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Peiser H.S, (ed.), Rooksby H.P. (ed.), Wilson A.J.C. (ed.) — X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials. Physics in Industry |
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Mathewson, C.H. 467
Mathewson, C.H. 467
Mathieu, M. 533 538 539
Mathieu, M. 533, 538, 539
Matthews, F.W. 333 504 509 515
Matthews, F.W. 333, 504, 509, 515
Mayerhof, W.E. 205
Mayerhof, W.E. 205
Mazur, J. 428
Mazur, J. 428
McCreery, G.L. 229
McCrone, W.C. 515
McCrone, W.C. 515
McFarlan, R.L. 270
McFarlan, R.L. 270
McKeehan, L.W. 265 270 407
McKeehan, L.W. 265, 270, 407
McKeehan, M. 429
McKeehan, M. 429
McKinley, J.B. 114
McKinley, J.B. 114
McMurdie, H.F. 260 571
McMurdie, H.F. 260, 571
McWeeny, R. 616
McWeeny, R. 616
Measurement of powder photographs 181—182 367—392 502
Measurement of powder photographs 181—182, 367—392, 502
Mechanical properties of metal 586—587
Mechanical properties of metal 586—587
Mechanical properties of metal, anisotropy 476—480
Mechanical properties of metal, anisotropy 476—480
MeCreery, G.L. 229
Mees, C.E.K. 620 621 634
Mees, C.E.K. 620, 621, 634
Menke, H. 441
Menke, H. 441
Menzer, G. 98 162
Menzer, G. 98, 162
Merchant, M.E. 319
Merchant, M.E. 319
Meridional reflexions, axial orientation 484—486
Meridional reflexions, axial orientation 484—486
Meridional reflexions, helical orientation 495—496
Meridional reflexions, helical orientation 495—496
Mering, J. 418
Mering, J. 418
Metal study, anisotropy 416 474—480
Metal study, anisotropy 416, 474—480
Metal study, face-centred-cubic structures, textures 464—474
Metal study, face-centred-cubic structures, textures 464—474
Metal study, microbeam techniques 291—296
Metal study, microbeam techniques 291—296
Meyer, K.H. 533 534 546 550 556
Meyer, K.H. 533, 534, 546, 550, 556
Mica, counter window 192
Mica, counter window 192
Mica, monochromator 125—126 137—138 141
Mica, monochromator 125—126, 137—138, 141
Mica, specimen cell 221
Mica, specimen cell 221
Mica, X-ray tube windows 63
Mica, X-ray tube windows 63
Michell, J.H. 516
Michell, J.H. 515
Michiels, J.L. 224
Michiels, J.L. 224
Microbeam cameras 288—292
Microbeam cameras 288—292
Microdensitometry 633
Microdensitometry 633
Microdensitometry, features 76—77
Microdensitometry, features 76—77
Microdensitometry, profiles 419
Microdensitometry, profiles 419
Microdensitometry, proportions in mixtures 338 405—406
Microdensitometry, proportions in mixtures 338, 405—406
Microfocus tube 69—70
Microfocus tube 69—70
Microfocus tube, fiat-layer study 168
Microfocus tube, fiat-layer study 168
Microfocus tube, flat-layer study 168
Microfocus tube, focusing-camera designs 296
Microfocus tube, focusing-camera designs 296
Microfocus tube, low-angle scattering study 240
Microfocus tube, low-angle scattering study 240
Microfocus tube, preferred-orientation camera 310
Microfocus tube, preferred-orientation camera 310
Microscopical methods, metallurgical work 583—585
Microscopical methods, metallurgical work 583—585
Mields, H. 561
Mields, H. 561
Mikhiev, V.I. 515
Mikhiev, V.I. 515
Milbourn, M. 533 539
Milbourn, M. 533, 539
Miles, F.D. 533 539
Miles, F.D. 533, 539
Miller indices 33—35
Miller indices 33—35
Miller — Bravais indices 35
Miller — Bravais indices 35
Miller-Bravais indices 35
Milligan, W.O. 569
