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Dunford N., Schwartz J.T. — Linear operators. Part III. Spectral operators |
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-essentially bounded -measurable functions, definition, properties of XV.9 (1964)
, special properties of XIX.4 (2319)
umakin, M. E. 2129
ilov, G. E. 2102
mul’jan, Ju. L. 2129
varc, A. S. 2133
-complete Boolean algebra of projections in , definition of XVIII.3.9 (2270)
-isomorphisms between -algebras XV.9.1 (1966)
Adamjan, V. M. 2107 2129 2511
Adjoint of an operator, definition of XIX.3.6 (2311)
Aeschylus 2055
Aleksandrjan, R. A. 2128 2374
Alembert, J. d’ 2060
Algebras, and XV.9 (1959)
Algebras, and , equivalence of XV.9.3 (1967)
Algebras, and , generalized nilpotents in XV.9.4 (1968)
Algebras, and , inverses in XV.9.6 (1968) XV.9.7
Algebras, and , spectral analysis of operators in XV.10 (1970)
Algebras, and , spectral operators in XV.10.6 (1977) XV.10.7
Algebras, and , spectrum of an operator in XV.9.7 XV.9.8 XV.9.9
Algebras, containing all inverses, definition of XV.14.4 (2067)
Algebras, containing all inverses, examples of XV.14.3 (2067) XV.14.5 XV.14.6 XV.14.9
Algebras, of continuous functions, representations as operator algebras XVII.2.4-5 (2184 2186)
Algebras, of scalar type operators, equivalence to essentially bounded functions XVII.2.10 (2189)
Algebras, of scalar type operators, properties of XVII.2.11 (2191)
Allahverdiev, D . . 2374
Allan, G. R. 2090
Altman, M. 2131
Analytic extension of , definition of XV.2 (1931)
And , T. 2128 2129 2131
Andersen, E. S. 2103
Apostol, C. 2089 2090 2106 2107 2113 2115 2116 2117 2128 2129 2510
Archimedes 2062
Aristotle 2056 2057
Aronszajn, N. 2129
Arov, D. Z. 2107 2129 2511
Arveson, W. B. 2129
Askerov, N. G. 2374
Asymptotic series, definition of XIX. 3 (2310)
Atkinson, F. V. 2103 2133
Bade, W. G. xi xiv 2089 2094 2109 2178 2194 2195 2205 2208 2214 2218 2225 2226 2264 2288
Bade’s functional for a Boolean algebra XVII.3.12 (2205) XVIII.3.14 XVIII.3.26
Bade’s representation theorems XVIII.3.19 (2274) XVIII.3.30 XVIII.3.36
Bade’s theorem on representation of closed operator algebras XVII.3.18 (2214)
Bahtin, I. A. 2131
Balabanov, V. A. 2510
Balslev, E. 2131 2374 2490 2491 2510
Banach, S. vi
Barry, J. Y. 2225
Bartle, R. G. 2050 2090 2114 2176
Baumg rtel, H. 2510
Baxter, G. 2103
Beals, R. W. 2510
Berberian, S. K. 2128 2129
Berezanski , Ju. M. 2374
Berezhin, F. A. 2510
Berkson, E. 2081 2089 2090 2094 2096 2097 2105 2107 2124 2174 2226
Bernau, S, J. 2128
Bernstein, A. R. 2129
Beurling, A. 2121
Biriuk, G. 2128 2129
Birkhoff, G. 2131
Birkhoff, G. D. vi vii xii 2326 2371 2372
Birman, M. . 2374 2498 2500 2501 2503 2506 2510 2511
Bishop, E. 2084 2090 2091 2110 2111 2113
Bisshopp, F. E. 2510
Bohr, Niels 2057
Bonsall, F. F. 2105 2128 2131
Boolean algebra of projections, uniformly closed operator algebra generated by XVII.2.1 (2179)
Boolean algebras of projections in Hilbert space XV.6.2 XV.6.3
Bos, W. 2128
