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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1120
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005
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System of parameters 2058
Systematic code 777
Systo, M.M. 308 2178; J.W.”
Szabo, C 1012
Szegedy, M. 1008
Szegedy, M.A. 1482 1483 2005; L.
Szegedy, M.B. 1282; see “Hajnal P.”
Szego, G. 762 1170 1212
Szekeres — Wilf bound 251
Szekeres, D. 1336 1348; P.”
Szekeres, G. 91 251 1203
Szekeres, G.A. 675; see “Ahrens R.W.”
Szekeres, G.B. 846 862 2184; P.”
Szekeres, G.C. 1153; see “Knopfmacher A.”
Szekeres, G.D. 1203; see “Renyi A.”
Szele, T. 1790
Szelepcsinyi, R. 1638
Szemeredi theorem 999 1004 1340
Szemeredi, A. 365; see “Komlos J.”
Szemeredi, E. 475 818 822 825 992 1246 1340 1347 1351
Szemeredi, E.A. 408 989 1350 1754; M.”
Szemeredi, E.B. 371; see “Ajtai M.”
Szemeredi, E.C. 1519; see “Babai L.”
Szemeredi, E.D. 1250; see “Bollobas B.”
Szemeredi, E.E. 991 997 1012 1383; P.”
Szemeredi, E.F. 64 1244 1246 1340 1347; V.”
Szemeredi, E.G. 77 1266 1267; A.”
Szemeredi, E.H. 248 263 1280; A.”
Szemeredi, E.I. 240; see “Kierstead H.A”
Szemeredi, E.J. 71 861 1350 1438; J.”
Szemeredi, E.K. 865; see “Pach J.”
Szemeredi, E.L. 1629; see “Paul W.J.”
Szemeredi, E.M. 991; see “Pintz J.”
Szemeredi, E.N. 1325 1345; I.Z.”
Szemeredi, E.O. 834; see “Spencer J.”
Szemeredi’s lemma 1246
Szemeredi’s regularity lemma 1340 1351 1557
Szpankowski, W. 1158
Szucs, A. 1829 1865; I.”
Szybalski, W. 1997; see “Daniels D.”
Szymanslci, K. 1961 1962; J.V”
t-block 514
T-contractible graphs 217
T-cut 216
t-design 696 765 922 955 956 1707 2180 2183
T-join 215
t-perfect graph 271
t-tough graph 52
t-union property 1301
Tableaux 634 2063
Tactic 2181
Tail of a digraph 15
Tail of a walk 9 16
Tail, P.G. 56 259 260 2077
Takacs, L. 2167
Talanov, V.A. 1337; see “Glebskii Y.V.”
Tallim-Scafali, M. 665
Tallini, G. 666
Tallini, G.A. 663; see “Mazzocca F.”
tally 2149 2155
Talysheva, L.A. 459; see “Hurlbert G.”
Tamarkin, J.D. 1112; see “Shohat J
Tamassia, R. 313
Tamir, A. 399
Tangent numbers 1043
Tangential 2-block 515
Tanner, R.M. 1755
Tan’s conjecture 56 188 2077 2078
Tao, J. 86
Tardos, E.A. 135 161 521 583 2016
Tardos, E.B. 1692; see “Cook W.”
Tardos, E.C. 572 581 955 1583 1663 1682; A.”
Tardos, E.D. 114 125 128; A.V.”
Tardos, E.E. 1582; see “Goldberg M.V.”
Tardos, E.F. 1566; see “Hurkens C.A.J.”
Tardos, E.G. 1578; see “Lenstra J.K.”
Tardos, E.H. 1578; see “Shmoys D.B.”
Tardos, G. 1495
Tardos, G.A. 1484; see “Fiat A.”
Tarjan, R.E. 14 117 119 120 139 329 2018 2025 2027
Tarjan, R.E.A. 2020; see “Fredman M.L.”
Tarjan, R.E.B. 566; see “Gabow H.”
Tarjan, R.E.C. 910; see “Garey M.R.”
Tarjan, R.E.D. 114 125 128 135; A.V.”
Tarjan, R.E.E. 1582; see Goldberg M.V
Tarjan, R.E.F. 307 327 883 1458 1511; J.E.”
Tarjan, R.E.G 1754; see “Paul W.J.”
Tarry, G. 672 705 2182
Tarsi, M. 277 1772; N.”
Tarsi, M.A. 92; see “Jamshy U.”
Tarsi, M.B. 418; see “Linial N.”