Milligan, W.O. 569
Mills, G.A. 669
Mills, G.A. 569
Milner, C.J. 312
Milner, C.J. 312
Minerals 523—532
Minerals see also “Clay minerals”, 523—532
Minerals, industrial deposits 507—508
Minerals, industrial deposits 507—508
Minerals, refractories 558 563—564 568—573 see
Minerals, refractories 558, 563—564, 568—573
Misch, L. 533 534
Misch, L. 533, 534
Mixed powder specimens 326 461
Mixed powder specimens 326, 461
Mixed powder specimens, determination of proportions 229—230 338 404—405
Mixed powder specimens, determination of proportions 229—230, 338, 404—405
Mixed powder specimens, identification 326—327 336 341—342 500—501 514 529
Mixed powder specimens, identification 326—327, 336, 341—342, 500—501, 514, 529
Mixed powder specimens, intensity measurement 161 402—403
Mixed powder specimens, intensity measurement 161, 402—403
Models of crystal structures 36—37
Models of crystal structures 36—37
Modulated alloy structures 596—597
Modulated alloy structures 596—597
Molecular-weight determination 29 337 348
Molecular-weight determination 29, 337, 348
Moller, E. 115
Moller, E. 115
Moller, H. 461
Moller, H. 461
Molybdenum radiation 61 79 191 226 303 328 460 512
Molybdenum radiation 61, 79, 191, 226, 303, 328, 460, 512
Molybdenum radiation, counter gas for 198—199
Molybdenum radiation, counter gas for 198—199
Monad axis 29
Monad axis 29
Monatomic liquids, theoretical scattering expression 441
Monatomic liquids, theoretical scattering expression 441
Monitoring of tube circuit 162 208 210—212 220
Monitoring of tube circuit 162, 208, 210—212, 220
Monitoring of tube circuit, counting-loss corrections 226
Monitoring of tube circuit, counting-loss corrections 226
Monitoring of tube circuit, statistics 222—223
Monitoring of tube circuit, statistics 222—223
Monochromatized radiation Crystal-reflected radiation
Monochromatized radiation see also “Crystal-reflected radiation”
| Monochromatized radiation, proportional counter 202 see
Monochromatized radiation, proportional counter 202
Monochromators 122—144
Monochromators 122—144
Monochromators, focusing 125—139 235—238
Monochromators, focusing 125—139, 235—238
Monochromators, plane 139—144 233
Monochromators, plane 139—144, 233
Monochromators, scattering by 132
Monochromators, scattering by 132
Monoclinic system, axial constants, calculation 41 353—358
Monoclinic system, axial constants, calculation 41, 353—358
Monoclinic system, lattice-spacings, calculation 43
Monoclinic system, lattice-spacings, calculation 43
Monoclinic system, multiplicity factors 640
Monoclinic system, multiplicity factors 640
Monoclinic system, symmetry 31
Monoclinic system, symmetry 31
Moody, N.F. 211
Moody, N.F. 211
Moore, W.J. 549 550
Moore, W.J. 549, 550
Morcom, A.J. 561
Morcom, A.J. 561
Morningstar, O. 444
Morningstar, O. 444
Morphology of crystals 34—35
Morphology of crystals 34—35
Morris, D.P. 574 578 582 583
Morris, D.P. 574, 578, 582, 583
Morrison, J.D. 520
Morrison, J.D. 520
Mounting of specimens see "Specimen mounting" "Specimen
Mounting of specimens see “Specimen mounting, Specimen preparation”
Moving-film methods, preferred orientation 311—316
Moving-film methods, preferred orientation 311—316
Moving-film methods, single-crystal 51
Moving-film methods, single-crystal 51
Moving-target generators 62
