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Adams D.R., Hedberg L.I. — Function spaces and potential theory |
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Dual definition of capacity 21 34 35 106 107 118 220 311 326
Dual space of 2
Dual space of 212
Dual space of 202
Dual space of 2
Dual space of Besov space 87
Dual space of Bessel potential space 13
Dual space of C(K) 2
Duality between and 188
Dyadic ball 1
Dyadic cubes 16 73 76 111 246 282 302
Dyadic Hausdorff measure 302
Dyadic sequences 116
Dyn'kin, E.M. 303
Dynkin, E.B. 48 51
Egorov theorem, extended 26
Elliptic equation 182
Elliptic equation in non-divergence form 182
Elliptic equation of higher order 183
Elliptic equation, degenerate 182 185
Elliptic equation, quasilinear 48 51 166 182
Elliptic equation, semi-linear 183
Elliptic linear operator 47 65 319
Embedding see "Imbedding"
Energy integral 17 120
Energy integral, generalized 22 36 106—108 119 120
Energy, mutual 24 105 117 119
Equilibrium measure 17
Equilibrium potential 17
Equivalence of and 65
Equivalence of and C( ; ) 107
Equivalent capacities 20 65 105 153
Equivalent norm on 68
Equivalent norm on 72 122
Equivalent norm on Besov space 87 89 111 113
Equivalent norm on Lizorkin — Triebel space 97 102 111 113
Equivalent sets 176
Evans, G.C. 50 152 153 185
Evans, L.C. 152 181 182 238
Exceptional set 49
Exponential estimate of potential 55 56 81 210
Exponential estimate of potential, sharp 58 81
Extension of Lipschitz mapping 140
Extension, domain 7 227
Extension, operator 7 227
Exterior cone condition 245
Extremal function 18 20 21 46 106—108 167
Extremal function in Moser inequality 81
Extremal length 42
Extremal measure 35 108 119
Extremal problem 48
Extremal sequence 119
Fabes, E.B. 182 185
Falconer, K.J. 152
Fan, K. 50
Faraday Cage 327
Federer, H. 140 181 185 325
Fefferman — Stein theorem 3 98 101 102 104 112 116 122 125 207 282 285
Fefferman, C. 3 4 83 210
Fefferman, R. 212
Fernstroem, C. 324 325
Fine boundary 184
Fine closure 176 184
Fine closure, capacity of 179
Fine continuity 155 156 176 185 186 318
Fine continuity and quasicontinuity 177 178
Fine continuity, explicit condition for 180
Fine differentiability 184
Fine differential 184
Fine Dirichlet problem 278
Fine interior 176
Fine neighborhood 164 176
Fine topology 156 164 176
Fine topology, comparison of 184
Fine topology, connectedness in 184
Finely closed set 176
Finely isolated point 176
Finely open set 176
Folland, G.B. 7 20 236 279
Fontana, L. 82
Forsling, G. 302
Fourier inversion formula 5
Fourier transform 5
Fourier transformation 5
Fractional maximal function 3 54 210
Fractional maximal function and capacity 151
Fractional maximal function and potential 72 75 78
Frazier, M. 80 126 127 212 214
Friedrichs, K. 278
Frostman theorem 129 136 151 193
Frostman, O. V 40 48 136 152 156 185 186
Fuglede, B. VI 24 49 50 127 152 153 184—186 278 279
Fukushima, M. 48
Functions that operate 62
Functions that operate on 80
Functions that operate on 80
Functions that operate on 62
Functions that operate on 68
Functions that operate on 63
Functions that operate on 65
Functions that operate on nonlinear potential 262
Fundamental solution 8 9 47 319
Gagliardo, E. 79
Gamelin, T.W. 326
Garcia-Cuerva, J. 83
Gariepy, R.F. 152 181—183 238
Garofalo, N. 182
Garroni, A. 325
Garsia, A.M. 81
Gauss theorem 17
Gauss, C.F. V 17 48
Giaquinta, M. 79 89
Gilbarg, D. 81 82
Gol'dshtein, V.M. 152
Gonchar, A.A. 324 327
Good inequality 72 73
Gossez, J.-P. 82
Green function 308 312
Grun-Rehomme, M. 208
Hadamard, J. 303
Hahn decomposition theorem 208
Hahn — Banach theorem 14
Hanin, L.G. 303
Hanner, O. 15
Hansson, K. 214
Hardy space VIII 92 126
Hardy — Littlewood maximal function 3
Hardy — Littlewood — Wiener theorem 3
Hardy — Sobolev space 80 303
Hardy, G.H. 3 81
Harmonic measure VIII 312
Harnack property 257 259 262
Harvey, R. 50 51
Hatano, K. 153 184
Hausdorff capacity 132
Hausdorff capacity, dyadic 212
Hausdorff content 132 136 325
Hausdorff content and ( , p)-capacity 134 137 139 152
Hausdorff content and Besov capacity 152
Hausdorff content and quasicontinuity 180
Hausdorff dimension 133
Hausdorff measure VII 132 152 237 301
Hausdorff measure and ( , p)-capacity 129 151
Hausdorff measure of Cantor set 143 153
Hausdorff measure, dyadic 302
Havin, V.P. VI 49—51 152 153 185 279 324 326 327
Heard, A. 183
Heat equation 182
