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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1120
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005
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Seress, A. B. 1518; see “Beals R.”
Series-parallel graph 330 538
Serre, J.-P. 630 828 1481 1493—1495
Serre, X. 1965; see “Maruani J.”
Serre’s problem 828
Sesquilinear form 663
Set disjointness 2008
Set partitions with distinct block sizes 1152
Set theoretic tree 2090
Set-chromatic number 277
Set-colorings 277
Set-covering problem 922 1696 1894
Set-packing problem 1696
Set-partitioning problem 1696
Sevast’yanov, B.A. 1090 1210 1213; V.F.”
Seymour, P. 447 1725
Seymour, P.A. 238 391; N.”
Seymour, P.D. 17 18 35 86 91—93 162—165 210 217 275 277 292 295—297 402 404 416 421 427 505 513 515 531 534—537 539 541—543 547 548 584 586 596 598—600 832 1665 1682 1691
Seymour, P.D.A. 412; see “Fttredi Z.”
Seymour, P.D.B. 546; see “Oerards B.”
Seymour, P.D.D. 163; see “Okamura H.”
Seymour, P.D.E. 8 160 161 166 258 304 305 334 336—343 536 2178; N.
Seymour, P.D.F. 404; see “Schrijver A.”
Seymour, PD.C. 531; see “Kahn J.”
SGS see “Strong generating set”
Shabby, N. 714; see “Assaf A.M.”
Shafarevich, I.R. 2057
Shafarevich, I.R.A. 1751 1767; Z.I.”
Shallcross, D.F. 1878 1880; R.G.”
Shamir, A. 2030
Shamir, A.A. 161; see “Even S.”
Shamir, A.B. 1484; see “Fiat A.”
Shamir, A.C. 2030; see “Rivest R.L.”
Shamir, E. 373 375
Shamir, R. 1636
Shannon capacity 410 1464 1471 1736
Shannon game 563
Shannon theorem 272 274
Shannon, C.E. 271 274 775 776
Shannon, C.E.A. 126 2186; P.”
Shannon, R.W. 831
Shape of a face 884 886
Shapiro, H.D.A 1275; see “Clark L.H.”
Shapiro, H.D.B. 1896; see “Moret B.M.E.”
Shapiro, L. 1438 1439; H.”
Shapiro, L.W. 1184 1211; S.”
Sharir, M. 865; see “Aronov B.”
Sharir, M.A. 823 825 1299;
Sharir, M.B. 827; see “Edelsbrunncr H.”
Sharir, M.C. 844 846; J.”
Sharp, H. 1305; see “Bang C.”
Shdah’s pidgeonhole lemma 1342
Shearer, J.B. 401 444 1350
Sheehan, J. 80
Shelah, S. 364 1004 1341 1367 1501 2093 2113
Shelah, S.A. 2106; see “Erdos P.”
Shelah, S.B. 2104; see “Foreman M.D.”
Shellability 880 883 887 901 2061
Shellable ball 899
Shellable complex 1854
Shelling 880 887 901 1854
Shemer, I. 894
Shemer, I.A. 894; see “Bokowski J.”
Shephard, G.C. 886
Shephard, G.C.A. 303 311 811 815 816 923 1490; B.”
Shephard, G.C.B. 879 893; P.”
Shepp, L. 446 447
Shepp, L.A. 1167
Shepp, L.A.A. 1155; see “Logan B.F.”
Sherali, H.D. 1593
Shi theorem 1263
Shi, R.H. 24 74
Shi, R.H.A. 24; see “Tian F.”
Shi, Ronghua 1263
Shifting 1298
Shifting algorithm 588
Shiloach, Y. 128 165 170 536
Shimamoto, T. 749 754; R.C.”
Shimsoni, I. 1484; see “Fiat A.”
Shlosman, S.B. 1829 1865; I.”
Shmoys, D.B. 1578 1635
Shmoys, D.B.A. 20 1545 1882 1906 1907 2188; E.L.”
Shmoys, D.B.B. 1578; see “Lcnstra J.K.”
Shohat, J.A. 1112
Shor, N.Z. 1661
Shortest path 216 1685 2018 2187
Shortest spanning tree 1545 1550 1579 2023
Shortest-path problem 2187
Shortest-route polytope 1670
Shortest-vector problem 1619
Shpectorov, S.V. 768; see “Ivanov A.A.”
Shrikhande, S.S. 685 698 702 711 713 730
Shrikhande, S.S.A. 702 705 707 2183; R.C.”
Shrikhande, S.S.B. 392; see “Naik R.N.”
