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Carey F.A. — Organic Chemistry
Carey F.A. — Organic Chemistry

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Íàçâàíèå: Organic Chemistry

Àâòîð: Carey F.A.


This respected text is based on the Functional Group approach. The text retains the outstanding problems, pedagogy, depth, and prose of the second edition while providing increased emphasis on molecular modeling, a core concept in organic chemistry.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.04.2006

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Bromination p-aminobenzoic acid      942
Bromination p-nitrotoluene      502
Bromination phenol      510 1003
Bromine      see also “Bromination”
Bromine oxidation of carbohydrates by      1054 1063
Bromobenzene Friedel — Crafts acylation of      974
Bromobenzene preparation of      475 480
Bromobenzene reactions of with lithium      590
Bromobenzene with magnesium      591 974
Bromochlorofluoromethane as a chiral molecule      282
Bromochlorofluoromethane electrostatic potential map      281
Bromochlorofluoromethane Fischer projections      293
Bromoform      526 766 782
Bromohydrin      see “Halohydrins”
Bromonium ion      see “Halonium ion”
Bronsted acid      see “Acidity”
Bronsted base      see “Basicity”
Bronsted, Johannes      33
Brown, Herbert C.      250
Buckminsterfullerene      436—437
Butanal aldol reactions      770 772
Butanal dipole moment      776
Butanal heat of combustion      708
Butanal infrared spectrum      739
Butanal reductive amination of      935
Butanamine      see “Butylamine”
Butane      71 (see also “n-Butane”)
Butane chlorination of      175—176 298
Butane conformations of      109—112 133
Butanoic acid biosynthesis of      1075—1076
Butanoic acid bromination of      816
Butleroy, Alexander      3
Butyl bromide      see also “1-Bromobutane”
Butyl bromide, preparation from 1-butanol      152
Butyl bromide, reaction with sodium cyanide      923 926
Butyl group      74 (see also “n-Butyl group”
Butyl radical      175—176
Butylamine, acylation of      936
Butylamine, infrared spectrum      952
Butyllithium reactions of      592 627
Butyraldehyde      see “Butanal”
Butyric acid      806 (see also “Butanoic acid”)
c, speed of light      520
Caffeine      1158
Cahn, R. S.      194
Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) system of stereochemical notation chiral molecules      290—293 316
Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) system of stereochemical notation priority rules      193—194 195
Calcium carbide      364
Calicene      471
Camphene      130
Cantharadin      841
Carbamate esters      912
Carbanion      369 589
Carbanion as intermediate in nucleophilic aromatic substitution      977—981
Carbanion basicity of      369 593—594
Carbanion bonding in      369
Carbanion enolate ion      763
Carbenes and carbenoids      606—608 615
Carbenium ions      see “Carbocations”
Carbinolamine intermediates      724—726 727
Carbobenzoxy      see ‘Benzyloxycarbonyl”
Carbocations acyl cations      484—486
Carbocations alkenyl cations      377—378
Carbocations allylic      390 391—394 405—407 416
Carbocations arenium ions      474 (see also “Cyclohexadienyl cation”)
Carbocations as intermediates in acetal formation      720—721 1044
Carbocations as intermediates in biosynthesis of cholesterol      1093—1094
Carbocations as intermediates in biosynthesis of terpenes      1087-1091
Carbocations as intermediates in glycoside formation      1045
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alcohols dehydration      206—211 221—223
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alcohols with hydrogen halides      154 156—159 160 179 354—355 357
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkenes acid-catalyzed hydration      247—248
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkenes addition of hydrogen halides      235—236 238—242 272
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkenes addition of hydrogen halides to conjugated dienes      405-407 417—418
