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Carey F.A. — Organic Chemistry
Carey F.A. — Organic Chemistry

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Íàçâàíèå: Organic Chemistry

Àâòîð: Carey F.A.


This respected text is based on the Functional Group approach. The text retains the outstanding problems, pedagogy, depth, and prose of the second edition while providing increased emphasis on molecular modeling, a core concept in organic chemistry.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1191

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.04.2006

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Alkoxide ions as bases in elimination      211—213 606
Alkoxide ions as nucleophiles      327 328 337—338 672—673 693
Alkoxide ions substitution versus elimination in reactions with alkyl halides      348—350 355 672—673
Alkyl azides preparation of      328 349 779 927
Alkyl azides reduction of      931 957
Alkyl cyanides      see «“Nitriles”
Alkyl fluorides      671
Alkyl groups classification of      74
Alkyl groups nomenclature of      73—75 98 144
Alkyl groups splitting patterns in proton magnetic resonance spectra      538—540
Alkyl groups stabilizing effect of in aldehydes and ketones      708 713—714
Alkyl groups stabilizing effect of in alkenes      197—199 221
Alkyl groups stabilizing effect of in alkynes      374
Alkyl groups stabilizing effect of in carbocations      160—162 181 342
Alkyl groups stabilizing effect of in free radicals      167—172
Alkyl groups steric hindrance to nucleophilic substitution by      334—336
Alkyl halides bonding in      146—147
Alkyl halides classification of      146
Alkyl halides in Friedel — Crafts alkylation reactions      475 481—483 510 511
Alkyl halides in Gabriel synthesis of amines      929—931 956
Alkyl halides naturally occurring      767
Alkyl halides nomenclature of      144—145 178
Alkyl halides nucleophilic substitution in      326—350 356 370—372 383 672—673 693 781 784 894—900
Alkyl halides nucleophilic substitution in crown-ether catalysis of      671
Alkyl halides nucleophilic substitution in phase-transfer catalysis of      923 926
Alkyl halides physical properties      147—151
Alkyl halides preparation of from alcohols      151—166 180 354—355
Alkyl halides preparation of from alkanes      166 172—178 180
Alkyl halides preparation of from alkenes      235—238 242—245
Alkyl halides reactions of dehydrohalogenation      211—219 221 446
Alkyl halides reactions of in Williamson ether synthesis      672—673 693 1008 1059
Alkyl halides reactions of with $\beta$-diketones      781 784
Alkyl halides reactions of with alkynide ions      370—372 383
Alkyl halides reactions of with amines      937—938 958
Alkyl halides reactions of with ammonia      928—929 956
Alkyl halides reactions of with lithium      589—590 615
Alkyl halides reactions of with lithium dialkylcuprates      602—604 617
Alkyl halides reactions of with magnesium      591—592 615
Alkyl halides reactions of with sodium azide      327 328 347 349 927
Alkyl halides reactions of with triphenylphosphine      733
Alkyl halides reactions of with typical nucleophiles      328 table
Alkyl halides solubility in water      150
Alkyl hydrogen sulfates      245—247 272
Alkyl hydroperoxides      422 674
Alkyl iodides nucleophilic substitution in      330 356
Alkyl iodides preparation of      329
Alkylamines      see “Amines”
Alkylation Friedel — Crafts      475 481—483 510 511
Alkylation of $\beta$-diketones      781 784
Alkylation of acetoacetic ester      894—896 907
Alkylation of acetylene and alkynes      360 370—372 383
Alkylation of ammonia      928—929
Alkylation of ester enolates      903-905
Alkylation of malonic ester      897—900 907
Alkylbenzenes      (see also “Arenes”)
Alkylbenzenes free-radical halogenation of      439 441—443 466
Alkylbenzenes infrared spectra      560—561
Alkylbenzenes mass spectra      571
Alkylbenzenes oxidation of      443—444 466
Alkylbenzenes preparation of      475 481—483 486—488 510 604
Alkyloxonium ions      154 248
Alkyloxonium ions in dehydration of alcohols      206—208 211 219
Alkyloxonium ions in epoxide ring opening      681—684
Alkyloxonium ions in ether cleavage      675
Alkyloxonium ions in reaction of alcohols with hydrogen halides      154—157 179 354
Alkyloxonium ions in solvolysis reactions      337 339—342
Alkynes      57—58 363—389
Alkynes acidity of      367 368—370 382 593 598
Alkynes as dienophiles      410
Alkynes bonding in      365—367 382
Alkynes chemical shifts carbon      550
Alkynes chemical shifts proton      528 529
Alkynes cyclic      365 368
Alkynes infrared spectra      561 table
Alkynes naturally occurring      364
Alkynes nomenclature of      364
Alkynes physical properties      365
Alkynes preparation of      370—374 383
Alkynes preparation of alkylation of acetylene and terminal alkynes      370—372 383
Alkynes preparation of from geminal and vicinal dihalides      372—374 383
Alkynes reactions of      374—382 384 385
