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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1120
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005
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Matthews, P. 1743
Mattson — Solomon polynomial 787
Mattson, H.F. 2184; see “Asstnus E.F.”
Mattson, Jr.H.F. 703 776 801; Jr.E.F.”
Matula, D. 372 373 375
Matula, D.W. 245 250 251
Matzat, B.H. 1498
Maund, T. 638
Maurer, S.B. 1832
Maurer’s homotopy theorem 1832
Maurras, J.F. 1696
Max-cut problem 218 1555 1557 1568 1571 1573 1584 1592 1696 1892 1950
Max-flow min-cut (MFMC) property 124 402 599 1669
Max-flow min-cut (MFMC) theorem 1685 2051 2186
Max-flow problem 1640 1660
Maximal arc 661
Maximal cyclic code 785
Maximal independent set 922
Maximal intersecting family 1314
Maximal non-Hamiltonian graph 1275
Maximal nonbasis of order k 987
Maximal plane 259
Maximal stable set 1641
Maximal stable set coloring 244
Maximal stable set problem 1634 1640
Maximal strong component 16
Maximally non-Hamiltonian 52 54
Maximum cardinality search 117
Maximum code 667 790
Maximum distance separable (MDS) 777
Maximum flow 1660
Maximum flow in a capacitated network 2188
Maximum matching 263 1610
Maximum subgraph density 362 366
Maximum vertex degree 370
Maximum weight stable set 227
Maxwell, J.C. 1921
Mayeda, W. 1921
Mayer, I.A. 1511; see “Filotti I.”
Mayer, J. 262 316
Maynard, R. 1947; see “Barahona F.”
Maynard, R.A. 1947; see “Bieche I.”
Mazo, J.E. 1122
Mazur, B. 890
Mazzocca, F. 663
Mazzocca, F.A. 663; see “Cameron P.J.”
McConnel, R. 1454
McCord, M.C. 1844 1850
McCormick Jr, W.T. 1878 1879
McCuaig, W. 82 83
McDiarmid, C. 957; see “Cook W.”
McDiarmid, C.J.H. 373; see “Grimmett G.R.”
McDiarmid, C.J.H.A. 1635; see “Karp R.M.”
McElicce, R.J. 806
McElicce, R.J.A. 406; see “Erdos P.”
McFarland, R.L. 699 730
McFeal, R.G. 930
McGeoch, L.A. 323; see “Furst M.L.”
McGeoch, L.A.A. 1559 1950; D.S.”
McGuinness theorem 1238
McGuinness, S. 1238
McIver, A. 637
McKay, B.D. 1188 1189 1347 1462 1511 1729
McKay, B.D.A. 1209 1729 1731; C.D.”
McKay, B.D.B. 62 910; D.A.”
McKay, B.D.C. 1203; see “Wright R.A.”
McKay, J. 673 683; C.W.”
McKay, J.A. 701; see “Urn C.W.H.”
McKenna, J. 1186; see “Bertozzi A”
McKenzie, P. 1486
McKenzie, R. 1464 1466
McKinsey, J.C.C. 2189
McLaughlin, J.E. 656
McLaughlin, J.E.A. 671; see “Higman D.G.”
McMillan, B. 1029
McMillan’s inequality 1029
McMullen conditions 895
McMullen, C. 952
McMullen, P. 853 879 882 893 894 897—899 901 948—950 1841
McMullen, P.A. 951; see “Jbetke U.”
McMullen’s conjecture 898
McNulty, G. 460; see “Kierstead H.”
MDS see “Maximum distance separable”
Mead, D.G. 864
Measurable cardinal 2099
Mechanism 1966
Meet 1843
Meet-contractible 1852
Mehlhom, K. 2006
Meinardus, G. 1194
Meir, A. 1163
Meixner, T. 683; see “Del Fra A.”
Melchior, E. 816
Melchior’s inequality 817 824 828
Mellin transform 1191 1192
Melnikov, L.A. 313
Melnikov, L.S. 249
Melnikov, L.S.A. 260; see “Aksionov V.A.”
