PAN see Polyacrylonitrile
Absorbance, infrared spectroscopy 263
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastics, glass transition temperatures 81
Aliphatic polyesters, history 16
Alpha process, relaxation, molecular criteria for 163 4
Anelastic behaviour 89 90
Anti — Stokes — Raman scattering 260
Anti-plasticization 82
Argand plot 225 226
Arrhenius equation, dielectric relaxation 226 227
Atacticity 3
Atomic force microscopy 240
ATR see Attenuated total reflection
Attenuated total reflection 262
Avrami equation, analysis of crystallization kinetics data 178
Avrami equation, athermal nucleation 175 176
Avrami equation, exponent values for special growth cases 177
Avrami equation, general 176
Avrami equation, limitations for polymers 177
Avrami equation, primary crystallization 177
Avrami equation, secondary crystallization 178
Avrami equation, thermal nucleation 176
Axialite 154
Bakelite see Phenol-formaldehyde resin
Bimodal melting 229
Bingham plastics 101
Binodal points 57 58
Birefringence, assessment, compensator 204—5
Birefringence, biaxial orientation 208
Birefringence, form 204
Birefringence, semicrystalline polymers 204
Birefringence, uniaxial orientation 202 203
Boltzmann superposition principle 90
Bonds, dissociation energy 2
Bonds, length 2
Bragg equation 270
Bravais lattices 131 132
Burger's model 91—2
C-axis orientation 205—6
CED see Cohesive energy density
Cellulose nitrate, history 16
Chain branching, polyethylene, crystal structure 137
Chain entanglements, general 99
Chain entanglements, rheological properties 106
Chain folding 138 139 145 150 151
Chain of hindered rotation, independent torsion angle potentials 26—9
Chain of hindered rotation, interdependent torsion angle potentials 29 32
Chain orientation, assessment, infrared spectroscopy 206—7
Chain orientation, assessment, sonic modulus 207
Chain orientation, biaxial orientation 208
Chain orientation, effect on properties 211—14
Chain orientation, end-to-end vector orientation 200—1
Chain orientation, methods to orient polymers 208—11
Chain orientation, segmental orientation 200
Chain orientation, semicrystalline polymers 207 8
Chain orientation, uniaxial orientation 203
Chain with preferred conformation 35—6
Chlorosulphonation, staining 248 249
Cholesteric phase 114 115
Clausius—Mesotti equation 223
Cohesive energy density 67
Cold-drawing 208 9
Cole — Cole equation 225
Cole — Cole plot see Argand plot
Cole—Davidson equation 226
Compton scattering 270
Configuration, definition 2
Configuration, head-to-tail 4
Configuration, tacticity 2
Conformation, anti-gauche 19
Conformation, definition 4
Conformation, eclipsed position 19
Conformation, energy map of butane 20
Conformation, energy map of ethane 20
Conformation, gauche 19 20
Conformation, staggered position 19
Conformation, trans 19 20
Conoscopy 240
Constitutional repeating unit 1
Copolymer, alternating 5
Copolymer, block 5
Copolymer, definition 5
Copolymer, graft 5
Copolymer, random 5
Copolymer, statistical 5
Copolymer, terpolymer 5
Crankshaft motions 95
Crystal lamella stack, dominant 149
Crystal lamella stack, general 147—9
Crystal lamella stack, subsidiary 149
Crystal lamella, chain folding 138 139 145 150 151
Crystal lamella, crystal thickening 142 143 144
Crystal lamella, equilibrium shape 142
Crystal lamella, fundamentals 138—40
Crystal lamella, history 137—8
Crystal lamella, hollow pyramide, polyethylene 139
Crystal lamella, initial crystal thickness 143
Crystal lamella, lateral habit, other polymers, solution-grown 141
Crystal lamella, lateral habit, polyethylene 139 140
Crystal lamella, melt-grown 147 51
Crystal lamella, melt-grown, fold surface 149—51
Crystal lamella, methods for assessment of structure 145—6
Crystal lamella, polyethylene, annealing of monolayer crystals 142 143
Crystal lamella, roof-shaped, polyethylene 148
Crystal lamella, rough lateral surfaces 140 141
Crystal lamella, sectorization, polyethylene 139
Crystal lamella, solution-grown 138 41
Crystal systems 131 132
Crystal thickening 142 143 144 227
Crystallinity, assessment, by calorimetry 158—9 229
Crystallinity, assessment, by density measurements 158
