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de Leon M., Rodrigues P.R. — Methods of differential geometry in analytical mechanics |
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-structure 179
-structure 176
-structures 102
-atlas 6
-compatible coordinate neighborhoods 6
-basis 176
-structure, integrable -structure 178
-structure, Riemannian metric adapted to an -structure 178
-connection 225
-structures 100
-structures, automorphism of -structures 103
-structures, integrable -structures 105
-structures, isomorphism of -structures 103
-structures, local automorphism of -structures 104
-structures, local isomorphism of -structures 104
-structures, locally isomorphic -structures 103
-structures, standard -structures 104
-submanifold property 12
-structures 102
— Euler — Lagrange vector field 414
-form 43
-form, closed -form 71
-form, exact -form 71
-second order differential equation 415
-semispray 415
-ary constraint manifold 401
-basis 171
-semibasic forms 331
-semibasic forms 331
1-forms 28 29
Abelian Lie algebra 83
Action of a group, on the left 92
Action of a group, on the right 91
Adapted coframe, field 102
Adapted coframe, to a linear connection 131
Adapted frame 101
Adapted frame, field 101
Adapted frame, to a linear connection 131
Adapted frame, to an -structure 176
Adapted frame, to an almost complex structure 152
Adapted frame, to an almost contact structure 171
Adapted frame, to an almost Hermitian structure 162
Adapted frame, to an almost product structure 148
Adapted frame, to an almost tangent structure 112
Adapted projector, to a presymplectic form on a vector space 233
Adjoint, operator 181
Adjoint, representation, of a Lie algebra 90
Adjoint, representation, of a Lie group 89
Admissible Lagrangian system 428
Affine space modeled on a vector space 138
Affine, bundle 138
Affine, morphism 138
Affine, space 138
Almost complex, connection 156
Almost complex, manifold 151
Almost complex, structure 151
Almost complex, structure, integrable almost complex structure 155
Almost complex, structure, on the cotangent bundle 249
Almost complex, structure, on the tangent bundle 165 166 218
Almost contact, compatible metric for an almost contact structure 170
Almost contact, metric structure 170
Almost contact, structure 169 172
Almost contact, structure, associated to a dynamical connection 342
Almost cosymplectic structure 172
Almost cotangent, manifolds 253
Almost cotangent, structures 253
Almost cotangent, structures, equivalent 259
Almost cotangent, structures, integrable 255
Almost cotangent, structures, regular 259
Almost product, connection 150
Almost product, integrable almost product structure 149
Almost product, manifold 147
Almost product, structure 147
Almost product, structure, on the cotangent bundle 248
Almost symplectic, connection 261
Almost symplectic, form 234
Almost symplectic, manifold 234
Almost symplectic, structure 234
Almost tangent, canonical almost tangent structure on 115
Almost tangent, connection 119
Almost tangent, integrable almost tangent structure 116
Almost tangent, manifold 111
Almost tangent, structure 111
Alternating mapping 38
Arc length of a curve 80
Automorphism preserving the symplectic form 229
Basic form on 368
Bianchi’s identities 79
Boundary, manifold with boundary 67
Boundary, manifold without boundary 67
Boundary, of 66
Bracket product 82
Bracket product, of a derivation and a skew-derivation 45
Bracket product, of derivations 45
Bracket product, of skew-derivations 45
Bump function 10
Bundle 22
Bundle, base space of a bundle 22
Bundle, isomorphism 23
Bundle, morphism 23
Bundle, of linear frames 95
Bundle, projection of a bundle 22
Bundle, total space of a bundle 22
Bundle, trivial bundle 22
Campbell — Haussdorff formula 393 397
Canonical, 1-form 348
Canonical, coordinates 251
Canonical, equations 265 448
Canonical, transformation 236
Caplygin systems, generalized Caplygin systems 391
Cartan, formula 54
Cartan, symmetry 366
Cartan, Theorem 86
Cartesian product of vector bundles 25
Change of variables rule 65
Characteristic vector field 291
Christoffel components 76 201 223
Coisotropic, submanifold 236
Coisotropic, subspace 231
Coisotropic, vector subbundle 232
Compact support 10 44
Complete vector field 20
Complex, coordinates on a complex manifold 154
Complex, frame 152
Complex, manifold 154
Complex, structure 154
Components, of a contravariant tensor 34
Components, of a covariant tensor 34
Components, of a tensor field 36
Components, of a tensor of type 34
Configuration, manifold 265 301
Configuration, space 443
Connection, form 221
Connection, in a fibred manifold 197
Connection, in a principal bundle 221
Connection, in a tangent bundle 200
Connection, path of a connection 204
Connection, symmetric connection 78
Conservative, connection 314
Conservative, force 441
Constants of motion 273
Constraint 295
Constraint, anholonomic constraint 297
Constraint, canonical constraint forces 296
Constraint, classical constraint 367
Constraint, holonomic constraint 297
