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de Leon M., Rodrigues P.R. — Methods of differential geometry in analytical mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Immersed submanifold 11
Immersion 11
Independent functions 275
Induced coordinates, in 27
Induced coordinates, in 30
Infinitesimal contact transformation 352
Inner automorphism of a Lie group 89
Integral, curve 18
Integral, lattice 115
Integral, manifold 55
Integral, of a form 66
Interior product 51 52
Inverse function theorem 4
Involution, canonical involution of 359 395
Involution, forms in involution 273
Involution, functions in involution 273
Isometry 104
Isomorphic, bundles 23
Isomorphic, vector bundles 23
Isotropic, submanifold 236
Isotropic, subspace 231
Isotropic, vector subbundle 232
Jacobi, field 129
Jacobi, identity 22 82
Jacobi, theorem 276
Jacobian matrix 4
Jet prolongation 332 352
Jets, -jets 451
Jets, of order 451
K hler, almost K hler manifold 165
K hler, form 163
K hler, manifold 165
Kernel, condition 435
Kernel, of a vector bundle homomorphism 25
Killing vector field 110
kinetic energy 329
Lagrange operator 378
Lagrangian, almost regular Lagrangian 411
Lagrangian, degenerate Lagrangian 302
Lagrangian, function 301 445
Lagrangian, function, admitting a map 362
Lagrangian, function, admitting a vector field 363
Lagrangian, homogeneous Lagrangian 306
Lagrangian, hyperregular Lagrangian 327 447
Lagrangian, irregular Lagrangian 302
Lagrangian, non-autonomous Lagrangian 330
Lagrangian, non-degenerate Lagrangian 302
Lagrangian, regular Lagrangian 302 447
Lagrangian, singular Lagrangian 302
Lagrangian, submanifold 236
Lagrangian, submanifold, generated by a Lagrangian 279 358
Lagrangian, subspace 231
Lagrangian, system 306
Lagrangian, system, with constraints 367
Lagrangian, time-dependent Lagrangian 330
Lagrangian, vector subbundle 232
Left, invariant form 83
Left, invariant vector field 83
Left, translation 83
Legendre transformation 327 449
Leibniz rule 21
Levi — Civita connection 79
Lie, algebra 82
Lie, algebra, automorphism 88
Lie, algebra, homomorphism 88
Lie, algebra, isomorphism 88
Lie, algebra, of a Lie group 84
Lie, bracket 22
Lie, derivative of a form 52
Lie, derivative of a tensor field 55
Lie, derivative of a vector field 106
Lie, group 81
Lie, group, acting effectively on the left 92
Lie, group, acting effectively, on the right 91
Lie, group, acting freely on the left 92
Lie, group, acting freely, on the right 91
Lie, group, automorphism 88
Lie, group, homomorphism 88
Lie, group, isomorphism 88
Lie, subalgebra 85
Lie, subgroup 85
Lie, symmetry 364
Lie, transformation group 91
Lift, complete lift of a distribution to 125
Lift, complete lift of a function to 121
Lift, complete lift of a linear connection to 126
Lift, complete lift of a tensor field of type to 124
Lift, complete lift of a tensor field of type to 244
Lift, complete lift of a tensor field of type to 245
Lift, complete lift of a tensor field of type to 124
Lift, complete lift of a vector field to 122
Lift, complete lift of a vector field to 243
Lift, horizontal lift of a distribution to 134
Lift, horizontal lift of a linear connection to 134
Lift, horizontal lift of a of a 1-form to 131
Lift, horizontal lift of a of a tensor field of type to 133
Lift, horizontal lift of a tensor field of type to 132
Lift, horizontal lift of a tensor field of type to 133
Lift, horizontal lift of a vector field to 130 201
Lift, natural lift 103
Lift, vertical lift of a a 1-form to 241
Lift, vertical lift of a function to 121
Lift, vertical lift of a function to 240
Lift, vertical lift of a tangent vector to 114
Lift, vertical lift of a tensor field of type to 121
Lift, vertical lift of a tensor field of type to 120
Lift, vertical lift of a vector field to 114
Lifts to the tangent bundle of order , of functions 453
Lifts to the tangent bundle of order , of tensor fields 453
Lifts to the tangent bundle of order , of vector fields 453
Linear connection 75 205 224
Linear connection, flat linear connection 79
Linear connection, in a tangent bundle 202
Linear connection, symmetric linear connection 78
Linear frame 94
Liouville, form 238
Liouville, property 287
Liouville, Theorem 271
Liouville, vector field 181 287
Liouville, vector field, locally Liouville 287
Local, coordinate system 5
Local, frame field 96
Locally finite covering 9
Maurer — Cartan equation 91
Maximal, -atlas 6
Maximal, integral manifold 60
Mechanical system 305
Mechanical system, conservative mechanical system 306 442
Mechanical system, non-conservative mechanical system 306
Mechanical system, with constraints 367
Metric in a vector bundle 106
Mixed tensor space of type 34
Momentum 327
Momentum conservation law 441
Newlander — Niremberg Theorem 156
Newton’s second law of motion 439
Nijenhuis tensor, of an almost complex structure 156
Nijenhuis tensor, of an almost tangent structure 116
Nijenhuis torsion 37
Noether symmetry 365
Noether’s theorem 363 390
Non-degenerate, 2-form 227 234
Non-degenerate, Poisson tensor field 285
Normal, almost contact metric structure 174
Normal, coordinates 391
Open submanifold 7
