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Поиск книг, содержащих: Subsonic flow
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 326.A | Chung T.J. — Computational fluid dynamics | 39, 120, 123 | Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 1) | 165 | Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 2) | 165 | Trottenberg U., Schuller A., Oosterlee C. — Multigrid | 161, 349, 350 | Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics) | 67, 81, 84, 189 | Versteeg H.K., Malalasekera W. — An introduction to computational fluid dynamics | 35 | Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. — Fluid mechanics | 270, 663 | Liboff R. — Kinetic Theory | 298 | Frank J., King A., Raine D.J. — Accretion Power in Astrophysics | 41 | Cantwell B.J., Crighton D.G. (Ed), Ablowitz M.J. (Ed) — Introduction to Symmetry Analysis | 386 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 326.A | Landau L.D., Lifschitz E.M. — Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 6 | 313 | McCormick S.F. — Multigrid Methods (Frontiers in Applied Mathematics) | 53, 70 | Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics | 96, 298 | Tannehill J.C., Pletcher R.H., Anderson D.A. — Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer | 352, 415, 429 | Padmanabhan T. — Cosmology and Astrophysics through Problems | 255 | Toro E.F. — Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Introduction | 32, 46 | Gurevich M.I. — The theory of jets in an ideal fluid | 314 | Belotserkovsky S.M., Lifanov I.K. — Method of Discrete Vortices | 83 | Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics | 165 | Oertel H. — Prandtl's Essentials of Fluid Mechanics (Applied Mathematical Sciences) | 205, 277 | Fung Y. — A First Course in Continuum Mechanics: for Physical and Biological Engineers and Scientists | 261 | Cercignani C. — Rarefied Gas Dynamics | 275, 276 | Tannehill J.C., Anderson D.A., Pletcher R.H. — Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer | 352, 415, 429 | Landau L., Sykes J. — Fluid Mechanics: Vol 6 (Course of Theoretical Physics) | 313 |