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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)

Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.


Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1120

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Transversal theory      503
Trapdoor function      2029
Traveling salesman polytope      1695
Traveling salesman problem      20 1548 1550 1553 1555 1556 1571 1586 1588 1634 1635 1879 2187
Trcash, C      713
Treblecross      2137 2156
TREE      11 115 139 145 389 390 398 400 1481 2172 2176
Tree algebraic decision      1762 1763
Tree alternating      190
Tree balanced k-ary      2020
Tree bicenterof      2177
Tree bicentroid of      2177
Tree binary      1034
Tree binary search      2019
Tree block cut-vertex      11
Tree block-cutpoint      1457
Tree breadth-first search      13
Tree center of      1457 2177
Tree centroid of      2177
Tree decision      2005
Tree depth-first search      14
Tree Fibonacci      2021 2023
Tree flow equivalent      207
Tree Gomory — Hu      130
Tree heights of binary      1199
Tree labeled      2177
Tree labeled Cayley’s formula for      1024
Tree leftist      1197
Tree minimum-length spanning      2187
Tree ordered      1033
Tree packing      1280
Tree planted plane      1140
Tree property      2090
Tree rooted      1043 2176
Tree search      13
Tree set theoretic      2090
Tree shortest spanning      1545 1550 1579 2023
Tree Sleiner      1563 1564 1571 1573
Tree spanning      11 489
Tree squashing of      2100
Tree unlabeled      1197
Tree width      328 1565
Triangle-free graph      239 240 250
Triangle-hypergraph      1382
Triangles      10 821 936 940
Triangles of different areas      845
Triangles of unit area      844
Triangular graph      684 750 751
Triangulated manifold      902
Triangulated sphere      894
Triangulation of a convex polygon      1562
Triangulatkm      266 1563 1843
Tribulations      2146
Trinajstic, N.      1958 1973 1974 1977
Trinajstic, N.A.      1973; see “Graovac A.”
Trinajstic, N.B.      1961 1962; J.V.”
Triple bond      1960
Triplicate Nim      2137
Trjitzinsky, W.J.      1137
Trjitzinsky, W.J.A.      1137; see “Birkhoff G.D.”
Trnkova, V.      1499; see “Pultr A.”
Trofimov, V.I.      1479 1480
Trotter, Jr.L.E.      1695
Trotter, Jr.L.E.A.      1664; “see Baum S.”
Trotter, Jr.L.E.B.      268; see “Bland R.G.”
Trotter, Jr.L.E.C.      1694; see “Giles R.”
Trotter, Jr.L.E.D.      1685; see “Huang H
Trotter, Jr.L.E.E.      219 1574 1695; G.L.”
Trotter, W.T.      435 455 456 468 475
Trotter, W.T.A.      476; see “Alon N.”
Trotter, W.T.B.      455; see “Bogart K.P.”
Trotter, W.T.C.      459 472 473; G.”
Trotter, W.T.D.      1340 1347; V.”
Trotter, W.T.E.      438; see “Dufflis D.”
Trotter, W.T.F.      458 459; P.”
Trotter, W.T.G.      454 462; S.”
Trotter, W.T.H.      448 463 465; R.C.”
Trotter, W.T.I.      459 465; Z.”
Trotter, W.T.J.      455; see “Kelly D.”
Trotter, W.T.K.      443 455 460 462; H.”
Trotter, W.T.L.      240; see Kierstead “H.A.”
Trotter, W.T.M.      1629; see “Paul W.J.”
Trotter, W.T.N.      474 475; G.W.”
Trotter, W.T.O.      472; see “Schnyder W.”
Trotter, W.T.P.      834; see “Spencer J.”
Trotter, W.T.R.      818 822 825; E.”
Truemper, K.      523 534 536 542 584 585 588 592 597—600 1665
Truemper, K.A.      546; see “Gerards B.”
Truemper, K.B.      534 536 602; F.T.”
Truncated transversal design      707
Truncation      507
Truss, J.K.      1474
Tseng, F.T.      534 536 602
Tucker, A.      400
Tucker, A.C.      268
Tucker, T.W.      1487 1492
Tucker, T.W.A.      305 321 325 1489 1493; J.L.”
Tuma, J.      444; see “Pudlak P.”
