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Carey F.A. — Organic Chemistry
Carey F.A. — Organic Chemistry

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Íàçâàíèå: Organic Chemistry

Àâòîð: Carey F.A.


This respected text is based on the Functional Group approach. The text retains the outstanding problems, pedagogy, depth, and prose of the second edition while providing increased emphasis on molecular modeling, a core concept in organic chemistry.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.04.2006

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Regioselectivity hydroboration-oxidation      250—254 273
Regioselectivity nucleophilic aromatic substitution      981—985
Relative configuration      289
Resolution      310—312 317
Resolution enzymatic      312
Resonance      3 24—27 49
Resonance $\alpha,\beta$-unsaturated carbonyl compounds      776
Resonance $\beta$-keto ester anions      887
Resonance aldehydes and ketones      498 707—708
Resonance allyl radical      395
Resonance allylic carbocations      391—394
Resonance amides      836 940
Resonance aniline      917
Resonance benzene      427—428
Resonance benzylic carbocations      445
Resonance benzylic radicals      441
Resonance carboxylic acid derivatives      833—838
Resonance carboxylic acids      794
Resonance cyclohexadienyl anions      977—980
Resonance cyclohexadienyl cations      474 489—494 496 497 499 501 506—507
Resonance energy 1,3,5-hexatriene      429
Resonance energy anthracene      434—435
Resonance energy benzene      428—429 463
Resonance energy conjugated dienes      399—400
Resonance energy cyclooctatetraene      450
Resonance energy naphthalene      434
Resonance energy phenanthrene      434
Resonance energy [18]annulene      455
Resonance enolate ions      763—765
Resonance formic acid      794
Resonance ozone      24—25 262
Resonance p-nitroaniline      921
Resonance phenol      995
Resonance phenoxide anions      997 999 1007
Resonance protonated benzoic acid      812
Resonance protonated ketone      717
Resonance rules for      26—27 table
Resorcinol      994
Resorcinol acetylation      1005
Restriction enzymes      1101
Retention of configuration      254 331—332
Retention of configuration in acylation of alcohols      640
Retention of configuration in Baeyer — Villiger oxidation      736—738
Retention of configuration in ester hydrolysis      855
Retinal      729
Retinol      625 729
Retro-aldol cleavage      1058
Retrosynthetic analysis acetoacetic ester synthesis      895
Retrosynthetic analysis Grignard synthesis of alcohols      598—601 616
Retrosynthetic analysis malonic ester synthesis      898
Retrosynthetic analysis Simmons — Smith reaction      605
Retrosynthetic analysis Wittig reaction      732—733
Reverse transcriptase      1179
Rhodium, hydrogenation catalyst      230 231
Rhodopsin      729
Ribavarin      1160
Ribonuclease      1142
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)      1164 1172—1177
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) messenger (mRNA)      1172 1174—1175 1178 1188
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase      1175
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) purine and pyrimidine bases in      1157 1158—1160
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) ribosomal (rRNA)      1177
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) transfer (tRNA)      1175—1176 1178 1189
Ribosome and rRNA      1177
Ribozyme      1177
Rickets      1097
Ring flipping      see “Ring inversion”
Ring inversion cyclohexane      119—120 135 544—545
Ring inversion substituted cyclohexanes      120—124 125—129 135—136
RNA World      1177
RNA, mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA      see “Ribonucleic acid”
Roberts, John D.      982
Robinson annulation      779 783
Robinson, Sir Robert      3 427
Rotamer      105 (see also “Conformation”)
Rotational energy barrier alkenes      193
Rotational energy barrier amides      835
Rotational energy barrier butane      109—110
Rotational energy barrier conjugated dienes      401—402
Rotational energy barrier ethane      107—108
Rubber      408
Rubbing alcohol      21 145
Ruzicka, Leopold      1085
S (symbol for entropy)      122
S-Adenosylmethionine      339 687
s-Cis conformation      401—402
s-Trans conformation      401—402
Sabatier, Paul      231 591
Sabinene      1107
Saccharic acids      see “Aldaric acids”
Saccharin      1051
Salicylic acid      792
Salicylic acid, acetylation of      1006
Salicylic acid, acidity of      33 1007
Salicylic acid, synthesis of      1006—1008
Samuelsson, Bengt      1084
Sandmeyer reactions      946 948 961 973
Sanger, Frederick      1129—1133 1180—1182
Sanger’s reagent      see “1-Fluoro-2
Saponification      852—856
Sawhorse diagrams      105—106
Saytzeff      see “Zaitsev”
