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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1120
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005
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Kunen, K. 2087 2090 2092
Kung, J.P.S. 509 511 1713 2175
Kung, J.P.S.A. 516; “see Kahn J.”
Kunz, E. 2057
Kuratowski graph 6
Kuratowski theorem 56 152 304
Kuratowski, K. 56 304 532
Kuratowski, K.A. 2099; “see Banach S.”
Kusuoka, S. 1559; see “Hollcy R.”
Kuznetsov, V.E. 888; see “Volodin I.
Kvasnicka, V. 1969; see “Pospichal J.”
Kwan Mei-Ku (Guan Meigu) 1888 2187
Kwiatkowski, D.J. 1286; see “Kleitman D.”
L-algorithm 953
L-system 1306
Labeled trees 2177
Labeling of structures 1970
Labelle, G. 1024
Labelle, J. 80; see “Kotzig A.”
Laborde, J.M. 49
Lachlan, A.H. 1381 1507 1508
Lachlan, A.H.A. 626 640 1510; G.L.”
Lacunary polynomials 1774
Laczkovich, M. 1442
Ladner, R. 223; see “Klee V.”
Lafforgue, T. 1205; see “Flajolet P.”
Lagarias, J. 958; see “Hastad J.”
Lagarias, J.C 928 941 951 954 956 958
Lageweg, B.J. 1906 1907
Lagrange function 1321 1588
Lagrange inversion formula 1024 1032 1043 2170
Lagrange theorem 615
Lagrange — Biirmann inversion formula 1094 1106
Lagrange — Burmann theorem 1107
Lagrange, J.-L. (de la Grange) 2170
Lagrangian relaxation 1586 1588
Laguerre plane 661
Lakshmibai, V. 2059; see de “Concini C.”
Lalonde, F. 1518
Lam, C.W. 672—674 683
Lam, C.W.H. 701 2183
Lam, C.W.H.A. 788; see “Blokhuis A.”
Laman, G. 1920 1921
Lambek, J. 1461 1499; Z.”
Lamberty, H. 711; see “Beutetspacher A.”
Laminar collection 1674
Lamken, E.R. 714
Landau, S. 954
Lander, E. 1994
Lander, E.S. 674 698 699 716 726
Lane, R. 731; see “Hall Jr.
Lang, R. 61 66
Lang, S. 958
Langford, C.D. 710
Language 1602
Laplace integrals 1094
Laplace’s method 1081 1094 1173
Laquer, H.T. 1988 1989
Large angles 846
Large deviations 1792 1811
Large set 1359
Large sieve 981
Large singularities 1148 1172
Large-deviation bound 1809
Largest first ordering 245
Larman, D.G. 158 166 839 842 855 908 1310 1656
Larmann, D. 1357
Las Vegas algorithm 1613
Las Vergnas, M. 390 518 520 1258 1834 1838 1839
Las Vergnas, M.A. 389 390; B.D.”
Las Vergnas, M.B. 397; see “Berge C.”
Las Vergnas, M.C. 520 603 1835 1837 1861 2066; A.”
Las Vergnas, M.D. 518 520; R.”
Las Vergnas, M.E. 888; see “Bland R.G.”
Las Vergnas, M.F. 313; see “Duchet P.”
Las Vergnas, M.G. 419; see “Fournier J.-C.”
Las Vergnas, M.H. 563; see “Hamidoune Y.O.”
Laskar, R 685
Laskar, R. 685; see “Dunbar J.”
Latin rectangle 712 1209
Latin square 272 426 705 2168
Latin square graph (LSO) 1457
Lattice 296 497 498 921 923 1054 1501 1843 2011
Lattice 497
Lattice constant 931 933 936
Lattice covering 921 939
Lattice covering constant 939
Lattice direction 944
Lattice internal angle function 946
Lattice of flats 2066
Lattice packing 921 934 937
Lattice packing constant 935
Lattice point 921 929—931 933 948 950—952
Lattice point counting functions 947
Lattice point enumerator 945
Lattice polyhedra 958
Lattice polytope 921 944 945 948 949 951 957
Lattice simplex 951
Lattice subspace 928
Laurent, M. 1568 2048 2049; M.”
Laver, R. 2093; see “Foreman M.D.”
Law of rational indices 943
Lawler, EX. 20 120 125 183 206 214 564 573 576 577 1545 1882 1888 1906 1907 2188
Lawrence, J. 249 887 888 1837
Lawrence, J.A 518—520 888 1834 1836 1837; J.”