Tune’s 5-flow conjecture      513
Turan graph      1234
Turan number      715
Turan theorem      12 1234 1794 1808
Turgeon, J.      710; see “Bermond J.-C.”
Turin, G.      1713 2005 2011; A.”
Turin, P.      263 1234 2179
Turin, P.A.      838 1339; P.”
Turin, P.B.      834 835 1240; P.”
Turing      1622
Turing machine      1603—1605 1607—1609 1613 1614 1616 1622 1627 1630
Turing, A.M.      1604 1605
Turner, J.      1497; see “Elspas B.”
Turning Turtles      2141 2144
Turull, A.      637; see “Cameron R.J.”
Tutte circuit      66
Tutte complex      1833
Tutte polynomial      512 667 1930 1940 2073 2077 2078
Tutte theorem      58 189 248
Tutte — Berge formula      1652
Tutte — Grothendieck invariant      511
Tutte, W.T.      52 56 58 60 92 145 150—152 188 189 211—213 238 248 264 274 277 291 292 295—297 308 310 311 323 483 491 513 515 522 529 531—534 539 548 584 586 591 593 891 910 1273 1503 1521 1557 1588 1729—1731 1833 1834 2178 2186
Tutte, W.T.A.; see Erdos, P.      842 844
Tutte, W.T.B.      304; see “Harary F.”
Tutte, W.T.C.      236 248; R.C.
Tutte, W.T.C. (Blanche Descartes)      1385
Tutte, W.T.D.      256; see “Whitney H.”
Tutte’s conjecture      277
Tutte’s homotopy theorem      1833
Tuza, Z.      83 236 415 1313 1315 1316 1318 1319
Tuza, Z.A.      417; see Gyartas A.
Tuza, Z.B.      1272 1273 1325; L.”
Tuza, Z.C.      407; see “Lehel J.”
Tvcrberg, H.      308 849 858 1829
Tverberg theorem      1829
Twin Prime Conjecture      971
Twin prime constant      974
Twin primes      976
Twisted group      620
Two-coloring      1792
Two-coloring of regions      820
Two-distance sets      839
Two-person games      2189
Two-sided generalized Fibonacci sequences      1135
Two-way infinite path      2089
Two-weight codes      804
Tyichonov’s product theorem      2092
Type of a path      31
Type-map      1858
Type-selected subcomplex      1858
Tyshkevich, R.I.      1514; see “Zemlyachenko V.M.”
Tyshkevich, R.I.A.      2054; see “Zemlyachenko V.N.”
Uhry, I.P.A.      1947; see “Barahona F.”
Uhry, J.-P.      219
Uhry, J.R.      1947 see “Bieche I.”
Ulam, S.      2099
Ulehla, I.      2160
Ullman, J.D.      14 1604 2009 2018; A.V.”
Ullman, J.D.A.      1601; see “Hopcroft J.E.”
Ultrafilters      1369 2113
Umbral calculus      2170
Unavoidable configurations      237
Unbounded polyhedra      903
Uncle Paul      1810
Uncrossing procedure      1566
Undecidabte language      1605 1606
Underlying graph      15
Underlying matroid      1835
Undirected-graph reachability      1638
Undirected-graph reachability problem      1638 2017
Ungar, P.      312 344 826
Unicyclic subgraph      1550
uniform      241 419 1604
Uniform convergence      1073 1083
Uniform density lemma      1246
Uniform hypergraph      387 392 408 415
Uniform matroid      486 489 491 494 497
Uniform random graph      353
Uniformly distributed sequences      1427
Uniformly packed codes      802 804
Unimodal      1077 1080 1711
Unimodal conjecture      511
Unimodality      832 900 1110 1158
Unimodality conjecture      815
Unimodular hypergraph      395 397
union      7 501 502 506 2149 2153 2158
UNION operation      2024 2026
Union property      1305
UNION-FIND structure      2023 2024
Union-free family      1324
Uniprimitive coherent configuration      2055
Uniprimitive group      2054
Uniprimitive permutation group      2053
Uniquely decodable code      1028 1029
Uniquely Hamiltonian multigraph      80
Uniquely solvable      1913
Unit ball      925
Unit circle      847
Unit-cost RAM      1608
Unit-distance graph      834
Unitary group      620
Unitary polar space      663
Universal cover      681 1488
Universal models      516
Universal shadow-boundary property      884 886
Unknot      2073 2075
Unlabelcd graph      1060
Untabeled tree      1197
UP      2126
Up-down permutations      1043 1046
Upper asymptotic density      935 982
Upper rank      1547
Upper-bound theorem      901 902 904 909
Upstar      2126
Vaaler, J.      930 958; E.”