Shrinkable graph 197
Shrinking 191
Shtogrin, M.L. 923; see “Delonc B.N.”
Shubert, B.O. 1203; see “Brown G.G.”
Shuffles 1987
Shult, E.E. 685
Shult, E.E.A. 767 768 1734; P.J.”
Shult, E.E.B. 664.; see “Buekenhout F.”
si-path 146
Sibert, W.L. 2150 2159
Sidon set 988
Sidorenko, A.F. 1347
Sidorenko, F. 1322
Siegel measure 932
Siegel, C.L. 930 932
Siegel’s mean value theorem 932
Sieve methods 970 2171
Sieve of Eratosthenes 972
Sieveking, M. 952; see “von zur Gathen J.”
Sign function 518
Sign vector 603
Signature problem 2032
Signed bases 888 1838
Signed graphs 2076 2077
Silver, J.H. 2102 2113
Silverberg, E.B. 1903; see “Arkin E.M.”
Simic, S.K. 1520; see “Cvelkovic D.M.”
Similar ordered sets 2109
Simmons, G.J. 820
Simmons, G.J.A. 865; see “Erdos P.”
Simmons, H.E. 1958; see “Merrifield R.E.”
Simon, J. 1960
Simon, J.A. 2007 2010; L.”
Simon, J.B. 1765; see “Paturi R.”
Simonovils, M. 243 244 1249 1250
Simonovils, M.C. 1244 1250; B.”
Simonovits theorem 1249
Simonovits, M.A. 1236; see “Babai L.”
Simonovits, M.B. 419; see “Berge C.”
Simonovits, M.D. 76 1264 1474; J.A.”
Simonovits, M.E. 239 843 1243 1247—1249 1251 1383; P.”
Simonovits, M.F. 1347; see “Faudree F.”
Simonovits, M.G. 406 714 1320; G.O.H.”
Simonovits, M.H. 1238 1558 1559; L.”
Simpiicial polytope 897 1840
Simple arrangements 816 821
Simple closed contour 1149
Simple graph 5
Simple group 2056 2057
Simple hypergraph 387
Simple labeled graph of high degree 1188
Simple matroid 490 498 830
Simple polyhedron 879
simplex 661 879 897 938 1859
Simplex algorithm 901
Simplex face 1842
Simplex method 1635 1657 2188
Simplicial 879 880
Simplicial 3-polytopes 891
Simplicial arrangements 821
Simplicial complexes 388 391 423 896 1842 2178
Simplicial convex polytope 1857
Simplicial d-polytopes 893
Simplicial decomposition 328
Simplicial map 1843
Simplicial sphere 901 908
Simplicity of a game 2122
Simply connected 1846
Simpson, S.G. 1356
Simpson, S.G.A. 1340 1357 1370; T.J.”
Sims conjecture 628 1452
Sims, C.C. 1452 1516 1517
Simulated annealing 1559 1950 1996
Simultaneous Diophantine approximation 1583
Sinclair, A J. 1558
Sinclair, A. 1741 1742; M.”
Sinclair, A.J.A. 1559 1951; M.R.”
Singer cycle 656
Singer, J. 699 729 2183
Singerman, D. 1487; see “Jones G.A.”
Singh, L.P.S. 714; see “Assaf A.M.”
Singhi, N.M. 702; see “Bose R.C.”
Singhi, N.M.A. 698 713 730; S.S.”
Singhi, N.W. 392; see “Naik R.N.”
Single design 695
Single element extension 509
Single-depot vehicle routing problem 1883
Singleton bound 777 781
Singleton, R.R. 752 1729; A.J.”
Singular cardinal 2112
Singularity 1148
Sink 15 906 907
Sipser, M. 1625 2013; M.”
Siran, J. 54; see “Horak P.”
Sirovich, L. 1212
Site percolation 1934
Size of a Boolean circuit 2012
Size of a graph 5
Size of a hypergraph 386 1295
Size reduction 928 954
Skew-symmetric matrix 222
Skiena, S. 837; see “Edelsbrunner H.”
Skolem sequence 709
Skolem, Th. 709
Skolnick, M. 1993; see “Botstein D.”
Skupien, Z. 324 1260
Slade, G. 1940; see “Hara T.”
Slade, G.A. 1940; see “Madras N.”
Slanina, Z. 1960
Slater, P.J. 398 1278
Sleator, D.D. 1778 1779
Sleator, D.D.K. 128
Slegun, I.A. 1090; see “Abramowitz M.”
Slimmest arrangements of hyperplanes 831
Sloan, N.J.A. 1992
Sloane, N. 821 823; S.”
