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Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)
Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

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Íàçâàíèå: The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6)

Àâòîðû: Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W.


Contains more than 2,000 entries ranging from short definitions to major overviews of concepts in all areas of science.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýíöèêëîïåäèè/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Plate tectonics, metamorphism and      4:2527
Plate tectonics, mountains      4:2658—2660
Plate tectonics, underwater exploration and      6:4169
Plate tectonics, uplift and      6:4176
Plate tectonics, volcanoes and      6:4250—4251
Platelets      See Thrombocytes
Platinum      2:1424 2:1427 5:3215—3216
Plato      2:933 2:1004 2:1121 2:1422
Plato on memory      4:2486
Plato, planet Mercury      4:2502
Plato, platonic solids      5:3147
Platonic solids      5:3147
Platypus      4:2631—2632 4:2921 5:3147—3149
Platyrrhini      See New World monkeys
Playback      4:2413—2414
Playfair, John      6:4162 6:4173
Plectrophenax hyperboreus      See McKay's buntings
Plectrophenax nivalis      See Snow buntings
Pleiades      3:1985f 6:3801 6:3801
Plesiosaurs      4:2953f
Plethodon cinereus      See Red-backed salamanders
Pliny the Elder      1:671 4:2855
Pliny's reaper      1:75
PLM (Periodic limb movement)      5:3656
Plovers      5:3149 5:3149—3150
Plowing, contour      2:1041 2:1041—1042
Plows      1:75 1:76
Plumbum      See Lead
Plumed scorpionfish      5:3539
Plumier, Charles      3:1811
Plums      5:3486
Plunging folds      3:1652
Pluto      1:774—775 3:2251—2252 5:3150—3154 5:3151f 5:3701
Pluto — Kuiper Belt mission      5:3150
Pluto — Kuiper Express spacecraft      3:2252
Pluto, atmosphere      5:3103
Pluto, Neptune      5:3153 5:3154
Pluto, rocks      3:2089
Pluto, space probes      5:3728
Plutonic rocks      3:2089
Plutonium      2:1429 4:2799
Plutonium, Cassini spacecraft and      1:751
Plutonium, nuclear weapons      4:2811 4:2817 4:2818
Plutons      4:2660
PMA (Peroneal muscular atrophy)      4:2739
PML (Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy)      6:4232
PMS      See Premenstrual syndrome
Pneumatic caissons      1:669
Pneumococcus      6:4112
Pneumocystis carinii      5:3156 5:3157
Pneumonia      5:3154—3158 5:3155 5:3432—3433 5:3439
Pneumonia, anthrax and      1:542—543
Pneumonia, Legionnaires' disease and      4:2307—2309
Poa compressa      See Blue-grasses
Poa pratensis      See Kentucky blue-grass
Pocket gophers      3:1842—1843
Poco d'Anta Biological Reserve      4:2446
Podargidae      See Frogmouths
Podiatry      5:3158
Podiceps grisegena      See Red-necked grebes
Podiceps nigricollis      See Eared grebes
Podilymbus podiceps      See Pied-billed grebes
Podocarpus spp      See Southern pines
Podsolization      4:2295
Poecilia reticulata      See Guppies
Poephagus grunniens      See Yaks
Pogson, N.R.      6:3836
Poincare, Jules-Henri      2:934 5:3407
Poinsettias      6:3784
Point mutations      3:1752 4:2688
Point source contamination      2:1025
Point sources      5:3158—3159 5:3159
Point triangulation      4:2402
Points (Geometry)      3:1798 5:3158
Points, acupuncture      See Acupuncture
Poison ivy      1:749 1:750
Poison- arrow frogs      3:1704
Poisonous alkaloids      1:130
Poisonous molds      4:2602—2603
Poisonous mushrooms      4:2678 4:2694
Poisons and toxins      5:3159—3162. See also specific poisons
Poisons and toxins by insecticides      3:2139
Poisons and toxins, algae      1:120
Poisons and toxins, bacteria and      1:415
Poisons and toxins, bioaccumulated      1:498—499
Poisons and toxins, biological      1:519
Poisons and toxins, botulinum      1:599
Poisons and toxins, boxfish      1:604—605
Poisons and toxins, carbon monoxide      1:721—722
Poisons and toxins, cholera      2:862
Poisons and toxins, coral reefs and      2:1061
Poisons and toxins, food      3:1656 3:1657—1658
