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Alt F.L., Rubinoff M. — Advances in computers.Volume 3 |
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Ablow, C.M. 185 186
Abstracting, automatic 341
Accuracy tests for integration 35—47
Adams — Moulton formulas 22
Adjoint system of differential equations 39
Advance commitments 115—116
Alexander, S.N. 82 (1 11) 152 153
Allen, L.E. 300 (4 5) 306 309 335 343
Allocation of computer components 105—106 see "Disk" "Core
Analog-digital variables 288—296 see
Analog-to-digital see "Converters"
Andrews, D.D. 313 (8) 335 343
Arithmetic, analog-digital 283—288
Arithmetic, hybrid 285
Aroian, L.A. 50 74
Arrow, K.J. 185 (2) 186
Ashby, W.R. 334 343
Asymptotic rate of convergence 195 200 212 223 225—227
Bacon, C.R.T. 345
Baker, R.M.L. 7 (2) 15 21 36 49 74
Bartholomew, P.C. 343
Batch multiprogramming 86 87—104 113
Batch processing, of computer problems 83
Bauer, W.F. 278 (1) 296
Baxter, D.C. 296
Beale, E.M.L. 186
Bekey, G.A. 278 (24) 297
Benington, H.D. 84 (7) 152
Bensing, R.C. 346
Berkeley, E.C. 305 309 343
Biology, information growth in 301 303
Birkel, G.Jr. 285 (4 5) 296
Birkhoff, G. 191 196 197 205 206 271
Biunno, V.P. 343
Blackwell, D. 185 (9) 187
Blanyer, C.G. 297
Block operation 132 144 145
Blocks, of core storage space 112 114
Boole, G. 305 325 343
Boolean algebra 305
Brenner, J.L. 30 74
Brigham, G. 185 186
Brooks, R.B.S. 300 (4 5) 306 5) 335 343
Brouwer, D. 25 30 64 74
Brown, J.R. 308 343
Brown, L. 324 (16) 344
Brown, R.R. 185 187
Bruce, G.H. 271
Buffer service 97—98
Burnout parameters 49 50—55 64—66
Burns, A.J. 279 (8 9) 281 9) 297
Burns, M.C. 285 (10) 297
Calculus of classes 305
Calculus of functions 305
Carroll, C.W. 185 187
Carroll, Lewis 309 844
Chebyshev polynomials 229
Chebyshev polynomials, cyclic cemi—iterative method 250
Chebyshev polynomials, property 259
Clark, R.L. 305 (18) 344
Cocke, J. 78 (2) 152
Codd, E.F. 87 105 152
Cohen, C.J. 28 74
Colby, R. 337 (18a) 344
Columnar procedures 174 175—180
Combined analog—digital computers 277 280
Combined analog—digital solution, examples 281—283
Comparison among numerical integration methods 38 42—47
Comparison of analog and digital computers 275—277
Comparison of analytic and numerical integration 36
Concept profile 322
Concurrency of computer operations 78 see "Task
Connelly, M.E. 287 (11) 297
Conte, S. 271
Convergence of ADI methods see "Asymptotic rate of c."
Convergence of cutting plane method 181
Convergence of separable programming 178
Convergence, of simplex corrected gradient method 170
Converters, analog-digital and digital-analog 277 280 283—285
Copyright see "Infringement"
Copyrighting of computer products 337 338
core modules 90
Core storage allocation 112—115
Cournot, A.A. 325 344
Court decisions, prediction of 324—333
Courts see "Law"
Cowell method 6 7 14 28 42—47
Cox, F.B. 287 (22) 297
Crank — Nicolson method 230
Cutting-plane method 174 180—183 186
Dahlquist, B. 22 74
Dames, R.J. 271
Dantzig, G.B. 186 (19) 187
Data editing 49 50 71
Data exceptions 128
de Boor, C.M. 261 262 271
de Haan, C.S. 344
de Laplace, Pierre Simon 325 344
Decomposition procedure 178—180 186
Definitive orbit 48 49
DeLand, E.C. 185 187
Delaunay theory 30 31 34 35
Density of atmosphere 5
Determination of orbits 48—69
Diagonally dominated matrices 192 202
Dickerson, F.R. 344
Differential corrections 49 51 66—69 72
Differential corrections, stagewise 56—58
Differential gradient methods 161—165
Differential gradient methods, direct 162—163
Differential gradient methods, Lagrangian 163—165
Digital-to-analog see "Converters"
Diliberto theory 30 31—35
Diliberto, S.P. 30 33 74
Dirichlet problem 231—250
Disk allocation 110—112
Divergence of ADI methods 253
Dornheim, F.R. 186 187
Double precision, accumulation 21 23
Douglas — Rachford method 193 197 206 217—222 256—257
Douglas — Rachford method, parameters 219 223
Douglas, J.Jr. 193 205 219 271
Drag 5 49
Dreyfus, P. 78 (5) 152
Dump file 111
Dumping, of computer programs 102
Eccentric anomaly 10
Eccentricity 9
Eckels, A. 29 (32) 75
Eckert, J.P. 82 (6) 152
Eckert, w.j. 64 74
Ehricke, K. 74
Ehrlich, L. 211 227 232 273
Elliptic orbits 9 10
Encke method 7—15 42—47
Encke method with E or as independent variable 11—13
Ephemeris generation 70
Ephemeris generation, processor 74
Equations of motion 4—18
Ernst, A.A. 278 (34) 298
Error reduction matrix 194—195 197 217
Everett, R.R. 84 (7) 152
Evidence, use of computer records as 338 339