Crystallinity, assessment, by wide-angle X-ray scattering 157—8
Crystallinity, definition 157
Crystallinity, infrared spectroscopy 265 266
Crystallinity, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 268
Crystallinity, polyethylene, dependence on, molecular structure 159—60
Crystallinity, polyethylene, dependence on, thermal treatment 160
Crystallinity, polyethylene, effect on, mechanical properties 161
Crystallinity, polyethylene, effect on, transport properties 161
Crystallite orientation 206
Crystallization kinetics, assessment by, differential scanning Crystallization kinetics, assessment by, calorimetry 229 30
Crystallization, metastable phases 188—9
Degree of polymerization 11
Dendrimer 6
des Cloiseaux’ law 66
DETA see Dielectric thermal analysis
Diamond, maximum modulus 212
Die-swell 103
Dielectric a process 163
dielectric constant 225
Dielectric loss 225
Dielectric thermal analysis 223 6
Differential scanning calorimetry, amorphous polymers 230 1
Differential scanning calorimetry, degree of vulcanization 234
Differential scanning calorimetry, fundamentals 218 219 220
Differential scanning calorimetry, liquid-crystalline polymers 231 232
Differential scanning calorimetry, methods to obtain high accuracy in data 220
Differential scanning calorimetry, molecular fractionation, polyethylene 193 194
Differential scanning calorimetry, polymer degradation 232 233
Differential scanning calorimetry, semicrystalline polymers 226—30
Differential thermal analysis 218 219 220
Diffraction 259
Dilatant liquid 101
Dilatometry 221 2
Dimension of Gaussian chains, light scattering 22
Dimension of Gaussian chains, long-range effects 22 33
Dimension of Gaussian chains, small-angle neutron scattering 22
Dimension of Gaussian chains, theta conditions 22
Dimension of Gaussian chains, viscometry 22
Disclination 112 113 114
| Dislocation, edge 136
Dislocation, screw 136
DMTA see Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis
Doi theory 123
Doi—Edwards theory 108 109
Doolittle's viscosity equation 85 87
Droplet experiment 286
DSC see Differential scanning calorimetry
DTA see Differential thermal analysis
Dyad 3
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis 222 3
Elasticity, compliance, dependence on chain orientation 213
Elasticity, energy-driven 39 40
Elasticity, entropy-driven 39 40
Elasticity, theoretical 212
Elastomer 39
Electrically conductive polymers 17
Electron diffraction 96 273
Electron microscopy, history 239
Electron microscopy, permanganic acid etching 146 147
Electron microscopy, solution-grown single crystals 145
Electron microscopy, staining of semicrystalline polymers 146
Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis 269
Electron spin resonance spectroscopy 269
Elongational flow 100
End-to-end distance, chain, definition 21
End-to-end distance, chain, experimental methods 21—2
End-to-end distance, chain, point distribution function 35
End-to-end distance, chain, radial distribution function 35
Enthalpy of isotropization 120
Entropic crystal growth theory see Sadlfer—Gilmer theory
Entropy of isotropization 120
Equation-of-state theories 68 9
Equilibrium crystallization growth theories 178
Equilibrium melting temperature, dependence on chain structure 172 3
Equilibrium melting temperature, diluted systems 174
Equilibrium melting temperature, from Hoffman — Weeks plot 172
Equilibrium melting temperature, from small-molecule data 172
Equilibrium melting temperature, from Thompson—Gibbs equation 171
Equilibrium melting temperature, molar mass dependence 173 4
Equivalent chain model 32
Erhrenfest equation 89
ESCA see Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
ESR spectroscopy see Electron spin resonance spectroscopy
Etching, electron microscopy 249—51
Extended chain crystals, polyethylene 174
Fingerprint texture 115
Flory temperature see Theta temperature
Flory theorem 21 23
Flory theory for liquid crystals 123—6
Flory—Huggins theory, general 58—63
Flory—Huggins theory, mixing enthalpy 61 2
Flory—Huggins theory, mixing entropy 59—61 63
Flory—Huggins theory, rubber materials 48