Poisons and toxins, lead      4:2297—2298
Poisons and toxins, lithium      4:2351
Poisons and toxins, mercury      4:2501—2502
Poisons and toxins, mycotoxins      4:2693—2695
Poisons and toxins, red tides      5:3389—3390
Poisons and toxins, reproductive toxicants      5:3418—3419
Poisons and toxins, ricin      5:3457—3458
Poisons and toxins, shellfish      1:120—121 2:1030
Poisons and toxins, toxicology      6:4059—4061
Poisons and toxins, VX      6:4265
Poisons and toxins, wastes      6:4282
Poisons and toxins, water      6:4292
Polar axis      1:779 1:780
Polar bears      1:461—462 1:463 1:463
Polar coordinates      5:3162—3164 5:3163f
Polar covalent bonds      4:2617
Polar ice caps      3:2081—2082 4:2449 5:3164—3166
Polar ice, on Mercury      4:2506
Polar jet stream      3:2219
Polar Lander      4:2454. See also Mars exploration
Polaris      6:4200 6:4201
Polarizing microscopes      4:2551
Poles, geographic and magnetic      3:1791—1792
Police robots      5:3469
Polihierax semitorquatus      See Pygmy falcons
Polio vaccines      6:4190—4191
Poliomyelitis      2:842 2:1254 5:3166—3170 6:4234
Pollen analysis      5:3170—3172
Pollen, dating      2:1154—1155
Pollen, fossilized      4:2943 4:2945 4:2960—2961 5:3173
Pollen, plant breeding      5:3118
Pollination      5:3172 5:3172
Pollination, flavonoids      5:3126
Pollination, mutualism and      4:2691
Pollination, wind      5:3173
Pollution      5:3174—3176 5:3176.
Pollution vs. contamination      2:1028
Pollution, bioaccumulated      1:498—499
Pollution, control      3:2110—2111 5:3176—3178 5:3177
Pollution, ecological monitoring      2:1347
Pollution, noise      4:2783—2785
Pollution, population      5:3191
Pollution, radioactive      5:3346—3350
Pollution, secondary      5:3557—3558
Polonium      2:1424
Poly borus plane us      See Crested caracaras
Poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)      3:1653 5:3179 6:4060—4061
Poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons      5:3179—3180
Poly genie disorders      3:2137
Polyakov, Valeriy      5:3738
Polyandry      1:546
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)      5:3178—3179
Polycarbonate polymers      5:3186
Polychaetes      5:3574—3575
Polychloroprene      2:854
Polyester resins      2:980
Polyesters      1:300 5:3185
Polyethylene      2:853
Polyethylene glycol-coated bovine ADA (PEG-ADA)      1:42—43
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)      3:1836 3:1836 5:3384
POLYGONS      5:3180—3182 5:3180f 5:3181f
Polygynous birds of paradise      1:549
Polyhedrons      3:1802 5:3182
Polyimide resins      2:980
Polymer Handbook      4:2630
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)      2:1263 2:1265—1266 2:1494 3:1770 4:2995—2996
Polymeric fibers      1:292 1:293f—298f 1:300
Polymerization      4:2629—2630
Polymers      1:159 1:164 2:852 5:3131 5:3182—3186
Polymers in LEDs      4:2306
Polymers, chlorinated hydrocarbon      2:853—854
Polymers, chlorine containing      3:1911
Polymorphisms, single nucleotide      3:2038
Polymyositis      1:389
Polynomial equations      3:1573
Polynomials      2:1261 4:2668 5:3186 5:3186—3187
Polyomaviruses      6:4232
Polyploidy      2:872 3:1589—1590 3:2046
Polypodiumpolypodioides      See Resurrection ferns
Polypropylene      2:853
Polyunsaturated hydrocarbons      See Alkenes
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)      2:853—854
Polyzoa      See Moss animals
Pomacanthidae      See Angelfish
Pomanders      2:895
Pomelos      2:896—897
Pompeii      6:4254
Poncelet      2:1025
Ponderosa pines      4:2933 5:3092—3093
Pongo pygmaeus      See Orang-utans
Pons, Stanley      1:610 4:2805
Pont du Gard aqueduct      1:255
Pontiac fever      4:2308
Pontoon bridges      1:619
Pooecetes gramineus      See Vesper sparrows
Poor Relief Act of 1601      5:3396
Poorwills      3:1840
Pope's pitvipers      6:4219
Pope, Alexander      6:4248
Poppies      5:3187 5:3187—3188
Population biology      1:817—818
Population genetics      3:1778
Population growth and control      3:2031 5:3188—3189
Population II stars      4:2568
