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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125205 Khantha M., Balakrishnan V. Reflection Principles for Biased Random Walks and Application to Escape Time Distributions 1985
125204 Davis H.T., Scriven L.E. Gradient Theory of Fluid Microstructures 1981
125203 Percus J.K. One-Dimensional Classical Fluid with Nearest- Neighbor Interaction in Arbitrary External Field 1982
125202 Mecke K., Rauscher M. Thin-Film Flow Influenced by Thermal Noise 2006
125201 Wood W.W. Long-Time Tails of the Green-Kubo Integrands for a Binary Mixture 1989
125200 Letter to the Editor 1984
125199 Slawny J. On the Mean Field Theory Bound on the Magnetization 1983
125198 Schmitt K.-J. N-Particle Correlations in the McKean Model 1987
125197 Caillol J.M., Gilles D. Numerical Simulations of Screened Coulomb Systems. A Comparison Between Hyperspherical and Periodic Boundary Conditions 2000
125196 Ernst M.H., Dufty J.W. Hydrodynamics and Time Correlation Functions for Cellular Automata 1990
125195 Pesin Y., Zhang K. Phase Transitions for Uniformly Expanding Maps 2006
125194 Kirkpatrick S. Optimization by Simulated Annealing: Quantitative Studies 1984
125193 Twining C.J., Binder P.-M. Enumeration of Limit Cycles in Noncylindrical Cellular Automata 1992
125192 Engel A. Statistical Mechanics of Learning 2001
125191 Benois O., Esposito R., Marra R. Navier-Stokes Limit for a Thermal Stochastic Lattice Gas 1999
125190 Eyink G.L., Xin J. Self-Similar Decay in the Kraichnan Model of a Passive Scalar 2000
125189 Mariz A.M. The Discrete TV-Vector Ferromagnet: Connection to a Percolation with Frustration Features 1998
125188 Kerstein A. A Two-Particle Representation of Front Propagation in Diffusion-Reaction Systems 1988
125187 Friedli S., de Lima B.N.B. On the Truncation of Systems with Non-Summable Interactions 2002
125186 Katz A., Duneau M. Stability of Symmetries for Equilibrium Configurations of N Particles in Three Dimensions 1982
125185 Livi R., Politi A., Ruffo S. Repeller Structure in a Hierarchical Model. I. Topological Properties 1991
125184 Owczarek A.L., Prellberg T. Exact Solution of the Discrete (1 + 1)-Dimensional SOS Model with Field and Surface Interactions 1993
125183 Stephenson J. High-Order Cycles in the Logistic Map or Centers of Cardioids in the Mandelbrot Set 1990
125182 di Francesco P., Saleur H., Zuber J.B. Relations between the Coulomb Gas Picture and Conformal Invariance of Two-Dimensional Critical Models 1987
125181 Blanchard Ph., Carlen E.A., Dell'Antonio G. F. Particles and "Bumps" in Quantum Field Configurations 1989
125180 Alicki R., Messer J. Nonlinear Quantum Dynamical Semigroups for Many-Body Open Systems 1983
125179 Debbasch F., Rivet J.P. A Diffusion Equation from the Relativistic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process 1998
125178 Sinai Ja.G., Vul E.B. Discovery of Closed Orbits of Dynamical Systems with the Use of Computers 1980
125177 Bassler K., Sasaki K. Interface Interactions in Modulated Phases, and Upsilon Points 1991
125176 Zobov V.E., Popov M.A. Excluded Volume Effects for Frequency Moments of the Spin Autocorrelation Function of the Heisenberg Model on a Square Lattice at High Temperatures 1999
125175 Cohen E.G.D. Erratum: Symmetric Linear Collision Operators in Kinetic Theory 1987
125174 Bauer M., Bernard D. Multiple Schramm–Loewner Evolutions and Statistical Mechanics Martingales 2005
125173 Escande D.F., Doveil F. Renormalization Method for Computing the Threshold of the Large-Scale Stochastic Instability in Two Degrees of Freedom Hamiltonian Systems 1981
125172 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1998
125171 Wu F.Y., Pant P. The Chiral Potts Model and Its Associated Link Invariant 1995
125170 Newell A., Shipman P. Plants and Fibonacci 2005
125169 Suzuki J. Functional Relations in Stokes Multipliers-Fun with x6 + a x2 Potentia 2001
125168 Kloeden P.E., Platen E. Higher-Order Implicit Strong Numerical Schemes for Stochastic Differential Equations 1992
125167 Bobylev A.V., Cercignani C. Exact Eternal Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation 2002
125166 Orlandini E., Janse van Rensburg E.J. A Monte Carlo Algorithm for Lattice Ribbons 1996
125165 Rodriguez M.A., Pesquera L., San Miguel M. Master Equation Description of External Poisson White Noise in Finite Systems 1985
125164 Angles d'Auriac J.C., Maynard R., Rammal R. Critical Dynamics of Finite Ising Model 1982
125163 Nouri A. The Evolution of a Gas in a Radiation Field from a Kinetic Point of View 2002
125162 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1998
125161 Chubb S., Fox D. Correlation Functions of Odd Numbers of Spins with Finite Separations on the Onsager-Ising Lattice 1980
125160 Rivet J.-P. Lattice Gas Hydrodynamics 2002
125159 Shalitin D. Relations Between Site Percolation Thresholds 1982
125158 Elskens Y., Frisch H.L. Aggregation Kinetics for a One-Dimensional Zero-Degree Kelvin Model of Spinodal Decomposition 1987
125157 Whittle P. The Statistics of Random Directed Graphs 1989
125156 Lee J., Wu M.-Y. Ergodicity for the Dissipative Boussinesq Equations with Random Forcing 2004

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