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkenes addition of sulfuric acid      246
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkenes polymerization      266—267
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkyl diazonium salts      944
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkyl halides $S_N1$ nucleophilic substitution      159—160 339—345 356
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkyl halides E1 elimination      206—208 217—219 223
Carbocations as intermediates in reactions of alkyl halides Friedel — Crafts alkylation      481—483 511
Carbocations benzylic      445 448
Carbocations capture by nucleophiles      157—159 248 340
Carbocations isopropyl cation      160 246
Carbocations methyl cation      160
Carbocations rearrangements      208—211 222—223 241—242 344—345 356 483 511
Carbocations structure, bonding, and stability      160—163 181
Carbocations tert-butyl cation      154 156—159 160 207 248 339—341 481—483
Carbocations tert-pentyl cation      944
Carbocations triphenylmethyl      446
Carbohydrates      1026—1068
Carbohydrates, aldoses      1027
Carbohydrates, amino sugars      1043
Carbohydrates, branched-chain carbohydrates      1043
Carbohydrates, chain extension      1055—1056 1063
Carbohydrates, classification      1026—1027
Carbohydrates, configurations of D-aldoses      1029—1032
Carbohydrates, cyclic hemiacetal formation in      1032—1039
Carbohydrates, deoxy sugars      1042
Carbohydrates, determination of ring size      1059 1060
Carbohydrates, disaccharides      1026—1027 1046—1048 1062
Carbohydrates, Fischer determination of glucose structure      1052 1068
Carbohydrates, Fischer projection formulas      1027—1028 1061
Carbohydrates, furanose forms      1032—1036 1062
Carbohydrates, glycolysis      1056—1058 1069
Carbohydrates, glycoproteins      1050
Carbohydrates, glycosides      1043—1046 1062
Carbohydrates, Haworth formulas      1034
Carbohydrates, ketoses      1027 1041
Carbohydrates, mnemonic for      1032
Carbohydrates, mutarotation in      1040 1062
Carbohydrates, photosynthesis      1032 1069
Carbohydrates, polysaccharides      1048—1050 1062
Carbohydrates, pyranose forms      1036—1039 1062
Carbohydrates, reactions of acylation      1058 1064
Carbohydrates, reactions of cyanohydrin formation      1055—1056 1063
Carbohydrates, reactions of epimerization      1056—1057
Carbohydrates, reactions of ether formation      1059 1064
Carbohydrates, reactions of isomerization      1051 1057
Carbohydrates, reactions of oxidation      1053—1055 1063
Carbohydrates, reactions of periodic acid cleavage      1059—1061 1064
Carbohydrates, reactions of reduction      1052—1053 1063
Carbohydrates, reactions of retro-aldol cleavage      1057—1058
Carbolic acid      996 (see also “Phenol”)
Carbon $\sideset{^{13}}{}C$ isotope nuclear magnetic resonance      547—559
Carbon $\sideset{^{14}}{}C$ isotope as isotopic label in Claisen rearrangement      1011
Carbon $\sideset{^{14}}{}C$ isotope as isotopic label in Claisen rearrangement nucleophilic aromatic substitution via benzyne      982 985
Carbon $\sideset{^{14}}{}C$ isotope as isotopic label in Claisen rearrangement terpene biosynthesis      1092
Carbon clusters      436—437
Carbon dioxide      14
Carbon dioxide and carbonic acid      805
Carbon dioxide in fatty acid and terpene biosynthesis      1075
Carbon dioxide in industrial preparation of urea      861
Carbon dioxide in Kolbe — Schmitt reaction      1006—1008 1017
Carbon dioxide reaction with Grig nard reagents      806—808 822
Carbon dioxide VSEPR and molecular geometry of      30
Carbon formation in stars      6
Carbon monoxide binding to hemoglobin and myoglobin      1150
Carbon monoxide reactions of      608 624 711—712
Carbon skeleton diagrams      22 (see also “Bond-line formulas”)
Carbon tetrachloride      31—32 150
Carbon tetrafluoride      13
Carbonic acid, $pK_a$ of      36 804—805
Carbonic anhydrase      46 805
Carbonium ions      see “Carbocations”