Population, human      5:3189—3192
Populus tremuloides      See Aspens
Porcupines      5:3192—3194 5:3193
Porous silicon      4:2378
Porphyra spp      See Red algae
Porphyrias      4:2510
Porphyrula martinicai      See Purple gallinules
Porpoises      2:1336. See also Cetaceans
Port of Caesarea      4:2718
Port Royal      4:2718—2719
Porter, Edwin S.      4:2650
Portland cement      2:1002
Portuguese men-of-war      3:2216
Porzana Carolina      See Soras
Position vs. momentum      4:2621
Positional isomerism      3:2206
Positive geotropism      3:1805
Positive numbers      1:278 5:3194—3195
Positive pressure systems      3:1610
Positive pressure ventilators      5:3429
Positive selection      4:2547
Positron emission tomography (PET)      1:238 1:611—612 4:2808—2809 5:3195—3196 5:3196 5:3355—3356 5:3358
Positrons      6:3875—3876
Post-production, in motion pictures      4:2653
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)      6:3865
Posterior pituitary (PP)      2:1464
POSTNET bar codes      1:431
Postulates      3:1809 5:3196—3197
Pot (Drug)      See Marijuana
Potamochoerus porcus      See Bush pigs
Potassium      1:126 4:2836
Potassium aluminum sulfate      5:3197—3198
Potassium hydrogen tartrate      5:3198—3199
Potassium nitrate      5:3199—3200
Potassium salts      3:2119
Potassium-argon dating      1:273 2:1156
Potatoes      1:130 1:635 4:2770—2771 5:3200 5:3200—3201 6:4124—4125
Potential field methods      6:3885—3886
Potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs)      4:2720
Potoos      1:707
Pott, Percivall      1:691 1:726 4:2686
Potter, Edith L.      2:1226 2:1227
Pottery analysis      1:272 5:3201—3203
Pottos      4:2375—2376
Poulson, Valdemar      4:2415
Poultry      3:1664. See also specific animals
Pound locks      4:2364—2365
Powder metallurgy      4:2524
Powder-down      3:1980
Powdery mildews      4:2565
Powell, John Wesley      2:1017
Power looms      3:2120
Power supplies, electrical      2:1383—1386
Power take-offs, for farm machinery      1:78
Power-supply circuits      2:1413
Poxviruses      6:4229—4230 6:4231—4232
Poynting-Robertson Effect      1:776
PP (Posterior pituitary)      2:1464
PPARC      See Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center
PPL 15      1:624
Prader-Willi syndrome      2:873
Prairie badgers      See American badgers
Prairie chickens      5:3206 5:3206—3207
Prairie dogs      3:1592 5:3207—3208 5:3208 6:3788
Prairie falcons      3:1577 5:3209
Prairies      1:528 1:530 5:3203—3206 5:3204 5:3225—3226 5:3226 5:3441
Pralidoxime chloride      6:4265
Prandtl, Ludwig      1:486 3:1640 6:4138
Pratincoles      2:1087—1088
Pratt, John Henry      3:2209
Praying mantis      5:3209—3211 5:3210
Pre-production, in motion pictures      4:2652
Precession of the equinoxes      1:680 1:776 1:780 3:1829 5:3211—3213 5:3211f 5:3212f
Precious metals      5:3213—3216 5:3214
Precipitation      2:1206 3:1699 5:3216—3219 5:3217 6:4302.
Precipitation fog      3:1651
Precipitation in grasslands      3:1863
Precipitation, Australia      1:386
Precipitation, chemistry of      1:18—19
Precipitation, horticulture and      3:2020
Precipitation, hydrologic cycle and      3:2062
Precipitation, Middle East      1:314
Precipitation, troposphere and      1:343
Precision casting      4:2523
Precocial birds      1:547
predators      5:3219—3220 5:3220
Predators, altruism and      1:148—149
Predators, biomagnification and      3:1654
Predators, DDT and      2:1160—1161
Predators, endangered species and      2:1459—1460
Predators, introduced      3:2181 3:2182—2183
Predators, keystone      3:2240
Predators, pesticides for      4:3025
Pregnancy tests      3:2028—2029
Pregnancy, chickenpox and      2:838 2:840
Pregnancy, diethylstilbestrol and      2:1226 2:1227
Pregnancy, HCG in      4:2498
Pregnancy, hormones and      3:2011
Pregnancy, Rh factor      5:3446—3448
Pregnancy, rubella and      2:841
Pregnancy, smoking and      5:3419
Pregnancy, ultrasound and      6:4158
Prehensile-tailed porcupines      5:3194
Prehistory, architecture of      1:639
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