Constraint, manifold 400
Constraint, system of constraints 295
Contact, form 169
Contact, manifold 169
| Contact, metric structure 172
Contact, structure 169
Contraction operator 35
Contravariant, tensor of degree 33
Contravariant, tensor space of degree 33
Convex neighborhood 81
Coordinate, functions 5
Coordinate, neighborhood 5 67 154
Corank, of a 2-form 227 234
Corank, of a Poisson tensor field 285
Cotangent, bundle 23 30
Cotangent, vector space 28
Covariant derivative, of a curve 204
Covariant derivative, of a tensor field 78
Covariant derivative, of a vector field 76 203
Covariant tensor, of degree 33
Covariant tensor, space of degree 33
Critical section 351
Cross-section submanifold 349
Cup product 71
Curvature form 216 222
Curvature tensor 78 218
Curvature tensor, Riemannian curvature tensor 107
Curve 15
Darboux theorem 250
Darboux Theorem, Generalized Darboux Theorem 252
De Rham, algebra 71
de Rham, cohomology group 71
de Rham, theorem 72
Decomposition theorem 215
Derivation, of 21
Derivation, of 45 46
Derivation, of , derivation of of degree 45
Determinant, of a differentiable mapping 107
Determinant, of a linear map 107
Deviation vector field 430
Diffeomorphic manifold 8
Diffeomorphism 4 8
Diffeomorphism, preserving orientations 62
Diffeomorphism, preserving volume forms 62
Diffeomorphism, reversing orientations 62
Differentiable, function 3
Differentiable, invariant 72
Differentiable, manifold 6
Differentiable, mapping 4 8 66
Differentiable, structure 6
Differential equation, first order differential equation 18
Differential equation, second order differential equation 193 333
Differential, form 43
Differential, of a mapping 17
Distance function 81
Distinguished coordinates 60
distribution 55
Distribution, completely integrable distribution 55
Distribution, involutive distribution 55
Distribution, local basis of a distribution 55
Dynamical connection 336
Dynamical connection, components of a dynamical connection 336
Dynamical connection, path of a dynamical connection 340
Dynamical symmetry 366
Embedded submanifold 12
Embedding 12
Embedding, of principal bundles 97
Energy, conservation law 273 382 442
Energy, first form of the energy equation 442
Energy, function 263
Energy, second form of the energy equation 442
Energy, third form of the energy equation 443
Equivalence theorem 412
Euler — Lagrange, equations 304 335 445
Euler — Lagrange, equations, with constraints 368
Euler — Lagrange, vector field 304 336
Evolution space 330
Exponential map 84
Exterior, algebra 40
Exterior, derivative 47
Exterior, product 39
Extremal 351
Fiber derivative 329
Fibration, defined by an almost cotangent structure 258
Fibration, defined by an almost tangent structure 140
Fibre, of a bundle 22
Fibre, of a submersion 14
Fibred manifold 22
Final constraint manifold 401
First class, constrained manifold 275
First class, constraint function 406
First class, function of first class 406
First integral, of a system of differential equations 450
First integral, of a vector field 272
First-order, equivalent Hamiltonian systems 412
First-order, problem 400
Foliation 60
Foliation, leaves of a foliation 60
Force field 305
Frame bundle 95
Frobenius theorem 56
Fundamental form, of an almost contact metric structure 172
Fundamental form, of an almost Hermitian structure 163
Gauge equivalent Lagrangians 436
Gauge freedom 383
General linear group 7 82
General linear group, complex general linear group 85
Generalized, coordinates 443
Generalized, momenta 446
Generating function, of a canonical transformation 298
Generating function, of a Lagrangian submanifold 279
Geodesic, minimal geodesic 81
Geodesic, of a linear connection 76 204
Geodesically complete 77
Geometric algorithm of presymplectic systems 401
Germ of a function 21
Global dynamics 435
Grassman algebra 40
Green’s Theorem 70
Hamilton equations 265 293 448
Hamilton equations, intrinsical form of Hamilton equations 265
Hamilton equations, symplectic form of Hamilton equations 265
Hamilton — Jacobi method 279
Hamiltonian, energy 263 328
Hamiltonian, functional 350
Hamiltonian, regular Hamiltonian 369
Hamiltonian, system 263
Hamiltonian, system, with constraints 296
Hamiltonian, vector field 263 282
Hamiltonian, vector field, locally Hamiltonian vector field 263
Hamilton’s principle 351
Hamilton’s principle, modified Hamilton’s principle 354
Helmholtz conditions 323 395
Hermitian, almost Hermitian manifold 161
Hermitian, almost Hermitian structure 161
Hermitian, manifold 161
Hermitian, metric 161
Holonomic section 333
Homogeneous, connection 202
Homogeneous, form 189
Homogeneous, function 187
Homogeneous, vector field 188
Homogeneous, vector form 190
Hopf — Rinow theorem 81
Horizontal, bundle 197
Horizontal, component of a vector field 197
Horizontal, distribution 130 197
Horizontal, projector 197
Horizontal, subspace 197
Horizontal, tangent vector 197
Horizontal, vector field 197
Ideal, differential ideal 60
Ideal, of 60
Image of a vector bundle homomorphism 25
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