Tarski, A. 888
Tarski, A.B. 2095 2099; P.”
Tarski, A.C. 2100; see “Kiesler H.J.”
Tarski’s method 888
Tartan theorem 2144
Taskinov, Y.A. 1770
Tauberian Hardy — Ramanujan 1124
Tauberian Ingham 1129
Tauberian theorems 1118 1124
Tavare, S.; see Arratia, R. 1127 1167 1210
Taylor, A.D. 1338 1369
Taylor, H. 277 406; P.”
Taylor, W.R. 1990
TDI see “Total dual integrality”
te Ricle, H. 955; see “Odlyzko A.M.”
Teague, D.N. 627; see “Cameron P.J.”
Teirlinck, L. 703 709 710 2184
Teller, A. 1558; see “Metropolis N.”
Teller, E. 1558; see “Metropolis N.”
Temkin, O.N. 1968; see “Bonchev D.”
Temme, N.M. 1182
Temperley, H.N.V 1047 1946 1951
Tenenbaum, G. 992; see “Hall R.R.”
Teo — Yap theorem 1278
Teo, S.K. 1277 1278
Teo, S.K.A. 1278; see “Slater P.J.”
Terao, H. 2070—2073
Terao, H.A. 2068 2072; M.”
Terao, H.B. 1822 2065 see P.”
Terao, H.C. 2072; see “Rose L.L.”
Terao, H.D. 2072; see “Solomon L.”
Terao’s conjecture 2072
Term rank 187
Ternary Golay code 794
Terras, A. 958
Terwilliger, P. 768
Test cover problem 1894
Tetrahedral carbon atom 1960
tetrahedron 6
Thas, J.A. 659 661 662 685
Thas, J.A.A. 661 662 667; A.A.”
Thas, J.A.B. 657 665; J.W.P.”
Thas, J.A.C. 676; see “Payne S.E.”
Thevenaz, J. 1857
Thick geometry 651
Thickness 315
Thiel, L. 672—674 683; C.W.”
Thiel, L.A. 701 2183; C.W.H.”
Thin poset 1862
Thinnest lattice covering 940
Thistlethwaite, M.B. 2078
Thom, R. 1761
Thomas, R B. 1355; see “Nesetfil J.”
Thomas, R. 344
Thomas, R.A. 1357; see “Kriz I.”
Thomas, R.C. 238 258 304 334; N.”
Thomas, R.D. 1347; see “Rodl V.”
Thomas, S. 1501
Thomason, A. 376 377
Thomason, A.A. 277 361 370 371; B.”
Thomason, A.B. 377; see “Haviland J.”
Thomason, A.G. 31 69 70 89
Thomason, A.G.A. 1256 1760; B.”
Thomason’s lemma 69
Thomassen, C. 5 17 18 29 35 36 54 59 62 65 68 73—75 77 79 82—84 113 151 153—155 162 165 169 223 260 262 277 306—308 311—313 315 317—320 326 327 338 340 536 1484 1489 1493 1494 2180
Thomassen, C.A. 68; see “Bang-Jensen J.”
Thomassen, C.B. 17 77 82; J.-C.”
Thomassen, C.C. 32; see “Bondy J.A.”
Thomassen, C.D. 16; see “Chvatal V.”
Thomassen, C.E. 37 76 77 158; R.”
Thomassen, C.F. 79; see “Hakimi S.L.”
Thomassen, C.G. 37 62; D.A.”
Thomassen, C.H. 1484; see “Markvorscn S.”
Thomassen, C.I. 17 18; P.D.”
Thomasson, A. 1349—1351
Thompson, C.D. 1574; see “Raghavan P.”
Thompson, C.J. 1929 1930 1932 1943 1944
Thompson, J.G. 1498
Thompson, J.G.A. 626; see “Feit W.”
Thompson, J.G.B. 673; see “MacWilliams F.J.”
Thompson, J.W. 2183; see “MacWilliams F.J.”
Thomsen graph 6
Thrackle conjecture 315
Threshold 361
Threshold connectedness 1461
Threshold junction 2014 2015
Threshold spectrum 364
Thron, W.J. 1140; see “Jones W.B.”
Thuillier, H. 74; see “Fouquet J.L.”
Thurston, W.R. 1778 1779; D.D.”
Thyssen, A. 1000; see “Pritchard P.A.”
Tian, F. 24 78
Tichy, R. 1103; see “Flajolet R.”
Tichy, R.F. 1194; see “Flajolel P.”