Bound for XV.6.8 (1949)
Bounded Boolean algebras of projections, in a weakly complete space XVII.3.18-20 (2214)
Bounded operators in Hilbert space, commutivity with adjoint XV.6.6 (1948)
Bounded spectral operators in Hilbert space XV.6 (1945)
Bourbaki, N. vi
Bram, J. 2129
Branges, L. de 2129 2506 2510
Brehmer, S. 2129
Breuer, M. 2131 2133
Brodski , M. S. 2122 2129
Brodski , V. M. 2131
Broido, M. M. 2128
Browder, F. E. 2373
Brown, A. 2128
Brown, C. C. 2090
Brownell, F. H. 2497 2510 2511
Bruijn, N. G. de 2129
Buraczewski, A. 2131
Butler, J. B. 2374 2493 2510
Calder, Alexander 2062
Canonical decomposition or reduction of a spectral operator, definition of XV.4.6 (1940)
Canonical decomposition or reduction of a spectral operator, existence and uniqueness of XV.4.5 (1939) XV.16
Canonical reduction of a spectral operator XV.4 (1937)
Caradus, S. R. 2131 2133
Carrier projection of a vector, definition of XVIII.3.4 (2266)
Cartan, H. 2128
Cauchy — Riemann equations, spectral operator associated with XV.12 (2020-2023)
Cekanovski , . R. 2122
Change of measure principle XVII.2.8 (2188)
Chow, T. R. 2102
Chrysippus 2056
Chung, K. L. 2131
Cior nescu, I. 2129
Clark, C. 2371
Coburn, L. A. 2131 2133 2510
Coddington, E. A. 2128 2129 2372 2374
Colojoar , I. vi 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2100 2106 2113 2114 2115 2117 2118 2119 2120 2122 2175 2509 2510
Compact spectral operators XV.7.3 (1951)
Complete ( -complete) Boolean algebras of projections, definition of XVII.3.1 (2195)
Complete ( -complete) Boolean algebras of projections, existence of multiplicity function for XVIII.3.8 (2267)
Complete ( -complete) Boolean algebras of projections, multiplicity function for XVIII.3.1 (2264) XVIII.3.3
Complete ( -complete) Boolean algebras of projections, properties of XVII.3.3 (2196) XVII.3.4 XVII.3.5 XVII.3.6 XVII.3.7-8 XVII.3.9 XVII.3.10 XVII.3.11 XVII.3.13 XVII.3.14 XVII.3.15 XVII.3.16 XVII.3.17 XVII.3.21 XVII.3.23 XV1I.3.24 XVII.3.25
Complete and countably additive measure space of projections, definition of XV.9 (1964)
Conley, C. C. 2495 2510
Convolution algebras XV.14 (2063-2070)
Convolutions, in , examples, Calder n — Zygmund type with odd kernel XV.11.16 (2000)
Convolutions, in , examples, convolution by an function XV.11.12 (1998)
Convolutions, in , examples, convolution by an function XV.11.13 (1998)
Convolutions, in , examples, Hilbert transform XV.11.15 (2000)
Convolutions, in , examples, principal value and single convolutions XV.11.14 (1999)
Convolutions, in , examples, translation XV.11.11 (1998)
Convolutions, proper and improper XV.11 (1990-2000)
Convolutions, proper and improper, as operators in XV.11.4 (1993) XV.11.5 XV.11.8 XV.11.9
Convolutions, proper and improper, equivalence of algebra of - with XV.11.10 (1998)
Convolutions, proper and improper, strong completeness of the algebra of XV.11.6 (1995)
Cook, J. M. 2508 2511
Cook’s method XX.6 (2508)
Cordes, H.-O. 2131 2133
