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Peiser H.S, (ed.), Rooksby H.P. (ed.), Wilson A.J.C. (ed.) — X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials. Physics in Industry |
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Berry, R.L. 249 255 258
Berry, R.L. 249, 255, 258
Bertaut, E.F. 426 429
Bertaut, E.F. 426, 429
Berthold, R. 197 246 253 258 623
Berthold, R. 197, 246, 253, 258, 623
Beryllia 568
Beryllia 568
Beryllium high-temperature cameras 256 262
Beryllium vacuum cameras 233
Beryllium windows counter 192
Beryllium windows counter 192
Beryllium windows high-temperature cameras 256, 262
Beryllium windows vacuum cameras 233
Beryllium windows X-ray tubes 63
Beryllium windows, counter 192
Beryllium windows, high-temperature cameras 256 262
Beryllium windows, vacuum cameras 233
Beryllium windows, X-ray tubes 63
Beryllium X-ray tubes 63
Bessel functions, scattering by cylindrical Bessel system 442
Bessel functions, scattering by cylindrical system 442
Bessel functions, scattering by cylindrical system 442
Betteridge, W.J. 594
Betteridge, W.J. 594
Bewilogua, L. 434
Bewilogua, L. 434
Bhattacherjee, S.B. 561
Bhattacherjee, S.B. 561
Birks, J.B. 207
Birks, J.B. 207
Birks, L.S. 198 219 229 260 261
Birks, L.S. 198, 219, 229, 260, 261
Biscoe, J. 115
Biscoe, J. 115
Bismuth 243
Bismuth 243
Bjornhaug, A. 446
Bjornhaug, A. 446
Blachman, N.M. 416
Blachrnan, N.M. 416
Blackman, M. 224 416
Blackman, M. 224, 416
Bleeksma, J. 279
Bleeksma, J. 279
Blewitt, T.H. 618
Blewitt, T.H. 618
Blizard, E.P. 207
Blizard, E.P. 207
Block diffractometers 220—1
Block diffractometers 220—221
Block glancing-angle cameras 173—4
Block glancing-angle cameras 173—174
Block high-temperature cameras 173 258 260—1
Block high-temperature cameras 173, 258, 260—261
Block low-temperature cameras 277
Block low-temperature cameras 277
Block phase-boundary determinations 584
Block phase-boundary determinations 584
Block preferred-orientation work 303—5
Block preferred-orientation work 303—305
Block specimen 400—402
Block specimen 400—402
Block specimen, diffractometers 220—221
Block specimen, glancing-angle cameras 173—174
Block specimen, high-temperature cameras 173 258 260—261
Block specimen, low-temperature cameras 277
Block specimen, phase-boundary determinations 584
Block specimen, preferred-orientation work 303—305
Boas, W. 474
Boas, W. 474
Boehm, H. 246 253 258
Boehm, J. 80
Bogue, R.H. 571
Bogue, R.H. 571
Bohlin, H. 123 124
Bohlin, H. 123, 124
Bohm, H. 246, 253, 258
Bohm, J. 80
Bolduan, O.E.A. 111 234 278 279 280 446 447
Bolduan, O.E.A. 111, 234, 278, 279, 280, 446, 447
Boldyrev, A.K. 515
Boldyrev, A.K. 515
Booth, A.D. 407
Booth, A.D. 407
Borelius, G. 594
Borelius, G. 594
Borie, B.S. 320
Borie, B.S. 320
Born, M. 437 443
Born, M. 437, 443
Boron compounds, effect of -particle bombardment 618
Boron compounds, effect of -particle bombardment 618
Boron compounds, interstitial 600
Boron compounds, interstitial 600
Boron interstitial 600
Borosilicate glass, counter windows 192
Borosilicate glass, counter windows 192
Borosilicate glass, specimen mounting 115 277
Borosilicate glass, specimen mounting 115, 277
Borrmann, G. 399
Borrmann, G. 399
Bouman, J. 285 288 289 413
Bouman, J. 285, 288, 289, 413
Bousquet, A.G. 208
Bousquet, A.G. 208
Boyd, T.F. 516
Boyd, T.F. 516
Bozorth, R.M. 129 130 131 138 142 300
Bozorth, R.M. 129, 130, 131, 138, 142, 300
Brackney, H. 63
Brackney, H. 63
Bradlev — Jav film mounting 81 84 88 369
Bradlev — Jav film mounting, corrected d spacing 112—113 369—371
Bradley — Bragg corrected d spacing 112—113
Bradley — Bragg film mounting 81 86
Bradley — Bragg film mounting 81, 86
Bradley — Bragg film mounting, corrected d spacing 112—13
Bradley — Jay corrected d spacing 112—113, 369—371
Bradley — Jay film mounting 81, 84, 88, 369
Bradley, A.J. 80 81 84 86 98 110 115 339 369 370 371 372 404 407 561 570 593 594 596 663