Schiemann reaction      946 947 960
Schiff’s base      724 744
Schroedinger equation      see “Wave equation”
Schroedinger, Erwin      7 1167
Scientific method      239
sec-Butyl alcohol      638 (see also “2-Butanol”)
sec-Butyl chloride.      see “2-Chlorobutane”
sec-Butyl group      74 (see also “1-Methylpropyl group”)
sec-Butyl methyl ether      674
sec-Butyl phenyl ketone, enolization of      768—769
sec-Butyl radical      175—176
Secobarbital      900
Seconal      900
Secondary carbon      74
Secondary structure      1143—1145
Selectivity      see “Regioselectivity”; “Stereoselective reactions”
Semicarbazide      727
Semicarbazones      727
Sequence rule and R-S notation      290—293 316
Sequence rule application to alkene stereochemistry      193—195 220
Serotonin      924—925
Sesquiterpene      1085
Sesterpene      1085
Sex attractant      see “Pheromone sex
Sex hormones      1098—1100 1103
Shared-electron pair bond      see “Covalent bond”
Shielding of nuclei in NMR spectroscopy      525—532 549—551
SI units      11 24
Sickle-cell anemia      1150
Sigma bond      60
Sigmatropic rearrangement      1012
Silk      1144
Silver oxide      938 1012 1018
Simmons — Smith reaction (reagent)      605
Simmons, Howard E.      605
Simvastatin      1096
Sinigrin      1044
Sites of unsaturation      see “Index of hydrogen deficiency”
Skew-boat conformation of cyclohexane      117 134
Smalley, Richard      436
Smith, Bradley D.      555
Smith, Ronald D.      605
Soap manufacture      853
Soap mode of action      800—801
Sodium 1-dodecyl sulfate (SDS)      800 1121
Sodium acetylide      360 588
Sodium acetylide, preparation of      370 371
Sodium acetylide, reaction with alkyl halides      360 371—372
Sodium acetylide, reaction with cyclohexanone      597
Sodium alkoxides as bases in elimination reactions      211—212 348—350
Sodium alkoxides in Williamson ether synthesis      672—673 693
Sodium alkoxides, preparation of      212
Sodium amide as base      370—373 383 597
Sodium amide, reaction with aryl halides      981—985
Sodium borohydride, reduction of aldehydes and ketones      627—631 654 713
Sodium borohydride, reduction of aryl diazonium ions      949
Sodium borohydride, reduction of carbohydrates      1052—1053 1063
Sodium cyanoborohydride      935
Sodium dichromate      (see also “Chromic acid oxidation”; “Potassium dichromate”)
Sodium dichromate, oxidation of alcohols      642 657
Sodium dichromate, oxidation of alkylbenzenes      443—444 466 506
Sodium ethoxide as base in acetoacetic ester synthesis      894—896
Sodium ethoxide as base in Claisen and Dieckmann condensations      887 891
Sodium ethoxide as base in elimination reactions      212 348—350
Sodium ethoxide as base in malonic ester synthesis      897—899
Sodium ethoxide, reaction with epoxides      679
Sodium hydride      892
Sodium hypochorite      644—645
Sodium iodide      329
Sodium lauryl sulfate      800 (see also “Sodium 1-dodecyl sulfate”)
Sodium metaperiodate      685—686
Sodium methoxide, reaction with aryl halides      975—980
Sodium stearate      799
Sodium, reaction with alkynes      376—377 384
Sodium, reaction with arenes      438—439 440 464—465
Solid-phase peptide synthesis      1141—1143
Solvation and nucleophilicity      338
Solvent effects, and rate of nucleophilic substitution      345—348 356
Solvolysis of alkyl halides      336—339 345
Solvolysis of allylic halides      391—394 416
Solvolysis of benzylic halides      444—446
Somatostatin      1154
Sondheimer, Franz      456
Sorbitol      658
Space-filling models      28 (see also “Molecular models and modeling”)
Space-filling models and steric hindrance      335
Specific rotation      288
Spectral Data Base System      555
Spectrometer      521
Spectrometer mass      567—568
Spectrometer nuclear magnetic resonance      523—524
Spectroscopy      519—586 (see also “Mass spectrometry”)
Spectroscopy $\sideset{^1}{}H NMR$      522—545 575—576
Spectroscopy general principles      520—521 575
Spectroscopy infrared      559—564 577
Spectroscopy ultraviolet-visible      565—567 577
Spectroscopy Web sites      555
speed of light      520
Spermaceti      1079
Spermidine      925
Spermine      925
Spin density in allyl radical      395
Spin density in benzyl radical      441
Spin-spin coupling      537
Spin-spin splitting in $\sideset{^1}{}H NMR$      535—544 576
Spin-spin splitting in $\sideset{^{19}}{}F NMR$      580
Spin-spin splitting n + 1 rule      535 544
Spirocyclic hydrocarbons      129—130 136
Spiropentane      130
Splitting diagrams AX to AM to AB      541
Splitting diagrams doublet of doublets      543
Splitting diagrams quartet      537
Splitting diagrams triplet      539
Squalene      684 1085 1086 1094 1103
Squalene 2,3-epoxide      684
Squalene 2,3-epoxide in cholesterol biosynthesis      1094 1095
Staggered conformation      105—107 133
