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Поиск книг, содержащих: Leibniz rule
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Weintraub S. — Differential Forms. A complement to vector calculus | | Olver P.J. — Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry | 20, 224 | Ferziger J.H., Peric M. — Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics | 374 | Eisenbud D. — Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry | 383 | Landsman N.P. — Mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics | 38 | Lawvere F.W., Rosebrugh R. — Sets for Mathematics | 201 | Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H. — Elements of Noncommutative Geometry | 47, 253, 320, 321, 335, 382, 383,385, 502, 632 | Hazewinkel M. (ed.) — Handbook of Algebra, Volume 4 | 102 | Street R., Murray M. (Ed), Broadbridge Ph. (Ed) — Quantum Groups: A Path to Current Algebra | 32 | Eisenbud D. — Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2 | 139, 286 | Pugh C.C. — Real Mathematical Analysis | 274 | Boothby W.M. — An introduction to differentiable manifolds and riemannian geometry | 33 | Klimyk A., Schmudgen K. — Quantum Groups and Their Representations | 458 | Lang S. — Undergraduate Algebra | 231, 256 | Liu Q., Erne R. — Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves | 210 | Henneaux M., Teitelboim C. — Quantization of Gauge Systems | 169 | Greenberg M.D. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 676 | Audin M. — Spinning Tops: A Course on Integrable Systems | 2, 3, 91 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 252, 275, 400, 403, 597, 611 | Tourlakis G.J. — Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Mathematical Logic | 51 | Balachandran V.K. — Topological Algebras. Volume 185 | 7.6.8, 346 | Stetter H. J. — Numerical polynomial algebra | 8, 330 | Asmar N.H. — Partial Differential Equations with fourier series and boundary value problems | 314 | Barrels R.H., Beatty J.C. — An Introduction to Splines for use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling | 173, 174, 175, 179 | Audin M. — Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds | 73 | Olver P.J., Shakiban C. — Applied linear. algebra | 474 | West B.J., Bologna M., Grigolini P. — Physics of Fractal Operators | 83 | Straumann N. — General relativity and relativistic astrophysics | 10, 30 | Mac Lane S., Birkhoff G.D. — Algebra | 454 | Oprea J. — Differential Geometry and Its Applications | 81 | Boothby W.M. — An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry | 33 | Mangiarotti L., Sardanashvily G. — Connections in Classical and Quantum Field Theory | 270 | Alekseevskij D.V., Vinogradov A.M., Lychagin V.V. — Geometry I: Basic Ideas and Concepts of Differential Geometry | 61 | Rall L.B. — Automatic Differentiation: Techniques and Applications | 39 | Choquet-Bruhat Y., DeWitt-Morette C., Dillard-Bleick M. — Analysis, manifolds and physics. Part I. | 118 | Demidovich B. (ed.) — Problems in mathematical analysis | 67, 269 | Adams D.R., Hedberg L.I. — Function spaces and potential theory | 158, 241 | de Leon M., Rodrigues P.R. — Methods of differential geometry in analytical mechanics | 21 | Blaszak M. — Multi-Hamiltonian Theory of Dynamical Systems | 264 | Dauns J. — A Concrete Approach to Division Rings | 187—188, 191, 205, 209, 213—214, 245—251, 264, 266 | Tourlakis G.J. — Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Set Theory | 52 | Von Grudzinski O. — Quasihomogeneous distributions | 22, 31 | Rempel S., Schulze B.-W. — Index Theory of Elliptic Boundary Problems | 38, 66 | Hammerlin G., Hoffmann K.-H., Schumaker L.L. — Numerical Mathematics | 191 | Choquet-Bruhat Y., Dewitt-Morette C. — Analysis, manifolds and physics | 118 | Neusel M.D. — Invariant Theory of Finite Groups | 35 |