Bradley, A.J. 80, 81, 84, 86, 98, 110, 115, 339, 369, 370, 371, 372, 404, 407, 561, 570, 593, 594, 596, 663
Bradley, W.F. 567
Bradley, W.F. 567
Bradley-Bragg corrected d spacing 112—13
Bradley-Bragg film mounting 81 86
Bradley-Jay corrected d spacing 112—13 369—71
Bradley-Jay film mounting 81 84 88 369
Bradley-type cameras see "Debye — Scherrer method"
Bradley-type cameras see “Debye — Scherrer method”
Braekken, H. 242
Braekken, H. 242
Bragg ionization spectrometer 189
Bragg ionization spectrometer 189
Bragg — Brentano focusing system, diffractometers 214—215
Bragg — Brentano focusing system, diffractometers 214—215
Bragg's law 45
Bragg's law 45
Bragg, W.H. 79 145 194 228 229 454
Bragg, W.H. 79, 145, 194, 228, 229, 454
Bragg, W.L. 79 81 110 115 194 595 653
Bragg, W.L. 79, 81, 110, 115, 194, 595, 653
Bragg-Brentano focusing system, diffractometers 214—15
Brass, textures 469—471
Brass, textures 469—471
Bravais-lattice types 29—30
Bravais-lattice types 29—30
Breadth of focused beam, flat-layer method 149—150
Breadth of focused beam, flat-layer method 149—150
Breadth of focused beam, focusing camera 127—128
| Breadth of focused beam, focusing camera 127—128
Breadth of powder line, doublet 150
Breadth of powder line, doublet 150
Breadth of powder line, annealing time, variation 595
Breadth of powder line, annealing time, variation 595
Breadth of powder line, counter diffractometer, calculation 228
Breadth of powder line, counter diffractometer, calculation 228
Breadth of powder line, Debye — Scherrer camera, cylindrical specimen 94—101 327
Breadth of powder line, Debye — Scherrer camera, cylindrical specimen 94—101, 327
Breadth of powder line, Debye-Scherrer camera, cylindrical specimen 94—101 327
Breadth of powder line, definitions 413 421—422
Breadth of powder line, definitions 413, 421—422
Breadth of powder line, experimental measurement 418—422
Breadth of powder line, experimental measurement 418—422
Breadth of powder line, flat-layer methods 148—150 163—165 188
Breadth of powder line, flat-layer methods 148—150, 153—155, 188
Breadth of powder line, focusing methods 384—387
Breadth of powder line, focusing methods 384—387
Breadth of powder line, intrinsic broadening, interpretation 428
Breadth of powder line, intrinsic broadening, interpretation 428
Breadth of powder line, Laue integral breadth 413
Breadth of powder line, Laue integral breadth 413
Breadth of powder line, layer structures 417—418 429
Breadth of powder line, layer structures 417—418, 429
Breadth of powder line, refractories 559
Breadth of powder line, refractories 559
Breadth of powder line, strain measurements 418 601—602
Breadth of powder line, strain measurements 416, 601—602
Breazeale, F.B. 209
Breazeale, F.B. 209
Brentano, J.C.M. 77 145 148 150 160 161 182 170 214 403
Brentano, J.C.M. 77, 145, 148, 150, 160, 161, 162, 10, 214, 403
Brewer, H.G. 204
Brewer, H.G. 204
Brill, R. 588
Brill, R. 588
Brillouin zones, application 589—591
Brillouin zones, application 589—591
Brillouin zones, theory 586 588—589
Brillouin zones, theory 586, 588—589
Brindley — Robinson flat-layer camera 184 166—169
Brindley — Robinson flat-layer camera 164, 166—169
Brindley, G.W. 122—144 145—175 339 343 403 418 527 529 531 561 562 593 656
Brindley, G.W. 122—144, 145—175, 339, 343, 403, 418, 527, 529, 531, 561, 562, 593, 656
Brindley-Robinson flat-layer camera 164 166—9
Broadening of powder lines instrumental, back-reflexion camera 388—390
Broadening of powder lines instrumental, cylindrical focusing camera 123, 385—386
Broadening of powder lines instrumental, Debye — Scherrer camera 91—103
Broadening of powder lines instrumental, diffractometer 224, 228
Broadening of powder lines instrumental, measured profile correction 422—428
Broadening of powder lines intrinsic, interpretation 428—429
Broadening of powder lines intrinsic, microbeam study 280—281
