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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1120
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005
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Framework 1914
Francis, R.L. 1898; see “Mirchandani P.B.”
Frank, A. 49 120 138 150 154 160 163 164 167 170 218 564 570 572 574 576 577 581 955 1583 1663 1682
Frank, A.A. 578; see “Cunningham W.H.”
Frank, A.B. 91; see “Fleischner H.”
Frankl theorem 1274
Frankl, P. 376 410—412 418 842 860 1236 1248 1274 1275 1296 1297 1299 1303—1305 1307—1313 1316—1318 1321 1322 1324 1341 1351 1371 1372 1381 1383 1393 1522 1719 1721 1722 1725 1761 1796
Frankl, P.A. 423 1765 1766 1827; N.”
Frankl, P.B. 1522 2007 2010; L.”
Frankl, P.C. 628 631 635 1303; P.J.”
Frankl, P.D. 1325; see “Chung F.R.K.”
Frankl, P.E. 1306—1308; see “Deza M.”
Frankl, P.F. 1252 1323 1345; P.”
Franklin, F. 2173
Franklin, P. 261 2179
Fredman, M. 448
Fredman, M.L. 1144 2020
Free arrangement 2071 2073
Free group 1479
Free matroid 486 494 497 504
Free monoid 1027 1029
Free product 1467 1481
Free subgroup 1753
Freiman, G.A. 986
Freiman’s (doubling) theorem 986
Freivalds, R. 2007
Freud, R. 1013; see “Erdos P.”
Freudenthal, H. 1480
Freund, R.M. 1864
Fried, D. 943
Fried, E. 1498
Friedland, S. 17 1209
Friedland, S.A. 1770 1771; N.”
Friedman, J. 453
Frieze patterns 2140
Frieze, A. 371 372 1155
Frieze, A.A. 957 1442 1558 1741; M.”
Frieze, A.B. 371; see “Fenner T.I.”
Frieze, A.M. 72
Frieze, A.M.A. 371; see “Bollobas B.”
Fristedt, B. 1123
Frobenius, G. 185 2174 2186
Frucht, R. 1469 1497
Frumkin, M.A. 952
Ftirstenberg, H. 1110 1340 1366 1369 1371 1438—1440
Fuchs. L. 1775
Fueredi, Z. 76 383 387 404 408 409 411 412 416 427 456 457 459 465 818 821 823 1242 1275 1297 1300 1308 1314 1315 1324
Fueredi, Z.A. 862 865 957 1442; I.”
Fueredi, Z.B. 829 1314; E.”
Fueredi, Z.C. 409; see “Chung F.R.K.”
Fueredi, Z.D. 862 1323; P.”
Fueredi, Z.E. 1456; see “Erdos Peter
Fueredi, Z.G. 412 1297 1309 1310 1321 1322 1324; P.”
Fuerer, M. 1513; see “Cai J.”
Fuji-Hara, R. 712
Fujishige, S. 572 575 576 578
Fujishige, S.A. 1913; see “Iri M.”
Fuju, Y. 763; see “Yamamoto S.”
Fulkerson, D.R. 94 141 267 397 401—403 1672 1674 1682 1686 1687 1695 1696
Fulkerson, D.R.A. 1659 1696 1902 2188; G.B.”
Fulkerson, D.R.B. 406; see “Edmonds J.”
Fulkerson, D.R.C. 185 500 561 1897 2178; J.R.”
Fulkerson, D.R.D. 114 125—127 129 133 136 2186 2188; L.R.”
Fulkerson, D.R.E. 1545 1661 1903; Jr.
Fulkersonian hypergraph 395 402
Fulkerson’s optimum arborescence theorem 1674
Full Ramsey-type theorems 1357
Full time-constructibility 1628
Fully polynomial approximation scheme 1584 1633
Fully space-constructible 1611
Fully submodular function 572
Fully time-constructible function 1609
Fulton, W. 958 1841
Functional digraph 1024
Functional equations 929 1195 1206
Functional gate 2012
Fundamental circuit 554
Fundamental group 1495 1846 2069
Fundamental parallelepiped 923
Fundamental parameters 799
Fundamental theorem of extremal graph theory 1243
Fundamental theorem of projective geometry 655
Furedi theorem 1242 1275
Furrer, F.J. 806
Furst, M. 1625 2013
Furst, M.L. 1486; see “Driscoll J.R.”
