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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Systems of equations      6:3946—3948
Systolic pressure      1:727 1:728 3:1936 3:1937 3:2072 3:2074
Szasz, Carl      4:2787
Szygium aromaticum      See Cloves
T cells      3:2097 3:2098—2100 4:2385—2386 4:2388 6:3949—3950
T cells, ADA deficiency and      1:42—43
T cells, AIDS and      1:87
T suppressor cells      4:2385
T-even bacteriophage      1:418
T4 bacteriophage      6:4230—4231
T4 bacteriophage viruses      1:418
Tabanidae      6:4120
Table salt      See Sodium chloride
Tachinidae      6:4120
Tachybaptus dominie us      See Least grebes
Tachycardia      2:1392
Tachycineta bicolor      See Tree swallows
Tachycineta thalassina      See Violetgreen swallows
Tachyglossidae      See Spiny anteaters
Tachyglossus aculeatus      See Shortnosed spiny anteaters
Taconic Mountains      4:2792
Tactual system      See Hap tic system
Tadpoles      3:1702 4:2532—2533
Tagua peccaries      4:2998
Tailless tenrecs      6:3994
Tails, of comets      2:960
Taiwan      1:316
Takagi, Kengi      1:289
Talbot, Fox      5:3057 5:3060
Talking catfish      1:755
Talking mynahs      See Hill mynahs
Talpa europaea      See European moles
Talpidae      See Moles
Talus piles      4:2468
Tamandua mexicana      See Lesser anteaters
Tamandua tetradactyla      See Lesser anteaters
Tamaraws      1:765—766
Tamarins      4:2444—2446
Tamarisk manna scale insects      5:3526—3527
Tambora, Indonesia      6:4254
Tamiasciurus douglasii      See Douglas squirrels
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus      See Red squirrels
Tamm, I.Y.      1:807
Tanagers      6:3950 6:3950—3951
Tangara chilensis      See Paradise tanagers
Tangerines      2:896
Tank plants      1:621—622
Tannins      1:439 1:749
Tansley, A.G.      2:899
Tantalum      2:1425
Tape-grass family      3:1701 3:1701
Tapeats Sandstone      6:4162 6:4163
Tapes, digital audio      2:1238 2:1239 4:2415
Tapes, magnetic      6:4215—4216 6:4216
Tapestries      6:4004
Tapeworms      See Cestodes
Taphonomy      6:3951—3952
Tapioca      1:282 6:3783
Tapirs      6:3952 6:3952—3953
Tapirus bairdi      See Central American tapirs
Tapirus pinchaqua      See Mountain tapirs
Tapirus terdining      See Brazilian tapirs
Tarachodula pantherina      See African praying mantids
Taraxacum officinale      See Dandelions
Tardive dyskinesia (TD)      1:243
Taricha granulosa      See Rough-skinned newts
Taricha rivularis      See Red-bellied newts
Tarpans      3:2014—2015
Tarpons      6:3953—3954
Tarsiers      6:3954—3955 6:3955
Tarsiidae      5:3230
Tartaric acid      6:3956—3957 6:3956f
Tasmania      1:384—385 1:386
Tasmanian devils      6:3957 6:3957
Tassel-eared marmosets      4:2445
Taste      4:3008 6:3957—3960 6:3958
Taste buds      2:833 2:833
Tatera spp.      3:1806
Tatum, Edward L.      4:2548 4:2689
Taurotragus oryx      See Elands
Taurus mountains      1:316
Taxidea taxus      See American badgers
Taxodiaceae      See Swamp cypress family
Taxol      1:439 5:3076 6:4366—4367
Taxonomy      6:3960—3965
Taxus brevifolia      See Western yews
Taxus cuspidata      5:3076
Taxus spp      See Yews
Tay, Warren      6:3966
Tay-Sachs disease      1:559 2:843 4:2510 6:3966—3967
Tayassu tajacu      See Collared peccaries
Tayassupecari      See White-lipped peccaries
Taylor, Frederick W      4:2462
Taylor, Joseph      5:3405
TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin)      2:1249—1251 2:1348
TD (Tardive dyskinesia)      1:243
Tea plants      6:3967—3968 6:3968
Teak      6:4212—4213
Tear gas      1:282
Teas, Paraguay      3:2000
Teas, yaupon      3:1999—2000
Technetium      2:1425
Technetium-99      5:3355
Tectona grandis      See Teak
Tectonics      6:3968—3970 6:3969.
