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Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1)
Àâòîðû: Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Combinatorics research, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of discrete, usually finite, structures, covers a wide range of problems not only in mathematics but also in the biological sciences, engineering, and computer science. The Handbook of Combinatorics brings together almost every aspect of this enormous field and is destined to become a classic. Ronald L. Graham, Martin Grotschel, and Laszlo Lovasz, three of the world's leading combinatorialists, have compiled a selection of articles that cover combinatorics in graph theory, theoretical computer science, optimization, and convexity theory, plus applications in operations research, electrical engineering, statistical mechanics, chemistry, molecular biology, pure mathematics, and computer science.
The 20 articles in Volume 1 deal with structures while the 24 articles in Volume 2 focus on aspects, tools, applications, and horizons.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1120
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2005
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Vertex-critical graphs 268
Vertex-decomposable complex 1854
Vertex-primitive 1452 1453 1460 1470 1476 1505
Vertex-transitive 1460 1479
Vertex-transitive graph 64 1452 1453 1464 1468—1473 1475 1477 1480—1482 1487 1488 1491 1493 1494 1500 1504
Vertigan, D.L. 516; see “Jaeger F.”
Very pure free monoid 1031
Very strong perfect graph 269
Vesziergombi, K. 836
Vesztergombi, K. 1415—1417; see “Lovasz L.”
Vesztergombi, K.A. 837 840; P.”
Via minimization 1568
Vidyasankar, K. 144
Vilfan, B. 1351
Vince, A. 1857
Vince, A.A. 362; see “Rucinski A.”
Vincensini, P. 851 856
Vine 37
Vine lemma 37
Vingron, M. 1990
Virasoro, M.A. 1947; see “Mezard M.”
Vishkin, U. 128; see “Shiloach Y.”
Vitter, J. 1071
Vizing theorem 271 272 274 375
Vizing, V.G. 271 272 276 277 2179
Vizing, VG.A. 249; see “Melnikov L.S.”
Vladut, S.G. 667; see “Drinfel’d V.G.”
Vladut, S.O. 667; see “Manin Y.A.”
Vogt, E. 1487 1488 1491; H.”
Voigt, B. 1360 1363
Voigt, B.A. 1361 1366 1379; W.”
Voigt, B.B. 77 1267; A.”
Voigt, B.C. 375 376; T.”
Voigt, B.D. 1333 1367 1368 1381 1389 1393; H.J.”
Voigt, B.F. 2188
Volodin, I.A. 888
Voltage sources 1913
Volume 925
Vomienko, N.M. 2054; see “Zemlyachenko V.N.”
von Neumann, J. 187 2133 2189
von Staudt, K.G.C. 2181
von zur Gathen, J. 952
Voorhoeve, M. 715; see “Brouwer A.E.”
Vopenka, P. 1461
Voronoi region 945
Voronoi, G. 945
Voss, H.J. 5 39 58 61 255
Voss, H.J.A. 5; see “Walther H.”
Vrecica, S.T. 1850; see “Bjomer A.”
Vrecica, S.T.A. 1829 1845 1865; R.T.”
Vuillemin, J. 1194; see “Flajolet P.”
Vuillemin, J.A. 1285; see “Rivest R.L.”
Vuskovic, K. 397; see “Conforti M.”
Wachs, M. 1854 1855 2061; A.
Wachs, M.L. 1857
Wagner, A. 653; see “Dembowski P.”
Wagner, A.A. 632 1468; D.”
Wagner, A.B. 654; see “Ostrom T.G.”
Wagner, D.G. 1111; see “Brenti F.”
Wagner, D.K. 594; see “Bixby R.E.”
Wagner, G. 1441
Wagner, G.A. 1440; see “Tijdeman R.”
Wagner, K. 238 258 304 305 312 331—333 335 515 532 538 540
Wagner’s equivalence theorem 238 258 332
Wagon, S. 811 890; V.”
Wainer, S.A. 1354
Waiting times 1112
Wakabayashi, Y; see Grotschel, M. 1573 1696 1892—1894
Wales, D; see Hall Jr. M. 731
Walk 114 1725
Walk generating function 1726
Walker, J.W. 1826 1827 1845 1848 1849 1858 1864
Walker, J.W.A. 1848 1852; A.”
Walker, J.W.B.; see Wachs, M.L. 1857
Walker, K. 1349
Walker, M. 676
Walker, R; see Hall Jr, M. 704
Walks in the plane 1028
Walkup, D.W. 908 1656; V.”
Walkup, D.W.A. 908; see “Mani P.”
Walkup, D.W.B. 899; see “McMullen P.
Wall, C.E. 63; see “Behzad M.”
Wallis, J.S. 730
Wallis, J.S.A. 712 730 752; W.D.”
Wallis, W.D. 712 730 752
Wallis, W.D.A. 730; see “Hedayat A.”
Walthcr, H.A. 61 66; R.”
Walther, H. 5
Wang, C.S. 334 342 2178; H.H.”
Wang, S.M.P. 705
Wang, T. 1970
Wang, Y. 958; see “Hua L.K.”
