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Audin M. — Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds |
Предметный указатель |
12 38
(H) 10 16
Action coordinates 89 90 93
Action, adjoint 33
Action, effective 12
Action, free 13 38
Action, Hamiltonian 3 72
Action, principal 17 38
Action, semi-free 13 38
Action, transitive 13
Action, trivial 12
Action-angle coordinates 89 96 103 104 164
Adjoint action 33 61
Adjoint orbit 40 41
Adjunction formula 206
Affine structure 90
Alekseev, Anton 2
Algebra of Lie 32
Almost complex structure 53 58
Almost complex structure on a surface 53
Almost complex structure, calibrated 53 65
Almost periodic Hamiltonian 106 107
Angle coordinates 89 95
Antipodal map 18
Arnold — Liouville theorem 71 88 89
Arnold, Vladimir 8 90 97 129
Atiyah and Guillemin — Sternberg convexity theorem 7 105 113
Atiyah, Sir Michael 4 105 126 155 156 177
Basis, symplectic 44
Basis, unitary 44
Berline, Nicole 7 177
Beschler, Edwin 3
Bezout, Etienne 27
Big torus 239
Blow down 288
Blow up 103 193 215 223 239 286 289 299 307
Borel construction 7 177 183 189 212
Borel, Armand 7
Bott, Raoul 110 155 156 177
Bouyakoub, Abdelkader 2 272
Bracket of Lie 32 33 59
Bracket of Poisson 59 60
Brion, Michel 2 193 212
Bundle, cotangent 46
Bundle, principal 21
Calibrated almost complex structure 53 58 107
Calibrated almost complex structure, invariant 56
Calibrated complex structure 65
Cannas da Silva, Ana 2
Canonical form 46
Canonical momentum mapping 75
Cartan formula 49 59 71 93
Cartan theorem 35
Cartan, Elie 35 148
Chiang, River 2
Chow ring 260
Class of Euler 21—24 31 32 39 134 185 187 188 192 193 206 207 214 216 218 220 222 226 235 257 258 260 266 273 274 279 290 291 298 303 310
Class of Thom 213 217
Classification Theorem 18 29 131 135 244 271 272 289
Closedness 46 52 60 67
Closing a fan 233
Coadjoint action 61 75
Coadjoint orbit 61 62
Cohomology of a blow up 215
Cohomology of a Grassmannian 222
Cohomology of BT 185
Cohomology of de Rham 175 184
Cohomology of moduli spaces 212
Cohomology of the projective space 185 214 222
Coisotropic submanifold 49
Coisotropic subspace 83
Compact torus 32
Complete fan 229 235 244 249 252 256 259 260 269
Complete flag 51 117 142 144
Completely integrable system 87
Completely integrable torus action 87 120
Complex manifold 53 56 58
Complex projective space 51 107 110
Complex structure 53 66
Complex structure on a U(n)-orbit 57
Complex torus 11 32
Connectedness of the levels of the momentum mapping 112
Connection 148
Connection, flat 149
Connection, integrable 149
Connection, trivial 148
Continued fraction 300 302
Contractibility of the infinite sphere 182 221
Contractibility of the infinite Stiefel manifold 183
Contractibility of the Milnor join 182 221
Contractibility of the space of calibrated almost complex structures 54 55
Convex hull 5 6 114 118 129
Convex polyhedron 7 75 105 114 117 118 126 129 141 143 166 167 225 226 229 244 252 255 267
Convexity theorem 1 6 113 117 126 136 166 226
Cotangent bundle 46
Curvature form 174 176 186 258
Curvature mapping 148 156
Curvature of a connection 148
Curvature of a Riemannian metric 50
Cylindrical coordinates 64
Danilov, Vladimir 7 226
Darboux theorem 48 102 118 119 194
Darboux, Gaston 102
De Rham cohomology 175 184 217
Delzant uniqueness theorem 105
Delzant, Thomas 1 2 7 271
Demazure, Michel 225
Desolneux-Moulis, Nicole 2
Direct limit topology 179
Divisor 194
Dolbeault operator 66
Dold, Albrecht 177
Donaldson, Simon 169
Dual of a Lie algebra 60 75
Duistermaat, Hans 177
Duval, Julien 2
Effective action 12
Ehlers, Fritz 261
Ehresmann fibration theorem 91 123
Equivariant cohomology 7
Equivariant Darboux Theorem 50
equivariant Euler class 214
Equivariant map 9
Equivariant mapping 10
Equivariant proof 50
Equivariant tubular neighborhood 14
Erlangen program 3
Euler class 21—24 31 32 39 134 185 187 188 192 193 206 207 214 216 218 220 222 226 235 257 258 260 266 273 274 279 290 291 298 303 310
Euler class, equivariant 214
Exact form 46
Exactness 46
Exceptional divisor 194 196 215 223 287
Exceptional orbit 18 20 24 26
Exponential mapping 15 34
Facet 229
Fan 225 226 228 229 292
