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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)

Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.


Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Rosette      855 859
Rota, G.-C.A.      498 514 522; H.H.”
Rota, G.-C.B.      2175; see “Rung J.P.S.”
Rota, G.C.      531 1055 1847 1851 2051 2171
Rotation scheme      320
Rota’s conjecture      1365
Roth, B.      1913
Roth, B.A.      1921; see “Asimow L.”
Roth, K.F.      1407 1429 1438
Roth, K.F.A.      970 986 987 990 992; H.”
Rothschild, B.      163 166
Rothschild, B.A      416; see “Hajnal A.”
Rothschild, B.B.      168; see “Kiritman D.J.”
Rothschild, B.L.      1374 1379; W.”
Rothschild, B.L.A.      1251 1253 1371; R”
Rothschild, B.L.B      72 662 848 999 1004 1006 1333 1338 1344 1359 1361 1364—1366 1370 1389 2093 2185.; R.L.”
Rothschild, B.L.C.      1251; see “Kolaitis P.H.”
Rottenberg, R.      818; see “Kelly L.M.”
Rouche theorem      1158
Roudneff, J.-P.      821 822 910
Rouse Ball, W.W.      2176
Rousseau, C.C.      1347; see “Erdos P.”
Rouvray, D.H.      1958 1960 1962 1965 1972—1977
Rouvray, D.H.A.      1958; see “Bonchev D.”
Rouvray, D.H.B.      1975; see “Canfield E.R.”
Rouvray, D.H.C.      1958 sec R.B.”
Rouvray, D.H.D.      1972; see “Mallion R.B.”
Rowbottom, F.      2102 2103
Roy, B.      48
Royle, G.F.      1111; see “Brenti F.”
Rozenblit, A.B.      1960; see “Golender V.E.”
Rubik’s cube      636
Rubin, A.L.      277; see “Erdos P.”
Rubin, D.S.      881; see “Mattheiss T.H.”
Ruch, E.      1960 1966
Rucinski, A.      362 367
Rucinski, A.A.      368; see “Barbour A.D.”
Rucinski, A.B.      363; see “Janson S.”
Rucinski, A.C.      366; see “Karonski M.”
Rucinski, A.D.      375 376; T.”
Rucinski, A.E.      376 1346 1374 1380; V.”
Ruelle, D.      1932
Ruler Game      2143
Runyon numbers      1034
Rushbrooke, G.S.      1972; see “Coulson C.A.”
Rushing, T.B.      1836 1843
Russakoff, A.; see Balinski, MX.      1666 1667 1669
Rusza, I.Z.; see Fretman, G.A.      986
Ruzsa, I-Z.      987 1325 1345
Ruzsa, I.Z.A.      1297; see “Frankl P.”
Ruzzo, W.L.      1744; see “Chandra A.K.”
Ryll-Nardzewski, C.      640
Ryscr, H.J.A.      672 698 2183; R.H.”
Ryser, H.J.      240 391 697—699 712
Ryser, H.J.B.      2183; see “Chowla A.S.”
Ryser, H.J.C.      698; see “Chowla S.”
Ryser, H.J.D.      699; see “Hall Jr.M.”
Ryshkov, S.S.      923 929
Ryzhik, I.M.      1075; see “Gradshteyn I.S.”
s-arborescence      141
s-arc transitive graph      629
s-connected      423
S-cut      403
s-distance set      1718
S-join      403
S-trce      2090
s-triangle      273
Saaty, T.L.      236 237 923 958
Sabidussi, G.      1464 1465 1467 1498
Sachar, H.E.      716
Sachkov, V.N.      1210 1213
Sachs graph      1973
Sachs, H.      236 240 255 269 2167
Sachs, H.A.      1460 1461 1726 1727 1733; D.M.”
Sachs, H.B.      1265; see “Erdos P.”
Sachs, H.C.      250 251; H.-J.”
Saddle point approximation      1175
Saddle point method      1094 1172
Saigal, R.      1670
Sailo, A.      75
Sailo, A.A.      153; see “Ando K.”
Sailo, A.B.      75; see “Chen G.T.”
Sailo, A.C.      75; see “Dean N.”
Sailo, A.D.      52; see “Enoraoto H.”
Sailo, K.      2070 2071
Saint-Donat, B.      951 958; G.F.”
Sakarovitch, M.      399 400; A.J.”
Saks, M.      438 454
Saks, M.A.      448 453 454 476 1285 1286 1823 1853; J.”
Saks, M.B.      1590 2009 2011; L.”
Saks, M.E.      1744; see “Kahn J.D.”