Ward, S.E. 1969—1971; see “Ash J.E.”
Waring’s problem 982 1185
Warmuth, M.K. 1299; see “Blumer A.”
Warren theorem 466
Warren, H.E. 466 1761 1763
Wasow, W. 1137 1212
Watanabe, H. 1921; see “Ohtsuki T.”
Watanabe, T. 150
Waterman, M.S. 1985 1988 1990 1991 1994 1995
Waterman, M.S.A. 1103 1134; R.”
Waterman, M.S.B. 1996 1997; L.”
Waterman, M.S.C. 1187 1188 1989; J.R.”
Waterman, M.S.D. 1992; see “Howell J.A.”
Waterman, M.S.E. 1992; see “Stein P.R.”
Watkins, M. 1470; see “Babai L.”
Watkins, M.E. 36 1469 1500 1502
Watkins, M.E.A. 158; see “Mesncr D.M.”
Watson’s lemma 1095
Wayland, K. 87; see “Reid K.B.”
Weak k-linkage 35
Weakly -saturated 1273
Weakly compact cardinals 2100
Weakly Hamilton-connected digraph 68
Weakly reconstructible 1456
Weakly saturated graphs 1273
Webb, P.J. 1822 1857
Wedderburn theorem 649 652
Wedderburn, J 2181.H.M.; see “Veblen O.”
wedge 1845
Wedge of spheres 2069
Wegner, G. 896
Weierstrass elliptic function 823
Weight 14 388 389 398 775
Weight enumerator 667 779
Weight enumerator of a code 717
Weight splitting 564
Weighted bipartite matching algorithm 1581
Weighted matching 201
Weighted matroid intersection 564
Weil, A. 1758 1850
Weinberg, L. 563; see “Bruno J.”
Weingram, S. 1848 1859 1861; A.T.”
Weinstein, J. 250
Weirman, J. 467; see “Scheinerman E.”
Weisfeilcr, R. 1513
Weisfeiler — Lehman procedure 1513
Weismantel, R. 1571 1573; M.”
Weisner theorem 1054
Weiss, A. 1754
Weiss, B. 1340 1369; H.”
Weiss, R. 676
Weiss, R.M. 629 1503—1507
Welch, L.R. 729; see “Gordon B.”
Weldon, E.J. 806; see “Peterson W.W.”
Welford, S.M. 1969—1971; see “Ash J.E.”
Welker, V. 1857
Well-founded membership oracle 955 957
Well-ordered 2109
Well-quasi-ordering 334
Welsh, D.J.A. 20 276 485 491 501 502 505 508 522 830 832 1932 1951 2178
Welsh, D.J.A.A. 520 580 581; F.D.J.”
Welsh, D.J.A.B. 1937; see “Hammersley J.M.”
Welsh, D.J.A.C. 516; see “Jaeger F.”
Welsh, D.J.A.D. 1285; see “Milner E.C.”
Welsh, D.J.A.E. 516 1931; J.G.”
Welter function 2139
Welter, C.P. 2139
Welter’s Game 2139 2144 2150
Welzl, E. 823 825 1299; K.”
Welzl, E.A. 1577; see “Haussler D.”
Wenger, R. 76 857
Wenger, R.A. 865; see “Aronov B.”
Wenger, R.B. 858; see “Pollack R.”
Wessel, W. 264 268 1270
Wessel, W.A. 343; see Seese D.G.
West, D. 476; see “Alon N.”
West, D.A. 474 475; G.W.”
West, D.B. 435
West, D.B.A. 1828 1829; N.”
West, D.B.B. 313; see “Scheintrraan E.R.”
Wetzel, J.E.A.; see Alexanderson, G.L. 831
Wetzel, J.E.B.; see Purdy, G. 821
Wetzel, J.E.C.; see Simmons, G.J. 820
Weug, C; see Haemcrs, W.H. 704 764
Weyl, H. 1426 1427 1655
Wheel 152 539
Whinston, A.; see Kleitman, DJ. 168
Whinston, A.A.; see Rothschild, B. 163 166
Whirl 539 540
White, A.T. 305 314 316 323 325 326 342 1473 1493 2169
White, A.T.A. 18 64; N.L.”
White, A.T.B. 1493; see “Jungeraian M.”
White, A.T.C. 251 276; DR.”
White, D. 1023 1048 1053; D.”
White, L.J. 215
White, N.A. 523
White, N.B. 520 603; A.”
White, N.C. 2059 2063; B.”
White, N.L. 523
White, R.L.; see Botstein, D. 1993
White, T.W. 1878 1879; Jr.W.T.”
White. N.L.A. 1835 1837 1861 2066; A.”
Whiteley, W.; see Crapo, H.H. 1913
Whiteman, A.L. 730
Whitney number 511
Whitney of the first kind 831
Whitney, H. 113 147 247 256 259 308 310 483 594 1455 1459 2178
Whittington, S.G. 1939
Whittle, G.P. 517
Whitty, R.H. 143
Wiclandt, H. 614 639 766 1468 1502 2053
Widom, H. 1157; see “Odlyzko A.M.”