Broadening of powder lines intrinsic, separation from instrumental 424—428
Broadening of powder lines, back-reflexion camera 388—90
Broadening of powder lines, cylindrical focusing camera 123 385—6
Broadening of powder lines, Debye-Scherrer camera 91—103
Broadening of powder lines, diffractometer 224 228
Broadening of powder lines, instrumental 409—411 413—414
Broadening of powder lines, instrumental 409—411, 413—414
Broadening of powder lines, instrumental, back-reflexion camera 388—390
Broadening of powder lines, instrumental, cylindrical focusing camera 123 385—386
Broadening of powder lines, instrumental, Debye — Scherrer camera 91—103
Broadening of powder lines, instrumental, diffractometer 224 228
Broadening of powder lines, instrumental, measured profile correction 422—428
Broadening of powder lines, interpretation 428—9
Broadening of powder lines, intrinsic 409 412—415 422—424
Broadening of powder lines, intrinsic 409, 412—415, 422—424
Broadening of powder lines, intrinsic, interpretation 428—429
Broadening of powder lines, intrinsic, microbeam study 280—281
Broadening of powder lines, intrinsic, separation from instrumental 424—428
Broadening of powder lines, measured profile correction 422—8
Broadening of powder lines, microbeam study 280—1
Broadening of powder lines, photographic 98 384
Broadening of powder lines, photographic 98, 384
Broadening of powder lines, separation from instrumental 424—8
Bromley, D. 627
Bromley, D. 627
Brooks, R. 505
Brooks, R. 505
Brosky, S.A. 338
Brosky, S.A. 338
Broussard, L. 240
Broussard, L. 240
Brown, C.J. 395—408 534
Brown, C.J. 395—408, 534
Brown, G. 562
Brown, G. 562
Brown, J.F. 408
Brown, J.F. 408
Brown, L. 553 555
Brown, L. 553, 555
Brown, O.E. 74
Brown, O.E. 74
Brownmiller, L.T. 571
Brownmiller, L.T. 571
Brugmann, E.W. 533
Brugmann, E.W. 533
Buerger, M.J. 108 109 110 115 246 250 255 258 335 353 356 359 515
Buerger, M.J. 108, 109, 110, 115, 246, 250, 255, 258, 335, 353, 356, 359, 515
Buerger, N.W. 246, 250, 255, 258
Buerklen, O.Th. 40
Buessem, W. 572
Bunn charts 337 346—350 359
Bunn charts 337, 346—350, 359
Bunn, C.W. 27 51 54 344—365 482 499 507 510 534 542 543 544 545 546 592
Bunn, C.W. 27, 51, 54, 344—365, 482, 499, 507, 510, 534, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 592
Burch, C.R. 79
Burch, C.R. 79
Burgers, W.G. 139
Burgers, W.G. 139
Burkhardt, L.A. 507
Burkhardt, L.A. 507
Burklen, O.Th. 40
Burns, B.D. 460
Burns, B.D. 460
Burr, A.A. 116
Burr, A.A. 116
Bussem, W. 572
Butterworth, B. 561
Butterworth, B. 561
Cadmium, definition of Angstroem unit 652
Cadmium, definition of Angstrom unit 652
Cadmium, definition of Angstrom unit 652
Cahn, R.W. 295 296
Cahn, R.W. 295, 296
Calcite, monochromator use 126 128 137—143 233 239
Calcite, monochromator use 126, 128, 137—143, 233, 239
Calcite, Plasticine component 505
Calcite, Plasticine component 505
Calcite, spacing in X-unit definition 652
Calcite, spacing in X-unit definition 652
Calcium tungstate intensifying screens 620 628—629
Calcium tungstate intensifying screens 620, 628—629
Calhoun, B.A. 219 276
Calhoun, B.A. 219, 276
Calhoun, J.M. 630
Calhoun, J.M. 630
Calibration, back-reflexion camera 184—187
Calibration, back-reflexion camera 184—187
Calibration, Debye — Scherrer camera 119
Calibration, Debye — Scherrer camera 119
Calibration, Debye-Scherrer camera 119
Calibration, film, intensity measurement 192 419 631—634
Calibration, film, intensity measurement 192, 419, 631—634
Calibration, film, lattice - parameter calculation 83—4 184—5 369—71
Calibration, film, lattice - parameter calculation 83—84, 184—185, 369—371
Calibration, film, lattice-parameter calculation 83—84 184—185 369—371
Calibration, flat-layer camera 152
Calibration, flat-layer camera 162
Calibration, high-temperature camera 254—255
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