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Chung T.J. — Computational fluid dynamics
Chung T.J. — Computational fluid dynamics

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Íàçâàíèå: Computational fluid dynamics

Àâòîð: Chung T.J.


Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques are used to study and solve complex fluid flow and heat transfer problems. This comprehensive text ranges from elementary concepts for the beginner to state-of-the-art CFD for the practitioner. It discusses and illustrates the basic principles of finite difference (FD), finite element (FE), and finite volume (FV) methods, with step-by-step hand calculations. Chapters go on to examine structured and unstructured grids, adaptive methods, computing techniques, and parallel processing. Finally, the author describes a variety of practical applications to problems in turbulence, reacting flows and combustion, acoustics, combined mode radiative heat transfer, multiphase flows, electromagnetic fields, and relativistic astrophysical flows. Students and practitioners — particularly in mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and civil engineering — will use this authoritative text to learn about and apply numerical techniques to the solution of fluid dynamics problems.

This textbook explains the finite difference methods (FDM) and finite element methods (FEM) as applied to the numerical solution of fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems. Both incompressible and compressible flows are treated. The second half of the book presents automatic grid generation strategies, and describes applications to turbulence, acoustics, multiphase flows, and electromagnetic fields. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1022

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.02.2005

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$C^o, C^l, C^m$ continuity      307—8
$K-\omega$ model      688
$K-\varepsilon$ model      686—7 771 775 922
Accuracy      48—61 187 372
Acoustic intensity level      797
Additive Schwarz procedure      644—9
Adiabatic wall      206
Advancing front methods (AFM)      591—6
Albedo      866 882
Algebraic grid generator      533—51 569
Algebraic Reynolds stress model      692—63
Alternating direction implicit (ADI)      66 72—3 141 173 512
Amplification factor      70 78
Approximate factorization      73—5 141 175
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods      902 904 920
Arc-length method      561
Arnoldi process      385
Arrhenius law      727
Artificial compressibility      106 107 126
Artificial viscosity (diffusion)      123—5 127 139 140 368 371
Artificial viscosity flux limiters      195
Assembly of source vector      212—5
Assembly of stiffness (diffusion, viscosity) matrix      212—5
Atkin’s algorithm      570
Axisymmetric cylindrical heat conduction      335—6
Axisymmetric ring elements      305 306
Back scatter      697
Backward (upwind) differencing      7 46
Baldwin-Lomax model      692—3
Banach space      256
Base functions      see “Interpolation functions”
Beam-Warming method      85—6 141 156 169—76 514
Bernstein polynomials      571 573
Beta spline      572 573
Bezier curve      571—576
Bezier patches      573
BGK model      930 931
Biharmonic equation      407
Black hole accretion      965—66
Boltzmann equation      930—1
Boolean matrix      246 313
Boolean operators      599
Boundary and initial conditions      9 17—24 38—41 197—207 315—20 347—55 449
Boundary and initial conditions Dirichlet      17—20 38—41
Boundary and initial conditions for Euler and Navier-Stokes system of equations      197—207
Boundary and initial conditions mixed, Robin      38—41
Boundary and initial conditions Neumann      9 13—18 20—4 38—41 347—354
Boundary and initial conditions well-posedness      98 201
Boundary element methods      245 522—5
Bowyer algorithm      587—90
Box (top hat) function      697
Burger’s Equation      87—90 355 394—6 492
Catmull-Rom form      572 574
Cauchy/Robin boundary conditions      39 317
Cebeci-Smith model      684
Cell area (Jacobian) method      560
Cell-centered average scheme      225—7
Cell-centered control volume.      223—5
Central difference      6 141 371
CFL(Courant) number      77 78 368 74
Characteristic Galerkin method (CGM)      347 435—8
Characteristic variables      134—5 205
Chebyshev polynomials      463—5 635 766 778 921
Chemical equilibrium equations      704—44
Chemically reactive flows      724—92
Christoffel symbols      553 564—7 959 999—1006