Alkynes reactions of alkylation of      370—372 383 723
Alkynes reactions of as Bronsted acid      367 368—370 382 598
Alkynes reactions of halogen addition to      381 385
Alkynes reactions of hydration of      379—381 385 710
Alkynes reactions of hydrogen halide addition to      377—379 385
Alkynes reactions of hydrogenation of      374—375 384
Alkynes reactions of metal-ammonia reduction of      376—377 384
Alkynes reactions of ozonolysis of      381—382
Alkynes structure      365—367
Allenes      398 400 402—404
Allinger, N.L.      112
Allonolactone      1063
Allyl      390 416
Allyl alcohol      391
Allyl bromide      391 896 1008
Allyl cation      391
Allyl chloride      391 396
Allyl group      190 390
Allyl phenyl ether Claisen rearrangement of      1011—1012
Allyl phenyl ether preparation of      1008
Allyl radical      395 396
Allylic      391
Allylic carbocations      390 391—394 405—407 416
Allylic free radicals      390 395—398 416
Allylic halogenation      396—398 416
Allylic hydrogens      391 396
Allylic hydrogens H NMR chemical shifts of      528 529
Allylic rearrangement      394 416
Altman, Sidney      1177
Altronolactone      1063
Aluminum chloride catalyst for Friedel — Crafts reaction      475 481—487 510 710
Aluminum chloride catalyst for Fries rearrangement      1006
Amide ion      (see also “Sodium amide”)
Amide ion as base      370—373 383 597 903
Amide ion in nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions      981—985
Amides      (see also “Imides”; “Lactams”; “Peptides”)
Amides as intermediates in hydrolysis of nitriles      870—871
Amides infrared spectra      561 table 872
Amides mass spectrometry of      873—874
Amides nomenclature of      832
Amides preparation of      839 843 849 857—858 859—861 875 876 928 940
Amides reactions of dehydration      867
Amides reactions of hydrolysis      862—867 941
Amides reactions of protonation      865
Amides reactions of reduction      933 957
Amides resonance in      835 940
Amides rotational energy barrier      835—836
Amides structure      835—836
Amines      913—970 (see also “Aniline”; “Diazonium salts”)
Amines basicity      919—923 955—956
Amines classification      913-914
Amines infrared spectra      561 table 951—952
Amines mass spectra      953
Amines naturally occurring      924—925
Amines nomenclature of      913—916 955
Amines nuclear magnetic resonance spectra carbon      953
Amines nuclear magnetic resonance spectra proton      952—954
Amines physical properties      918—919
Amines preparation of      926—935 956—957
Amines preparation of alkylation of ammonia      928—929 956
Amines preparation of Gabriel synthesis      929—931 956
Amines preparation of reduction of nitrogen-containing compounds      931—935 957
Amines preparation of reductive amination      934—935 957
Amines pyramidal inversion in      314
Amines reactions      935—951 958—961
Amines reactions electrophilic aromatic substitution in arylamines      939—943 959
Amines reactions Hofmann elimination      938—940 958
Amines reactions nitrosation      943—946 959
Amines reactions with acyl chlorides      839 875 936 940
Amines reactions with aldehydes and ketones      724—730 744 936
Amines reactions with alkyl halides      937—938 958
Amines reactions with carboxylic acid anhydrides      843 875 940 941 942
Amines reactions with esters      857—858 859
Amines structure and bonding      916—918 955
Amino acid analyzer      1130
Amino acid racemization      1116
Amino acids acid base properties      1117—1121
Amino acids analysis      1120—1121 1130
Amino acids classification      1110—1115
Amino acids constituents of proteins      1111—1112 table
Amino acids preparation of      1121—1122
Amino acids reactions of      728 1123—1126
Amino acids side chains      1113—1115
Amino acids stereochemistry      1115—1116 1150
Amino acids zwitterionic structure      1117—1118 1150
Amino sugars      1043
Ammonia $pK_a$ of      37 39
Ammonia $pK_a$ of conjugate acid      36 38
Ammonia acidity of      37 369 593 903
Ammonia as solvent      370 376
Ammonia basicity of      37—38
Ammonia boiling point      148
Ammonia bond angles      29 30
Ammonia in reductive amination      934—935 957
Ammonia nucleophilicity      338
Ammonia reaction of with $\alpha$-halo carboxylic acids      816 928 1121
Ammonia reaction of with $\alpha,\beta$-unsaturated carbonyl compounds      783
Ammonia reaction of with alkyl halides      928—929 956
Ammonia reaction of with epoxides      680 927
Ammonia reaction of with esters      857—858
Ammonia reaction of with methyllithium      594
Ammonia VSEPR and molecular geometry of      30
Ammonium salts acetate      797
Ammonium salts carbamate      861
Ammonium salts cyanate      2
Ammonium salts formal charge of nitrogen in      19
Ammonium salts nomenclature of      915—916
AMP      see “Adenosine 5’-monophosphate”
Amphoteric      1117
Amylopectin      1049—1050
Amylose      1049
Anabolic steroids      1099
Analysis amino acid      1130
Analysis amino acid racemization      1116
Analysis GC/MS      572—573
