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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125255 Bauer M., Golinelli O. Random Incidence Matrices: Moments of the Spectral Density 2001
125254 Myshlyavtsev A.V. The Effect of Three-Body Interactions on Thermal Desorption Spectra 1990
125253 Koiller J., Markarian R. Static and Time-Dependent Perturbations of the Classical Elliptical Billiard 1996
125252 Derezinski J. On the Nature of Fermi Golden Rule for Open Quantum Systems 2004
125251 Foreword 1995
125250 Larralde H., Leyvraz F. Transport Properties of a Modified Lorentz Gas 2003
125249 Giacomin G., Lebowitz J.L. Phase Segregation Dynamics in Particle Systems with Long Range Interactions. I. Macroscopic Limits 1997
125248 Asselah A., Brito R. Self-Diffusion in Simple Models: Systems with Long-Range Jumps 1997
125247 Nakano F. The Repulsion Between Localization Centers in the Anderson Model 2006
125246 Rubin R. Transport in a Disordered OneDimensional System: A Fraetal View 1984
125245 Pearce P., Seaton K. A Classical Theory of Hard Squares 1988
125244 Barrachina R.O., Garibotti C.R. Nonisotropic Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation 1986
125243 Figotin A., Klein A. Localized Classical Waves Created by Defects 1997
125242 Le Doussai P., Machta J. Self-Avoiding Walks in Quenched Random Environments 1991
125241 Lam L. Foreword 1991
125240 Park Y. Existence and Uniqueness of Gibbs States for a Statistical Mechanical Polyacetylene Model 1987
125239 Benfatto G., Marinari E. Some Numerical Results on the Block Spin Transformation for the 2D Ising Model at the Critical Point 1995
125238 Stauffer D. Ising Droplets in Five Dimensions 1994
125237 Bouchaud J. P., Orland H. On the Bethe Ansatz for Random Directed Polymers 1990
125236 Bialek W., Scalettar R., Zee A. Optimal Performance of a Feed-Forward Network at Statistical Discrimination Tasks 1989
125235 Gawedzki K., Kupiainen A., Tirozzi B. Borel Summability of the Perturbation Series in a Hierarchical Model 1984
125234 Stauffer D. Evolution by Damage Spreading in Kauffman Model 1994
125233 Lewis J.T., de Smedt P. The Superstability of Pair-Potentials of Positive Type 1984
125232 Penrose O. Corrigendum to Phase Transitions on Fractal Lattices with Long-Range Interactions 1987
125231 Bauer M., Luck J.M. Statistics of Persistent Events in the Binomial Random Walk: Will the Drunken Sailor Hit the Sober Man? 1999
125230 Bendisch J. Geometric Localization of the Threshold in Two-Dimensional Ising +/- J Spin Glasses for T = 0 1991
125229 Chazottes J.-R., Ugalde E. Projection of Markov Measures May Be Gibbsian 2003
125228 Andrea J. Liu, Michael E. Fisher On the Corrections to Scaling in Three-Dimensional Ising Models 1989
125227 Indira R., Valsakumar M. C., Murthy K. P. N. Diffusion in a Bistable Potential: A Comparative Study of Different Methods of Solution 1983
125226 F. Baccelli, Karpelevich F. I., Kelbert M. A Mean-Field Limit for a Class of Queueing Networks 1991
125225 Leung K.-T., Zia R.K.P. Subtleties in Data Analysis Related to the Size of Critical Region 1996
125224 Patrick A. E. On Phase Separation in the Spherical Model of a Ferromagnet: Quasiaverage Approach 1993
125223 Gambaudo J.M., Tresser C. Simple Models for Bifurcations Creating Horseshoes 1983
125222 Albano E. The Critical Behavior of Dimer-Dimer Surface Reaction Models. Monte Carlo and Finite-Size Scaling Investigation 1992
125221 Potters M. Theory of Financial Risks: From Statistical Mechanics to Risk Management and Stochastic Processes from Physics to Finance 2002
125220 Li B., Madras N. Critical Exponents, Hyperscaling, and Universal Amplitude Ratios for Two- and Three-Dimensional Self-Avoiding Walks 1995
125219 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
125218 Antoine J.-P. Functional Integration: Theory and Applications 1982
125217 Roerdink J.B.T.M., Shuler K.E. Asymptotic Properties of Multistate Random Walks. I. Theory 1985
125216 Ganesh A., Hambly B.M. Poissonian Behavior of Ising Spin Systems in an External Field 2000
125215 Streater R.F. Convection in a Gravitational Field 1994
125214 Schulz U., Villain J., Orland H. Thermal Fluctuations in Some Random Field Models 1988
125213 Benfatto G. On the Susceptibility and Clustering Properties of Unbounded Spins 1984
125212 Barsky D., Wu C.C. Critical Exponents for the Contact Process under the Triangle Condition 1998
125211 Drossel B. Energy Barriers for Flux Lines in Three Dimensions 1996
125210 Kehrein S., Mielke A. Diagonalization of System plus Environment Hamiltonians 1998
125209 Ueltschi D. Hund’s Rule and Metallic Ferromagnetism 2005
125208 Ueno Y., Ozeki Y. Interfacial Approach to d-Dimensional +/- J Ising Models in the Neighborhood of the Ferromagnetic Phase Boundary 1991
125207 van Dongen P.G.J. Aggregation Beyond the Gel Point: A New Class of Exactly Solvable Models 1997
125206 Farago J., Peyrard M. Long-Time Bath Correlations in the Pollak-Grabert-Hanggi Theory 1998

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