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Wood R.L. — C Programming for Scientists and Engineers (Manufacturing Engineering for Scientists and Engineers) |
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'contents of' operator 17 42
'dot' operator 26
'indirection' operator 28
Address 6 9
Appended file 94
Area of a triangle, calculation program 67
Argument 8 49 54
Argument list 49 54
Argument list, non-empty 54
Argument list, non-empty, return statements and 54
arithmetic operators 32 34
Arrays 19 20 21
Arrays of numbers 21
Before main 124
Block 75
Block, compound statement, or 75
Called function 49 52
Called function, interface 52
Calling function 49 52 53
Calling function, interface 52
CHARACTER data type 7
Character data type, string 7 22 23
Code 9 11
Code control 9
code, formatting 9 11
compound statements 75
Construct 74
Construct, if-else 74
Construct, switch, the 78
Control code 9
Control code, statements 31
Control code, string 8
Data structures 7 24 25 28 65
Data structures, passing a 65
Data structures, passing a, pointers 28
Data type 6 7 10 12 13 15
Data type, Character 7
Data type, Integer 10 12
Data type, pointer 15
Data type, real 13
Data, input and output of 63
Data, input and output of, functions for 63
Data, read 62
Data, read, using functions to 62
Data, write, using functions to 62
Decisions and loops 73 et seq
Declaration statement 6 et seq
Do-while loop, the 90
dynamic memory management 114et seq 115 117
Dynamic memory management, facilities for 115
Dynamic memory management, linked lists 114 et seq
Element 20
Essential statements, any function 51
Executable statements 31 et seq
Executable statements, files 92 et seq 94
Executable statements, files, formatting, and 92 et seq
Executable statements, files, reading 92
Executable statements, files, write 92 94
For loop, the 81
Formatting 100
formatting code 9 11
Formatting files and 92 et seq
Formatting output 100
Functions 49
Functions, any, essential statements in 51
Functions, called 49 52
Functions, called, interface 52
functions, calling 49 52 53
Functions, calling interface 52
Functions, input and output of data 63
Functions, trigonometric display 84
Functions, use of 65
Functions, using read and write data 62
Identifying operators 39
if-else 73 74 76
if-else, construct 74
if-else, nested 73 76
if-else, nested statements 76
in main 124
in read 124 125
in read, _filenames 124
in read, _points 125
Indirect access 28
Input of data 63
Input, line 104
Integer data type 10 12
| Languages 1
languages, object-oriented 1
Languages, procedural 1
Line input 104
Line output 102
Linked list 114 et seq 125
Linked list, dynamic memory management 114 et seq
logical operators 36 38
Loop 73 et seq
Loop, decisions and 73 et seq
Loop, do-while, the 90
Loop, for, the 81
Loop, while, the 86
member variables 26
Memory Management 114 et seq
Memory management, dynamic 114 et seq 115 117
Memory management, dynamic, facilities for 115
Memory management, dynamic, linked lists, and 114 et seq
Memory management, static 114
Miscellaneous operators 42
Modifier 11
Nested if-else 73 76
Nested if-else statements 76
Non-empty argument lists 54
Non-empty argument lists, return statements, and 54
object-oriented languages 1
operands 31
Operator 28 31 32 34 36 38 39 42 45
Operator, 'dot' 26
Operator, 'indirection' 28
Operator, arithmetic 32 34
Operator, identifying 39
Operator, logical 36 38
Operator, miscellaneous 42
Operator, precedence 45
Operator, relational 36
Output data, of 63
Output data, of, formatted 100
Output data, of, line 102
Pointer, data 15 28
Pointer, data structures 28
Pointer, data type 15
Pointer, variables, use of 18
Precedence 32 45
Precedence, operator 45
Precision, double 14
Precision, single 14
procedural languages 1
Processing statements 31
Program, area of a triangle, to calculate 67
Read data 62 93
Read data, files 92
Read data, using functions to 62
REAL data type 13
Reference, passing a data structure by 65
Relational operators 36
Return statements, non-empty argument lists, and 54
Single precision 14
Software engineering 49
Statements control 31
Statements declaration 6
statements, compound 75
Statements, compound, block 75
Statements, essential 51
Statements, essential, any function 51
Statements, essential, any function, executable 31 et seq
Statements, essential, any function, nested if-else 76
Statements, essential, any function, processing 31
Statements, essential, any function, return 54
Statements, essential, any function, return, non-empty argument lists and 54
Static memory 114
Stream 8
String 7 8 22 23
String, character 7 22 23
String, control 8
Switch construct, the 78
Trigonometric function display 84
Type conversions 32
Variable 6
Variable, member 26
Variable, pointer, use of 18
Vectors 20
while loop, the 86
WRITE 62 92 94
Write data 62
Write data, using functions to 62
Writing files 92
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