3608 5:3609 5:3610
Viruses, influenza      3:2132—2133
Viruses, Junin      3:1964
Viruses, myxoma      5:3578
Viruses, papoviruses      6:4232
Viruses, plant diseases      5:3123
Viruses, pneumonia and      5:3156
Viruses, poliomyelitis      5:3166—3170
Viruses, rhabdoviruses      6:4235
Viruses, rhinoviruses      6:4234—4235
Viruses, RNA      5:3381 5:3465
Viscachas      2:848 2:849
viscosity      3:1639 6:4236 6:4236—4237 6:4252
Vishnu Schist      6:4162 6:4163
Vision      6:4237—4241 6:4239f
Vision disorders      1:572 6:4240 6:4241—4245 6:4243.
Vision, albinism and      1:105
Vision, artificial      1:306—308 1:307
Vision, color      2:942 6:4238
Vision, corneal transplants      6:4082
Vision, depth perception      2:1196—1199 2:1197 6:4237
Vision, night      4:2768—2769
Vision, perception      4:3008—3012
Vision, persistence of      4:2649
Vision, radial keratotomy      5:3322—3324 5:3323
Visual acuity      6:4239—4240 6:4242
Visual binaries      1:494
Visual cortex      6:4238
Visual fields      6:4238
visual impairments      1:572—573
Visual meteors      4:2535
Visually Coupled Airborne Systems Simulator      6:4226
Vitalism      3:1586
Vitamin $B_1$      4:2832 4:2833
Vitamin $B_1$ deficiency      3:2248—2249
Vitamin $B_6$      4:2834
Vitamin $B_{12}$      4:2834
Vitamin A      4:2833 4:2835
Vitamin C      2:894 4:2832 4:2835
Vitamin deficiency diseases      4:2832—2835 6:4245—4247
Vitamin E      4:2833—2834
Vitamin K      1:230 4:2833—2834
Vitamins      1:239—240 4:2348 6:4245—4247 6:4246
Vitamn D      4:2904 4:2833 4:2914
Vitiglio      1:106
Vitis vinifera      See Wine grapes
Viviparity      1:551 6:4247
Vivisection      6:4248—4249
VLSI (Very-large-scale integration)      2:1412
VNOs (Vomeronasal organs)      5:3041
VNTRs (Variable number of tandem repeats)      2:1263 4:2992
VOCs      See Volatile organic compounds
vOICe system      1:307—308
Voillet-le-Duc      1:643
Voit, Karl von      1:714
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)      1:61 3:2116
Volatility      6:4249—4250
Volcanic eruptions      6:4251—4254
Volcanic eruptions, carbon and      1:718
Volcanic eruptions, Earth's temperature and      3:2085
Volcanic eruptions, landforms from      4:2275
Volcanic necks      4:2660
Volcanic rocks      3:2089
Volcanism      See Volcanic eruptions
Volcanoes      4:2660—2661 6:4250—4255 6:4252 6:4253
Volcanoes, Africa      1:64 1:66
Volcanoes, Asian      1:316
Volcanoes, asthenosphere and      1:325
Volcanoes, Australia      1:382
Volcanoes, Chile      5:3720
Volcanoes, craters and      1:331
Volcanoes, Far East      1:316
Volcanoes, hot spots and      3:2021—2022
Volcanoes, island formation      3:2202—2203
Volcanoes, lakes from      4:2261
Volcanoes, Mt. St. Helens      6:3882—3883
Volcanoes, North America and      4:2795
Volcanoes, oceanic      4:2852
Volcanoes, Peru      5:3719
Volcanoes, sedimentary environments      5:3567
Volcanoes, tsunamis      6:4121—4123
Volcanoes, Venusian      6:4210
Volcanoes, weather and      2:1286
Voles      6:4255—4257 6:4333
Volkoff, George M.      5:3289
Volta, Alessandro Giuseppe      1:457 2:1370 2:1378 2:1419 6:3970
Voltage      2:1388
Voltage-regulation circuits      2:1384
Voltaic cells      See Galvanic cells
Volume      6:4257—4258
Volume measurements      4:2542
Voluntary muscles      See Skeletal muscles
Vomeronasal organs (VNOs)      5:3041
Voskhod 2      5:3736
Voskhod spacecraft      5:3736
Vostok 6      5:3735
Vostok spacecraft      5:3735—3736
Voyager 1      3:2222 3:2223 6:4258—4260
Voyager 1, planetary atmospheres      5:3100
Voyager 1, planetary rings      5:3109—3110
Voyager 1, Saturn      5:3518
Voyager 2      3:2222 4:2722—2730 4:2723 4:2726 5:3724 6:4258—4260
Voyager 2, planetary atmospheres      5:3100
Voyager 2, planetary rings      5:3109—3110
Voyager 2, Uranus      6:4180 6:4252 6:4181—4186
Voyager spacecraft      1:340 5:3706 6:4258—4260 6:4259
Voyager spacecraft vs. manned spacecraft      5:3735
Voyager spacecraft, planetary atmospheres      5:3100
Voyager spacecraft, planetary rings      5:3109—3110
Voyager spacecraft, Saturn      5:3513—3514 5:3516 5:3517
Voyageurs National Park      5:3478
Vredefort Ring      1:331
Vries, Hugo de      3:1751 4:2690
VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion)      4:2610—2611 6:4195
Vulcanization      2:1185 6:4260—4261 6:4260f
Vulcanized rubber      6:4261
Vultur gryphus      See Andean condors
Vultures      1:551 5:3369 6:4261—4264 6:4263.