Execution control 95—104
Execution control, file 111
Execution control, phase 91
Execution control, region 114
Feasibility orbits 2 3
Fiacco, A.V. 185 187
| FIFO (first-come-first-serve) 121
Fiordalisi, V. 344
Fisher, F.M. 325 (24 25) 328 335 344
Flanders, G.A. 229 272
Forsythe, G.E. 191 (8) 195 263 271
Fort, T. 204 (9) 271
Frank, M. 185 187
Frankel, S. 192 (10) 271
Frankovich, J.M. 82 (8) 152
Fraud by computers 338
Freed, R.N. 335 344
Freund, R. 30 (10) 33 74
Frisch, R. 185 187
Frobenius, theorem of 205
Function generation 276 278
Gantmakher, F. 204 (10a) 272
Garfinkel, B. 30 74
Garrett, J.R. 24 39 64 74
Gass, S.I. 156 (12) 184 187
Gauss — Jackson method 23 27 71
Gauss — Seidel method 225 229
Gelernter, H. 334 344
Gerschgorin's circle theorem 204
Gill, S. 82 152
Golub, G.H. 229 (11) 272
Gradient methods see "Differential" "Large-step" "Projected" "Simplex-corrected"
Greenstein, J.L. 297
Griffith, R.E. 186 187
Habetler, G.J. 193 194 195 196 206 211 262 272
Hahn, W.R.Jr. 288 (38) 298
Hamming, R.W. 22 (15) 74
Hansen method 30
Hansen, J.R. 334 (33) 344
Hanson, G. 62 74
Hartsfield, E. 278 (14) 297
Hayden, R.F.C. 339 344
Heid, J. 279 (27) 298
Heller, J. 209 272
Helmholtz equation 200—202 206 222—223 225—227 243
Henrici, P. 25 40 75
Hensley, D.R. 339 (36) 345
Herrick's method 15 28 42—47 49
Herrick, C.E. 13 14 75
Herrick, S. 17 75
Herzog, A.W. 287 (15) 297
Hildebrand, F. 13 (23) 20 23 25 75
Holt, J. 56 (30) 66 75
Hori, G. 31 (24) 75
Horty, J.F. 313 (37) 321 335 342 345
Horwitz, R.D. 297
Householder, A.S. 195 272
Hubbard, E.C. 28 74
Hurney, P.A.Jr. 297
Hurwicz, L. 185 (2) 186
Hybrid arithmetic 285
Hybrid arithmetic, integrator 290—293
Hybrid arithmetic, multiplier 293—295
Hybrid arithmetic, systems 278 288—296
Hyperbolic orbits 9 10
Ill-conditioning 54
Improved orbit 48 49
Indexing, automatic 304 341
Inertial coordinate system 4
Information growth 299—302
Information growth, retrieval 310—323
Information growth, storage 310—323
Infringement of copyright by computer records 335—337
Initiation of algorithms (in mathematical programming) 183—184
Injection parameters see "Burnout p."
Input conversion 70 see
Input-output requests 95
Input-output service trees 137 138 141—150
Instability 22
Insurance, application of Boolean algebra to 305
Integrals of motion 38
Integration (of ordinary differential equations), methods of 18—28
Integrator, hybrid 290—293
Interconnected analog and digital computers 277—281
Internal Revenue Code 305
Interprogram protection 98—101 132 151
Interruption rules 125—128
Inverse square law 6
Io see "Input-output"
Irreducible matrices 192 205 227
Iteration parameters 190 193
Iteration parameters, good 202 203 262
Iteration parameters, optimal 198—199 202 231—250 254—258 259—261 see "Peaceman "Wachspress"
Jackson, A. 279 (18) 297
Jacobi matrix 225
Jacobi method 225
Jacobi method, k—line 228
Jacobstein, J.M. 345
James, P.A. 300 (4 5) 306 5) 335 343
Jancin, J. 337 (40) 345
Jordan normal form 248
Kahn, W. 96 (13) 153
Kalikow, M. 313 (42) 335 345
Kehl, W.B. 345
Kelley, J.E.Jr. 186 187
Kelso, L.O. 310 311 342 345
Kent, A. 312 (44) 345
Kepler's equation 10—13
King—Hele, D.G. 30 75
Kolsky, H.G. 78 (2) 152
Kopal, Z. 39 75
Kopp, R.E. 279 (8 9) 281 9) 297
Kort, F. 325 (45 46) 328 330 335 46 47 48) 345
Kosai, Y. 30 75
Krein, M. 204 (10a) 272
Kryloff, N. 272
Kyner, W.T. 30 (10) 33 74
Lagrange multiplier 165 173
Lapides, L. 279 (31) 298
Large-step gradient methods 165—172
Latta, G.E. 30 (4) 74
Law courts, use of computers in 339 see
Law questions affecting computers 335—339
Law, information growth in 299—303
Lawlor, R.C. 308 (49) 331 333 335 50) 337 345
Laws, indexing and retrieval of 320 340
Leary, J.C. 346
Least squares 50—56 72
Least squares, weighted 53
Ledley, R.S. 333 (51) 345
Lee, R.C. 287 (22) 297
Lees, M. 272
Legal questions see "Law"
Leger, R.M. 297
Leiner, A.L. 82 (11 12) 152
Levinson, D. 346
Lewis, G.J. 345
Load, on time-shared computer components 117
Load, on time-shared computer components, target 118
Loevinger, L. 325 345
Log (operating) file 111
Lourie, N. 96 (13) 153
Loveland, D.W. 334 (33) 344
Lowry, E.S. 87 (4) 152
Lusted, L.B. 333 (51) 345
Mace, D. 28 (44) 76
Manne, A.S. 185 187
Mathews, G.E. 304 (55) 346
Maxwell, M.E. 298
McCarthy, J. 84 (19) 153
McDonough, E. 87 (4) 152
McKinnon, F.B. 346
McLeod, J.H. 297
Mean anomaly 9 17
Mean motion 17
Mechanization in law practice 302—305
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