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Adams D.R., Hedberg L.I. — Function spaces and potential theory |
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condition 83
-thin set 183
( , p)-capacities, relations between 129 148 151 153
( , p)-capacity VI 19 20 29 44 153 see
( , p)-capacity and coverings 145
( , p)-capacity and Hausdorff content 152
( , p)-capacity and Hausdorff measure 129 151
( , p)-capacity of ball 131
( , p)-capacity of Cantor set 143 144
( , p)-capacity of manifold 139
( , p)-capacity, history 49
( , p)-capacity, lower estimate in terms of Hausdorff content 137 139
( , p)-capacity, quasiadditivity of 150
( , p)-capacity, sharpness of comparison 146 147
( , p)-capacity, under contraction 152
( , p)-capacity, under Lipschitz mapping 140 141
( , p)-capacity, upper estimate in terms of Hausdorff content 134
( , p)-fine 176 see
( , p)-fine topologies, comparison of 184
( , p)-fine topology 186 see
( , p)-quasicontinuity 156 see
( , p)-quasicontinuous representative 156 158 159 see
( , p)-quasieverywhere, ( , p)-q.e. 20 see
( , p)-thick set see "Thick set"
( , p)-thin set see "Thin set"
Abel, N.H. 303
Absolute continuity on lines 238
Adams, D.R. 50 51 79—82 105 126 150—153 180 182—186 210—212 214 231 280
Adams, R.A. 7 14 155 231
Adjoint operator 47 319
Ahlfors modifier 280 324
Ahlfors, L.V. 49 280 327
Aikawa, H. 150 153
Aissaoui, N. 49
Analytic capacity 311 324 326
Analytic q-capacity 311
Analytic set see "Suslin set"
Ancona, A. 82
Anger, B. 211
Annihilator 306
Annihilator of 313
Annihilator of 306 308 326
Annihilator of 319
Annihilator of 309
Annihilator of 235
Approximation by analytic functions in 305 316
Approximation by analytic functions in and (1, p)-stability 310
Approximation by harmonic functions 279
Approximation by harmonic functions in 305 318
Approximation by harmonic functions in and (2, p)-stability 322
Approximation by harmonic functions in 316
Approximation by harmonic functions in and (1, p)-stability 312 313
Approximation by harmonic functions, uniform 326
Approximation by potentials in 309
Approximation by potentials in 314
Approximation by rational functions 305
Approximation by rational functions in 324
Approximation by rational functions in 309
Approximation by rational functions, constructive 325
Approximation by rational functions, uniform 311 324—326
Approximation by solutions of elliptic equations 318
Approximation by solutions of elliptic equations and bounded point evaluations 325
Approximation by solutions of elliptic equations in and ( , p)-stability 322
Approximation of -functions vanishing on a set 233
Approximation of functions with vanishing trace 233 234 242 281 302
Approximation of nonnegative functions in 235
Approximation, local degree of 85 122
Approximation, Sobolev problem 278
Area of (N — 1)-dimensional unit sphere 8
Aronszajn, N. 10—13 49 152 153 185
Arzela — Ascoli theorem 197
atom VII 123 127
Atom, - 111
Atom, smooth 85 126 281 282
Atomic nonlinear potential 119—121 186
Atomic nonlinear potential and Wolff potential 119 121
Atomic nonlinear potential theory 127
Atomic potential 117
Atomic representation 85 111 113 187 281 282 296
Atomic representation and quasicontinuity 283
Babuska, I. 327
Bagby, T. 8 185 211 279 303 325—327
Balayage 184 308
Baras, P. 51
Bauman, P. 182
Beckner, W. 82
Benkirane, A. 49 82
Berger, M. 214
Bers, L. 280 324 326
Besicovitch, A. 153
Besov capacities, relations between 152