Carbonyl group      see also “Acyl chlorides”; “Aldehydes”; “Amides”; “Carboxylic acid anhydrides”; “Carboxylic acids”; “Esters”; “Ketones”
Carbonyl group $\sideset{^{13}}{}C$ chemical shifts      549 550—551
Carbonyl group and functional groups      144
Carbonyl group infrared absorption frequencies      561 563—564 872
Carbonyl group stabilization by substituents      708 793—794 833—836
Carbonyl group structure and bonding      706—708 742
Carboxamides      see «”Amides”
Carboxylate salts as nucleophiles      327 328 337—338
Carboxylate salts electron delocalization in      42 796—797
Carboxylate salts micelle formation      800
Carboxylate salts nomenclature of      799
Carboxylation of Grignard reagents      806—808 822
Carboxylation of phenol      1006—1008 1017
Carboxylic acid anhydrides Friedel — Crafts acylation with      485—486 502 504 505 510 710 842 974
Carboxylic acid anhydrides infrared absorption      872
Carboxylic acid anhydrides nomenclature of      831
Carboxylic acid anhydrides preparation of      839 841—842
Carboxylic acid anhydrides reactions of hydrolysis      843
Carboxylic acid anhydrides reactions of resonance in      834—835
Carboxylic acid anhydrides reactions of with alcohols      638 656 843—845 847 875
Carboxylic acid anhydrides reactions of with amino acids      1123
Carboxylic acid anhydrides reactions of with ammonia and amines      843 875 940—942
Carboxylic acid anhydrides reactions of with carbohydrates      1058 1064
Carboxylic acid anhydrides reactions of with phenols      1004—1006 1017
Carboxylic acid chlorides      see “Acyl chlorides”
Carboxylic acid derivatives      830—885 (see also “Acyl chlorides”; “Amides”; “Carboxylic acid anhydrides”; “Esters”; “Nitriles”)
Carboxylic acid derivatives nomenclature of      831—833
Carboxylic acid derivatives relative reactivity of      833 table
Carboxylic acid derivatives spectroscopic analysis      872—874
Carboxylic acid derivatives structure and bonding      833—836
Carboxylic acids      791—829 (see also “Carbonic acid; Dicarboxylic acids”)
Carboxylic acids acidity of      795—797 801—804 821—822
Carboxylic acids derivatives of      830—885
Carboxylic acids dicarboxylic acids      804 816—817
Carboxylic acids dipole moments      794
Carboxylic acids hydrogen bonding in      794
Carboxylic acids infrared spectra      561 table 819—820
Carboxylic acids nomenclature of      792—793
Carboxylic acids nuclear magnetic resonance spectra      819—820
Carboxylic acids physical properties      794
Carboxylic acids preparation of, by malonic ester synthesis      897—900 907
Carboxylic acids preparation of, carboxylation of Grig nard reagents      806—808 822
Carboxylic acids preparation of, hydrolysis of nitriles      808—809 822 870—871
Carboxylic acids preparation of, oxidation of aldehydes      736 807
Carboxylic acids preparation of, oxidation of alkylbenzenes      443—444 807
Carboxylic acids preparation of, oxidation of primary alcohols      641 657 807
Carboxylic acids protecting group for      1138—1139
Carboxylic acids reactions of      809—819
Carboxylic acids reactions of $\alpha$-halogenation      815-816 823
Carboxylic acids reactions of decarboxylation      816—819 824
Carboxylic acids reactions of esterification      638—639 656 810—813 823 847
Carboxylic acids reactions of reduction      632 654 711 810
Carboxylic acids reactions of with acyl chlorides      839 875
Carboxylic acids reactions of with thionyl chloride      485 810 838
Carboxylic acids salts of      797—801 822
Carboxylic acids site of protonation in      812-813
Carboxylic acids structure and bonding      793—794 821
Carboxypeptidase A      1145—1147
Carboxypeptidases      1130
Carcinogen      435
Carcinogen benzene      444
Carcinogen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons      435
Carotenoids      1100—1101 1103
Carothers, Wallace H.      4 868
Carvone, odors of (R) and (S) enantiomers      295
catalyst      5 (see also “Acid catalysis”; “Enzymes”; “Hydrogenation”)
Cation radicals in mass spectrometry      567
Cech, Thomas      1177
Cellobiose      1046—1047
Cellulose      1048—1049