Hedberg, L.I. 50 67 79 81 82 126 127 153 183—186 231 278—280 302 325—327
Heinonen, J. VIII 48 184 185
| Heisenberg group 182
Helms, L.L. 48 185
Hempel, J.A. 81
Hestenes theorem 7 142
Hestenes, M.R. 7
Hewitt, E. 14
Hilbert transform 5
Hilbert, D. V
Hirschman, I.I. 79
Hoelder space 79
Hoermander condition 6 94
Hoermander, L. 2 4—6 8 47 50 93 125 126 278 307 319 326
Homogeneous seminorm 8
Hypoellipticity 319
Ideal 293 294
Ideal in 281 293 303
Ideal in C 293 303
Ideal in Sobolev algebras 303
Ideal, local 293
Ideal, Whitney theorem 281 293 303
Imbedding of in 307
Imbedding of 212
Imbedding of Morrey — Campanato space 79
Imbedding, compactness of 187 195 198
Imbedding, continuity of 187 191 193 210
Imbedding, upper triangle case 211
Indiana University Union 82
Inhomogeneous maximal function 3 210
Instability of capacity 314 324 325
Integrability with respect to capacity 187 212
Integral inequalities 56
Interior cone condition 243
Interpolation inequality 56 57 78
Irregular set 164
Janson, S. 80
Jawerth, B. 83 126 127 212 214
Jerison, D.S. 182
John, F. 8 20 47
Jones, P.W. 7 280
Jonsson, A. 214
Kahane, J.-P. 51 82
Kaneko, H. 48
Kateb, M.E.D. 80
Katznelson, Y. 89 91 279
Keldysh, M.V. 312 326
Kellogg property 155 165 175 185 238 241 277 280 282 318 324 327
Kellogg, O.D. 48 185
Kenig, C.E. 182
Kerman, R. 83 153 210 214
Kernel 24
Kernel on 117 121
Kernel on 104
Kernel, general 24
Kernel, Newton 8
Kernel, radially decreasing convolution 38 129 134 135 187 189 191 195 214
Kernel, regular 50
Kernel, singular Riesz 5
Kernel, truncated 196
Khanin, L.G. see "Hanin L.G."
Khavin, V.P. see "Havin V.P."
Khinchin inequality 93 96 125
Khinchin, A.Ya. 93
Khruslov, E.Ya. 325
Khvoles, A.A. 326
Kilpelaeinen, T. VIII 48 166 182 183 185
Kinderlehrer, D. 50 82 279
Kirszbraun, M.D. 140
Kneser, H. 50
Koethe, G. 14
Kolsrud, T. 278 325
Kuznetsov, S.E. 51
Lanconelli, E. 182
Landes, R. 82
Landis, E.M. 182
Landkof, N.S. 9 40 48 49 150 185 211
Laplace equation V 165
Laplace equation, p- VIII 166 182
Laplace operator 2
Laplace operator, p- VIII 20
Laplace operator, powers of 5 9 47
Laplacian see "Laplace operator"
Laurent expansion 311
Lavrent'ev, M.A. 312
Lebesgue point 158 180 181 185 219 234 239 246 283 299 301 315
Lebesgue point and atomic representation 282
Lebesgue point in -sense 159
Lebesgue, H. 50
Leibniz rule 158 241
Levi, Beppo 7
Lewis, John L. 126 184
Lindberg, Per 325 327
Lindeloef property, quasi- 184
Lindeloef, E. 325
Lindqvist, P. 182 183
Lions, J.L. V 7 50 82 185 186 278 302 307 308 326
Lipschitz domain 7
Lipschitz mapping 129 152
Lipschitz mapping, extension of 140
Littlewood — Paley theorem 92
Littlewood, J.E. 3 81
Littman, W. 50 51 82 181 182
Lizorkin — Triebel nonlinear potential 108
Lizorkin — Triebel space VII 80 85 91 125 233 301—303
Lizorkin — Triebel space, atomic representation 111 113
Lizorkin — Triebel space, Bessel potential space as 92 281
Lizorkin — Triebel space, equivalent norm 97 102 111 113
Lizorkin — Triebel space, homogeneous 92
Lizorkin — Triebel space, potential representation 105
Lizorkin — Triebel space, representation theorem 103 104
Lizorkin — Triebel space, strong type inequality in 204
Lizorkin — Triebel space, trace space of 212
Lizorkin, P.I. 125
Local degree of approximation 85 122
Loewner, C. 49
Loomis, L.H. 303
Lower semicontinuity 3
Lukes, J. 186
Luzin, N.N. 50
Lyons, T. 184
Lysenko, Yu.A. 324 327
Macdonald function 11
Magenes, E. 302
Malgrange, B. 303
Malliavin, P. 48 279
Maly, J. 166 181—183 185 186
Marchenko, V.A. 325
Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem 126
Marcinkiewicz, J. 126
Maria, A.J. 40
Marschall, J. 302
Marshall, D.E. 81
Martio, O. VIII 48 182 183 185
Mateu, J. 302 303 325
Mattila, P. 325
Maximal function 3 54 159 260 284
Maximal function, estimate of convolution 102
Maximal function, Hardy — Littlewood 3
Maximal function, inhomogeneous 3 74 210
Maximal function, Peetre 97
Maximal function, vector valued 3
Maximum principle 40 82 279
Maz'ya — Kilpelaeinen — Maly theorem 166 182
Maz'ya, V.G. VI VIII 7 14 48—51 79 80 82 152 153 166 181—183 185 209—215 226 231 303 326 327
Mazur Lemma 15 27 266 274 276
Measure in 90 110 126
Measure in 102 103 110 126
Measure in 103 110 126
Measure, absolutely continuous w.r.t. ( , p)-capacity 187 208
Measure, equilibrium 17
Mel'nikov, M.S. 326
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