Circumcircle, circumradius, circumsphere      583—4
Clausius-Duhem inequality      429
Clustering function      543—5
Coarse grain parallelism      656
Combustion      see “Chemically reactive flows”
Compatibility relations      132
Completeness      307
Compressed sparse row      659
Compressibility condition      354
Compressibility effects      693—5
Compression corner flow      456
Condition number      256 257
Conduction-radiation ratio      866 896
Conforming elements      308
Conjugate gradient method (CGM)      337 384
Consistency      61
Consistent mass matrix      359
Continuity across elements      307
Continuous space-time (CST)      327
Contravariant metric tensor      379 432
Control function (variational principle) methods in structured grid      607—17
Control functions      557 569 608—17
Control surfaces (volumes)      12—19 219—32 234—5 491—9
Convection Jacobians      131 170 181 979—84
Convection matrix      355 370
Convection-diffusion equation      369
Convection-dominated flow      347—80
Convergence      62 258 259 306—8
Convex hull      589
Coordinate transformation      94—8
Cost function      881
Couette flow      110
Coupled Eulerian-Langrangian methods      246 525—8 780
Courant (CFL) number      368 372 374
Covariant metric tensor      553
Crank-Nicolson scheme      71—5 81 108 356 362 364
Cubic spline      535—7
Curl of three-dimensional vorticity transport equations      118 409
Curvature tensor      564
Damkohler number      442 733 734 774
Delaunay-Voronoi methods (DVM)      581—90
Derivative finite difference operator      48
Diagonally dominant      113
Differential geometry      563—7
Differential operator      432
Diffusion gradient Jacobian      181 425
Diffusion Jacobian      181 979—84
Diffusion matrix (stiffness, viscosity) matrix      9 355 370
Diffusion number      68
Diffusion transport tensor      691
Diffusion velocity      728
Dilatation      353
Dilaunay triangulation      582—4
Direct numerical simulation      703—4 782 783 786 822 921
Dirichlet boundary conditions      39 315—17
Discontinuity-capturing diffusivity      434
Discontinuity-capturing factor      432
Discontinuity-capturing scheme (DCS)      376 377 429—35
Discontinuous Galerkin methods (DGM)      347 438—9
Discontinuous space-time (DST)      327 377
Dispersion error      89
Dissipation error      79
Dissipation tensor      690
Dissociation      757 769
Distributed shared memory      654—63
Domain decomposition methods      644—9
Domain decomposition methods additive Schwarz procedure      650—1
Domain decomposition methods multiplicative Schwarz procedure      644—50
Domain decomposition methods parallel processing in      660 667
Domain vertex methods      537—45
Double asymptotic approximation      373
Driven cavity flow      457—9
DuFort — Frankel methods      71 512
Dulquist and Bjorck scheme      56
Dust infall      970—3
Eckert number      871
Eddy (turbulent) viscosity      700
Effectivity index      636
Eigenvalues      132 143 179 204 208
Eigenvalues negative      204 207
Eigenvalues positive      204 207
Eigenvectors      133 134
Electronic excitement model      733—65 789
Element-by-element (EBE) method      340 381
Elliptic equations      31—3 63—7 98 551 562
Elliptic grid generator      551—8 608
Emissive power      841—2
Energy dissipation range      698
Energy norm error      255 620
Ensemble average      681
Entropy condition      151
Entropy controlled instability      829—34
Entropy mode acoustics      803—8
Entropy variable Jacobians      429 430 2
Entropy variables      429 433—4
Equation solvers      65 76—7 90—4 337—42 380—91
Equation solvers Gauss elimination      67
Equation solvers Gauss-Seidel iteration      65
Equation solvers generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method      380 742
Equation solvers Jacobi iteration      65
Equation solvers Newton-Raphson method      380 742
Equation solvers Runge-Kutta method      90 168
Equation solvers Thomas algorithm      76
Equation solvers tridiagonal matrix algorithm (TDMA)      76
Equilibrium chemistry      734 769
Error estimates      254—9 635
Error indicator      618—20 635
Errors iterative      65
Errors round-off      65
Errors sources of      91—4
Errors truncation      46—62
Essentially nonoscillatory (ENO) schemes      163—5
Euler equations      129—166 367—91
Eulerian differences      525
Explicit scheme      68—71 77—81 167 365 366
Extinction coefficient      843
Extrapolation methods      201
FDV parameters (variation parameters)      181—5 440—51 774
Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation      802 826
Filtering functions      696
Fine grain parallelism      656
Finite difference operators      48—61
Finite difference operators derivative      48
Finite difference operators displacement      48
Finite element functions temporal test functions      254 327
Finite element functions test functions      8 377—9
Finite element functions trial functions, (base, interpolation, shape)      8 262 308
Finite point methods      481—2
Finite rate chemistry      734 767
First order variation parameters      183 187
Flowfield-dependent variation methods      180—94 440—59 771 818 822 913 967—74
Fluid-particle mixture      913—7
Flux corrected transport (FCT) schemes      165—6
Flux extrapolation approximation      149
Flux implicit higher order accurate schemes      196
Flux vector splitting      142—5 440
Forward differencing      7 46
Fourier series      69
Fourier-cutoff function      697
Fractional step methods      75 512
Frequency, fundamental      69
Front tracking methods      902
Froude number      968
Frozen chemistry      734
FTCS schemes      78 81
FTFS schemes      77
Fully implicit continuous Eulerian (FICE) methods      946
fundamental frequency      69
FVM via FDM      16 216—39
FVM via FEM      17 491—507
Galerkin methods      9 243—54
Galerkin methods characteristic (CGM)      418 435—8
Galerkin methods discontinuous (DGM)      243 418 438—40
Galerkin methods generalized (GGM)      243 347 418 427
Galerkin methods generalized Petrov (GPG)      243 347 376—80 418 428—35
Galerkin methods standard (SGM)      11 243 249 309—24 347 892 900
Galerkin methods streamline diffusion Petrov (SUPG)      347 374
Galerkin methods Taylor (TGM)      243 347 418 422—6 767 830
Galerkin test function      370 377
Gather operation      659—60
Gauss elimination      67 647
Gauss-Seidel iteration      65
Gaussian curvature      566
Gaussian quadrature      231 292 293 474 882 899 985—92
Generalized Galerkin methods (GGM)      327—36 422 427
Generalized minimal residual (GMRES)      384—5 742
Generalized Petrov-Galerkin methods      374 377 378 402 521
Generalized Taylor-Galerkin methods      243 418 422—6 500 520
Gibbs function      742
Givens Householder rotation matrix      386 390
Godunov method      145—8 155
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization      385
Granularity in parallel processing      663
Gravitation      955
Gravitational source term Jacobian      999—1006
Green’s function      522
Grid clustering      543—5
Grid generation structured      581—605
Grid generation unstructured      533—577
Hanging nodes      620—1 627—8
Heat conduction      98 99 335
Helmholtz equation      523 798
Hermite polynomial      271 571
Hermite polynomial elements      271—3 534
Hessenberg matrix      385 387
Hexahedral element      303—5 598
Hilbert space      255 619
hp methods      635—9
hr methods      630—33
Hyperbolic equations      31—3 77—81 93 332—4 512
Hyperbolic grid generator      555—61
Hypersonic flows      120 759—65
Ill-conditioned      257
Implicit scheme      71—2 81 90 169 331 356 365 366
Incompressibility condition      106—15
Incompressible limit      178 431
Inertial subrange      698
Inner product      8 218 249 369
Insertion polygon      584
Interpolation functions      8 247 262 308 462 533
Intrinsic time lonization      757 762
Intrinsic time scale      432
Isoparametric element      286—97 467—70 899
Iterative error      65
Iterative paving method      603
Jacobi iteration      65
Jacobi preconditioner      382
Jacobians convection flux      131 170 979
Jacobians diffusion flux      979
Jacobians diffusion gradient      181 425 979—84
Jacobians source term      993 1004
Kerr black hole geometry      659
Kirchhoff s method      799—800 811 813
Kirchhoffs law      843
Kolmogorov microscale      447 698
Krylov space      385
Laasonen method      71 512
Lagrange multipliers      318 320 743 744
Lagrange polynomial elements      269—71 533—4 570
Lagrangian differences      527
Lanczos algorithm      382 383 385
Landau-Teller model      763
Laplace equations      63 551—3
Large eddy simulation      696—703 782 784
Law of mass action      726—7
Lax method      80 83 151
Lax-Friedrichs scheme      138
Lax-Wendroff method      80 82 83 105 138 513 515
LBB condition      325 400
Leapfrog method      80 168 363
Leapfrog method midpoint      87
Least square methods      478—80 880—2
Legendre polynomials      466—7 635
Legendre spectral mode functions      469 470 635
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