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Alt F.L., Rubinoff M. — Advances in computers.Volume 3 |
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Medicine, information growth in 301 303
Mehl, L. 302 346
Melton, J.S. 346
Mersel, J. 82 (14) 153
Microfilm images, automatic retrieval of 324
Microprogramming 125
Miller, C.E. 186 187
Milne formulas 22
Milne — Stoermer formulas 25
Milsum, J.H. 296
minimax 199 211 254—262
Missile intercept problem 281—283
Mitchell, D.S. 345
Mitchell, H.F. 82 (6) 152
Mixed boundary conditions 263—265
Molina, E.C. 325 346
Monotonicity principle 199 202 203
Morgan, R.T. 320 346
Mori, H. 297
Morrison, D. 53 (29) 54 56 66 75
Moulton see "Adams"
Multiplier, hybrid 293—295
Multirevolution steps 28
Multistep methods (of integration) 21—24 25 40
Musen, P. 30 75
Nagel, S. 331 335 62) 346
Neustadt, L.W. 278 (24) 297
Nigro, J.P. 278 (34) 298
Nondata exceptions 126—128
Nonscheduled mode of computer operation 106
Nonstandby programs 112
Nonsystems program file 111
Nonuniform mesh spacings 263—265
Norm reduction 195—196
Normal equations 52—55
Normalized iterations 250
Normalized weights, for computer programs 118
Not ready state 93 102
Notations of symbolic logic 309
Notched cards 323—324
Nothman, M.H. 297
Notz, W.A. 82 (12) 153
O'Keefe, J.A. 29 (32) 75
Oblateness force 4
Observation processing 71
Observational errors 53 66
Operating staff of computer, communication with 102—103
Optical observation 48
Optimization of iteration parameters see "Iteration parameters optimal"
Optimization, of computer programs 104—122
Orientation elements 10
Ostrowski's theorem 224—225 227
Ostrowski, A.M. 224 272
Ottoson, H. 279 (18) 297
Overrelaxation see "Successive overrelaxation method"
Palevsky, M. 297
Parabolic and near-parabolic orbits 13—15
Parameters see "Douglas — Rachford" "Iteration" "Peaceman "Wachspress"
Parter, S.V. 228 272
Partial derivatives, computation of 58—64 72
Paskman, M. 279 (27) 298
Patent claims 308—309
Patent searching 322 323
Patenting of computer inventions 337 338
Pattern recognizing machines 321
Paul, R.J.A. 298
Payne, M. 7 (33) 36 75
Peaceman — Rachford method 193 200 206 210—217 226 229 231—250 254—256
Peaceman — Rachford method, parameters of 202 211—215 231—250 262
Peaceman, D.W. 193 211 262 271
Peekaboo systems 323 340
Peet, W.J. 298
Pending workload, of computers 90—91
Periodic two surfaces 33
Perry, M.N. 85 (15) 153
Perturbation methods 28—35 42—47
Peterson, H.P. 82 (8) 152
Petroleum industry, use of mathematical programming in 157
Pfeiffer, J.E. 305 346
Phase see "Execution" "Preparation" "Rewind—demount" "Scheduling"
Phase concurrency 92
Pines, S. 7 (33) 36 75
Plugge, W.R. 85 (15) 153
Point Jacobi matrix 225
Porter, R.E. 78 (16) 153
Post-execution control 95
Pre-execution control 95
Precision orbits 2 3
Prediction see "Court decisions"
Predictor-corrector formulas 22 25
Preliminary orbit 48
Preparation phase 91
Printing, automatic 340
Priorities, for computer programs 120 125 134
Processing service tree 135—140
Program mixes 109
Projected-gradient procedures 170—172 185—186
Projection operators 266—267
Property “A” of matrices 225
Protection 128—130 see
Pulsed analog techniques 286—288
Punched cards, applications in law practice 304 323—324
Pyne, I.B. 185 187
Quadratic programming see "Simplex method"
Queue selection time 121
Queuing of computer programs 105—106 120—122 134—150
Queuing rules 148—150
Rachford, H.H. 193 205 211 219 262 271 272
Radar observation 48
Rademacher, H. 25 75
Ranking of judges 328 329
Rating, of computer programs 118 120
Reach, R. 96 (13) 153
Read request (pseudo—operation) 100
ready state 93 102
Real-time processing, multiprogramming 86
Real-time processing, of computer problems 85
Rectification 7 10
Reference conic, r. orbit 7—10
Relaxation factor 224
Relaxation factor, optimal 225
Reliability, of court decision predictions 325
Relocation 101—102 128—130
Remes algorithm 261
Remes, E. 261 272
Residuals 54 72