Besov capacity 105 167
Besov capacity and Hausdorff content 152
Besov capacity, dual definition 106 107 118
Besov nonlinear potential 106 107 126 167 168
Besov space VI 80 85 86 125 155 302
Besov space, atomic representation 111 113
Besov space, equivalent norm 87 89 111 113
Besov space, homogeneous 86
Besov space, potential representation 105
Besov space, representation theorem 90 104
Besov space, weighted 97
Besov, O.V. 125
Bessel capacity 38 131
Bessel capacity, compared to Riesz capacity 131 150
Bessel function 11
Bessel kernel 9 50 193 198
Bessel kernel as elementary function 12
Bessel kernel, analyticity of 11
Bessel kernel, asymptotic formulas 11 12
Bessel kernel, compared to Riesz kernel 10
Bessel kernel, derivative of 13
Bessel kernel, group property 10 21
Bessel kernel, integral representation 10
Bessel kernel, Laplace transform representation 12
Bessel kernel, positivity 10
Bessel kernel, representation by Bessel function 11
Bessel potential 10
Bessel potential space VI 13
Bessel potential space as Lizorkin — Triebel space 92 204 281
Bessel potential space, dual of 13
Bessel potential space, equivalent norm on 122
Bessel potential, derivatives 57
Bessel potential, integral estimate 56
Bessel potential, name of 11
Bessel potential, nonlinear 38
Bessel potential, representation as 20
Beurling, A. V 49 50 81 82 153 279 327
BMO, functions of bounded mean oscillation 79 92 126
Boccardo, L. 82
Bochner, S. 11
Borel property of 174
Borel sets, capacitability of 28
Borichev, A.A. 150
Boundary regularity 165 166 181—183
Boundary regularity, modulus of continuity 182
Boundary values 129 142 153 161 181
Bounded mean oscillation 79 92 126
Bounded point evaluation 325
Bounded variation 181
Boundedness principle 39 40 50 190 214 264
Bourdaud, G. 80
Branson, Th.P. 81
Brelot, M. 150 152 185 186 278
Brennan, J.E. 326
Brezis, H. 67 82 238 280
Browder, F.E. 67 82 238 280
Brownian motion 48
Burenkov, V.L 279
BV, functions of bounded variation 181
| Caffarelli, L. 50
Calderon Extension Theorem 7 142 238
Calderon theorem 13 20
Calderon — Zygmund theorem 6 94
Calderon, A.P. 6 7 10 13 238
Calderon, C.P. 185
Campanato space 79 151
Cantor set 129 143 147 149
Cantor set, ( , p)-capacity of 143 144
Cantor set, Hausdorff measure of 143 153
Capacitability 42
Capacitability for Hausdorff content 138
Capacitability of Borel sets 28
Capacitability of Suslin sets 28
Capacitability theorem 28
Capacitable set 28
Capacitary function 21 28 35—37 106—108 119
Capacitary integral 212 230
Capacitary integral, sublinearity of 211
Capacitary measure 21 35 37 108 151 165 168 170 171 229 264
Capacitary measure, outer 37 168
Capacitary potential 21 28 174 264 312
Capacitary potential, boundedness of 41
Capacitary strong type inequality 181 187 189 199 200 209
Capacitary strong type inequality in Lizorkin — Triebel space 204
Capacitary strong type inequality, failure of 209
Capacitary strong type inequality, history of 213
Capacitary weak type inequality 188
Capacity V 17 18
Capacity and algebraic properties of set 226
Capacity and Lebesgue measure 38 39
Capacity and stochastic processes 48 51
Capacity for ball 129
Capacity in spaces with mixed norm 107
Capacity, -, for general kernel 25 104
Capacity, 45
Capacity, ( , p)- VI 19 20 29 44 153 see p)-capacity"
Capacity, analytic 311 324 326
Capacity, analytic q- 311
Capacity, atomic 118
Capacity, Besov 104 105 162
Capacity, Bessel 38 131