Furst, M.L.A. 323 1517
Fusion principle 2138
G-set 614
G-space 614
GAB 681; see “Tits geometry”
Gabber, O. 1754 1755
Gabow, H. 560 561 566 579
Galambos, J. 1090
Gale diagram 882 893 894
Gale transform 882
Gale, D. 391 894 901 1825 1836
Galil, Z.A. 128 193 1990 1991
Galil, Z.B. 1756; see “Alon N.”
Galil, Z.C. 1754 1755; O.”
Galiulin, R.V. 923; see “Delone B.N.”
Gallai hyperplane 814
Gallai identities 182
Gallai line 812 814 818
Gallai plane 814 815
Gallai theorem 250 254 255 1799
Gallai — Aschbacher decomposition 1476
Gallai — Edmonds structure theorem 202 1471
Gallai — Milgram theorem 44
Gallai — Roy theorem 48
Gallai, T. 43—45 48 82 167 182 199 240 242 250 254—256 263 269 468 1319 1476
Gallai, T.A. 26 39 1263 1274; P.”
Gallian, J.A. 65 1473; D.”
Galois fields 2181
Galois geometry 657
Galois group 954
Galois theorem 649
Galvin, F. 2113
Gamble, A.B. 215
Game 419
Game theory 628
Gamma function 925 1068 1076
Gammoid 500
Ganelius, T.H. 1125 1126
Gangolli, A. 2136 2158
Gao, Z. 1191
Gao, Z.-C. 1212; see “Bender E.A.”
Gao, Z.A. 1202 1203; P.”
Gao, Z.C. 59
Garcia-Diaz, A. 125; see “Phillips D.T.”
Garcy, M.R. 14 246 247 315 326 910 953 956 1511 1551 1601 1632 1634 1998 1999
Gardiner, A. 1504 1506 1507
Gardner, M. 275
Gardner, M.L. 392
Gardy, D. 1124 1183 1184
Garey, M.R. 1552; see “Cofftnan Jr.
Garsia, A.-M. 1856 1858 2059 2060; K.”
Garsia, A.M. 1038 1107 2061
Garsia, A.M.A. 1856 2060; A.”
Gauss, C.F. 2167 2184
Gaussian coefficient 650 1365
Gehrlein, W.G. 448; see “Fishburn P.C.”
Gelatl, C.D. 1559; see “Kirckpatrick S.”
Gelatt, C.-D. 1950; see “Kirkpatrick S.”
Geller, D.P. 276; see “Chartrand G.”
Gelling, E.N. 711
Gel’fand, I.M. 1501
Geman, D. 1997; see “Geman S.”
Geman, S. 1997
General linear group 655
Generalized arithmetic progression 986
Generalized assignment problem 1578 1579 1884
Generalized ball 1297
Generalized coloring problem 1624 1625
Generalized Kempe chain 256
Generalized line graph 1734
Generalized m-gon 761
Generalized polygon 674
Generalized polymatroid 581
Generalized quadrangle (GQ) 665 684
Generalized Ramsey number 1347
Generating functions 900 1025 1027 1095 1962
Generator matrix 777
Generator polynomial 784
Generic arrangement 2067
Genericity assumption 1919
Generously transitive 766
Genetics 1985
Genome 1985
Genus of a graph 320
Genus of a group 1493
Genus of a surface 1487
Geometric graph 684
Geometric lattice 496—498 516 1055 1713 1857
Geometric lattice of flats 830
Geometric realization 1843
Geometric simplicial complex 1843 1859
Geometrical dual 2178
Geometry 2180
Geometry of numbers 921—923 929 956
Geramita, A.V. 730
Gerards, A.M.H. 217 1694
Gerards, A.M.H.A. 1692; see “Cook W.”
Gerards, B. 531 546
Germa, A. 25 1263; D.”
Germa, A.A. 710; see “Bermond J.-C.”
Gerver, J.L.; see Ramsey, L.T. 1006
Gessel, I.M. 1110 1155 1209
Getu, S. 1184 1211
Gewirtz graph 701
Ghinelli, D.. see Del Fra, A. 683
Ghouila-Houri, A. 1409 1665
Giancarlo, R. 1990 1991; Z.”
Giant component 357
Gielen, M. 1966; see “Brocas J.”
Gilbert — Varshamov bound 781
Giles, F.R. 1673 1676 1678
Giles, R. 323 1676 1694
Giles, R.A. 573 574 1672—1674 1678; J.”
Gill, J. 1621; see “Baker T.”
Gillenson, M.L. 215; see “White L.J.”
Gilmore, P.C. 267
Ginibre, J. 447; see “Fortum C.M.”