Analysis retrosynthetic      598—601 605 614 732—733 895 898
Analysis spectroscopy      519—586
Anandamide      1074
Androgens      1098—1100
Androstenedione      1100
Angle strain      113 133
Angle strain in cycloalkanes      112—114
Angle strain in cycloalkynes      365 368
Angle strain in cyclobutane      113 115
Angle strain in cyclohexane      113 116
Angle strain in cyclopropane      113 114 134
Angle strain in cyclopropene      200
Angle strain in epoxides      667 678
Angle strain in [10]annulene      454
Angstrom unit      24
Aniline      432 914
Aniline $pK_a$ of conjugate acid      36
Aniline basicity of      920—921
Aniline electrostatic potential map      917
Aniline in reductive amination      934
Aniline isolation      914
Aniline physical properties      918—919
Aniline reactions of acylation      940—942
Aniline reactions of bromination      497
Aniline reactions of diazotization      946
Aniline resonance in      917
Aniline structure and bonding      916—918
Anion radical intermediates in Birch reduction      440
Anion radical intermediates in metal-ammonia reduction of alkynes      376—377
Anion radical intermediates in reaction of alkyl halides with metals      589—590 592
Anisole      432
Anisole bromination of      495
Anisole Friedel — Crafts acylation of      510 710
Anisole preparation of      1008
Annelation      see «Annulation
Annulation      779
Annulenes      454—456 467
Annulenes aromatic and antiaromatic ring currents in      530—531
Anomeric carbon      1033
Anomeric effect      1040
anthracene      434—435
Anti addition      see “Addition reactions”
Anti conformation      106
Anti conformation alkanes      109 110—112 133
Anti conformation ethers      667
Anti conformation in elimination reactions      216—217 221
Anti conformation meso-2,3-butanediol      303—304
Anti conformation peptides and proteins      1127
anti Periplanar      217
Anti — Markovnikov addition      242
Antiaromaticity      451 452 459 530—531
Antibiotics $\beta$-lactam      861—862
Antibiotics carbohydrate components of      1043
Antibiotics enediyne      368
Antibiotics macrolide      814—815
Antibiotics nucleoside      1158
Antibiotics polyether      670
Antibiotics sulfa drugs      951—952
Anticodon      1176 1189
Aprotic solvents      347 930
Arachidic acid      1073
Arachidonic acid      1073 1080—1082
Aramid polymers      868
Archaea      66 323
Arene oxides      435 1002 1124
Arenes      58 422—472
Arenes biological oxidation      435 444 1002 1124
Arenes infrared spectra      561 table
Arenes nuclear magnetic resonance spectra carbon      549 table
Arenes nuclear magnetic resonance spectra proton      528 529 530—531
Arenium ion      474
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity      58 422—472 for
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity annulenes      454—456 467
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity benzene      424—431
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity heterocyclic      460—463 467
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity Hueckel’s rule      451—460 462—463 467
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity ionic      456—460 467
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity nomenclature of      432—434 464
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity physical properties      437 464
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity polycyclic      434—435 464
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity reactions of Birch reduction      438—439 440 464
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity reactions of electrophilic aromatic substitution      473—518
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity reactions of side-chain reactivity      439 441—448 466
Aromatic compounds and aromaticity ring current      529 530—531
Arrhenius, Svante      33
Artificial sweeteners      1051—1052
Aryl cyanides      see “Nitriles”
Aryl esters Fries rearrangement of      1006
Aryl esters in peptide bond formation      1141
Aryl esters preparation of      1004—1006 1017
Aryl ethers cleavage by hydrogen halides      1010—1011 1018
Aryl ethers preparation of      1008—1009 1018
Aryl halides      327 971—992
Aryl halides bond dissociation energies      972
Aryl halides naturally occurring      974
Aryl halides physical properties of      972
Aryl halides preparation of from aryl diazonium salts      946—948 960—961 973
Aryl halides preparation of halogenation of arenes      475 480—481 510 973
Aryl halides reactions of electrophilic aromatic substitution      500—501 974
Aryl halides reactions of formation of Grignard reagent      591 974
Aryl halides reactions of nucleophilic aromatic substitution      975—985 986—987 1000 1009 1131—1132
Aryl halides reactions of with lithium      590
Aryl halides structure and bonding      971—972
Arylamines      (see also “Aniline”; “Diazonium salts”)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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