Wiener index 1975
Wierman, J.C. 1936
Wierman, J.C.A.; see Luczak, T. 360
Wierman, J.C.B.; see Smythe, R.T. 1938
Wigderson, A. 246
Wigderson, A.A. 1511 1515 2035; O.”
Wigderson, A.B. 2017; see “Karchmer M.”
Wigderson, A.C. 1557 1590; N.”
Wigner, E. 1459 1460
Wigner, E.P. 1460
Wilbrink, H. 659; see “Blokhuis A.”
Wilbrink, H.A. 99
Wilbrink, H.A.A. 731; see “Brouwer A.E.”
Wild, P.R. 683
Wilf — Zeilberger method 1075
Wilf, H.S. 1071 1075 1098 1100 1126 1165 1182 1213 1712 2011
Wilf, H.S.A.; see Odlyzko, A.M. 1157 1159 1160
Wilf, H.S.B.; see Szekeres, G. 251
Wilker, J.B. 668
Wilkie, H.C. 1488
Wilkins, C.L. 1971 1977; M.”
Wilks, A.R. 1473; see “Conway J.A.”
Wille, L.T. 788
Willem, R. 1966; see “Brocas J.”
Willet, P. 1969—1971; see “Ash J.E.”
Williams, H.P. 2188
Williamson, D.P. 1592; see “Goemans M.X.”
Williamson, S.G. 1071 1191; E.A.”
Wills, J.M. 950 951
Wills, J.M.A. 952; see “Betke U.”
Wills, J.M.B. 950; see “Bokowski J.”
Wills, J.M.C. 923 951; P.”
Wills, J.M.D. 811; see “Gruber P.M.”
Wilson, P.R. 813
Wilson, R.A. 622; see “Conway J.H.”
Wilson, R.J. 247 259; N.”
Wilson, R.J.A. 56 189 2175; N.L.”
Wilson, R.J.B. 236 272; S.”
Wilson, R.J.C. 236; see “Nelson R.”
Wilson, R.J.D. 2167; see “Sachs H.”
Wilson, R.J.E. 238; see “Woodall D.R.”
Wilson, R.M. 377 700 703 705 707—709 839 1296 1457 1711 1717 2183
Wilson, R.M.A. 376 1351; F.R.K.”
Wilson, R.M.B. 511 831 1713; T.A.”
Wilson, R.M.C. 710; see “Doyen J.”
Wilson, R.M.D. 842 1308 1351 1522 1719 1761; P.”
Wilson, R.M.E. 711; see “Hanani H.”
Wilson, R.M.F. 696 711 1351 1716 1719 2183; D.K.”
Wilson, R.M.G. 789; see “van Lint J.H.”
Wilson, R.M.H. 705; see “Wang S.M.P.”
Wimp, J. 1131 1137 1138 1212
Win, S. 27 43 53
Wine, D. 65 1473
Winkler, P. 448 463
Winkler, P.A. 1305; see “Bang C.”
Winkler, P.B. 1743; see “Brightwell G.”
Winkler, P.C. 1377 1442; V.”
Winkler, P.D. 462; see “Savage C.”
Winkler, P.E. 475; see “Trotter W.T.”
Winkler, P.M. 1464; see “Graham R.L.”
Winkler, P.W. 455; see “Brightwell G.”
Winkler’s conjecture 1238
Winning strategy 2121 2123 2124 2150
Winograd, S. 1345 1589; D.”
Winston, K.J. 1254; see “Kleitman D.J.”
Wirsing theorem 1008
Wirsing, E. 998 1008
Wiseman, J.A. 813; see “Wilson P.R.”
Witt designs 716
Witt, E. 703 704 716 2184
Witte, D.A. 1473; see “Keating K.”
Witzgall, C. 1668; see “Klee V.”
Witzgall, C.A. 1654; see “Stoer J.”
WKB method 1210
Woan, W.-J. 1184 1211; S.”
Woeginger, G. 1578; see “Komlos J.”
Woess, W. 1497; see “Mohar B.”
Woess, W.A. 1484; see “Thomassen C.”
Wojtas, M. 705
Woldar, A. 1506; see “Hemmctcr J.”
Wolf, J.A. 1478
Wolf, T.R. 1516
Wolkowitz, H. 1592
Wolsey, L.A.A. 183 1545; G.L.”
Wolsey, LA. 1695 1696
Wondratschek, H. 943; see “Brown H.”
Wong, J.K. 1458 1511; J.E.”
Wong, P.K. 63
Wong, R. 1172 1212
Wong, W.J. 1472
Wonnald, N.C.B. 1188 1189 1462; B.D.”
Wonnald, N.C.C. 60; see “Richmond L.B.”
Woodall, D.R. 23 27 37 72—74 76 83 86 94 238 315 418 698 1263 2186
Woodrow, R. 462; see “Dufltis D.”
Woodrow, R.E. 1507
Woodrow, R.E.A. 1381 1508; A.H.”