Restoration of computer programs 102
Restricted operations 100—101 129—130
retrieval of information 311—323
| Rewind-demount phase 91
Rice, J.R. 260 261 262 271 272
Robison, D.E. 50 74
Rochester, N. 81 153
Rosen, J.B. 185 (17) 187
Round-off errors, accumulation of 21 25—28 38—42
Routh, D. 62 74
Run requests 90
Runge — Kutta methods 19—21 24 71
Scalogram 328 329
Scalzi, C.A. 87 (4) 152
Scheduling phase 91
Scheduling, of computer runs 105—106
Scheduling, of computer runs, algorithm 116
Scheduling, of computer runs, long-range 115
Scheduling, of computer runs, short-range 115 116—120
Schmid, H. 288 (30) 298
Schrimpf, H. 96 (13) 153
Schubert, G.A. 328 346
Search, mechanized 311
Seek request (pseudo-operation) 100
Seeking mechanism of storage disks 88
Seeking time 119
Segmentation of computer data and instructions 124
Semi-cymbolic programs 101
Semi-cymbolic programs, addresses 115
Semimajor axis of orbits 9
Separable programming 177—178 186
Service requests 96—97
Service time 108 118
Shadow prices 165
Shapiro, I. 50 (36) 75
Shapiro, M. 186 187
Shapiro, S. 279 (31) 298
Shortley, D. 229 272
Shumate, M.S. 298
Simplex method for quadratic programming 174—175 186
Simplex method for Unear programming 166—168 172—174
Simplex-corrected gradient method 168—170 185
Simplicial methods 172—175
Simulation problems 275 276 280
simulators 275
Skramstad, H.K. 278 (33 34) 288 38) 298
Smart, W.M. 4 (37) 75
Smith, B.M. 308 346
Smith, J.L. 82 (12) 153
Smith, N.M. 185 (9) 187
Smith, O.K. 28 31 63 64 75
Solar parallax 3 49
Space release, s. request (in computers) 103
Space sharing by computer programs 79—80
Space-scheduled computer operation 106—108
Space-time scheduled computer operation 106 108—109
Spectral radius 195 202 233 251 253 257
Squires, R.K. 29 (32) 75
Staging file 108 111
Standard deviation, of errors of observation 53
Standby program file 111 115
Stare decisis 331
Start operation 131 140 141
Stationary iterative methods 195
Statistical estimate of errors 67—69
Status preservation 96
Statutes see "Laws"
Stein, M.L. 279 (36) 298
Stephenson, R. 333 (69) 346
Stewart, R.A. 186 187
Stiefel, E.L. 261 272
Stieltjes matrices 192 196 202 204 227
Stop operation 132 142 143
Struble, R. 30 75
Successive overrelaxation method (SOR) 190 224—230 231—250
Successive overrelaxation method (SOR), block 227—229
Successive overrelaxation method (SOR), multiline 227—229
Successive overrelaxation method (SOR), point 224—227
Supervisory tables 125
Suppes, P. 305 (65) 309 346
Suspension, of computer programs 102
Susskind, A.K. 298
Swerling, P. 50 (43) 56 75
Symbolic logic 305—310
Symmetric rounding 27
Syntactic ambiguities 306 307
Systems file 111
Tammelo, I. 346
Tape allocation 109—110
Task concurrency 92
Teager, H.M. 84 (18 19) 153
Thomas, L.M. 28 76
Thrall, R.M. 205 272
Throughput rate 83
Time sharing, by computer programs 79 117
Titus, J. 76
Tornheim, L. 205 272
Toronto, A.F. 333 (69) 346
Typewriters, automatic 304 341
Unblock operation 132 146 147
Uniform loading of channels 109
Unisolvent 260
Urban, W.R. 288 (38) 298
Uzawa, H. 185 (2) 186
Varga, R.S. 191 192 196 197 203 204 205 206 226 227 228 21) 229 230 240 271
Variance-covariance matrix 56
Variation of parameters 15—18
Varisolvent 260
Veasey, L.G. 333 (69) 346
Virtual number of iterations 233
Wachspress parameters 204 211 215—217 231—250 262
Wachspress, E.L. 193 194 195 196 204 206 211 232 260 262 272
Waddell, W.Jr. 306 346
Wait (pseudo-operation) 93 95
Warner, H.R. 333 (69) 346
Wasow, W.R. 191 (8) 195 263 271
Weakly cyclic matrices 228
Weinberger, A. 82 (12) 153
Weiner, J.R. 82 (6) 152
Welsh, H.F. 82 (6) 152
West, G.P. 278 (1) 296 298
Weyl, H. 202 273
Wilson, A.N. 278 (42) 279 298
Witzgall, C. 186 187
Wolf, H. 7 (33) 36 75
Wolfe, P. 185 186 187
Wortzman, D. 285 (43) 298
Wright, R.E. 298
Write request (pseudo-operation) 100
Young, D. 211 225 227 229 232 240 247 273
Ziembinski, Z. 309 (70) 346
Zoutendijk, G. 185 187
Zraket, C.A. 84 (7) 152
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