Lcsniak, L. 75; see “Dean N.”
Le Verrier-Faddeev-Frame method 1973
Lea, W. 2184
Leader, I. 1369; see “Deuber W.”
Leaves 7 11
Leavilt, D.W.A. 703; see “Kramer E.S.”
Leavin, D.W. 2184; see “Magliveras S.S.”
Leavitt, D.W. 702 703
Lederberg, J. 1969; see “Lindsay R.K.”
Lee, C.W. 905 909
Lee, C.W.A. 905; see “Bamette D.”
Lee, C.W.B. 879 1822; M.M.”
Lee, C.W.C. 895 898 899 902; L.J.”
Lee, D.T. 1903; see “Gupta U.I.”
Lee, M.-Y. 1090
Leeb, K. 1334 1356 1359 1361 1370 1374
Leeb, K.A. 662 1366; R.L.”
Leech, J. 729 838
Leedham-Green, C.R. 1484; see “Celler F.”
Lefevre, C. 665; see “Buekenhout F.”
Lefmann, H.B. 1360; see “Bergelson V.”
Lefmann, H.C. 1369; see “Deuber W.”
Lefmann, H.D. 1346; see “Duffus D.”
Lefschetz fixed-point theorem 1863
Lefschetz number 1863
Left-right maxima 1045
Left-right minima 1025 1027
Leftist trees 1197
Legendre symbol 2031
Legendre, A.M. 2177
Lehel, J. 398 407 414 421
Lehel, J.A. 415 417 1280; A.”
Lehman, A. 402 563 1672 1684 1687
Lehman’s length-width inequality 1684
Lehmer, E. 730
Lehner, J. 1164; “see Erdos P.”
Lehrer, G.L. 1864; see “Curtis C.W.”
Leibman, A. 1369; see “Bergelson V.”
Leibniz, G.W. 2167
Leighton, F.T. 1484
Leiserson, C.E. 1550; see “Cormen T.H.”
Lekkerkerker, C.G. 923 930 933 934; P.M.”
Length of a chain 1843
Length of a covering 84
Length of a walk 9 114
Length-width inequality 401 1684
Lenstra Jr, H.W. 956
Lenstra Jr, H.W.A. 928 941; J.C.”
Lenstra Jr, H.W.B 953 954 1612 1663; A.K.
Lenstra, A.K. 953 954 1612 1663
Lenstra, H.W. 2144
Lenstra, H.W.A. 1284 1285; M.R.”
Lenstra, J.K. 1578 1878 1879 1882 1888
Lenstra, J.K.A. 1883 1901; J.M.”
Lenstra, J.K.B. 1891 1893; J.S.”
Lenstra, J.K.C. 1885; see “Desrochers M.”
Lenstra, J.K.D. 1635; see “Karp R.M.”
Lenstra, J.K.E. 1903 1904; A.W.J.”
Lenstra, J.K.F. 1906; see van “Laarhoven P.J.M.”
Lenstra, J.K.G. 1906 1907; B.J.”
Lenstra, J.K.H. 20 1545 1882 1906 1907 2188; E.L.”
Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (L3) lattice reduction 703
Lenstra’s integer programming algorithm 2030
Lenz, H. 655
Lenz, H.A. 699; see “Beth Th.”
Lenz-Barlotti classification 668
Leon, I.S. 1516
Leonardo of Pisa [= Fibonacci] 2169
Leray, J. 1186 1850
Lesniak-Fosler, L. 28
Lesniak-Foster, L.A. 322; see “Behzad M.”
Letmann, H. 1346 1367
Letmann, H.A. 1351 1357 1557; N.”
Leuker, G.S. 1995; see “Booth K.S.”
Leung, J.Y.-T. 1903; see “Gupta U.I.”
Levenshtein, V.I. 937; see “Kabatyanskii G.A.”
Levi graph 64 76 1449
Levi, F. 811 818 821
Levin, L.A. 1615 1635 1636 2030 2188
Levin, L.A.A. 2032; see “Goldreich O.”
Levinger, B. 1454; see “Bruen A.”
Lewin, L. 1171
Lewis II, P.M. 1549; see “Rosenkrantz D.J.”
Lewis, H.R. 1337
Lexicodes 788 2144
Lexicographic product 1464 1466 1469
Lexicographic product of a graph 43
Lexicographic shellability 1854 2061
Lexicographic sum 437
Lexicographically least binary code 788
Lexicographically minimal code 718
LHASA 1969
Li Yan 2166
Li, H. 83 93
Li, H.A.; 61 62 B.”
