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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125656 Cancrini N., Tremoulet C. Comparison of Finite Volume Canonical and Grand Canonical Gibbs Measures: The Continuous Case 2004
125655 Fisch M. Essay Review: A Physicists' Philosopher - James Clerk Maxwell on Mathematical Physics 1988
125654 Bhandari R., Kerker M. Monte Carlo Analysis of the Internal Structure of Light Scattering Particles with Slit-Scan Illumination 1988
125653 McKean H.P. Statistical Mechanics of Nonlinear Wave Equations. 3. Metric Transitivity for Hyperbolic Sine-Gordon 1995
125652 Nappo G., Orlandi E., Rost H. A Reaction-Diffusion Model for Moderately Interacting Particles 1989
125651 Bates P.W., Chmaj A. An Integrodifferential Model for Phase Transitions: Stationary Solutions in Higher Space Dimensions 1999
125650 Ullah N. On the Expansion of the Single Eigenvalue Probability Density Function 1981
125649 Ñèáãàòóëëèí Í.Ð. Êîëåáàíèÿ è âîëíû â ñèëüíûõ ãðàâèòàöèîííûõ è ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíûõ ïîëÿõ 1984
125648 Giaquinta A., Argentina M., Velarde M.G. A Simple Generalized Excitability Model Mimicking Salient Features of Neuron Dynamics 2000
125647 Papatriantafillou C., Paraskevaidis C.E., Krikos C. Exact Thermodynamic Behavior of a Generalized Spin-Isospin Ising System on the Bethe Lattice 1989
125646 Chen H. H-Theorem and Generalized Semi-Detailed Balance Condition for Lattice Gas Systems 1995
125645 Mitter S.K., Newton N.J. Information and Entropy Flow in the Kalman–Bucy Filter 2005
125644 Ernst M.H., van Velthoven P.F.J. Random Walks on Cubic Lattices with Bond Disorder 1986
125643 Ñèêîðóê Ë.Ë. Ôèçèêà äëÿ ìàëûøåé 1996
125642 Bennett C.D., Zirbel C.L. Discrete Velocity Fields with Explicitly Computable Lagrangian Law 2003
125641 Yepez J. Quantum Lattice-Gas Model for the Burgers Equation 2002
125640 van Enter A.C.D. Upper Bounds on Correlation Decay for One-Dimensional Long-Range Spin-Glass Models 1987
125639 Balint P., Troubetzkoy S. Rotor Interaction in the Annulus Billiard 2004
125638 Robert R. A Maximum-Entropy Principle for Two-Dimensional Perfect Fluid Dynamics 1991
125637 Forrester P.J. Interpretation of an Exactly Solvable Two-Component Plasma 1984
125636 Bueche F. Physic Properties of Polymers 1962
125635 Bambusi D., Giorgilli A. Exponential Stability of States Close to Resonance in Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems 1993
125634 Êëûøêî Ä.Í. Îñíîâíûå ïîíÿòèÿ êâàíòîâîé ôèçèêè ñ îïåðàöèîííîé òî÷êè çðåíèÿ 1998
125633 Olivieri E., Piceo P., Suhov Yu.M. On the Gibbs States for One-Dimensional Lattice Boson Systems with a Long-Range Interaction 1993
125632 Kuzovkov V., Kotomin E. Effect of Nonequilibrium Charge Screening in A + B -> 0 Bimolecular Reactions in Condensed Matter 1993
125631 van Enter A. C. D., Joan Adler, Duarte J. A. M. S. Finite-Size Effects for Some Bootstrap Percolation Models 1990
125630 Bramson M., Calderoni P., De Masi A. Microscopic Selection Principle for a Diffusion-Reaction Equation 1986
125629 Andrienko Yu.A., Brilliantov N.V., Krapivsky P.L. Pattern Formation by Growing Droplets: The Touch-and-Stop Model of Growth 1994
125628 Andras Telcs The Einstein Relation for Random Walks on Graphs 2005
125627 Alejandro Maass, Servet Martinez On Cesaro Limit Distribution of a Class of Permutative Cellular Automata 1998
125626 Garcia-Colin L.S., Uribe F.J. Erratum 2003
125625 Werner Fischer, Hajo Leschke, Peter Muller Spectral Localization by Gaussian Random Potentials in Multi-Dimensional Continuous Space 2000
125624 Ìàðàêóøåâ À.À., Áîáðîâ À.Â., Ïåðöåâ Í.Í. Ïåòðîëîãèÿ. 1. Îñíîâû êðèñòàëëîîïòèêè è ïîðîäîîáðàçóþùèå ìèíåðàëû 2000
125623 Cornille H., Platkowski T. Riccati-Coupled Similarity Shock Wave Solutions for Multispeed Discrete Boltzmann Models 1993
125622 Bellettini G., Cassandro M., Presutti E. Constrained Minima of Nonlocal Free Energy Functionals 1996
125621 Heilmann O.J., Rotne J. Exact and Monte Carlo Computations on a Lattice Model for Change of Conformation of a Polymer 1982
125620 Thomas A. Larsson Migdal-Kadanoff Renormalization Group for the O(n) Model 1985
125619 Jacek Polewczak, William Greenberg Some Remarks about Continuity Properties of Local Maxweilians and an Existence Theorem for the BGK Model of the Boltzmann Equation 1983
125618 Gunton J.D. Homogeneous Nucleation 1999
125617 Claire Kenyon, Dana Randall, Alistair Sinclair Approximating the Number of Monomer-Dimer Coverings of a Lattice 1995
125616 Newman M. E. J. Models of the Small World 2000
125615 George E. Andrews, Baxter R. J. Lattice Gas Generalization of the Hard tiexagon Model. II. The Local Densities as Elliptic Functions 1986
125614 Dettmann C. P., Cohen E. G. D. Note on Chaos and Diffusion 2000
125613 Guttman C.M. Monte Carlo Studies of Two Measures of Polymer Chain Size as a Function of Temperature 1984
125612 Akira Sakai Erratum on “Mean-field Behavior for the Survival Probability and the Percolation Point-to-Surface Connectivity” 2005
125611 Èâàíîâñêèé Ì. Ïîêîðåííûé ýëåêòðîí 1952
125610 Orazio Descalzi, Enrique Tirapegui Nonequilibrium Potentials Near Instabilities 1989
125609 Êîñòêî Î.Ê Ôèçèêà äëÿ ïîñòóïàþùèõ â ÂÓÇû 1997
125608 Suncica Elezovic-Hadzic, Milan Knezevic, Sava Milosevic Critical Exponents for Numbers of Differently Anchored Polymer Chains on Fractal Lattices with Adsorbing Boundaries 1995
125607 Luzzi R., Vasconcellos A.R. Response Function Theory for Far-from-Equilibrium Statistical Systems 1980

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