Salem, R      1345
Salomaa, A.      1776 1777
Salvetli, M.      2069 2070
Salvy, B.      1098 1211; P.”
Sanders, D.P.      238; see “Robertson N.”
Sanders, J.H.      1368
Sands, B.      462; see “Duffus D.”
Sandwich theorem      570
Sanger, E.      1997; see “Daniels D.”
Sankoff, D.      1988; see “Kruskal J.B.”
Sankoff, D.A.      1991; see “Zuker M.”
Santalo, L.A.      858 926 958
Sarawagi, N.      1482 1517; G.”
Sarkaria, K.S.      424 1827 1829 1843 1845
Sarkozy, A.      986 991 992 1424
Sarkozy, A.A.      990 991 997 1012; P.”
Sarkozy, A.B.      985; see “Nathanson M.B.”
Sarkozy, A.C.      994 997; C.”
Sarnak, P.      1385 1482 1754 1756—1758; A.”
Sasaki, G.      1559
Sasaki, G.H.      1559
Satisfiability problem      1615—1617
Saturated graph      263
Sauer, N.      1238 1276 1277 1279
Sauer, N.A.      1386; see “Rodl V.”
Sauer-Shelah theorem      2043 2044
Savage, C.      462
Savelsbergh, M.W.P      1882 1885
Savelsbergh, M.W.P.A.      1883; see “Anthonisse J.M.”
Savelsbergh, M.W.P.B.      1885; see “Dcsrochcrs M.”
Savilch, W.J.      1622
Sawada, K.      730
Sawyer, D.B.      931
Sawyer, E.T.      814 1837; J.”
Saxc, J.B.      1625 2013; M.”
Saxl, J.      628 1452 1506; P.J.”
Saxl, J.A.      619 626 766 1502 1505 2056; M.W.”
Saxl, J.B.      629 1505; C.E.”
SBIBD      see “Symmetric design”
Sbihi, N.      66 183 226 263 1694
Scaled body      924
Scaling      134 1582—1584
Schacher, M.      628; see “Fein B.”
Schaffer, A.      1557
Schafler, A.A.      1466 1467; J.”
Schechtman, G.      2045; see “Johnson V.B.”
Schecuble, M.      239
Schedule      2188
Scheinerman, E.      467
Scheinerman, E.R.      313
Scheinerman, E.R.A.      466 1766; N.”
Schelp, R.H.      1340 1346 1347; G.”
Schelp, R.H.A.      1347; see “Erdos P.”
Schelp, R.H.B.      78; see “Faudree R.J.”
Schensted correspondence      635 1155
Schensted, C.      2175
Schevon, C.      1559 1950; D.S.”
Schiermeyer, I.      53
Schlegel diagram      882—884
Schmeichel, E.      77 78; J.”
Schmeichel, E.F.      53; see “Bauer D.”
Schmeichel, E.F.A.      77; see “Entringer R.C.”
Schmeichel, E.F.A.A.      79; see “Hakimi S.L.”
Schmerl, J.      1508
Schmerl, J.A.      274; see “Kierstead H.A.”
Schmidt, E.M.      2006; see “Mehlhorn K.”
Schmidt, K.      1756
Schmidt, W.      1769; see “Baker R.C.”
Schmidt, W.A.      932 937 958
Schmidt, W.M.      1429 1436 1439 1751 1758 1767
Schmutz, E.      1181
Schneider, I.      2167
Schneider, R.      947
Schneider, R.A.      952; see “McMullen C.”
Schnell, U.      950
Schnireimann density      983
Schnirelmann theorem      982 984—986
Schnittger, G.      2007; see “Kalyanasundaram B.”
Schnjver, A.A.      662 714 1771; A.E.”
Schnjver, A.B.      1673 1692; W”
Schnorr, C.      958; see “Hastad J.”
Schnorr, C.P.      955
Schnorr, C.P.A.      928 941; J.C.”
Schnyder, W.      468 472
Schoenfeld, L.      1092; see “Berndt B.C.”
Schoenfeld, L.A.      1177 1180; B.”
Schoenflies, A.M.      941
Schonheim, J.      714
Schonheim, J.; see Herzog, M.      423
Schonland, D.S.      1460
Schonsleben, P.      576 577
Schor, P.      474 475; G.W.”
Schorl, R.      1210; see “Louchard G.”
Schrader, R.      521 522 582 583 1546 1830; B.”
Schrcier-Sims algorithm      637
Schreiber, S.      710
Schreter vector      636
Schrijver graph      240
Schrijver, A.      143 144 160 163 164 240 383 396 397 401—404 573 958 1209 1545 1654 1673 1686 1691 1825 1827 2186 2188
Schrijver, A.C.      1694; see “Gerards A.M.H.”