Li, Hao 1259 1261
Li, M.C. 67
Li, R. 42; see “Bauer D.”
Li, S.-Y.R. 252 263 1772 1773
Li, S.Y. 1710; see “Graham R.”
Li, W.-C. 1710; see “Graham R.”
Li, W.-C.W. 252 263 1772 1773; S.-Y.R.”
Lichtin, B. 1186
Lick, D.R. 251 276
Lick, D.R.A 153 157.; G.”
Lickerish, W.B.R. 1857 2073
Lie geometries 1510
Lie groups 922 1479
Lieb, E.H. 1940
Lieb, E.H.A. 1941; see “Heilmann C.J.”
Lieb, E.H.B. 1731 1976; O.J.”
Liebeck, M.W.A. 619 626 657 766 1501 1502 1505 2056
Liebeck, M.W.B. 627 1507 1510; W.M.”
Liebeck, M.W.C. 622 657; P.B.”
Liebler, R.A. 1506
Liebler, R.A.A. 656; see “Cameron P.J.”
Liebler, R.A.B. 626 682 766; W.M.”
Lifflewood, J.E. 2187
Lift of a matroid 509
Limit cardinal 2112
Limit distributions 365
Lin, S. 806 1555 1880
Lin, S.A. 1894; see “Kernighan B.W.”
Lin, X.-S 2073.; see “Birman J
Lindenstrauss, J. 903 2042; T.”
Lindner, C.C. 703; see “Mullin R.C.”
Lindner, C.C.A. 703 709 713
Lindsay, R.K. 1969
Lindstrom, B. 507 508 890 1712 1863 2011
Line graph 65 183 274 387 392 1455 1456 1734 2053
Linear code 776
Linear degree 387 407
Linear Diophantine equation 952
Linear extension 436
Linear hypergraph 387 416 422 425 427
Linear m-ports 1913
Linear notation for tree structures 1970
Linear ordering 1696
Linear ordering problem 1573 1889
Linear program 1587
Linear programming 396 877 908 1567 1574 1635 1656 2188
Linear programming bound 759 763 783
Linear recurrences 1131
Linear recurrences in several variables 1139
Linear recurrences with varying coefficients 1135
Linear relaxation 1574 1578
Linear representability 503
Linear space 651 668 696
Linear transportation problem 1887
Linearity of expectation 1790
Linearization 1141
Linearly independent set 483
Linearly ordered set 435
Linial, K. 453; see “Kahn J.”
Linial, N. 38 49 50 418 448 1299 1464 1557 1590
Linial, N.A. 412 414 421; R.”
Linial, N.B. 76; see “Alon N.”
Linial, N.C. 1744; see “Kahn J.D.”
Link 5 500 881 1295 1475 1845 2067 2073—2078
Link alternating 2076 2077
Link constant 1475
Link diagram 2073—2075 2077 2078
Link diagram alternating 2077
Link dual 1477
Link invariant 2075
Link, C-H.C. 199 223 1470
Linkage analysis 1993
Liogonkii, M.I. 1337; see “Glebskil Y.V.”
Liplon, R.J. 1285 2008
Lipman, D. 1990; see “Carrillo H.”
Lipshitz, L. 1109 1110
Lipshitz, L.A. 1110; see “Denef J.”
Lipton, R.J.A. 1741; see “Aleliunas B.”
Lipton, R.J.B. 1638; see “Aleliunas. R.”
Liskovets. VA. 1473; see Kompel’macher V.L.
List chromatic number 277
List edge chromatic number 277
listing 13 10 2178
Little, C.H.C. 62; see “Ellingham M.N.”
Liu, A. 854; see “Katchalski M.”
Liu, G. 712; see “Alspach B.”
Liu, T.-H. 142; see “Chu Y.-J.”
Livingstone, D. 632 1468
Lloyd theorem 760
Lloyd, E.K. 893 1960 1962 2172
Lloyd, E.K.A. 247 259; N.”
Lloyd, E.K.B. 56 189 2175; N.L.”
Lloyd, S.P. 760
Lloyd, S.P.A. 1167; see “Shepp L.A.”
Local improvement techniques 1554
Local limit theorem 1190
Local optima 1555 1556
Local search algorithm 1554
Locally connected graph 66
Locally finite graph 1477