Moving-target generators 62
Moving-target generators, design 70—72
Moving-target generators, design 70—72
Muelbach, E. 627
Mueller, A. 71 454 515
Mueller, F.A. 196 201
Mueller, M.H. 231
Mueller, M.H. 231
Mulbach, E. 627
Muller, A. 71, 454, 515
Muller, F.A. 196, 201
Mullite, refractories 567
Mullite, refractories 567
Multiple focusing camera 133—134
Multiple focusing camera 133—134
Multiple focusing camera, absolute-intensity determinations 404
Multiple focusing camera, absolute-intensity determinations 404
Multiplicity of crystal planes 398 518 639
Multiplicity of crystal planes 398, 518, 639
Multiplicity of crystal planes, effect on spottiness of rings 460—461
Multiplicity of crystal planes, effect on spottiness of rings 460—461
Multiplicity of crystal planes, table 639—641
Multiplicity of crystal planes, table 639—641
Multiplicity of crystal planes, use in indexing 461
Multiplicity of crystal planes, use in indexing 461
Mykura, H. 231 260
Mykura, H. 231, 260
Naehring, E. 284 285
Nagelschmidt, G. 562
Nagelschmidt, G. 562
Nahmias, M.E. 115
Nahmias, M.E. 115
Nahring, E. 284, 285
Napier's rule 40
Napier's rule 40
Neher 197
Neher 197
Nelson, J.B. 78—121 132 139 140 141 231 247 263 372 531 644
Nelson, J.B. 78—121, 132, 139, 140, 141, 231, 247, 263, 372, 531, 644
Ness, R.K. 116
Ness, R.K. 116
Neutron bombardment 617—618
Neutron bombardment 617—618
Neutron diffraction 611—612
Neutron diffraction 611—612
Neutron diffraction, graphite 615—616
Neutron diffraction, graphite 615—616
Newkirk, J.B. 595
Newkirk, J.B. 595
Nickel alloys, iron 583
Nickel alloys, iron 583
Nickel alloys, iron-copper 596—597
Nickel alloys, iron-copper 596—597
Nickel alloys, nitrogen 599
Nickel alloys, nitrogen 599
Nickels, J.E. 114
Nickels, J.E. 114
Nicol, A.D.I. 592
Nicol, A.D.I. 592
Nishikawa, S. 533
Nishikawa, S. 533
Nishina, Y. 435
Nishina, Y. 435
Nitrogen as cooling liquid 266 272 274
Nitrogen as cooling liquid 266, 272, 274
Nitrogen as cooling liquid, interstitial compounds 599
Nitrogen as cooling liquid, interstitial compounds 599
Nix, F.C. 596
Nix, F.C. 596
Noddack, W. 627
Noddack, W. 627
Non-absorbing specimens see "Transparent specimens"
Non-absorbing specimens see “Transparent specimens”
Normal, equation to 41—42
Normal, equation to 41—42
Norton, J.T. 299 317 318 319
Norton, J.T. 299, 317, 318, 319
Novak, J. 561
Novak, J. 561
Nowacki, W. 453
Nowaoki, W. 453
Noyes, R.M. 516
Noyes, R.M. 516
Nuclear reactor 611
Nuclear reactor 611
Nylon polymers 290 482 542—543
Nylon polymers 290, 482, 542—543
Odell, F. 668 569
Odell, F. 568, 569
Oettinger, W.H. 283
Oettinger, W.H. 283
Ogrim, O. 656
Ogrim, O. 656
Ono, S. 533
Ono, S. 633
Oosterkamp, W.J. 61 80
Oosterkamp, W.J. 61, 80
Optical activity 48
Optical activity 48
Order in crystals, long-range 27 593—594
Order in crystals, long-range 27, 593—594
Order in crystals, short-range 593—594
Order in crystals, short-range 593—594
Order-disorder transformations 437
Order-disorder transformations 437
Order-disorder transformations, alloys 593—596
Order-disorder transformations, alloys 593—596
Order-disorder transformations, theory 596
Order-disorder transformations, theory 596
Organic-vapour quenching, Geiger counter 195—200 213
Organic-vapour quenching, Geiger counter 195—200, 213
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