Menages problem 2171
Mendelsohn, E. 668 712 1498
Mendelsohn, E.A. 713; see “Andersen L.D.”
Mendelsohn, N.S. 704
Menger theorem 35 129 145 186 438 591 2186
Menger, K. 35 145 186 533 2186
Mengerian hypergraph 384 395 397 402 404
Mengersen, I. 847; see “Harborth H”
Menon, P.K. 730
Meredith, G.H.J. 89
Merkle, R.C. 2030
Meromorphic 1147
Merrifleld, R.E. 1958
Mertens conjecture 955
Mertens theorem 973
Meshalkin, L.D. 1270
Mesner, D.M. 158
Mesner, D.M.A. 749 755; R.C.”
Mesner, D.M.B. 702 704 712; E.S.”
Mesner, D.M.C. 36; see “Watkins M.E.”
Method of moments 366
Method of stationary phase 1173
Metric 2047
Metric cone 2047 2050
Metric scheme 760
Metropolis filter 1558 1559
Metropolis, N. 1558
Metsch, K 713.; see “Beutelspacher A.”
Meyer, A.R. 1625
Meyer, J.-C. 407
Meyer, J.C. 1314
Meyer, R.R. 1691
Meyniel theorem 32 269
Meyniel, H. 32 269
Meyniel, H.A. 313; see “Duchet P.”
Mezard, M. 1947
MFMC 132; see “Max-flow min-cut min-cost circulations”
Micali, S. 2033; see “Blum M.”
Micali, S.A. 1511 1515 2035; O.”
Micali, S.B. 1630 2031 2034; S.”
Micchelli, C.A. 958; see “Dahmen W.”
Michel, L. 945 958; D.’
Middendorf, M. 162 164
Mignotte, M. 1131; see “Cerlienco L.”
Mihailova, K.A. 1519
Miklos, D. 1306
Milgram, A.N. 43 44 263; T.”
Miliotis, P. 1696
Miller, E.W. 455; see “Dushnik B.”
Miller, G. 954; see “Landau S.”
Miller, G.L. 1458 1511 1512 1514
Miller, G.L.A. 327; see “Filotti L.S.”
Miller, W. 1990
Miller, Z. 1475; see “Blass A.”
Mills, G. 1355; see “Erdos P.”
Mills, W.H.A. 702 703 714
Mills, W.H.B. 729; see “Gordon B.”
Mills, W.H.C. 714; see “Hartman A.”
Mills, W.H.D. 714; see “Lamken E.R.”
Milman, V. 2043
Milman, V.A. 903 2042; T.”
Milman, V.D. 1740 1755 1756 2044; N.”
Milman. Y.D. 926 930; J.”
Milne, S.C. 1038; see “Garsia A.M.”
Milne-Thomson, L.M. 1131
Milner, E.C. 1285
Milner, E.C.A. 1303; see “Hilton A.J.W.”
Milner, P.C. 1966
Milnor, J. 923 926 943 958 1478—1480 1761 1847 1848 2129
Min Aung 62
Min-costpath 120
Min-max property 81
Min-max relations 396
Min-max theorem 394 395 403
Mine, H. 2170
Mine, H.A. 755; see “Marcus M.”
Mine’s conjecture 1209
Minimal basis of order k 987
Minimal Cayley graph 1473 1474
Minimal cyclic code 785
Minimal degree 2053 2054
Minimal face 1655
Minimal forbidden unit-distance graphs 844
Minimal lattice simplex 951
Minimal polynomial 1496
Minimal Radon partition 849
Minimal strong component 16
Minimal system 1656
Minimally rigid 1920
Minimax theorem for games 2189
Minimax theorems 2186
Minimum capacity odd cut 207
Minimum cost flow 135 1900
Minimum cost matching 1579
Minimum cut 493
Minimum degree 244
Minimum distance 776
Minimum node coloring problem 1634
Minimum spanning-tree problem 2187
Minimum vertex degree 370
Minimum-length spanning tree 2187
Minkowski plane 661
Minkowski sum 924 949
Minkowski — Hawka theorem 932
Minkowski, H. 927 930 1655
Minkowski-reduced bases 927 928
Minkowski’s fundamental theorem 929 931 952
Minkowski’s inequality 947
Minkowski’s linear form theorem 933
Minkowski’s second fundamental theorem 930
Minor 8 257 391 403 494 496 505—507 519 529 537 1499
Minor of graph 304
Minor of hypergraph 390
Minoux, M. 1900
Minoux, M.A. 1545; see “Gondran M.”
