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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125005 Geerts H. A Note on Number Fluctuations: Statistics of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy as Applied to Brownian Motion 1982
125004 Illner R., Wagner W. A Random Discrete Velocity Model and Approximation of the Boltzmann Equation 1993
125003 Maes C., Redig F., Van Moffaert A. The Restriction of the Ising Model to a Layer 1999
125002 Aurell E. On the Metric Properties of the Feigenbaum Attractor 1987
125001 Book Review: Statphys 16 1987
125000 Rowlands S. Quantum Mechanical Coherence in Human Red Blood Cells 1985
124999 van Dongen P.G.J., Ernst M.H. On the Occurrence of a Gelation Transition in Smoluchowski's Coagulation Equation 1986
124998 Istanbul Technical University Program of the Fourth Statistical Physics Days 1998
124997 Schlijper A.G. Tiling Problems and Undeeidability in the Cluster Variation Method 1988
124996 Raggio G.A. The Free Energy of the Spin-Boson Model 1988
124995 Weiss G.H. Overview of Theoretical Models for Reaction Rates 1986
124994 Caillol J.M., Gilles D. Monte Carlo Simulations of the Yukawa One-Component Plasma 2000
124993 Boldrighini C., Dobrushin R.L., Sukhov Yu.M. One-Dimensional Hard Rod Caricature of Hydrodynamics 1983
124992 Miekisz J. Classical Lattice-Gas Models of Quasicrystals 1999
124991 Meunier C. Continuity of Type-I Intermitteney from a Measure-Theoretical Point of View 1984
124990 Ben-Naim E., Krapivsky P.L. Domain Number Distribution in the Nonequilibrium Ising Model 1998
124989 Conlon J.G., Solovej J.P. Uniform Convergence of the Free Energy of the Classical Heisenberg Model to That of the Gaussian Model 1991
124988 Adachi S., Peper F., Lee J. Computation by Asynchronously Updating Cellular Automata 2004
124987 Masoliver J., Weiss G.H. Some First Passage Time Problems for Shot Noise Processes 1988
124986 Thompson C.J. Local Properties of an Ising Model on a Cayley Tree 1982
124985 Weiss H. The Lyapunov Spectrum for Conformal Expanding Maps and Axiom-A Surface Diffeomorphisms 1999
124984 Gross E.P. Multiple Scattering in Random Media II. The General 2BA for the Uncorrelated System 1981
124983 Eu B.C. Comment on Keizer's Critique on Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics 1984
124982 Tracy C.A. Zn Baxter Model: Critical Behavior 1986
124981 Martinelli F., Olivieri E., Scoppola E. Metastability and Exponential Approach to Equilibrium for Low-Temperature Stochastic Ising Models 1990
124980 Grabert H., Hanggi P., Talkner P. Microdynamics and Nonlinear Stochastic Processes of Gross Variables 1980
124979 Oleinik V.L. Asymptotic Behavior of Energy Band Associated with a Negative Energy Level 1990
124978 Poland D. Erratum: Relaxation in Cooperative Systems: Use of Mixture Virial Coefficients 1991
124977 McDowell H.K., Clogston A.M. Exact Time Correlation Function for a Nonlinearly Coupled Vibrational System 1992
124976 Telcs A. A Note on Recurrent Random Walks on Graphs 1990
124975 Ballone P., Pastore G. Asymptotic Density Profile of a Classical Fluid Against a Hard Wall 1985
124974 Ala-Nissila T., Hjelt T., Kosterlitz M. Scaling Exponents for Kinetic Roughening in Higher Dimensions 1993
124973 Prestipino S., Giaquinta P.V. The Concavity of Entropy and Extremum Principles in Thermodynamics 2003
124972 Kawashima N. Cluster Algorithms for Anisotropic Quantum Spin Models 1996
124971 Dobrushin R.L., Pellegrinotti A., Suhov Yu.M. One-Dimensional Harmonic Lattice Caricature of Hydrodynamics: Second Approximation 1988
124970 Dubruile B., Frisch U., Henon M. Low-Viscosity Lattice Gases 1990
124969 Anaeker L.W., Kopelman R., Newhouse J.S. Fractal Chemical Kinetics: Reacting Random Walkers 1984
124968 DeFelice L.J., Isaac A. Chaotic States in a Random World: Relationship between the Nonlinear Differential Equations of Excitability and the Stochastic Properties of Ion Channels 1992
124967 Ebeling W., Jenssen M. Activation by Nonlinear Oscillations and Solitonic Excitations 1993
124966 Schenzle A. Classical and Quantum Noise in Nonlinear Optical Systems 1989
124965 de la Llave R. Rates of Convergence to Equilibrium in the Prigogine-Misra-Courbage Theory of Irreversibility 1982
124964 Leggett A.J. Bose–Einstein Condensation in a Harmonic Trap: Effect of Interactions on Tc 2003
124963 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1989
124962 Klages R., Dellago C. Density-Dependent Diffusion in the Periodic Lorentz Gas 2000
124961 Bloch A.M., Hagerty P., Rojo A.G. Gyroscopically Stabilized Oscillators and Heat Baths 2004
124960 Grimmett G. Potts Models and Random-Cluster Processes with Many-Body Interactions 1994
124959 Ala-Nissila T. Scaling Exponents for Driven Two-Dimensional Surface Growth 1994
124958 Zaburdaev V.Yu. Random Walk Model with Waiting Times Depending on the Preceding Jump Length 2006
124957 Ay N., Crutchfield J.P. Reductions of Hidden Information Sources 2005
124956 Stocks N.G., Lambert C.J. Analogue Simulation of Quantum Mechanical Systems 1989

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