Valence isomers      1965
Valentine, F.A.      857
Valentine, F.A.A.      853; see “Horn A.”
Valiant, L.      1629; see “Hopcroft J.”
Valiant, L.G.      221 1627 1755
Valiant, L.G.A.      1558; see “Jerrum M.R.”
Valiant, L.J.      1731
Valtr, P.      1336
Valtr, P.A.      1336; see “Nesetfil J.”
Value of a flow      1669
Vamos matroid      659
Vamos, P.      505 506
van Aardenne-Ehrenfest, T.      1428
van Bon, J.      1506
van den Heuvel, J.      61 73; H.J.”
Van der Corput theorem      930
van der Corput, J.G.      930 1428
van der Geer, G.      667; see “van Lint J.H”.
van der Poorten, A.      1110; see “Lipshitz L.”
van der Waerdcn, B.L.      507 1338 1408 1751 1776 2185
Van der Waerden numbers      1341
Van der Waerden theorem      999 1338 1799 2185
Van der Waerden’s conjecture      947 1208
van Emde Boas, P.      953 956 1769 1770
van Emde Boas, P.A.      1284 1285; M.R.”
van Hemmen, J.L.      1951
van Hoesel, C      164
Van Kampen — Flores theorem      1843
van Laarhoven, P.J.M.      1906
van Lccuwen, J.      1601
van Leyenhorst, D.C.      730
van Lint, J.H.      667 717 719 730 753 776 779—781 788 789 793 794 796 802—804 806 947
van Lint, J.H.A.      729 730 754; A.E.”
van Lint, J.H.B.      715 719 750 754 765 776 805 1729; P.J.”
van Lint, J.H.C.      715; see “Kamps H.J.L.”
van Rees, G.H.J.      714; see “Bate J.A.”
van Rees, G.H.J.A.      705; see “Brouwer A.E.”
van Rees, G.H.J.B.      730; see “Stinson D.R.”
van Tilborg, H.      704
van Tilborg, H.C.A.      802 804
van Tilborg, H.C.A.A.      802; see “Gocthals J.-M.”
van Vliet, A.      1552
van Wassenhove, L.      1885; see “Fisher M.L.”
Vanstone, S.A.      714; see “Lamken E.R.”
Vapnik — Cervonenkis (VC) dimension      1299 1522 1523 1577
Vapnik, V.N.      1577
Varadarajan, V.S.      1137
Vardi, M.      1337; see “Kolaitis P.G.”
Variable-length string      1971
Variance      1794 1795 1814
Variety      649 1762
Variety of geometries      516
Varopoulos, N.Th.      1484
Vassiliev, V.A.      2073
Vaughan, H.E.      2185; see “Halmos P.R.”
Vaughan, R.C.      982
Vaughan, R.C.A.      990; see “Montgomery H.L.”
Vazirani, U.      1464; see “Linial N.”
Vazirani, U.V.      224 225 1589 1732 1803; K.”
Vazirani, V.      193 223
Vazirani, V.V.      1558; see “Jerrum M.R.”
Vazirani, V.V.A.      224 225 1589 1732 1803; K.”
Vazsonyi’s conjecture      343
Vcldkamp, F.D.      663
Veblen — Young axiom      651
Veblen, O.      9 514 650 2181
Vecchi, M.P.      1559; see “Kirckpatrick S.”
Vecchi, M.P.A.      1950; see “Kirkpatrick S.”
Vector space      483 498 1968
Vector sums      1419
Vectorial matroid      486
Vedder, K.      699; see “Jungnickel D.”
Veinott, A.F.      1565; see “Erickson R.E.”
Veldman, H.J.      157
Veldman, H.J.A.      42 53; D.”
Veldman, H.J.B.      61 73; H.J.”
Vershik, A.M.      886 1155
Vertex      5 18 383 386 877 878 1843
Vertex adjacency matrix      1970
Vertex connectivity      370
Vertex covering      42 81
Vertex cut      34
Vertex of a polyhedron      1655
Vertex of attachment      40
Vertex packing      81
Vertex partition      81
Vertex stabilizer      1452
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
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