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Поиск книг, содержащих: Anomalous dimension
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cardy J. — Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics | | Gomez C., Ruiz-Altaba M., Sierra G. — Quantum Groups in Two-Dimensional Physics | 279 | Zinn-Justin J. — Quantum field theory and critical phenomena | 578 | Zinn-Justin J. — Quantum field theory and critical phenomena | 554 | Kapusta J.I. — Finite-temperature field theory | 57, 59 | Ramond P. — Field Theory: A Modern Primer | 189, 190 | Brown L.S. — Quantum Field Theory | 253 | Muta T. — Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics | 190, 191, 208, 212, 219, 265, 295, 311 | Ramond P. — Field Theory: A modern Primer | 143 | van Baal P. (ed.) — Confinement, duality, and non-perturbative aspects of QCD | 34, 179, 198, 220, 232, 453, 474, 501, 522, 540, 546 | Green M.B., Schwarz J.H., Witten E. — Superstring Theory (vol. 1) | 41 | Lopuzanski J. — An introduction to symmetry and supersymmetry in quantum field theory | 170 | Dokshitzer Yu.L., Khoze V.A., Mueller A.H. — Basics of perturbative QCD | 46, 49, 132, 146, 147, 170 | Stone M. — The physics of quantum fields | 219 | Huang K. — Introduction to Statistical Physics | 201 | Kleinert H., Schulte-Frohlinde — Critical Properties of (Phi)P4-Theories | 98, 179 | Ambjorn J., Durhuus B., Jonsson T. — Quantum Geometry: A Statistical Field Theory Approach | 44, 60, 102, 122, 215, 223 | Bardin D., Passarino G. — The Standard Model in the Making: Precision Study of the Electroweak Interactions | 125 | Hatfield B. — Quantum field theory of point particles and strings | 467 | Nash C. — Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory | 302 | Cheng T.-P., Li L.-F. — Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics | 74, 77, 84, 307-11, 314, 322 | Thomas A.W., Weise W. — The structure of the nucleon | 83, 127, 139 | Goldenfeld N. — Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group | 195, 208, 287 | Aitchison I.J.R. — An Informal Introduction to Gauge Field Theories | 158, 162 | Itzykson C., Drouffe J-M. — Statistical field theory. Vol. 1 | 241, 274 | Ambjorn J., Durhuus B., Jonsson T. — Quantum Geometry. A Statistical Field Theory Approach | 44, 60, 102, 122, 215, 223 | Hooft G.T. — Under the spell of the gauge principle | 224 | Benfatto G., Gallavotti G. — Renormalization Group | 56, 64, 71, 74, 120 | Amelino-Camelia G., Kowalski-Glikman J. — Planck Scale Effects in Astrophysics and Cosmology (Lecture Notes in Physics) | 264 | Kardar M. — Statistical physics of fields | 65 | Glimm J., Jaffe A. — Quantum Physics: A Functional Integral Point of View | 78 | Cheng T.P., Li L.F. — Gauge theory of elementary practicle physics | 63 | Morandi G. — Statistical Mechanics: An Intermediate Course | 375, 379 | Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T. — Principles of phase structures in particle physics | 20, 84, 106, 160, 534 | Stamatescu I., Seiler E. — Approaches to Fundamental Physics | 276, 278 |