Ticker’s lemma 1864
Tielavaincn, A. 717 804
Tight cut 210
Tight design 697 1716
Tight set 567
Tiiran conjecture 1320
Tijdeman, R. 1440
Tijdeman, R.A. 991; see “Gyory K.”
Tijdeman, R.B. 1138; see “Kooman R.J.”
Tijdeman, R.C. 991; see “Stewart C.L.”
Tilde-geometry 683
Tiling 921 923 941 944 945 956 1488 1490 1494
Time tabling problems 239
Timer 2155
Time’s 4-flow conjecture 513
Tindell, R. 119; see “Boesch F.”
Tinhofer, G. 220; see “Mohlbacher J.”
Titchmarsh, E.C. 1092 1147 1152 1158 1212
Titov, V.K. 153 1452
Tits buildings 1857
Tits geometry (GAB) 681
Tits, J. 663 664 675 676 679 682 704 1458 1478 1479 1503 1857
Tits, J.A. 1864; see “Curtis C.W.”
Tits, J.B. 682; see “Kantor W.M.”
Tits, J.C. 679; see “Ronan M.A.”
Tiwari, P. 1744; see “Chandra A.K.”
Todd, J.A. 730 2183
Todd, M. 909
Todd, M.J. 1863
Todd, M.J.A. 1864; see “Freund R.M.”
Todd, M.J.B. 1545; see “Nemhauser G.L.”
Todorov, D.T. 705 714
Todorov, D.T.A. 705; see “Abel R.J.R.”
Toft, B. 241 242 244 246 254 258
Toft, B.A. 75; see “Dean N.”
Toft, B.B. 252; see “Hanson D.”
Toft, B.C. 236 238; T.R.”
Toft, B.D. 166; see “Strange K.E.”
Toft, B.E. 153—155; see “Thomassen C.”
Toida, S. 86
Tokushige, N. 1297 1308 1313; P.”
Tokushige, N.A. 1297; see “Matsumoto M.”
Toll 2155
Tollis, I.G. 313; see “Tamassia R.”
Tomizawa, N. 1921; see “In M.”
Tompa, M. 1755
Tonchev, Y.D. 716 728 731 804
Tonchev, Y.D.A. 731; see “Spence E.”
Tonchev, Y.D.B. 714; see “Todorov D.T.”
Tone varieties 899 900 922 949 958 1841
Top element 1843
Topkis, D.M. 569; see “Bixby R.E.”
Topological dual Ramsey theorem 1370
Topological indices 1974 1975
Topological invariant 2078
Topological lines in 820
Topological representation theorem 1835
Topological resonance energy 1973
Topological Tverbcrg theorem 1829
topology 2176
Torgasev, A. 1973 1974; D.M.”
Torocsik, J. 1357; see “Larmann D.”
toroidal 1492
Torus 237 261 262 318 1489 1492 1494
Total chromatic number 276
Total coloring conjecture 276
Total dual integrality (TDI) 208 556 1672 1673
Totally balanced hypergraph 384 395 398 399
Totally balanced matrix 398 399
Totally isotropic 663
Totally nonseparable 594
Totally ordered set 43
Totally singular 663
Totally unimodular 546
Totally unimodular matrix 397 531 544 596 1652 1663
Toth, B. 1936
Toth, G. 1012; see “Szabo C.”
Toth, P. 1903; see “Fischetti M.”
Totten, J. 713
Touching numbers 838
Tough graph 51 1472
Toughness of a graph 52
Toulouse, Q. 1947
Tournament 15 1453 1499 1511 1516 1751 1759 1760 1788 1792 1808
Tournament edge transitive 1453
Tournament Paley 1453
Tournament self-converse 1453
Trace of a hypergraph 386 1299
Traceable graph 20
Trail 9
Trajan, R.E. 1778 1779; D.D.”
Trakhtenbrot, B A. 1337
Tran van Trang 703 731
Tran van Trung A. 731; see “Janko Z.”
Tran van Trung B. 731; see “Spence E.”
Transcendental number theory 958
Transfer matrix 1942
Transfer matrix method 1035
Transfer theorems 1164
Transference theorems 941
Transition 90
Transition system 90
Transitive constituent 614
Transitive group 614
Translation 1467
Translation plane 669 796
Transportation polytope 1668
Transportation problem 2189
Transposition 1473 2169
Transvection 656
Transversal 80 405 498 502 511 2170 2185
Transversal design 684 706
Transversal hypergraph 387
Transversal matroid 500 501 506 508
Transversal number 387 413