Countable chain condition for a projection, definition of XVIII.3.4 (2266)
Crimmins, T. 2129
Cyclic subspace spanned by a vector, definition of XVIII.3.4 (2266)
Davis, C. 2128 2510
Day, M. M. 2098 2130 2225
Deal, E. R. 2090 2098
Dean, D. W. 2089 2100
Deckard, D. 2106 2128 2131
Decomposable operators XV.11.22 (2006) XV.16
Democritus 205 7
Deprit, A. 2090 2131
Derr, J. 2090
Descartes, Ren 2056
Determinant of an operator in XV.9 (1968)
Determinism, various forms of XV.13 (2055-2063)
DeWilde, M. 2131
Diderot, Denis 2060
Dieudonn , J. 2133 2225 2288
Diodorus Cronus 2056
Direct sum , equivalence between and XV.9 (1961-1963)
Direct sum , operators and their adjoints on XV.9 (1960-1963)
| Discrete operator, definition of XIX.2.1 (2291)
Discrete operator, properties of XIX.2.2 (2292) XIX.2.3 XIX.2.5 XIX.2.6
Discrete spectral operator, examples of XIX (2303-2307) XIX.3.3 XIX.3.10 XIX.4.8 XIX.4.13 XIX.4.14 XIX.4.16 XIX.5.6 XIX.5.7 XIX.5.8 XIX.5.11 XIX.5.12
Discrete spectral operator, perturbation of XIX.2.7 (2296) XIX.2.9 XIX.3.11 XIX.3.12
Dixmier, J. 2098
Dollinger, M. B. 2090 2093 2176
Dolph, C. L. 2090 2128 2510 2511
Donoghue, W. F., Jr. 2128 2129 2131 2510
Dostoevsky, Fyodor M. 2060 2061
Dowson, H. R. 2089 2094 2095 2096 2097 2124 2225 2226
Duncan, J. 2105 2128
Dunford, N. ix 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2096 2097 2099 2101 2102 2116 2173 2225
Dupras, A. 2494 2510
Duren, P. L. 2122 2129
Durszt, E. 2128 2129
Eberly, W. S. 2131
Edwards, D. A. 2089 2090 2225
Eigenvalue expansions in XIX.3.13 (2318)
Eigenvalue, definition of XV.8.1 (1955)
Eigenvector, definition of XV.8.1 (1955)
Einstein, Albert 2057
Elliott, J. 2372
Ellis, A. J. 2131
Ellis, R. J. 2131
Entina, S. B. 2506 2511
Epping, J. 2059
Equivalence of and XV.9.3 (1967)
Ercolano, J. 2374
Esajan, A. R. 2131
Eubulides 2056
Euclid 2056
Euripides 2055
Extremally disconnected spaces XVII.5.16 (2225)
Faddeev, L. D. 2378 2497 2501 2507 2510 2511
Fan, K. 2129
Feldman, J. 2089 2129
Feldzamen, A. N. 2089 2225
Fi man, K. M. 2131
Fixman, U. 2081 2084 2089 2093 2094 2097 2172 2173 2174 2223
Foguel, S. R. ix 1950 1955 2084 2089 2090 2099 2101 2102 2104 2129 2225 2226 2510
Foia , C. vi 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2096 2100 2107 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2122 2128 2129 2175 2226 2374 2509 2510
Ford, G. C. 2373
Fourier transform, in , properties of XV.11.3 (1988)
Fourier transform, in , uniqueness theorem for XV.14.1 (2064)
Fourier transform, in XV.12 (2011)
Freeman, J. M. 2122 2442 2482 2494 2510
Freeman, R. S. 2374
Friedman, B. 2373
Friedrichs, K. O. vi xii xiii xiv 2376 2400 2484 2485 2494 2495 2497 2499 2500 2501 2502 2507 2510 2511
Friedrichs’ method, for the discrete spectrum XX.3 (2448)
Friedrichs’ method, for the discrete spectrum, examples of XX.3.1 (2448) XX.3.2 XX.3.3
Friedrichs’ method, of similar operators XX.2 (2400)
Friedrichs’ method, of similar operators, definition of similarity XX.2.2 (2401)