Schrijver, A.D.      546; see “Gerards B.”
Schrijver, A.E.      236 265 267 269 271 569 1545 1570 1592 1654 1662 1663 1689 1694 1695 1736 1920 2016 2042; M.”
Schrijver, A.F.      1566; see “Hurkens C.A.J.”
Schrijver, A.G.      1590 1593 1695 1713 1774 1775; L.”
Schrijver, A.H.      164; see “van Hoesel C.”
Schrodinger wave equation      1972
Schroeder, J.      1997; see “Daniels D.”
Schubert variety      2041
Schulte, E.      898; see “Danzer L.”
Schulte, E.A.      898; see “McMullen P.”
Schulz, C.      885
Schulz, C.A.      879 893; G.”
Schupp, P.E.      1494; see “Lyndon R.C.”
Schur function      1057
Schur, I.      1337 1358 2185
Schur’s lemma      2185
Schutzenberger, M.P.      698
Schwartz, J.T      1589
Schwartzenberger, R.L.E.      923
Schweitzer, P.J.; see McCormick Jr, W.T.      1878 1879
Schwenk, A.J.      1461 1737
Schwenk, A.J.A.      1162; see “Harary F.”
Sckanina, M.      53
Scott Jr, L.L.      753 758
Scott, D.      460
Scott, D.S.      2102
Scott, L.L.      617 619
Scott, L.L.A.      619; see “Aschbacher M.”
Scott, P.R.      825
Scress, A. A.      1482—1486 1517 1518; L.”
SDR      see “System of distinct representatives”
Seah, E.      712
Search problem      1602
Search tree      13
Seberry, J.      730
Seberry, J.A.      730; see “Geramita A.V.”
Sebo, A.      124 164 217
Sebo, A.A.      167; see “Frank A.”
Second-moment method      362 1794 1795
Secondary structure      1990
Secret-key crypto-systems      202S
SECS      1969
Section of a hypergraph      386
Security parameter      2029 2031
Sedgewick, R.      1158 1192 1194; P.”
Sedgewick, R.A.      2008; see “Lipton R.J.”
See, M.      658; see “Lunelli L.”
Seese, D.O.      343
Segment of a walk      9
Segre theorem      658
Segre, B.      657 658
Seidel, J.J.      750 753 754 757
Seidel, J.J.A.      1775; see “Blokhuis A.”
Seidel, J.J.B.      701 767 768 1507 1734; P.J.”
Seidel, J.J.C.      753 1715 1716 1718; Ph.”
Seidel, J.J.D.      701 730 753; J.-M.”
Seidel, J.J.E.      704; see “Hurkens C.A.J.”
Seidel, J.J.F.      839; see “Larman D.G.”
Seidel, J.J.G.      958; see “Neumeier A.”
Seidel, J.J.H.      753; see “van Lint J.H.”
Seidel, R.      881
Seidel, R.A.      881; see “Kirkpatrick D.G.”
Seidenberg, A.      2185
Seitz, G.M.      626
Seitz, G.M.A.      628 1452 1506; P.J.”
Seitz, G.M.B.      625; see “Curtis C.W.”
Seitz, G.M.C.      676; see “Fong P.”
Sel of extremal graphs of order n      1248
Selberg-type integrals      1155
Selberg’s sieve      981
Selection theorems      855
Selectivity      1367
Self-avoiding polygons      1940
Self-avoiding walk      1939
Self-converse      1453
Self-dual      777
Self-dual code      717
Self-orthogonal      777
Selfridge, J.L.      419; see “Erdos P.”
Selfridge, J.L.A.      1011; see “Guy R.K.”
Selfridge, X.L.      1012; see “Pomerance C.”
Selkow, S.M.      276; see “Christen C.A.”
Sellers, P.H.      1966—1968
SEMA      1970
Semakov, N.V.      802
Semi-direct product      618
Semi-strong perfect graph theorem      269
Semiaffine      1453
Semibiplanc      683
Semidefinite optimization      1590
Semigroup      1451 1519
Semilinear transformation      655
Semiminimal Cayley graph      1474
Semimodular lattice      497 1857
Semiorder      460 463
Senior, J.K.      2172 2177; A.C.”
Seow, C.S.      402; see “Berge C.”
Separable      10 777
Separable design      712
Separating cocircuit      587
Separating hypergraph      387 393
Separation algorithm      1570
Separation heuristic      1570
Separation problem      1569 1570 1662
Sequence alignments      1986
Sequences with forbidden subblocks      1133 1158
Sequences with forbidden subwords      1102
Sequential coloring      244
Seress, A.      698
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
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