Fan, complete 229 235 244 249 252 256 259 260 269
Fan, smooth 233
Fibration of Seifert 32
First integral 88
First quadrant 75
Fixed points 16
Fixed points of a group action 3
Fixed points of a Hamiltonian action 77 105 114 116
Flag manifold 51 56
Flag, complete 51 117 142 144
Flat connection 149
Flat module 205
| Fock, Vladimir 2 161
Form of Liouville 45 46 64
Form, canonical 46
Form, symplectic 45
Formula of Cartan 49 59 71 93
Formula of Stokes 28 46
Formula of Verlinde 170
Formula, wall crossing 201 274
Fougeront, Jacques 2
Frankel theorem 105 109
Frankel, Theodor 4 272
Free action 13 38
Fubini — Study metric 66
Fundamental vector field 10 33 73
Fundamental vector field for the U(n)-action 67
G-action 9
G-manifold 9
G-vector bundle 10
Gatien, Daniel 2
Gaucher, Philippe 2
Gauge group 149
Geodesic flow on the sphere 68 100
Gerardy, Sophie 2
Ginzburg, Viktor A. 2 6 113 177
Ginzburg, Viktor G. 2
Givental, Alexander 8
Godinho, Leonor 2
Goldman function 162 163 165
Goldman system 165
Goldman, William 2 162 163
Gradient 58
Gradient sphere 286 287 289 290 292
Gradient, symplectic 58
Grassmannian 42 100 101 141 170 183 222
Group of holonomy 150
Group of Lie 32
Group, linear 32
Group, orthogonal 32
Group, semi-simple 41 75
Group, simple 12
Group, special orthogonal 33
Group, special unitary 41
Group, symplectic 45 62 64
Group, unitary 12 32 39
Guillemin, Victor 1 2 193 201
Gysin exact sequence 214
Gysin homomorphism 206 215 217
Haar measure 15
Hamiltonian 58
Hamiltonian action 3 72
Hamiltonian circle action on 77
Hamiltonian circle action on a surface 97
Hamiltonian mechanics 3
Hamiltonian R-action 74
Hamiltonian system 88 96
Hamiltonian torus action on 76
Hamiltonian torus action on 76
Hamiltonian vector field 58
harmonic oscillator 103
Hausdorff, Felix 5 113
Heckman, Gert 177
Hermitian matrix 6 12 50
Hexagon 6
Hirzebruch surface 132 133 135 137 138 143—146 224 237 262 263 266 281 282 288 289 292
Hodge star operator 41
Holonomy group 150
Holonomy of a loop 150
Homogeneous coordinates 106
Homogeneous space 11 35
Homotopy quotient 184
Hopf fibration 23 24 192 218 219 278 279
Horn, Alfred 6
Identity of Jacobi 32 33 52 59 60 67
Identity of Leibniz 59 60
Iglesias, Patrick 2 131 282
Image, numerical 5
Index of a critical submanifold 109
Inoue surface 310
Integrable complex structure 58 66
Integrable connection 149
Integrable system 71 87 96 104
Integrable system of Goldman 164 165
Integration in the fibers 216
Invariant calibrated almost complex structure 56
Invariant metric 15
Irrational flow on the torus 11 13 37
Isotropic 82
Isotropic submanifold 49
Isotropic subspace 83
Jacobi identity 32 33 52 59 60 67
Jacobian 152
Jeffrey, Lisa 2 161 164 169 212
Jurkiewicz, Jerzy 261
Kaehler form 58
Kaehler form on 66
Kaehler form on 66
Kaehler manifold 58
Kaehler metric 58
Karasev, Mikhail 177
Karshon, Yael 2 8 272
Khovanski, Askold 129
Kirillov, Alexander 3 60
Kirwan, Frances 7 112 136 212 226 247
Klein bottle 19
Klein, Felix 3
Kostant, Bertram 3 60
Krein — Milman theorem 250
Kushnirenko theorem 105
Kushnirenko, Anatoly 4 129
Lack 3
Laeng, Laurent 2
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 3
Lagrangian submanifold 49
Lagrangian subspace 65
Lagrangian torus 89 95
Leaf, symplectic 62
Lebesgue measure 96 209
Leibniz identity 59 60
Leibniz rule 73
Lens space 27 39 182 223 303 304 310
Lerman, Eugene 85 102
Level set 79 81
Li, Jie 2
Libermann, Paulette 2
Lichnerowicz, Andre 60
Lie algebra 9 32
Lie algebra of the orthogonal group 40
Lie algebra of the symplectic group 67
Lie algebra of the unitary group 39
Lie bracket 32 33 59
Lie group 9 32
Lie subgroup 10
Linear group 11 32
Liouville form 45 46 64 93 97
Liouville torus 89
Liouville, Joseph 45 90
Local exactness 46
Localization formula 207
Localization theorem 204 212
Locally Hamiltonian vector field 58 72
Loop group 159 161
Lopez de Medrano, Santiago 2
Manifold, complex 53
Manifold, symplectic 46
Marie, Charles-Michel 50
Maximal torus 61
McDuff, Dusa 2 8 103 272 276 289
Measure of Haar 15
Measure of Lebesgue 96 209
Measure, symplectic 209
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