Cembrene      1086
Center of symmetry      286—287
Center of symmetry in meso-2,3-butanediol      304
Cephalexin      861
Cephalosporins      861
Cerebrosides      1105
Chair conformation of cyclohexane and derivatives      116—124 125—129 134—136 545
Chair conformation of piperidine      132
Chair conformation of pyranose forms of carbohydrates      1038—1039
Chair conformation of tetrahydropyran      667
Chargaff, Erwin      1166 1168
Chemical Abstracts Service survey      78
Chemical shift equivalence and replacement test for      533—535
Chemical shift of carbon      549—551 576
Chemical shift of protons      525—535 544 545 575
Chemical shift scale $(\sigma)$      525—526
Chemical shift tables      528 $\sideset{^1}{}H$ 549
Chiral axis      see “Chirality axis”
Chiral center      see “Chirality center
Chiral drugs      296
Chiral molecules      281—285 314
Chiral molecules and R,S notation      290—293 316
Chiral molecules with multiple chirality centers      300—310 317
Chiral molecules with one chirality center      282—285 315
Chiral molecules, absolute configuration      289 316
Chiral molecules, Fischer projection formulas      293—295 302 304 316
Chiral molecules, formation of in chemical reactions      297—300 307—310 316—317
Chiral molecules, optical activity in      287—289 316
Chiral recognition      295
Chiral, definition of      281
Chirality axis      403
Chirality center      282—285 300—307 314
Chirality center absolute configuration      290—293
Chirality center and Fischer projections      293—295 302 316 1027—1028 1061 1115—1116
Chirality center formation of in chemical reactions      297—300 307—310
Chirality center in 2-butanol      284 289—291
Chirality center in chiral molecules      282—285 290 293 300
Chirality center phosphorus      314
Chirality center sulfur      314
Chitin      1043
Chloral      715
Chlorination      see also “Chlorine”
Chlorination electrophilic of 2-methylacetanilide      942
Chlorination electrophilic of acetophenone      505
Chlorination electrophilic of aldehydes and ketones      757—759 765 767 782
Chlorination electrophilic of benzene      475
Chlorination electrophilic of benzoyl chloride      500
Chlorination free-radical of alkanes      166 172—178 180 181 298
Chlorination free-radical of ethane      173
Chlorination free-radical of methane      166—167 172—173 174
Chlorination free-radical of propene      396
Chlorination free-radical of toluene      441—442
Chlorine      see also “Chlorination”
Chlorine addition of to alkenes      256
Chlorine addition of to conjugated dienes      407
Chlorine addition of to propyne      381
Chlorine oxidation of alcohols by      645
Chlorobenzene carbon-chlorine bond energy      972
Chlorobenzene conversion to phenol      975 985 1000
Chlorobenzene dipole moment of      972
Chlorobenzene mass spectrum      570
Chlorobenzene nitration of      500—501
Chlorobenzene nucleophilic aromatic substitution in      975—976 985
Chlorocyclobutane      175
Chlorocyclohexane      see also “Cyclohexyl chloride”
Chlorocyclohexane dipole moment      972
Chloroethane      175 972
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)      167
Chloroform      150 (see also “Trichloromethane”)
Chloroform $\sideset{^1}{}H$ chemical shift      527
Chloroform $\sideset{^1}{}H$ nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of      525
Chloroform biosynthesis of      767
Chloroform-d, solvent for NMR spectroscopy      526
Chlorohydrin      see “Halohydrins”
Chloromethane      166—167 (see also “Methyl chloride”)
Chloromethane biosynthesis of      767
Chloromethane boiling point of      150
Chloromethane dipole moment of      147
Chloromethane electrostatic potential map      147
Chloronium ion      see “Halonium ion”
Chlortetracycline      974
Cholesterol      625 1093—1096 1103
Cholesterol 7-dehydro      1096—1097
Cholesterol biosynthesis of      1093—1095
Cholic acid      131 306—307 1097—1098
choline      1078
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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