Flory—Huggins theory, upper critical solution temperature 62
Fluids 99
Focal-conic fan texture 116
FOVE model 68
Fox equation 70 82
Frank constants 114
Free volume 79 80
Freely jointed chain 24—5
Freely rotating chain 25—6
G ler equation 176
Gauche state 19 20
Gaussian chain, models 21 24—35
Gel permeation, chromatography see Size exclusion chromatography
Gibbs — DiMarzio theory 88 9
Glass transition temperature, effect of, cohesive energy density 79
Glass transition temperature, effect of, crosslink density 81
Glass transition temperature, effect of, molar mass 80
Glass transition temperature, effect of, molecular architecture 80
Glass transition temperature, effect of, pressure 82
Glass transition temperature, effect of, repeating unit structure 78 9
Glass transition temperature, polymer blends 70 72 81 82
Glass transition theory, free volume theories 87—8
Glass transition theory, kinetic theories 85 7 88
Glass transition theory, thermodynamic theory 88 9
Glass transition, mechanical properties 14
Glass transition, semicrystalline polymers 162 163
Glassy amorphous polymer, mechanical behaviour 89—90 92-5
Glassy amorphous polymer, molecular factors 77 78
Glassy amorphous polymer, structure 95—6
Glassy amorphous polymer, thermal factors 77 78
GPC see Size exclusion chromatography
Gutta-percha 3
Havriliak — Negami equation 226
Hermans orientation function, definition 202
Hermans orientation function, optical birefringence 201—2
Higher order interaction 21
Hildebrand solubility parameter see Solubility parameter
History of polymers 15—18
Homopolymer 5
Hyperbranched polymer 6
Infrared dichroism 206—7 260
Infrared spectroscopy, chain conformation 265
Infrared spectroscopy, chain orientation 265
Infrared spectroscopy, chemical structure analysis 264 5
Infrared spectroscopy, crystallinity 265 266
Infrared spectroscopy, dichroism 206—7 260
Infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform spectrometers 262
Infrared spectroscopy, fundamentals 260 261
Infrared spectroscopy, instrumentation 262
Infrared spectroscopy, miscibility of polymer 265
Infrared spectroscopy, polymer blends 71 72
Infrared spectroscopy, quantitative analysis 262 3
Infrared spectroscopy, sample preparation 263
Injection moulding 211
Interaction parameter 61
Interlamellar tie chains 151
Internal reflection spectroscopy 262
IPP see Polypropylene isotactic
IR spectroscopy see Infrared spectroscopy
IRS see Internal reflection spectroscopy
Isotacticity 2 3
Isothermal volume recovery, memory effect 84
Isothermal volume recovery, phenomenology 83 84
Isotropization temperature, definition 113
Isotropization temperature, effect of mesogenic group 117 19
Isotropization temperature, effect of spacer group 120
KAHR model see Kovacs — Aklonis — Hutchinson — Ramos model
Kevlar 17 110
Kinetic crystallization growth theories 178—88
Kink 137
Kovacs—Aklonis—Hutchinson — Ramos model 86
Lam see Longitudinal acoustic mode
Lattice plane index 134 5
Laue condition 270
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, experimental data 183 4
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, general 178—86
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, recent criticism 185—6
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, recent developments 185
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, regime I growth 181—2
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, regime II growth 182—3
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, regime III growth 183
Lauritzen — Hoffman theory, Z test 184
Leslie — Ericksen theory 123
LH theory see Lauritzen-Hoffman theory
Light scattering 22 70 72 273
Liquid crystal, definition 109
Liquid crystal, discotic 111
Liquid crystal, distortion 114
Liquid crystal, history 109
Liquid crystal, X-ray diffraction patterns 116
Liquid crystalline polymers, chemical structure 110
Liquid crystalline polymers, crystal structure, effect of copolymerization 121
Liquid crystalline polymers, history 17 18 110—11
Liquid crystalline polymers, main-chain 110 111
Liquid crystalline polymers, melting point, effect of copolymerization 121