Minterm 1804
Minty, G.J. 66 183 226 227 260 263 517 534 1694
Minty, G.J.A. 909; see “Klee V.”
Miquel theorem 659
Mirchandani, P.B. 1898
Mirsky, L. 501 503 562
Misere Nim 2150
Misere play 2121 2145 2149 2157
Mitchell, C.J. 730
Mitchem, J. 77 78
Mixed volumes 946 949 951
Mixing rate 1741 1742
Miyamoto, T. 26 28 1262; Y.”
Miyaoka — Yau inequality 828
Miyaoka, Y. 828
Mnev, N.E. 886 890
Mnukhin, V.B. 1522
Mobius function 1052—1054 1712 1847 2011 2171
Mobius inversion 1051 1721
Mobius plane 659 704
Mobius transformation 2143
Mock turtle theorem 2142 2144
Mock turtles 2142 2144
Modular flat 504
Modular forms 922
Modular functions 570 922
Modular lattice 651
Modular matroid 504
Moebius 2142 2144 2159
Moews, D. 1124
Mogul 2142 2144 2159
Mohar, B. 1497 1592
Mohar, B.R. 1738
Molecular connectivity index 1976
Molecular framework 1965 1967
Molecular graph 1957
Molecular similarity 1977
Molecular structures 1957 1960
Molecular symmetry 1965 1977
Molecules 1957 1958 1974
MOLS see “Mutually orthogonal Latin squares”
Molzkin, T. 697 812 814 816 818 827 846
Moment curve 893
Moments of distribution functions 1L13
Monge, G. 2189
Monma, C. 1573; see “Grotschel M.”
Monma, C.L. 1565; see “Erickson R.E.”
Monochromatic set 1334
Monocycles 1976
Monoid 1451
Monomcr-dimer problem 1941 1951
Monotone 354
Monotone circuit 2013 2016 2017
Monotone graph property 1822
Monotone increasing 1267
Monotone map 437
Monotone property 355 1253
Monsky, P. 864
Monster group 922 949
Montgomery, D. 1479
Montgomery, H.L. 981 990
Montgomery, P. 1371; see “Erdos P.”
Moon, J. 1793; see “Erdos P.”
Moon, J.W. 32 59 79 90 1499
Moon, J.W.A. 243; see “Brown W.G.”
Moon, J.W.B. 264 1268 1274; P.”
Moon, J.W.C. 1163; see “Meir A.”
Moore graph 63 760 1264
Moore, E.H. 2181 2184
Moore, J.I. 468; see “Trotter W.T.”
Moran, A. 1000; see “Pritchard P.A.”
Moran, S. 1511 1515; L.”
Morelli, R. 947 949
Moret, B.M.E. 1896
Morgan algorithm 1970
Morgenstem, I. 1951; see van “Hemmen J.L.”
Morgenstem, O. 2189; see “von Neumann J.”
Morrison, J.A. 1206; see “Chung F.R.K.”
Moser, L. 811 836 838 1125 1126 1182
Moser, L.A. 59; see “Moon J.W.”
Moser, W.O.J. 811
Moser, W.O.J.A. 677 1488 1494; H.S.M.”
Moser, W.O.J.B. 814 818; L.M.”
Moses, S. 1484; see “Fiat A.”
Motdores 2142 2144
Motwani, R. 1592; see “Karger D.”
Motzkin, T.S. 1655