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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125105 Gregory Dee, James D. Gunton, Kyozi Kawasaki An Exact Solution of Equations for the Mean Metastable States 1980
125104 Klein D., Yang W.-S. A Characterization of First-Order Phase Transitions for Superstable Interactions in Classical Statistical Mechanics 1993
125103 Chernov N., Lebowitz J.L. Scaling Dynamics of a Massive Piston in a Cube Filled with Ideal Gas: Exact Results 2002
125102 Book Review: On Growth and Form (Fractal and Non- Fractal Patterns in Physics) 1986
125101 Abel Klein, Lawrence J. Landau, David S. Shucker On the Absence of Spontaneous Breakdown of Continuous Symmetry for Equilibrium States in Two Dimensions 1981
125100 Zhang M.Q., Marr T.G. Genome Mapping by Random Anchoring: A Discrete Theoretical Analysis 1993
125099 Jozsef Fritz, Katalin Nagy, Stefano Olla Equilibrium Fluctuations for a System of Harmonic Oscillators with Conservative Noise 2006
125098 Dell’Antonio G.F., Panati G. The Flux-Across-Surfaces Theorem and Zero-Energy Resonances 2004
125097 Gilbert T., Dorfman J. R. Entropy Production: From Open Volume-Preserving to Dissipative Systems 1999
125096 Cercignani C., lllner R., Pulvirenti M. On Nonlinear Stationary Half-Space Problems in Discrete Kinetic Theory 1988
125095 Boldrighini C., Frigio S., Tognetti D. Numerical Evidence for the Low-Mass Behavior of the One-Dimensional Rayleigh Gas with Local Interaction 2002
125094 Chayes L., Shlosman S., Zagrebnov V.A. Discontinuity of the Magnetization in Diluted O(n)-Models 2000
125093 Morris J.J. Finite-Size Scaling of the Interfacial Tension 1992
125092 Herr6 Kunz Surface Orbital Magnetism 1994
125091 Isola S., Politi A. Universal Encoding for Unimodal Maps 1990
125090 Sanjay Puri, Kurt Binder Surface-Directed Spinodal Decomposition in a Thin-Film Geometry: A Computer Simulation 1994
125089 Ramsden J.J. Review of New Experimental Techniques for Investigating Random Sequential Adsorption 1993
125088 Dieter W. Heermann, Antonio Coniglio, Klein W. Nucleation and Metastability in Three-Dimensional Ising Models 1984
125087 Lindgren K., Moore C. Complexity of Two-Dimensional Patterns 1998
125086 Jacek Wojtkiewicz, Andreas Klumper Distribution of Energies for the Two-Dimensional Ising Model 1999
125085 Der R. The Time-Local View of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics. I. Linear Theory of Transport and Relaxation 1987
125084 Ravishankar K. Power Law Scaling of the Top Lyapunov Exponent of a Product of Random Matrices 1989
125083 Book Review: Chaos: Making a New Science 1988
125082 De Sanctis L. Ultrametric Broken Replica Symmetry RaMOSt 2006
125081 Alberto S. Cattaneo, Andrea Gamba, Igor V. Kolokolov Statistics of the One-Electron Current in a One-Dimensional Mesoscopic Ring at Arbitrary Magnetic Fields 1994
125080 Marchetti D. Comments on "Power-Law Falloff in the Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase of a Two-Dimensional Lattice Coulomb Gas" 1990
125079 Klik I. Rotation of Magnetization in Unison and Langevin Equations for a Large Spin 1992
125078 Eckhard Platen A Stochastic Approach to Hopping Transport in Semiconductors 1989
125077 Fournier N., Giet J.-S. On Small Particles in Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations 2003
125076 Datoussaid H., De Coninck J., de Gottal Ph. Critical-Point Limit Law for Temperley's Continuous Model 1982
125075 Holmes P., Lumley J.L. Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems, and Symmetry 1998
125074 Otto Chui C. H., Paul A. Pearce Finitized Conformal Spectra of the Ising Model on the Klein Bottle and Möbius Strip 2001
125073 Duering E., Bergman D. Current Distribution on a Three-Dimensional, Bond-Diluted, Random-Resistor Network at the Percolation Threshold 1990
125072 Ronald E . Jones, Gemunu H . Gunaratne Characterization of Labyrinthine Patterns and Their Evolution 1997
125071 Andreev A.F., Grishchyuk I.A. Crystal Shape near the Faceting Phase Transition Point 1985
125070 Book Review: Kinetic Data Analysis 1982
125069 Toscani G., Villani C. On the Trend to Equilibrium for Some Dissipative Systems with Slowly Increasing a Priori Bounds 2000
125068 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
125067 Matthias Hoilschneider More on the Analysis of Local Regularity Through Wavelets 1994
125066 Stephan Wansleben, John G. Zabolitzky, Claus Kalle Monte Carlo Simulation of Ising Models by Multispin Coding on a Vector Computer 1984
125065 Seth Lloyd, Wojciech H. Zurek Algorithmic Treatment of the Spin-Echo Effect 1990
125064 Zabolitzky J. G., Bergman D. J., Stauffer D. Precision Calculation of Elasticity for Percolation 1985
125063 Anton Bovicr, Jiirg Frohlich A Heuristic Theory of the Spin Glass Phase 1986
125062 Pik-Yin Lai, Yadin Y. Goldschmidt Application of Statistical Mechanics to Combinatorial Optimization Problems: The Chromatic Number Problem and q-Partitioning of a Graph 1987
125061 Garrido P. L., Marro J. Kinetic Lattice Models of Disorder 1993
125060 Dorfman J. R., Ernst M. H. Hard-Sphere Binary-Collision Operators 1989
125059 Jacek Wojtkiewicz Stability of Ground States of 2d Strongly Asymmetric Correlated-Hopping Hubbard Model 2003
125058 Pierre Andreoletti Alternative Proof for the Localization of Sinai’s Walk 2004
125057 Brandt A., Galun M. Optimal Multigrid Algorithms for the Massive Gaussian Model and Path Integrals 1995
125056 Dobrushin R. L., Pellegrinotti A., Suhov Yu. M. One-Dimensional Harmonic Lattice Caricature of Hydrodynamics: A Higher Correction 1990

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