Tectonics, Africa      1:63—64 1:66—67
Tectonics, Andes Mountains      5:3717
Tectonics, asthenosphere      1:324—325
Tectonics, Australia      1:381—382 1:382
Tectonics, Earth      2:1313—1314 2:1320—1321
Tectonics, earthquakes and      2:1324 2:1327
Tectonics, Europe      2:1526—1528 2:1533—1534
Tectonics, landforms from      4:2275 4:2276
Tectonics, North America      4:2789—2796
Tectonics, oceanic      4:2851
Tectonics, Venus      6:4210
Teeth      2:1183—1188 2:1185
Tegretol      1:231
Tektite II Project      6:4167
Telegraph      2:1411 6:3970—3972 6:4066
Telemanipulators      6:4228
Telemetry      6:3972—3973
Teleostfish      1:592
telephones      1:798—799 6:3973—3979 6:3974f 6:3975f
Telescopes      4:2321 6:3979—3986 6:3980f 6:3981f 6:3982f 6:3984 6:3985f 6:3986.
Telescopes for infrared astronomy      3:2134—2136
Telescopes, astrometry and      1:334
Telescopes, Canada-France-Hawaii      1:337
Telescopes, extrasolar planets and      2:1566—1567 2:1568
Telescopes, for x rays      6:4353
Telescopes, Galileo Galilei      1:336
Telescopes, Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope      3:1731
Telescopes, Kepler      2:1568
Telescopes, Mauna Kea      1:337 4:2729
Telescopes, mirrors and      4:2593
Telescopes, radio      5:3288—3289 5:3338—3339
Telescopes, ultraviolet      3:2170—2172 6:4160—4161
Television      2:1411 6:3986—3989 6:3987
Television, Coulomb's law and      2:1387
Television, DVDs and      2:1297—1298
Television, motion picture industry and      4:2651
Television, signals      2:1404
Television, video recording of      6:4216—4217
Teller, Edward      4:2817
Tellurium      2:1425
Telomerase      2:901
Telomere theory of aging      2:901
Telomeres      2:901 3:2027
Telophase      4:2597
Teludus      See Malayan stink badgers
Temin, Howard      5:3444
Temperate and subpolar forests      3:1676
Temperate deciduous forests      1:528 3:1676
Temperate grasslands      1:528 1:530
Temperate rainforests      1:528 3:1676 5:3364—3365
Temperature      6:3989—3992. See also Air temperature
Temperature measurements      4:2541
Temperature of Earth      3:1876—1877 3:2084—2085
Temperature on Jupiter      3:2221
Temperature on Venus      6:4211
Temperature regulation      6:3992—3993 6:3993
Temperature, absolute zero      1:6
Temperature, bacteria and      1:410—411
Temperature, body      3:2076—2077
temperature, color      3:2108 3:2109
Temperature, gases and      3:1738 3:1739 3:1740
Temperature, horticulture and      3:2020
Temperature, humidity and      3:2040
Temperature, incandescent lamps      3:2108—2109
Temperature, lakes and      4:2262—2263
Temperature, land and sea breezes      4:2267
Temperature, mercury and      4:2501
Temperature, thunderstorms      6:4028
Temperature, Uranus      6:4182
Temperature, weathering      6:4310—4311
Temple Grandin      1:387
Temple mounds      4:2656
Temporary insomnia      3:2144
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)      5:3640
TEMs      See Transmission electron microscopes
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)      4:2799
Tenrec ecaudatus      See Tailless tenrecs
Tenrecidae      6:3994—3995
Tenrecs      6:3993—3995 6:3994
Tent caterpillar moths      4:2648
Tephritidae      6:4119
Teratogen      6:3995
Teratogenesis      4:2688
Teratogens      5:3419
Tereshkova, Valentina      5:3735
Termites      5:3272 6:3996—3997
Terms      6:3995—3996
Terns      4:2902 6:3997—3999 6:3998
Terpsiphone paradisi      See Paradise flycatchers
Terracing      5:3693 6:3999 6:3999—4001
Terratornis mirabilis      6:4262
Terrestrial impact craters      See Impact craters
Terrestrial orchids      4:2882
Territoriality      6:4001 6:4001—4002.