Sloane, N.J.A. 1076
Sloane, N.J.A.A. 1142 1144; A.V.”
Sloane, N.J.A.B. 938; see “Bannai E.”
Sloane, N.J.A.C. 727 763 765; M.R.”
Sloane, N.J.A.D. 797 958; A.R.”
Sloane, N.J.A.E. 1473; see Conway J.A.
Sloane, N.J.A.F. 729 923 936 938 940 958 2144 2145; J.H.”
Sloane, N.J.A.H. 673 703 715 721 750 763 765 776 780 793 794 796 801 802 806 1722 2183; F.J.”
Sloane, N.J.A.I. 1108; see “Mallows C.L.”
Sloane, N.J.A.J. 727; see “Pless Y.”
Small maximal degree 1279
Small singularities 1148 1163
Smallest last ordering 245
Smetaniuk, B. 713
Smith theorem 60
Smith, C.A.B.A. 2145 2149
Smith, C.A.B.B. 2137 2150; P.M.”
Smith, C.A.B.C. 2135; see “Guy R.K.”
Smith, D.H. 629 1506
Smith, D.H.A. 1506; see “Biggs N.L.”
Smith, H.O. 1994; see “Nathans D.”
Smith, K.J.C. 716
Smith, M.S. 729
Smith, S.D. 1857
Smith, T.E. 1992; see “Howell J.A.”
Smith, T.F. 1991; see “Waterman M.S.”
Smolensky, R. 2016
Smolensky, R.A. 1744; see “Chandra A.K.”
Smythe, R.T. 1938
Snake-oil method 1078 1100
Snarks 275
Snay, R.A. 1913; see “Spriggs J.R.”
Sneddon, I.N. 1192
Snell, J.L. 1484 1740 1744; P.G.”
Snover, S.L. 796
Snyder, L. 1285; see “Upton R.J.”
Socle 617
Soiting 1758
Sole, P. 797; see “Calderbank A.R.”
Sole, P.A. 1124; see “Gardy D.”
Sole, P.B. 797; see “Hammons Jr.A.R.”
Solitar, D. 1494 1751; W.”
Solomon, L. 2072
Solomon, L.A. 761; see “Kilmoyer R.”
Solomon, L.B. 2068; see “Orlik P.”
Solomon, R. 637; see “Cameron F.J.”
Solomon, R.A. 1504; see “Gorcnstein D.”
Solovay, R.B. 1612 2102 2115
Solovay, R.C. 1621; see “Baker T.”
Solovay, R.D. 1354 1355; J.”
Solvable in polynomial time 1662
Soria, M. 1191; see “Flajolet P.”
Sorting network 1754
Sos, V.T. 834 835 1240; P.”
Sos, V.T.A. 1407 1438 1440 1441
Sos, V.T.B. 1474 1482; L.”
Sos, V.T.C. 1441; see “Dupain Y.”
Sos, V.T.D. 76 377 990 1241 1340 1347 1383; P.”
Sos, V.X. 715; see Hanani H.
Soteros, C.E. 1939; see “Whittington S.G.”
Sotteau, D. 90; see “Alspach B.”
Sotteau, D.A. 392; see “Bermond J.-C.”
Soumis, E. 1885; see “Dcsrochers M.”
Soundararajan, K. 1008; see “Balasubramanian R.”
Source 15 906
Space complexity 1610 1637
Space groups 922 941 943
Span of a bridge 58
Spanier, E.H. 1842 1843 1846 1847 1850 1859 2069
Spanning sets 484 492 512
Spanning subgraph 7
Spanning subgraph problem 2011
Spanning supergiaph 7
Spanning tree 11 489
Sparks, N. 1357
Sparse graph 239
Sparse Halcs — Jewett theorem 1387
Spcmer it-family 438
Spectrum 1972
Spence, E. 731
Spencer, D.C. 1345; see “Salem R.”
Spencer, J. 365 369 459 834 1112 1351 1366 1373 1375 1387 1410 1411 1417 1420 1421 1475 1787 1788 1802 1808
Spencer, J.A. 1333 1346 1351 1787; N.”
Spencer, J.B. 1236; see “Babai L.”
Spencer, J.C. 834 1415 1417—1419 1426; J.”
Spencer, J.D. 422 836 1112 1210 1213 1371 1787; P.”
Spencer, J.E. 1415—1417; see “Lovasz L.”
Spencer, J.F. 1425; see “Matousek J.”
Spencer, J.G. 1410; see “Olson J.E.”
Spencer, J.H.A. 408; see “Ajtai M.”