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Поиск книг, содержащих: DOUBLE PRECISION
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Немнюгин М.А., Стесик О.Л. — Современный фортран. Самоучитель | 44, 46 | Hoffman J.D. — Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists | 5 | Conte S.D., de Boor C. — Elementary numerical analysis - an algorithmic approach | 7, 11, 18 | Mathews J.H., Fink K.D. — Numerical Methods Using MATLAB | 22 | Golub G.H., van Loan C.F. — Matrix Computations | 64 | Wood R.L. — C Programming for Scientists and Engineers (Manufacturing Engineering for Scientists and Engineers) | 14 | Deitel H.M. — C++ How to Program | | Merris R. — Combinatorics | 493 | Estep D.J. — Practical Analysis in One Variable | 119 | Hogben L. — Handbook of Linear Algebra | 37—13 | Cooper J. — A Matlab Companion for Multivariable Calculus | 271 | Raabe D. — Computational materials science | 35 | McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica | 179 | Smith S.W. — Digital Signal Processing | 70—74, 284, 339 | Kingston J.H. (ed.) — An Introduction to Computer Programming with Java | 41 | Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L. — Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface | 192 | Barton J.J., Nackman L.R. — Scientific and engineering C++ | 554 (see also “Double”) | Shapira Y. — Solving PDEs in C++: numerical methods in a unified object-oriented approach | 7, see “"double"” | Betchov R. — Stability of Parallel Flows | 28 | Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers | 27, 28, 30, 33, 82, 83, 201, 753 | Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 782 | Balakrishnan N., Rao C.R. — Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 17): Order Statistics: Applications | 137, 144 | Fike C.T. — Computer Evaluation of Mathematical Functions | see Precision | Hefferon J. — Linear algebra | 69 | Hamming R.W. — Numerical Methods For Scientists And Engineers | 25, 205, 364 | Burden R.L., Faires J.D. — Numerical analysis | 14 | Hammerlin G., Hoffmann K.-H., Schumaker L.L. — Numerical Mathematics | 14, 15 | Melissinos A.C. — Principles of modern technology | 63 | Alt F.L., Rubinoff M. — Advances in computers.Volume 3 | 37 | Daniels R.W. — Introduction to numerical methods and optimization techniques | 7 |