Terrorism      See also Biological warfare; Chemical warfare
Terrorism, bioterrorism      1:542—544 1:543 6:4204—4205
Terrorism, chemical weapons and      2:830
Testes      2:1468 5:3412
Testosterone      3:2011 5:3412
Tests and testing      See specific tests
Tetanus      2:1254 6:4002—4003
Tetanus toxin pertussis vaccine      2:1252
Tethys Trench      3:1991 5:3517
Tetra chloromethane      1:722—723
Tetraethyl lead      4:2297
Tetrahedrons      6:4003
Tetraploidy      2:872
Tetrapterus albidus      See White marlins
Tetrapturus audaa      See Striped marlins
Tetrodes      6:4194
Textiles      1:570—571 3:2120—2121 6:4003—4007 6:4004
Thailand      1:317
Thalamus      1:610
Thalarctos maritimus      See Polar bears
Thalassa      4:2727
Thalassemias      4:2510
Thalasseus maximus      See Royal terns
Thalidomide      1:556 4:2688 5:3419 6:4007
Thallium      2:1425
Thallose liverworts      1:628
Thamnophis sirtalis      See Garter snakes
Thar Desert      1:314 1:319
Thatcher, James      5:3118
THC (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)      3:1966
The Almagest      6:4095
The Descent of Man      5:3070
The Double Helix, A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DATA      2:1278
The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom      5:3173
The Far East      1:316
The Great Train Robbery      4:2650
The Jazz Singer      4:2651
The Maldives      1:319
The Peninsula      1:319
The Power of Movement in Plants      5:3070
The Rural Visitor      5:3118
The Sea Around Us      2:1490
The Selfish Gene      5:3578
The Silent World      6:4168—4169
The Starry Messenger      6:3906
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde      4:2665
The Structure of Scientific Revolution      5:3538
The System of the World      5:3702
The Three Faces of Eve      4:2665
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau      6:4169
The Various Contrivances by which Orchids Are Fertilized by Insects      5:3172—3173
Theaters, motion picture      4:2650
Thecodonts      2:1245
Theft, orchids      4:2884
Thematic maps      1:743
Theophrastus      1:598 1:672 5:3122 6:4304
Theorems      6:4007—4008. See also Pythagorean theorem
Theorems of geometry      1:258
Theorems, fundamental      3:1712—1713
Theorems, minimax      3:1727
Theory of relativity      See Relativity theory
Theory of the Earth      5:3476 6:4173
Thermal air circulation      4:2632—2633
Thermal convection      2:1048
Thermal energy      2:1472
Thermal expansion      6:4008—4011 6:4009f
Thermal food processing      3:1661
Thermal metamorphism      See Contact metamorphism
Thermal radiation      3:1951
Thermal-electric solar systems      1:142
Thermionic effect      2:1368
Thermionic valves      See Vacuum tubes
Thermobia domestica      See Firebrats
Thermochemistry      2:955 6:4011—40113
Thermocouples      6:4013—40114
Thermodynamics      2:1225 6:4014—4020.
Thermography      5:3054
Thermohaline circulation      2:1131—1132
Thermoluminescence      4:2378
Thermoluminescence dating      2:1156
Thermometer birds      See Moundbuilders
Thermometers      1:345 4:2350 4:2501 6:3989—3990 6:4010f 6:4021
Thermonucle ar reactions      2:1210 4:2802
Thermophiles      1:411
Thermoplastics      2:980 5:3131—3136 5:3133f—3136f 5:3137f—3138f 5:3421f 5:3422
Thermosets      5:3136
Thermosetting resins      1:52—55 3 5:3185—3186 5:3420f 5:3422
Thermosphere      1:344
Thermostats      6:4015 6:4021—4022
Thermus aquaticus      3:1803
Theropithecus gelada      See Gelada baboons
Thiamine      4:2832 4:2833
Thiamine deficiency      3:2248—2249
Thigmotropism      1:481
Thin layer chromatography      2:868
Thingvellir, Iceland      6:3969
Third law of motion      See Laws of motion
Third law of thermodynamics      See Laws of thermodynamics
Third-degree bums      1:647
Third-generation computer language      2:993—994
Thistles      6:4022 6:4022
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