Scanning electron microscopy, fundamentals 244 245
Scanning electron microscopy, polymer blends 71 72
Scanning electron microscopy, preparation of samples 247
Scanning electron microscopy, resolution 245
Scanning electron microscopy, supermolecular structure 156—7
Scattering 259
Scherrer equation 147
Schlieren texture 112 113
Schultz distribution 12
Schultz — Flory distribution 12
sec see Size exclusion chromatography
Second order interaction 19
Secondary normal stress coefficient 100
Sectioning 249 250
Sectorization see Crystal lamella
SEM see Scanning electron microscopy
Sheaf structure see Axialite
Shear modulus, complex 101
Shear modulus, loss 101
Shear modulus, storage 101
Shear viscosity 100
Shish-kebab 154
Short-chain branch, definition 6
Short-fibre composites, assessment of fibre orientation 255
Single-crystal see Crystal lamella solution-grown
Size exclusion chromatography 11
Small-angle light scattering 156
Small-angle neutron scattering, deformation of rubbers 51
Small-angle neutron scattering, general 22 260 272
Small-angle neutron scattering, glassy amorphous polymers 96
Small-angle neutron scattering, polyethylene, melt-grown crystals 150—1
Small-angle X-ray scattering, crystal thickness 146
Small-angle X-ray scattering, instrumentation 272
Small-angle X-ray scattering, molecular fractionation, polyethylene 194
Small-angle X-ray scattering, polymer blends 70 72
Smectic phase 115 16
Solid-state extrusion 209
Solubility parameter, definition 67
Solubility parameter, Hansen's three-dimensional 67 68
Solubility parameter, methods for assessment 67
Solution, definition 55
Solution-spinning 211
Solvent etching 250 251
Space groups 132
Spectroscopic methods, spectral ranges 259
Spectroscopy, definition 259
Spherulite, banded 152 3
Spherulite, general 152 153 155 156
Spherulite, negative 152 156
Spherulite, non-banded 152
Spherulite, positive 152 156
Spinodal decomposition 56
Spinodal points 56 57 58
Staining, electron microscopy 247—9
Statistical weight matrix 29—30
Steady elongational viscosity 100
Steady simple shear flow, constitutive equations 96—100
Steady-state recoverable shear compliance, definition 103
Steady-state recoverable shear compliance, melts, according to reptation theory 108
Steady-state recoverable shear compliance, molar mass dependence 106
Stokes — Raman scattering 260
Subglass processes, amorphous polymers 93—5
Subglass processes, semicrystalline polymers 162 163
Super-folding model 145
Superheating, crystal 144 228
Supermolecular structure, general 151—5
Supermolecular structure, methods of assessing 155—7
Swiss cheese structure 142
Syndiotacticity 3
Tacticity 2
TEM see Transmission electron microscopy
Tetrad 3
TG see Thermogravimetry
Theory of rubber elasticity, affine deformation model 44 7
Theory of rubber elasticity, deviations from classical treatment 48 50
Theory of rubber elasticity, Mooney—Rivlin theory 51
Theory of rubber elasticity, non — Gaussian statistics 50 1
| Theory of rubber elasticity, phantom network model 44 45 47 48
Thermal analysis, definition 217
Thermal analysis, methods, summary 217
Thermal conductivity, dependence on chain orientation 213
Thermal mechanical analysis 221 2
Thermal optical analysis 223
Thermo-elastic inversion 41 42
Thermogravimetry, content of volatile species 233
Thermogravimetry, filler content 233 4
Thermogravimetry, fundamentals 221
Thermogravimetry, oxidation induction time 233
Thermoplastic elastomers 41
Thermoplastics, definition 15
Thermosets, definition 15
Thermotropic liquid 110
Theta condition 21 23
Theta temperature 64 65
Thixotropy 102
Thompson—Gibbs equation 144 5 147 171
TMA see Thermal mechanical analysis
TOA see Thermal optical analysis
Torsion pendulum 222 223
Total enthalpy method 158 9
Trans state, definition 19 20
Trans( 1,4-polyisoprene), energetic stress ratio 44
Trans-crystalline structure 154
Transmission electron microscopy, artificial structures 251—2
Transmission electron microscopy, dark-field microscopy 246
Transmission electron microscopy, depth of field 245
Transmission electron microscopy, fundamentals 244 245 246
Transmission electron microscopy, molecular fractionation, polyethylene 194
Transmission electron microscopy, origin of contrast 246
Transmission electron microscopy, polymer blends 71 72
Transmission electron microscopy, preparation of samples 247 51
Transmission electron microscopy, resolution 245
Triad 3
Ultra-oriented polymers, history 17
Ultraviolet microscopy 240
Unit cell, crystal 131
Universal calibration procedure, SEC 11
Unperturbed chain, definition 23
Unperturbed chain, dimensions 23 24 65
Unperturbed chain, temperature coefficients 24 28
Upper critical solution, temperature 58 72
Utracki — Jukes equation 70
UV-Visible spectroscopy 269
Vectra 121
Vibrational spectroscopy, fundamentals 260—2
Vibrational spectroscopy, group frequencies 261
Viscosity measurement 22
Viscosity, complex 101
Viscosity, dynamic 101
Viscosity, Miesowisz 122
Viscosity, pressure dependence 107
Viscosity, shear 100
Viscosity, steady elongational 100
Viscosity, temperature dependence 107
Viscosity, zero-shear-rate 101 102
Voigt—Kelvin model 91
Vulcanization methods 41
Wavenumber 263
WAXS see Wide-angle X-ray scattering
Wide-angle neutron scattering 260 272—3
Wide-angle X-ray scattering, crystal thickness 147
Wide-angle X-ray scattering, glassy amorphous polymers 95
Wide-angle X-ray scattering, instrumentation 271
Wide-angle X-ray scattering, polymer blends 70 72
William — Landel — Ferry equation, dielectric relaxation 226 227
William — Landel — Ferry equation, general 87 88 89 92 93
WLF equation see William—Landel—Ferry equation
X-ray scattering, fundamentals 269—71
X-ray scattering, synchrotron source 270
Young's modulus 213
Zero-shear-rate viscosity, definition 101 102
Zero-shear-rate viscosity, melts, according to reptation theory 108
Zero-shear-rate viscosity, molar mass dependence 106
Zimm plot 22