Stamps      1—5
Stanozolol      1099
Starch      1049—1050
Stearic acid      792 1073
Sterculic acid      200
Stereocenter      see “Chirality center”
Stereochemistry      281—325
Stereochemistry and chemical reactions      (see also “Stereoselective reactions”; “Stereospecific reactions”)
Stereochemistry and chemical reactions bimolecular nucleophilic substitution $(S_N 2)$      331—334 353 356
Stereochemistry and chemical reactions ester hydrolysis      312 855
Stereochemistry and chemical reactions hydrogenation of alkenes      234—235 309
Stereochemistry and chemical reactions that produce chiral molecules      297—300 316—317
Stereochemistry and chemical reactions that produce diastereomers      307—310 317
Stereochemistry and chemical reactions unimolecular nucleophilic substitution $(S_N 1)$      342—344 356
Stereochemistry Fischer projection formulas $\alpha$-amino acids      1115—1116 1150
Stereochemistry Fischer projection formulas carbohydrates      1027—1028 1031 1061
Stereochemistry Fischer projection formulas chiral molecules      293—295 316
Stereochemistry Fischer projection formulas two chirality centers      300—304 317
Stereochemistry notational systems      (see also “Stereoisomers”)
Stereochemistry notational systems cis and trans      124 192—193 220
Stereochemistry notational systems D and L      293 1027—1032 1061 1115—1116
Stereochemistry notational systems E and Z      193—195 220
Stereochemistry notational systems erythro and threo      301—302
Stereochemistry notational systems R and S      290—293 316
Stereoelectronic effects bimolecular elimination      216—217 223
Stereoelectronic effects nucleophilic substitution      333
Stereogenic axis      see “Chirality axis”
Stereogenic center      see “Chirality center”
Stereoisomers      23 124—129 135—136
Stereoisomers alkenes      192—195 220
Stereoisomers diastereomers      300—312 317
Stereoisomers enantiomers      281—300 316
Stereoisomers endo and exo      734
Stereoisomers epimers      1056
Stereoisomers maximum number of      306—307 317
Stereoregular polymers      312—314 317—318 612
Stereoselective reactions      234 309—310
Stereoselective reactions addition to carbonyl groups      734—735
Stereoselective reactions alcohol dehydration      206
Stereoselective reactions dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides      213
Stereoselective reactions enzyme-catalyzed hydration of fumaric acid      299—300
Stereoselective reactions hydrogenation of alkenes      234 309—310
Stereoselective reactions metal-ammonia reduction of alkynes      376—377 384
Stereospecific reactions      308—310
Stereospecific reactions Baeyer — Villiger oxidation      736—738
Stereospecific reactions bimolecular (E2) elimination      216—217
Stereospecific reactions bimolecular nucleophilic substitution $(S_N 2)$      331—333 353 356
Stereospecific reactions Dieis — Alder reaction      410
Stereospecific reactions epoxidation of alkenes      260—262 273 309 676
Stereospecific reactions epoxide formation from bromohydrins      677
Stereospecific reactions epoxide ring opening      680 683—684
Stereospecific reactions halogen addition to alkenes      256—259 273 307—310
Stereospecific reactions halogen addition to alkynes      381
Stereospecific reactions Hofmann elimination      938
Stereospecific reactions hydroboration of alkenes      252—254 273
Stereospecific reactions hydrogenation of alkenes      234 309—310
Stereospecific reactions hydrogenation of alkynes      374—375 384
Stereospecific reactions hydroxylation of alkenes      635 683—684
Stereospecific reactions Simmons — Smith reaction      605—606
Steric effects      109
Steric effects and stability of isomeric alkenes      197—201 221 233
Steric effects and stereoselectivity      309—310 734
Steric effects in bimolecular nucleophilic substitution $(S_N 2)$      334—336 356
Steric effects in cyclohexane derivatives      121
Steric effects in electrophilic aromatic substitution      503
Steric effects in Hofmann elimination      940
Steric effects in hydration of aldehydes and ketones      712—717
Steric effects in hydroboration of alkenes      252
Steric effects in hydrogenation of a-pinene      234—235
Steric effects in sodium borohydride reduction      734
Steric hindrance      109 235 734
Steric hindrance in bimolecular nucleophilic substitution $(S_N 2)$      334—336 356
Steric strain      107 109 200—201
Steroids      140 141 306—307 1093—1100
strain      see “Angle strain”; “Torsional strain”; “van der Waals strain”
Strain energy minimization      111
Strecker synthesis      1121
Strecker, Adolf      1121
Streptimidone      322
Stretching vibrations and infrared spectroscopy      559
Strong acids and bases definitions      33 44
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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