Ginzburg, A. 1769; see “Erdos P.”
girth 10 842 1264 1503 1752—1754 1757 1810
Glaisher, J.W.L. 2173
Glas, R. 36; see “Egawa Y.”
Glcbskii, YV. 1337
Gleason, A.M. 671
Glover, F. 566; see “Brezovec C.”
Glover, H.H. 334 342 2178
Gluing lemma 1848
Go 2119 2129
Goddyn, L.A. 92 296; B.”
Goddyn, LA. 92
Godel, K. 1605
Godel’s compactness theorem 2092
Godsil, C.D.A. 1209 1455 1460 1468 1470 1474 1477 1496 1500 1502 1507 1522 1523 1713 1715—1718 1724 1726 1727 1729 1731 1732
Godsil, C.D.B. 73; see “Alspach B.”
Godsil, C.D.C. 1460 1500; L.”
Goemans, M.X. 1592
Goethals, J.-M. 701 767 768 1507 1734; R.J.”
Goethals, J.-M.A. 717 718 752 753 1715 1716 1718; Ph.”
Goethals, J.M. 701 716 730 750 753 802
Goidschmidt, D. 1504; see “Delgado A.”
Golay codes 716 791 794
Goldbach’s conjecture 971 982
Goldberg conjecture 275
Goldberg, A.V. 114 125 128 135
Goldberg, M.K. 275
Goldberg, M.V. 1582
Golden identity 248
Golden ratio 248
Golden, B. 1885; see “Bodin L.”
Goldfarb, D. 1667
Goldman, W.M. 943; see “Fried D.”
Goldreich, O. 1511 1515 2028 2032 2035
Goldreich, O.A. 2007; see “Chor B.”
Goldreich, O.B. 1486; see “Even S.”
Goldschmidt, D.M. 1504
Goldstein, L. 1996 1997
Goldstein, L.A. 1090; see “Arratia R.”
Goldwasser, S. 1630 2028 2031 2034
Golender, V.E. 1960
Goljan, M. 313; see “Kratochvil J.”
Golumbic, M. 399
Golumbic, M.C. 236 1994 1995
Gomory, R. 130
Gomory, R.E. 207 1672 1691 2188
Gomory-Hu tree 130
Gondran, M. 1545
Gonnet, G.H. 1205 1213 2018
Good, I.J. 1107
Goodey, P.R. 910
Goodman, A. 1520; see “Babai L.”
Goodman, A.A. 87 1238; P.”
Goodman, A.J. 1501
Goodman, A.J.A. 1449 1501 1519; L.”
Goodman, A.W. 1349
Goodman, J.E. 818 830 832 834 857 865 894 1764 1765
Goppa, YD. 667
Gordon, B. 729 1123
Gordon, C.McA. 304; see “Conway J.H.”
Gordon, L. 1090 1103 1134; R.”
Gordon, M. 1975
Gorenstein complex 1856
Gorenstein, D. 619 1504
Gosper, Jr. R.W. 1075 1210
Gosper’s algorithm 1075
Gosper’s indefinite hypergeometric summation algorithm 1210
Gottlieb, D.H. 1710
Gough, A. 1970; see “Wang T.”
Gould, H.W. 1075
Gould, R.J. 28
Goulden, IP. 1023 1088 1098 1107 1213
GQ 665; see “Generalized quadrangle”
GR 592; see “Graph realization”
Grabner, P. 1194; see “Flajolct P.”
Gradient method 1660
Gradshtcyn, I.S. 1075
Graham, R. 1710 1737 1805
Graham, R.A. 1367; see “Erdos P.”
Graham, R.L. 72 139 377 662 848 860 999 1004 1006 1071 1073 1090 1131 1132 1212 1333 1338 1344 1346 1349 1359 1361 1364—1366 1369—1371 1373 1389 1464 1546 1633 1759 2093 2185
Graham, R.L., see “Brown, T.C.” 1368
Graham, R.L.A. 376 377 409 1206 1351; F.R.K.”
Graham, R.L.B. 970 998 999 1006 1013 1371; P.”
Graham, R.L.C. 1341 1372 1381 1383 1393; P.”
Graham, R.L.D. 1551; see “Garey M.R.”
Graham-Newman problem 820
Graham-Rothschild theorem 1335
Graham’s conjecture 1007
Gram matrix 767
Granas, A. 1862; see “Dugundji J.”
Grant, D.D. 1470; see “Little C.H.C.”
Granville, A. 1015; see “Alford W.R.”
Graovac, A. 1973
Graph 5 500 2177
Graph 751
Graph isomorphic 269
Graph -critical 263 264