Friedrichs’ method, of similar operators, examples of XX.2.1 (2400) XX.2.3 XX.2.4 XX.2.6 XX.2.7 XX.2.8 XX.2.9 XX.2.10 XX.2.21 XX.2.22 XX.2.23 XX.2.24
Fuglede, B. 2093
Full algebra, definition of XVII.1.1 (2177)
Full algebra, generated by commuting spectral operators XVII.2.3 (2182) XVII.2.15 XVII.2.16
Function of a bounded spectral operator, formula for XV.5.1 (1941)
Function of a bounded spectral operator, resolution of the identity for XV.5.6 (1944)
Gamelin, T. W. 2131 2133 2490 2510
Geh r, L. 2107 2129
Gehtman, M. M. 2374 2511
Gelfand — Ra kov theorem XV.14.2 (2065)
Gelfand, I. M. vi 2065 2102 2120
Generalized eigenfunctions, approximation by XIX.5 (2351)
Generalized eigenvectors, condition for XV.8.2 (1955)
Genet, Jean 2061
George, M. D. 2128
Gerlach, E. 2374
Ghika, A. 2128
Gide, Andr 2062
Giertz, M. 2374
Gilbert, R. C. 2129 2374 2511
Gillespie, T. A. 2131
Gil’derman, Ju. I. 2131
Gindler, H. A. 2090
Ginzburg, Ju. P. 2129
Glazman, I. M. 2374
Godic, V. I. 2129
Gohberg, I. C. 2071 2090 2103 2122 2128 2129 2131 2133 2374
Goldberg, S. 2132 2133 2374 2511
Gol’denger el’, . I. 2122
Gol’dman, M. A. 2129 2133 2511
Gonshor, H. 2128
Gramsch, B. 2132 2133
Graves, L. M. 2132
Gray, J. D. 2089 2093
Greiner, P. C. 2374 2498 2511
Grothendieck, A. 2132
Groups of operators in Hilbert space, bounded Abelian XV.6.1 (1945)
Gustafson, K. 2107 2511
H rmander, L. 2374
H egh-Krohn, J. R. 2510
Haahti, H. 2132
Haax, A. 2371
Hack, M. N. 2507 2511
Hadamaxd, J. 2102
Hadeler, K.-P. 2128 2511
Halmos, P. R. 2093 2095 2106 2128 2129 2132
Halperin, I. 2128 2129
Hamburger, H. L. 2355
Hasegawa, M. 2107 2511
Hasumi, M. 2129
Haxazov, D. F. 2090 2132 2374
Haxtogs, F. 2219
Heisenberg, Werner 205 7
Hell wig, G. 2374
Helson, H. 2129
Hempel, P. 2128
Herodotus 2055
Hertz, Heinrich, R. 2062
Hestenes, M. R. 2128
Heuser, H. 2132
Heyn, E. 2089 2107
Hilbert, D. vi
Hildebrandt, S. 2128
Hille, E. vi 2053 2102 2106
Hirschfeld, R. A. 2374
Hoffman, S. P., Jr. 2373
homer x 2055
Hopf, E. x 2103
Huige, G. E. 2374 2490 2491 2511
Hukuhaxa, M. 2132
Ikebe, T. 2497 2498 2511
Initial value problem, explicit calculations involved in XV.12 (2050-2053)
Initial value problem, solution of XV.12 (2049)
Inoue, S. 2128
Interval constancy, definition of XVI.5.5 (2154)
Invariance of wave operators XX.6 (2500-2506)
Invariant subspace, definition of XVIII.3.11 (2270)
Inverse, algebras containing all XV.14.4 (2067)
Inverses in -subalgebras XV.9.2 (1967)
Iohvidov, I. S. 2132
Ionescu Tulcea, C. T. 2089 2090 2091 2096 2107 2117 2129 2225 2288
Istr te cu, V. 2128
It , T. 2129
Jakubov, S. Ja. 2128
Jauch, J. M. 2497 2498 2507 2511
Javrjan, V. A. 2511
Jean de France 2061 2062
Kaashoek, M. A. 2132 2133 2511
Kac, G. I. 2128
Kac, I. S. 2374
Kacnel’son, V. . 2128 2374
Kafka, Franz 2061
Kailin, S. 2131
Kakutani, S. vi ix 1932 2089 2092 2098 2099 2100 2174 2177 2193
Kakutani’s example XV.2 (1932)
Kalisch, G. K. 2122 2128 2494
Kal’mu evski , I. I. 2122
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