Orientable manifold 62
Orientation, induced orientation 68
Orientation, on vector spaces 61
Oriented vector space 61
| Orthocomplement respect to asymplectic form 230
Orthogonal group 87 102
Orthogonal group, automorphism 109
Orthogonal group, complex orthogonal group 87
Orthogonal group, special orthogonal group 88
Orthonormal frame 103
Orthonormal frame, bundle 103
Paracompact topological space 9
Parallel, curve 204
Parallel, tensor field 78
Parallel, vector field 76
Parallelizable manifold 102 1
Parameter group 19 1-
Parameter group of local transformations 19 1
Parameter group of transformations 19 1-
Parameter group of transformations, infinitesimal generator of a 1-
Parameter group of transformations, local 1-
Parameter group of transformations, time-dependent 249 1-
Parameter subgroup of a Lie group 84
Partial derivative 3
Partition of unity subordinate to an atlas 10
Phase space, of momenta 265
Phase space, of velocities 301
Poincar lemma 72
Poincar — Cartan, 1-form 334
Poincar — Cartan, 2-form 334
Poincar — Cartan, form of higher order 456
Poisson, bracket of 1-forms 268
Poisson, bracket of functions 267 282 450
Poisson, manifold 282 284
Poisson, map 298
Poisson, structure 282
Poisson, tensor field 283
Polar decomposition 109
Positive definite automorphism 109
Positively oriented, basis 62 68
Positively oriented, coordinate neighborhood 63
potential energy 441
Potential of a semibasic vector form 195
Presymplectic, forms on manifolds 251
Presymplectic, forms on vector spaces 233
Presymplectic, manifold 251
Presymplectic, structure 251
Presymplectic, vector space 233
Principal bundle 93
Principal bundle, base space of a principal bundle 94
Principal bundle, bundle space of a principal bundle 94
Principal bundle, homomorphism 96
Principal bundle, projection of a principal bundle 93
Principal bundle, section of a principal bundle 96
Principal bundle, total space of a principal bundle 94
Principal bundle, transition functions of a principal bundle 97
Principal bundle, trivial principal bundle 94
Principal bundle, vertical subspace of a principal bundle 94
Principal bundle, vertical tangent vector to a principal bundle 94
Principal subbundle 97
Product manifold 7
Projectable vector field 351
Prolongable vector field 430
Prolongation 1-
Prolongation, -jet prolongation 452
Prolongation, canonical prolongation 333 453
Quotient manifold 14
Range condition 399
Rank, 2-form of maximal rank 227 234
Rank, of a 2-form 227 234
Rank, of a function 4
Rank, of a mapping 8
Rank, of a Poisson tensor field 285
Rank, theorem 5
Rank, theorem for manifolds 9
Real projective space 14
Reduced bundle 97
Reduced Lagrangian system 436
Reeb vector field 169 290
refinement 9
Regular, 2-form 227
Regular, condition for Poisson brackets 274
Regular, consistent constraints 401
Regular, Lagrangian dynamical system 322
Regular, Lagrangian vector field 379
Regular, non-conservative regular Lagrangi vector field 388
Representation, of a Lie algebra 88
Representation, of a Lie group 88
Ricci tensor 108
Riemannian, connection 79
Riemannian, induced Riemannian metric 107
Riemannian, metric 37
Riemannian, prolongation 219
Riemannian, pseudo — Riemannian metric 38
Riemannian, structure 102
Right translation 83
Sasaki metric 135
Sasakian almost contact metric structure 175
Scalar curvature 108
Schouten bracket 283
Second class, function of second class 406
Second-order problem 410
Section of a bundle 22
Sectional curvature 108
Semi-prolongable vector fields 431
Semi-prolongable vector fields, -equivalent semi-prolongable vector fields 432
Semibasic forms 190
Semibasic forms, algebra of semibasic forms 191
Semibasic forms, on 368
Semibasic forms, potential of semibasic forms 195
Semibasic vector form 193
Semispray 193 333
Semispray, associated semispray 206 337
Semispray, deviation of a semispray 194
Semispray, path of a semispray 194
Semispray, solution of a semispray 194
Shuffles permutations 39
Signature, of a pseudo — Riemannian metric 145
Signature,of a symmetric tensor of type (0, 2) 145
Simple connection 314
Skew — Hermitian matrix 87
Skew-derivation of 45
Skew-derivation of degree 45
Skew-symmetric matrix 87
Source projection 452
Special, linear group 87
Special, real special linear group 87
Special, symplectic manifold 357
Special, unitary group 86
Spray 195
Spray, quadratic spray 195
Standard orientation of 62
Stoke’s Theorem 68
Strong horizontal, bundle 338
Strong horizontal, lift 338
Strong horizontal, projector 339
Strong horizontal, subspace 338
Strong horizontal, vector field 338
Strong, -torsion 341
Strong, -torsion 341
Strong, curvature 341
Structure 176
Structure, 1-form 348
Structure, constants 91
Structure, equation 222
Structure, group of a principal bundle 94
Structure, group of a principal bundle, reducible group of a principal bundle 97
Structure, group of a principal bundle, reduction of the group of a principal bundle 97
Structure, metric -structure 178
Structure, partially integrable -structure 178
Submersion 13
Support, of a form 44
Support, of a function 10
Symmetric, automorphism 109
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