Vulturine guinea fowl      3:1892
VX agent      6:4265
Wagner, W.H.      6:3964
Wagtails      6:4267
Wahl, A.      2:1429
Walker, Gilbert      2:1359
Walking catfish      1:755
Walkingsticks (Insects)      6:4267—4268 6:4265
Wallabies      3:2231—2232
Wallace's Line      3:1584
Wallace, Alfred Russell      2:1539 3:1584
Wallace, William      1:259
Wallaroos      3:2230—2231
Walnut family      5:3118 6:4268—4270 6:4269
Walpole, Horace      1:101
Walruses      6:4270—4272 6:4271
Walsh, Don      6:4167
Walton, Ernest Thomas      1:370 2:1430
Wandering albatrosses      1:103 1:104
Wandering jews      6:3764
Wapiti      2:1167
Warble flies      6:4119—4120
Warblers      6:4272—4274 6:4273
Warbling vireos      6:4223
Warburg, Otto      5:3068
Warded locks      4:2366
Warm fronts      1:91
Warner Brothers      4:2651
Wars and warfare      See specific wars and types of warfare
Warthogs      5:3087 5:3088
Washingtoniafilifera      See Sentinel palms
Wasps      6:4274—4276 6:4275
Wasson, R.Gordon      3:1717
Waste management      6:4276—4282 6:4277
Waste prevention      3:1929—1930
Waste-to-energy facilities      3:2110
Wastes      See also specific types of wastes
Wastes, chemical      3:2112
Wastes, industrial      1:510 3:2112 4:2502
Wastes, mining      3:1926
Wastes, nuclear      4:2801 4:2811—2812
Wastes, plasma      1:575
Wastes, radioactive      5:3352—3355
Wastes, toxic      3:2110—2111 4:2502 6:4282
Wastes, transuranic      5:3353
Wastewater management      6:4293 6:429 3
Watanabe, Masaki      1:289
Water      6:4282—4284. See also Freshwater; Groundwater
Water bears      6:4284
Water beetles      1:476
Water buffaloes      1:766 4:2360
Water chestnuts      5:3560
Water conditioning, magnetic      3:1919
Water conservation      6:4284—4287
Water culture      3:2065
Water ferns      3:1588
Water frames      3:2120
Water hogs      See Capybaras
Water hyacinths      3:2183
Water lilies      6:4287—4289
Water locks      See Locks (Waterways)
Water microbiology      6:4289—4290
Water moccasins      6:4220
Water on terrestrial planets      5:3102
Water pipits      6:4267
Water pollution      1:166 6:4290—4292 6:4291.
Water pollution, agricultural runoff      2:1109
Water pollution, agrochemicals and      1:81—82
Water pollution, algae      1:120—121
Water pollution, coral reefs and      2:1061
Water pollution, groundwater      1:81 1:166 2:1026 3:1882—1883
Water pollution, treatment systems      5:3177—3178
Water purification      4:2931
Water seal spirometers      6:3772 6:3772
Water table      3:1882
Water treatment      5:3177—3178 6:4292—4294 6:429 3
Water turbines      6:4136 6:4137
Water vapor      1:341 1:342 1:344 3:2039—2040
Water weeds      3:1701
Water witching      3:1930
Water, acid      4:2751
Water, boiling point of      3:1813
Water, brackish      1:607
Water, circulation      4:2262—2263
Water, connate      3:1882
Water, continental shelf and      1:531
Water, desalination      2:1202
Water, dew point      2:1213—1214
Water, diffusion      2:1231
Water, dissociation of      2:1255
Water, electrolysis of      2:1395—1396
Water, hard      3:1918—1919
Water, heat capacity of      3:1950
Water, Martian      4:2449—2450
Water, molds      5:3268
Water, molecular formula for      4:2615
Water, molecular shape      4:2611
Water, nitrate in      3:1594—1595
Water, on Earth      2:1314 2:1317 3:2065—2066
Water, pH of      4:3034
Water, savannas and      5:3519—3520
Water, sedimentation      5:3561
Water, softening      2:820—821
Water, thermodynamics and      6:4015
Water, transpiration      6:4081—4082
Water, weight      3:1635
Water-soluble vitamins      6:4247
Waterbucks      6:4294—4295
Waterdogs      5:3498
Waterfalls      5:3719 5:3720
Watermeal      2:1293
Watermelons      3:1846
Watersheds      3:2062 5:3461 6:4295
Waterstriders      6:3916
Waterton, Squire      2:1129
Waterwheels      6:4296 6:4296
Watson, James Dewey      See also DNA; Double helix
Watson, James Dewey, DNA discovery      2:1265
Watson, James Dewey, DNA replication      2:1264
Watson, James Dewey, mutations      4:2689
Watson, James Dewey, nitrogen bases      3:1767
Watson, John B.      2:1004 5:3275
Watt, James      1:393 2:1388 3:2121 5:3282 6:3819
Wattled cranes      2:1093
Wave equations      See Quantum mechanics
Wave mechanics      See Quantum mechanics
Wave motion      6:4296—4298 6:4297
Wavefront shearing interferometry      3:2160
Wavefront splitting interferometry      3:2160 3:2262
Wavelength dispersions      3:1603—1604
Wavelength Division Multiplexing      3:1602 3:1603
Wavelengths      5:3335
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