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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125355 Hans Conrad, Arnold F. Spreeher Characteristics and Mechanisms of Electrorheological Fluids 1991
125354 Christof Külske Analogues of Non-Gibbsianness in Joint Measures of Disordered Mean Field Models 2003
125353 James L. Monroe Phase Diagrams of Ising Models on Husimi Trees. I. Pure Multisite Interaction Systems 1991
125352 Book Review: Enigmas of Chance, an Autobiography 1986
125351 Tung-chen Chung, William C. Meeeham Defect of the Five-Thirds Law Using the Wiener-Hermite Expansion 1989
125350 Walter G. Glockle, Theo F. Nonnenmacher Fox Function Representation of Non-Debye Relaxation Processes 1992
125349 Laidlaw W. G., Hamilton G. R., Flewweiling R. B. Fractal Patterns of Fluid Domains for Displacement Processes in Porous Media 1988
125348 Futur e Contribution s t o Journal of Statistical Physics 1988
125347 Gudowska-Nowak E., Kleczkowski A., Williams G. O. Stochastic versus Chaotic Dynamics in a Deterministic System 1988
125346 Fontes L. R. G., Jordio Neves E. Phase Uniqueness and Correlation Length in Diluted-Field Ising Models 1994
125345 Rafael I. Nepomechie Functional Relations and Bethe Ansatz for the XXZ Chain 2002
125344 Book Review: Nonlinear Nonequilibrium Thermody- namics L Linear and Nonlinear Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorems 1994
125343 Oshanin G., Mogutov A., Moreau M. Steady Flux in a Continuous-Space Sinai Chain 1993
125342 Boutet de Monvel A., Pastur L. On the Matrix Statistical Mechanics Approach in the Random Theory: Integrated Density of States 1995
125341 Camia F., Newman C. Continuum Nonsimple Loops and 2D Critical Percolation 2004
125340 van Enter A. Bounds on Correlation Decay for Long-Range Vector Spin Glasses 1985
125339 Planes A., Vives E. Entropic Formulation of Statistical Mechanics 2002
125338 van den Brule B.H.A.A. Modeling of Concentrated Suspensions 1991
125337 Park Y. The Cluster Expansion for Classical and Quantum Lattice Systems 1982
125336 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1989
125335 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1993
125334 Schonmann R., Tanaka N. One-Dimensional Caricature of Phase Transition 1990
125333 Berretti A. Some Properties of Random Ising Models 1985
125332 Lifshitz E.M. Book Review 1982
125331 Cuesta J. General Non-Existence Theorem for Phase Transitions in One-Dimensional Systems with Short Range Interactions, and Physical Examples of Such Transitions 2004
125330 Collet P., Eckmann J.-P. A Spin Glass with Random Couplings 1984
125329 Tasaki S., Gaspard P. Spectral Properties of a Piecewise Linear Intermittent Map 2002
125328 Privman V., Schulman L.S. Infinite-Range Mean-Field Percolation: Transfer Matrix Study of Longitudinal Correlation Length 1991
125327 Erratum on ‘‘Analyticity of the d-Dimensional Bond Percolation Probability Around p=1,’’ J. Stat. Phys. 107:1267 (2002) 2003
125326 Patrascioiu A., Seiler E. Percolation and the Existence of a Soft Phase in the Classical Heisenberg Model 2002
125325 Boldrighini C., Bunimovich L.A. On the Boltzmann Equation for the Lorentz Gas 1983
125324 Goldstein S. Quantum Chaos, Classical Randomness, and Bohmian Mechanics 1992
125323 Tzeng W.-J., Wu F.Y. Dimers on a Simple-Quartic Net with a Vacancy 2003
125322 Stratonovich R.L. Nonlinear Nonequlibrium Thermodynamics 1994
125321 Barber M., Binns P. Bounds for Free Energy Derivatives Using Renormalization Group Methods 1980
125320 Fendley P., Lesage F. Solving 1D Plasmas and 2D Boundary Problems Using Jack Polynomials and Functional Relations 1995
125319 Hughes B.D., Montroll E.W. Fractal and Lacunary Stochastic Processes 1983
125318 Erratum: ‘‘Cut-and-Permute Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks in the Presence of Surfaces’’ J. Statist. Phys. 108(1/2):252 (2002) 2002
125317 Martiouchev L.M., Seleznev V.D. Computer Simulation of Nonequilibrium Growth of Crystals in a Two-Dimensional Medium with a Phase-Separating Impurity 1998
125316 Rujan P. Order and Disorder Lines in Systems with Competing Interactions. III. Exact Results from Stochastic Crystal Growth 1984
125315 Alexander K.S. The Spectral Gap of the 2-D Stochastic Ising Model with Nearly Single-Spin Boundary Conditions 2001
125314 Kamien R., Nelson D. Directed Polymer Melts and Quantum Critical Phenomena 1993
125313 Rust H. A Note on Inherent Replication Properties of Local Cellular Automata Transition Functions 1994
125312 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 88th Statistical Mechanics Meeting Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Elliott Lieb 2003
125311 Kodama Y. Optical Solitons in a Monomode Fiber 1985
125310 Cornu F., Jancovici B. On the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1987
125309 Nylund E., Lindenberg K. Proton Dynamics in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems 1993
125308 Toscani G., Villani C. Probability Metrics and Uniqueness of the Solution to the Boltzmann Equation for a Maxwell Gas 1999
125307 Garrido L. Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks 1992
125306 Keyes T. NESS Theory of Random Steady States 1982

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