Capacity, condenser 209 312
Capacity, distribution 45
Capacity, dual definition 21 34 35 106 107 118 220 311 326
Capacity, equivalence of and C( ; ) 107
Capacity, equivalent 20 65 105
Capacity, instability of 314 324 325
Capacity, Lizorkin — Triebel 104 105
Capacity, Lizorkin — Triebel, dual definition 107 118
Capacity, Lizorkin — Triebel, equivalence with ( , p)-capacity 203
Capacity, maximizing property of 36
Capacity, Newton 17
Capacity, outer 19 25 153
Capacity, parabolic 214
Capacity, polynomial 226 322 327
Capacity, probabilistic interpretation of 48 51
Capacity, relative 223 241
Capacity, Riesz 38 131
Capacity, scale invariance of 167 224
Capacity, sets of zero 26 263 266 271
Capacity, strongly subadditive 211 212
Capacity, subadditivity of 26
Capacity, triviality of 38 189
Carleman, T. 325
Carleson, L. VI 40 48—51 81 138 151—153 186 326 327
Carlsson, Anders 180 231 301
Cartan, H. V 326
Cauchy — Riemann equation 306
Cauchy — Riemann operator 47 306
Cauchy, A. 11
Chain rule 62 239
Chandrasekharan, K. 89 91
Chang, S.-Y.A. 81 82
Characterization of 281 302
Characterization of 234
Choquet property 155 165 175 185
Choquet theorem 28 138
Choquet, G. 28 49 185 211 327
Cioranescu, D. 325
Clarkson inequalities 14
Clarkson theorem 14
Clarkson, J.A. 14
Classical potential theory V VI 17 18 20 21 39 41 42 48 50 151—153 155 164 184—186 308
Closure of description of 27
Cohn, W.S. 126
Coifman, R. 83
Coincidence of positive cones 103 126
Compact imbedding 227
Compactness of imbedding 187 195 198
Comparison theorem 134 137 139
Complex interpolation 29
Condenser capacity 209 312
Conformal invariance 49
Connectedness in fine (quasi-) topology 184
Connectedness, arcwise 184
Connectedness, local 184
Continuity of imbedding 187 191 193 210
Continuity of restriction to subspace 142
Continuity principle 41 50
Contraction 62 82 152
Convex set, weak closure of 15
Convolution 4
Convolution, maximal function estimate of 102
Covering lemma, Maz'ya — Preobrazhenskii 211
Covering lemma, Netrusov 302
Covering lemma, simple Vitali 16
Covering lemma, Whitney 16 see
Dahlberg, B.E.J. 80 82 83 213
Dal Maso, G. 182 325
Daubechies, I. 127
Davie, A.M. 184
Davis, Burgess 184
de la Vallee Poussin, Ch.-J. V
Degree of approximation, local 85 122
Dellacherie, C. 49
Deny, J. V 7 10 50 82 153 185 186 278 279 307 308 326
Derivative of potential 57 259
Derivative of product 158 241
Diestel, J. 15
Differentiability 164 303
Differentiability, fine 184
Differential and zero trace 287
Differential of order s 282 283 293 299 323
Dirac distribution, measure 8 228
Dirac distribution, measure, sweeping of 308
Dirichlet integral 327
Dirichlet principle V
Dirichlet problem V VIII 164 165 181—183
Dirichlet problem and (1, 2)-stability 312
Dirichlet problem for p-Laplace equation 166
Dirichlet problem for polyharmonic equation 183 236 237 278
Dirichlet problem in domains with many holes 325
Dirichlet problem, fine 278
Dirichlet space 82 279
Distinguished element 155
Distinguished representative 187
distribution V 4
Distribution in , approximation of 235
Distribution in , nullspace of 235
Distribution of order m, nullspace of 233
Distribution, capacity 45
Distribution, positive 4 22
Distribution, temperate (tempered) 4
Divergence of positive series 288 303
Donchev, T. 183
Doob, J.L. VII 48 185
du Plessis, N. 48
Dual approximation problem 306
Dual definition of 45
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